Chereads / Renewal and Rebirth / Chapter 104 - Sect Patriarch

Chapter 104 - Sect Patriarch

Normally this type of tea ceremony would be conducted in a garden space. I had no idea why that setting hadn't been chosen. The illusion array we were utilizing could reproduce a setting more conducive, one that was more fitting with tradition.

The mat under the Chabudai was crafted with tatami. Normally the entire room would be decorated with tatami mats, but most of the floor remained bare earth. Only the area where tea would be drunk had the full traditional accouterments.

The room did sport an alcove, a tokonoma was a delicate vase of festive flowers had been placed. I had been offered the duty of the host, the person that was responsible for brewing and serving tea. It meant that the casual seating I had assumed would need to give way for the more formal seiza, sitting with my legs bent, supporting my body.

"Jay," Elder Shadow said after I had begun the process of brewing tea. "I know you have questions but let me start by introducing my aunt.

"Elder Umbra is my father's beloved younger sister. She has been chosen as Patriarch for the Four Element Sect, the sect that will be created on Mount Seia, and I have agreed to support her new rank by accepting the position of Head of Training Hall."

I made no reply for the moment, my attention focused almost to the exclusion of everything else on the tea ceremony as I sought to embrace grace and dignity with my movements. The task gave me time to consider his words, and why I was being introduced to someone so important.

None of this made any sense I thought, even as I continued portioning out the appropriate amount of green tea, whisking it until the tannins were released and the orchid-like aroma lingered. Once the water was poured, I bowed to Patriarch Umbra and Elder Shadow, serving them a small sweet before filling tea bowls and placing them, front-facing before each person.

As one we raised the bowls of tea with our right hand placing the bowl on our left. We continued our movements still in harmony, using our right hand to turn the bowl 90 degrees before allowing ourselves to appreciate the taste. It was only once I had set the bowl down that I allowed myself to respond to Elder Shadow's words.

"This lowly Cultivator greets Patriarch Umbra," I said performing a traditional Wai.

"Enough of that child," she said her voice containing an interesting burr to it. A twang that she must have garnered from the locale she had grown up at. I paused to wonder why Elder Shadow was not gifted with that same nuance to accent, and why these thoughts of no consequence kept distracting me.

"You have questions?" She hinted.

"I had guessed that you were keeping something from me," I responded, directing my first question to Elder Shadow now that she had given tacit approval. "It didn't take much to realize that whatever it was had to do with this tournament. The hints that you and Elder Tye gave, the suggestions that this was more than a ranking tournament were not exactly subtle.

"I'd long wondered why you spent so much time and focus on my training. Your interest in my development was all out of proportion to any of the other Outer Sect members. I thought your interest was because my Platinum Spirt root, dual elemental affinities, and Ruby crystalline matrix were a rare combination.

"Even now, I believe you would have ignored me if not for the advantages my awakening gave me.

"But there was more going on, it became more and more obvious that you, Elder Tye, and Elder Cix were each working together for some purpose that went beyond simple guidance. You wanted me to do well at this tournament. You groomed and trained me during this past year to make sure I did well.

"The question is why?" I wondered. "Why have you all but conspired to place me within this new Sect?

"Why bother? Why me? Why would you expect me to give up the relative security of Flowing Water for a newly created Sect and the hardship building that Sect will entail?"

"The whys are too many to recount, but you are correct. I did manipulate events so that you could grasp this opportunity. Why you?" He extolled. "Why not? Suffice it to say, that when I saw you in that shop, willing to stand your ground and speak the truth, I felt a connection between us form.

"I saw myself and my family in you.

"The bond that formed during that initial meeting is nothing like a Dao companion bond, it was more a recognition of a kindred soul. We are alike, in many ways. We may fear the ramifications of our actions, but that doesn't mean we won't act when we recognize right from wrong.

"When you stood before that crowd and spoke those words of truth, I decided I would see what kind of metal we could forge out of a child that embraced justice over expediency. I would know what type of person you would become. I wanted to know if you would run, abandoning duty and honor when it seemed an entire Sect ignored the corrupt and entitled actions of a powerful faction," he explained.

"You did set me up in that shop?" I accused him, giving voice to my long-held suspicions.

"You set yourself up by speaking," he countered, "I simply gave you the opportunity and stage to do so.

"I wondered what it was about you that would have you exclaiming a truth that would have been uncovered no matter your silence. Did you think the Sect so corrupt and banal that we would ignore Braun's actions? Or were you simply impetuous, speaking before thinking?

"One of those was most likely the case, but I couldn't be certain. I considered that your denunciation may have been impetuous, but your words after were thought out, measured, and given with at least some idea that there might be a backlash.

"That you continued to speak the truth, knowing this, intrigued me enough to test your character."

"That might explain how I gained your interest, even why you decided to train me, but you and Elder Tye have been planning something for a year?" I asked. "Why does it matter if I join and help to establish the new Sect?"

"Elder Tye was not in on this from the beginning," Elder Shadow corrected my assumption, "his joy at your talents were not feigned. In fact, we almost came to blows when he found out my plans for you. He had gone so far as to give formal challenge; he was so angered.

"Know this, he will always consider you one of his disciples, and if you refuse the Emperor's offer, he will welcome you back to Flowing Water as a Core disciple, an offer he made in good faith. You should understand what he was willing to do for you, what he was willing to sacrifice for you with his challenge. He is a Cultivator that has focused on alchemy, he would have stood no chance by challenging me."

"You can lay the blame for Elder Shadow's schemes at my feet," Patriarch Umbra said joining the conversation for the first time. "I shared my concerns with him about some of the behind the scene maneuvering that was taking shape.

"You have to understand, the Hindel offer and the establishing of a new Sect began almost three years ago. My certainty that this move by the Hindel and the readiness by powerful Sects like Dragon Spire to cooperate was more conspiracy than good faith. Something is going on that even the Emperor might not be aware of.

"I fear the Hindel have made secret treaties with a few of the larger Sects that border their kingdom. The question is why? It makes no sense to alienate the Emperor or the empire using subterfuge and possible rebellion," Umbra explained.

"She's correct," Elder Shadow agreed, "Our family began acting on the information Umbra shared, trying to ferret out what and how might be involved in a conspiracy that has escaped the Emperor's notice. The more we dug, the more questions were raised.

"Something about this is wrong, there is something we are not seeing, but there have been too many coincidences not to recognize a pattern does exist.

"Umbra was given the Patriarch position with no opposition. For the large Sects to only put up token resistance is inconceivable. The resources that are being invested in building this new Sect alone should have resulted in a feeding frenzy. Greed is almost the lifeblood of cultivators; the path for advancement is long and expensive. But there was none of the in-fighting you would expect from something this momentous.

"A new Sect? And not just a mid or lower-tier Sect. Four Elements Sect will be established as a high-tier Sect with all the advantages that come with that designation," Elder Shadow explained.

"One of the most interesting pieces of information our family was able to unearth concerned what the Hindel traded for in exchange for irrevocably withdrawing their ownership claim. They almost gave the island of Delph to the Empire, asking for resources that should have been easily gathered without the Empire's aid.

"Their actions speak of fear. There is something or someone connected with Delph Island, Mount Seia specifically that is influencing their decisions.

"The final clue that there was more going on than we could find was when the brackets for the tournament were fixed. The top fifty positions almost guaranteed to be awarded to a select number of men and woman that have cheated to enter this tournament. They have bent the rules by forsaking their membership in powerful high-tier Sects to join a mid-tier Sect allowing them the opportunity to compete," he concluded.

"There is one additional matter," Patriarch Umbra said looking to Elder Shadow as she explained for both of us, "there has been a massive transfer of spirit stones and rare herbs between those same powerful Sects. The number of resources being moved can only be linked to the Four Element Sect spuriously, but the connection exists.

"There are plans within plans being enacted, and we need to find out what and why.

"One more thing, child," Patriarch Umbra remarked. "Our names. Umbra. Shadow. They describe who we are as well as what we are.

"Our family has a long history of working behind the scenes. We seek to find the truth, to turn back the rising tide of fear and darkness that corruption and lies portend, and to reveal what is real, no matter how ugly or who is involved.

"Our names speak to our Clan, each of us raised and encouraged to nurture that spark of light and truth no matter the cost or consequence.

"Elder Shadow has seen that same dedication in you. The same ideals that our Clan has nurtured within our family since our founding, are the same ideals that Elder Shadow noticed in you. It is why he manipulated events to give you this opportunity.

"And it is only an opportunity, the decision to grasp it is yours," Patriarch Umbra made clear.

"It is up to you to make a choice. Either seize this moment, find the truth and your place in this world, or return to Flowing Water and take up your position with Elder Tye."

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