Chereads / Renewal and Rebirth / Chapter 37 - Explosions Can Lead to Laughter

Chapter 37 - Explosions Can Lead to Laughter

Elder Tye was in consultation with Elder Dalis, the Herb Hall master when we arrived after lunch. They were discussing the difference between Valerian and Chamomile. Tarrah and I waited patiently while they discussed the stabilizing influence of each herb.

Their argument was so beyond my level of understanding that I could only gape in amazement as they discussed how certain parts per million might have a calming effect on the synthesis reaction that alchemists needed to control during the last stage of pill formation.

Elder Dalis was trying to develop a new pill that could be ground and mixed with other medicines so that it could be used topically as a numbing agent. His efforts so far had mixed results. The most successful application he'd created had great efficacy, but the results were not sustainable, the agent broke down too quickly, and would have to be kept in spatial storage to be practical. That would work for cultivators or those wealthy enough to have access to a spatial device, but for the larger part of the population that wasn't feasible.

He needed something that would allow him to mitigate decomposition as well as increase the duration of the numbing agent. From what I could understand of their discussion, his mixture was also volatile, releasing the medicinal properties instantly, he wanted something that would not only work immediately but would continue to release numbing agents for an extended period. That's explained why they were considering herbs known for their soothing and calming benefits.

"Why not extract the tannins and try a blended ratio for both herbs; experiment and start with ratios of 1:1, 1:2, and 2:1 to compare effectiveness. Once they see which blend meets their needs, they can further refine the ratio until they get the best blend?" I whispered to Tarrah in confusion.

It was something my mother was always doing, combining herbs with similar properties in experiments to increase the potency of potions she sold from the shop. Without any real pill refining abilities, potions were the only way for her to make use of the herbs' father grew and collected while hunting, and she had become remarkable skilled. It was one of the reasons she had wanted me to study the pill arts. She was hoping to gain some insights that would translate into her potion-making.

I had whispered my question to Tarrah not wanting to interrupt the two Elders, and because there may be a reason extracting and blending of tannins or oils wasn't done in pill creation. I knew herbs were added directly to the pill cauldrons, but that was the extent of my knowledge. Perhaps it was common knowledge that ingredients had to be raw and unprocessed to be useful.

Elder Dalis turned to look at me after I had whispered my question to Tarrah. I should have known they would hear, cultivators at their level had enhanced senses, and no matter how quiet I'd thought I'd been; they would be aware of my words.

"Explain," the Elder demanded, his question confusing. He and Elder Tye were Master level professionals, why would he need me to explain?

"My mother runs a clinic as a healer," I began. "It is almost impossible for those of our caste to have the cores required to purchase Sect pills, so when healing is required, she relies on potions and tinctures that she creates.

"Each year, when Chillbains is most virulent, she concocts a potion that eases congestion, soothes cough, and reduces fever. She fiddles with her recipes every year trying to improve them based on intuition or some bit of knowledge she has come across that year.

"A few years ago, she found if she steeped the leaves of Chamomile and Eucalyptus into a tincture of equal parts, then reduced the steeped solution into a thick paste, the Chillbain potion she was able to produce was more effective and lasted longer between doses.

"I just thought you could do the same with Chamomile and Valerian. But maybe you can't extract and refine ingredients into a tincture or paste in pill creation? Still, would drying out the leaves and then grinding them together work?" I asked.

The look Elder Dalis shared with Elder Tye was one of challenge, he raised his eyebrow mockingly, "We've tried the dry and grind method, that's a staple for any good alchemist, but have you ever tried creating a paste and using that during the stabilizing process when creating your pills?"

"I've extracted the ingredients by steeping and then boiling them, allowing the water to evaporate until only powder is left, but I've never stopped when the mixture has formed a paste. I'm sure someone has tried using this technique, but I can't think of anyone from the Sect," Elder Tye answered.

"I'll try it. Nothing else we've done today has made any substantial difference," he decided suddenly, his excitement for learning and advancing his arts eerily similar to my mother's.

I was excited because this would be the first opportunity to watch an alchemist work, an excitement that was quickly extinguished because Elder Tye had other ideas. He assigned tasks and put Tarrah and me to work. Tarrah was ordered to weigh, sort, and grind the ingredients we would be testing, while Elder Tye showed me to a small cauldron and directed me to create the paste using my mother's techniques.

The process was simple enough. Steep the leaves until a tea is produced. Strain those leaves and mash them into a pulp. Use equal part pulp and tea combining them in a mortar and pestle until the paste consistency you are looking for is formed.

Elder Tye set the cauldron to simmer for me, injecting Qi and using a Dharmic spell to maintain a consistent temperature. It removed any worry I might have about burning or scorching the ingredients, because the enchantments that were woven into the cauldron would allow the heat to raise the water temperature to a gentle simmer, but not high enough to reach a rolling boil. It would take an hour at that temperature for enough water to evaporate so that the ingredients might burn.

I wasn't sure exactly what ratio was best for Elder Dalis' needs since this was the first attempt, so I went with a 1:1:1 equal part softened leaf from each plant with one part water that had been imbued with the tannins from the leaves in a tea.

I considered making a few batches with different ratios so that Elder Tye could experiment and decide on the best solution but decided there was no point until we had proven the paste would work. Once I had the paste ready, Elder Tye had no objections to my watching as he began.

The cauldron he used was larger than the one he'd allowed me to use. I wasn't certain on the rank, but the rune inscribed on both the inside and out suggested that this was not your run-of-the-mill cauldron. I highly doubted a mid-tier Sect would have a legendary artifact to use for pill creation, but I'm sure it was at least of high-tier quality, possibly even ranked rare.

The Dharmic gestures and spells that the Elder used included a series of hand gestures, a fluidity of sign language that combined the Qi with the Soul. The hand gestures limiting and molding spells to conform to the demands of the Dharmic master.

I watched in delight as ingredients began floating from their containers, orbiting Elder Tye like a constellation of planets and satellites. The herbs danced to his command, a flick of fingers depositing each component into the cauldron in specific sequences and positions based on the level of heat required.

The paste that I had created would be the last ingredient added. It would work as a stabilizing reagent if successful. Everyone in the room watched in anticipation, in my case holding my breath, as the final step was performed.

"Combine!" Elder Tye demanded, his action and control never straying, he was like a world-class Symphony conductor that had reached the crescendo of a complex opus. With a final flick of finger and hand movements, Elder Tye willed the ingredients to combine.

We watched as his commands fused the ingredients together, an amalgam that synergized into pills that wafted medicinal scents. Confident that the fusion was successful, Elder Tye reached to open the lid off the cauldron, only to be blasted across the room as the pills that he had created exploded when the heat was released.

I watched in horror as the person that I was hoping to accept me as a Core Disciple covered in soot began laughing, great wheezing, and honking sounds too loud to come from such a small mouth, sounds that could have been used as a warning claxon. Dumbfounded I stared in amazement as Elder Dalis joined him.

Was getting blown up a cause for jubilation and celebration?