Chereads / Where The Heart Takes You / Chapter 50 - The Guiding Light of Healing (2)

Chapter 50 - The Guiding Light of Healing (2)

Evelyn, John, and Ben made their way over to Deming's office. Evelyn had just enough time to go over the reports that Ben wrote and she was proud of the results. She knew that her father had done a great job in his training.

Ben knocked on the door and and pushed the door open when Deming called for them to answer. Assistant Sun was sitting across the desk from Deming and got up when the trio entered.

He gave them each a greeting and moved over to give Evelyn and Ben the chairs. He went to the other table to grab one more for Ben. Then he went to stand behind Deming.

They skipped the pleasantries and went straight into reporting today's meetings. Deming nodded along as he skimmed through the report as he listened to Evelyn present.

In any normal situation The person who wrote the report would be the one to present but right now he was under Evelyn's tutelage.

"So what do you think?" Deming asked her whens she finished.

"I think it would be a worthwhile project that has room for advancement in the future," Evelyn said.

"Why not incorporate those changes now?" Deming asked.

"Because they proposed a museum that was meant to draw attention to China's history and artifacts. However museums can be used to showcase a large amount of other artifacts. As it is right now it would be great PR. We want to see the public's response before we make those decisions," Evelyn answered.

"Museums can expand. Right now it sounds like something that is meant for class trips and for citizens that have an interest in history itself. My idea is that if we made it more interactive it would become a tourist spot as well as a location that every citizen would like to venture to," Evelyn concluded. Deming hid the proud smile on his face.

"I want that in writing," he said out loud. Evelyn pulled out her own file folder and handed to him.

"This was the counter proposal and tentative contract I had drawn up. If it looks fine it'll be faxed over to their offices and expect a signed copy back first thing tomorrow," Evelyn said. This time Deming did smile. Ben and John were surprised. They hadn't realized that Evelyn had already done something like that.

"Always thinking a step ahead," Deming commented. "Of course," Evelyn responded. "Time is money." Deming laughed.

They went over a couple of other things before he dismissed them.

"Ben, Evelyn," Deming called just as they were at the door.

"Yes?" they answered as they turned around. John glanced back but left the office and closed the door behind him, he needed to fax over the contract.

"Will you be home for dinner?" he asked them.

"I have to go get Mingxi a car," Ben replied. "She's at my house right now," Evelyn said. She pulled out her phone to find a text from Mingxi. Throughout the day she had sent pictures and let her know that Garfield and Coffee were fine.

"What is she doing at your house?" Deming asked. Evelyn pursed her lips.

"I got a cat and a dog," she answered. Ben and Deming looked at her with wide eyes.

"You what?" Ben said. Deming did not say anything as he watched the exchange.

"They were a gift from Jinhai and Zain," Evelyn shrugged. She showed them a picture of her pets.

"What are their names?" Ben asked. "The cat is Garfield and the dog is Coffee," Evelyn answered. The irony of the names weren't lost on Ben.

"Garfield? What kind of name is Garfield?" Deming asked. Ben told the story of the origin of the name from a beloved cartoon comic that Evelyn read in America. When Deming looked at the picture again he understood. The resemblance then was almost uncanny.

"Alright get out of here," Deming said. Ben and Evelyn turned to leave. When Evelyn got back to her office Evelyn called Mingxi and told her that she would be home soon and that Ben would be by to get her for her car.

After they hung up she sat down in her chair. Right as she was about to lean back her phone rang.

"Lady An," she answered. Evelyn inwardly winced. She knew she was about to be scolded.

"Young lady, I believe you were supposed to call me," the older lady sharp tone chastised. Evelyn cringed.

"I'm sorry, I was going to call you soon," Evelyn said. "I'm having a house warming this weekend," Evelyn continued, hoping to distract Lady An.

"Oh really?" Lady An said unconvinced. "When did you decide this?" she questioned.

"This afternoon with Chloe. She's going to be planning it," Evelyn answered.

"Hmph! You still should have called," Lady An said. Evelyn bit her lip.

"How are you?" Evelyn asked, changing the subject. "Are you still at the manor?"

"No, I moved out the same day you did. I've been staying at one of Wei's hotels. I'm going to go crazy sitting around here," Lady An complained.

"Why didn't you go back to Wei Manor?" Evelyn asked. She knew her father kept her old room at the manor immaculate. He had always been grateful for Lady An being there especially after Evelyn's mother passed away.

"Young Lady, exactly when did you tell your father you were getting a divorce?" Lady An asked. Evelyn winced.

"The day after I left," Evelyn answered. There was a pause on the other end.

"I didn't think you would have told them so soon," the older woman's voice was slightly softer now. Lady An knew how stubborn Evelyn could be. Ever since her mother passed away she had taken it on herself to be the glue that held everyone together.

Evelyn felt it was important to hold her own pain within so that her family won't be burdened with it. It was her way of being a pillar of strength. In a way it worked. Her unshaken strength had held her family together.

"I couldn't keep this from them. They would have found out sooner or later," Evelyn answered.

"Did you tell them about," Lady An trailed off.

"Yes," she answered, understanding that she was asking about her miscarriage. There was another pause.

"How are you doing, little one?" Lady An asked her. The anger was gone replaced with concern.

"I'm doing better," Evelyn answered honestly. "I'm going to talk to my father and get you back at Wei's Manor tomorrow," Evelyn said.

"That's not necessary," Lady An said.

"Your room is still in perfect condition, and I won't take no for an answer. You're family to us," Evelyn said.

After Lady An agreed, Evelyn went back to her father's office to speak with him about Lady An's situation.

"Sure, I'll have everything prepared and she can move in tomorrow," he said without hesitation. "I expect you to be there," he said giving her a look. Evelyn nodded, of course she would be.

Lady An was a widow and did not have children of her own. She had come to the Wei Manor in her thirties as a nurse to care for Mrs. Wei during her pregnancy with Evelyn. Soon after, Lady An had lost her husband in a terrible car accident.

The Wei's took her on as their nanny and Lady An had slowly found purpose in life again. She had taken care of all of the siblings as if they were her own.

Lady An had the strongest bond with Evelyn as Evelyn was born a few months after Lady An had lost her husband. Evelyn had filled the hole that had been in her life.

Lady An had told Evelyn that when she saw her for the very first time Evelyn had gripped her finger. When Evelyn first smiled at her she felt a spark of happiness again.

Lady An had helped each sibling in their studies but had always been more lenient with Evelyn. She didn't blatantly favor her but the siblings understood her story.

Evelyn walked back to her office. It was almost 6 o' clock and she knew that Jinhai would be there to pick her up soon. John was sitting in her office on the couch with a laptop in front of him. He was no doubt fixing the other proposals according to Deming and Evelyn's instructions.

"It's almost time to go home," Evelyn commented. "I know, but I want to finish this," John answered, looking up at her.

"You should go home," she told him. "I would just work on this there, but its easier to work here," John said. Evelyn remembered that he had recently lost his mother and understood that he may want to avoid home as much as possible right now.

"Hey, I'm having a housewarming this weekend. I'd like it if you could come," she said extending an invitation. He looked up at her surprised.

"You want me to be at your housewarming?" he asked looking slightly bewildered. She realized that it sounded very forward of her.

"I'd like to consider you someone I'm close with. We've known each other for many years and we have often talked to as friends," Evelyn said. It was true, they did often chat at the old manor. Evelyn often tried to lower the boundary between boss and employee in her home.

John was someone that she did particularly take an interest in. When she heard his story, she wanted to give him a chance. He was trying to be a good son- he was a good son- he just needed some help.

"I see," John said. He looked at her in a curious way. 'Oh no,' Evelyn thought. She hoped she did not give him the wrong impression. Chloe better make her move and fast.

Evelyn's phone rang, the Caller ID displayed Jinhai's name. A smile spread across her lips before she answered.

"I'm here," he said after she picked up. "Okay, I'm just finishing up. I'm leaving soon," Evelyn said. They hung up and Evelyn finished packing up her stuff and organizing her folder for tomorrow and headed out at exactly 6 o'clock.

Jinhai had parked right outside of the garage this time as not to attract as much attention. She got into the car and he took off as soon as she buckled in.

"How was your day?" he asked her. "It was pretty good, how was yours?" she asked him. They stopped at a red light and he turned to her.

"It was great," he answered with a smile, she smiled back at him. Chloes words still played in her mind.

"How was lunch with your sister?" he asked her. "She wants to throw a house warming," she answered.

"I was wondering if you were going to have one," he said. "I think I regret allowing Chloe to plan it though," Evelyn responded.

"It'll be okay," he reassured her. She smiled, "You're right. I told her to get Phoenix to help."

"Well you know Phoenix throws the best parties," he said. Evelyn laughed. "Yes she does," she agreed.

Soon they made it back to her apartment. When they got upstairs, Mingxi was still there. She was sitting at the kitchen table and Garfield and Coffee were eating their dinner.

"Hi Boss," Mingxi greeted. "Hi, Mr. Li." They both greeted her in turn.

"Ben still isn't here?" Evelyn asked. Mingxi shook her head.

"He said he would be here in about 10 minutes," Mingxi answered.

"Okay, how were they today?" Evelyn asked bending down to pet their heads.

"They were good, Garfield pretty much slept all day. Got up once an hour to eat a little then he would go right back to sleep," Mingxi said. "Coffee likes going outside, he paws on the door so you know," she added. Evelyn laughed.

"Ruff!" Coffee seemed to bark proudly, his tail swinging back and forth. Jinhai rubbed his head as well. Mingxi's phone on the table rang.

"That's Ben," she said before she picked it up.

"Hi," she answered. Evelyn and Jinhai remained silent to allow her to take the call. After she finished she told them that he was downstairs.

"Okay, thanks Mingxi," Evelyn said.

"No problem, do you need me back here tomorrow," Mingxi asked. "For now yes. I need to find more efficient help for a few months," Evelyn said.

"You could bring Garfield to the office," Mingxi suggested. "All he does is sleep and eat." Evelyn thought about it for a second.

"I don't think that would work. We're would I find the place for a liter box?" Evelyn questioned.

"Well I could look after them there so that I can be there to help you with other things," Mingxi said. "Besides if you get someone else to watch them they would grow an attachment to that person," Mingxi reasoned. She was right, and the thought of someone else bonding with her beloved animals didn't sit well with Evelyn.

"Fine, go shopping tomorrow for stuff that I can bring to the office," Evelyn said.

"What about Coffee?" Jinhai asked. "Coffee is big enough to stay here by himself. But Garfield is still a baby. I can't leave him here without supervision," Evelyn said. Jinhai didn't look too pleased but he let it go.

Mingxi put on her jacket and said good bye to them both before leaving.