Chereads / Renewal and Rebirth / Chapter 22 - Body Art

Chapter 22 - Body Art

The gem had been a bit larger than a carat which was much larger than was required. A half carat was more than enough to create an unassailable barrier. But the extra material did not go to waste, the array made use of the extra material by reinforcing my meridian points. They weren't shielded completely, which would have blocked the absorption of Qi, instead, they became part of the meridian structure. The structures remained permeable, but the crystal matrix from the gem resulted in a more ordered and efficient filtering system.

The end of the procedure was anti-climactic. The array of surgical instruments and the sterile environment of the room had had me worried that major surgery would be required. That wasn't the case. The array that the ruby had been placed in used the power of Qi and finished transferring the hexagonal structure that linked the gems molecule into a similar design, the contents of the gem distributed evenly between Dantian and Soul Sea.

"Jay," Tarrah said as she removed the cloth protecting my eyes, "you can get dressed now."

It took a second or two for my eyes to adjust to the bright light that had illuminated the bed I was lying on. Blinking furiously, I had to wipe my tears caused as my eyes responded to the light by rapidly dilating. Once I had the blinking and tears under control and could see clearly, I sat up, turning my attention to my stomach, I discovered that the acupuncture needles had been removed, but the mandala pattern remained.

The dusting of herbs and pills that had been scattered over the site had mixed with the blood that the incision had produced, using the golden needles as a guide, the mixture had left an intricate tattoo, the colors so vibrant they gave life and motion to the design. The incision itself was closed and healed without blemish, not even the faintest scar. But the design the needles had formed, the geometric progression of interlocked water and air elements remained.

The effect was beautiful. The Elder who had constructed the mandala and placed the needles was not only an obvious master of Array formation but an artist. I admit I was briefly bothered; I would have liked to have known the effects from the procedure would leave a permanent souvenir, my displeasure tinged with fear as I began to worry that there was a similar memento on my forehead.

I'd never seen any Sect member or Cultivator brandishing a tattoo, but perhaps the combination of my spirit root and affinities meant that my circumstance required additional protections to safeguard against deviation while condensing Qi. Or maybe the effect faded, absorbed, or expunged from the body as part of the honing process.

Noticing the intensity of my gaze, Tarrah must have understood my concerns, "The tattoo will fade within a week as you begin cultivating and filling your Dantian and soul realm with energy. When that happens, the mandala will only be visible when you are actively condensing Qi.

"Some Cultivators have found that by focusing on the geometric shapes of the mandalas that were created for you increased absorption. When they meditate and condense the Qi that they have stored the geometric patterns give that stored Qi and Soul energy shape, definition, and order. Those cultivators believe they can progress and breakthrough realms more easily.

"It is something we will discuss tomorrow. For now, we need to visit the library and find a technique that is suited to your specific spirit root and affinities."

"I'll be getting combat and Dharmic manuals?" I asked excitedly.

"Not today. Today we take the first step, getting you started on condescending energy and filling your Dantian and Soul realm," she explained. "Once you have reached the first level, we will be able to find you manuals that focus on martial forms and Dharmic spells, those more suited to the cultivation technique you have decided to practice."

My excitement remained barely contained, even after learning I wouldn't be flying around on swords or using sword intent to destroy my enemies by tomorrow.

The path to the library was a winding road that led up the mountain, a series of switchbacks that allowed for the rise to be gentle, something easily traversed. There was no lingering pain, no restriction of movement from the recent surgical procedure. I was able to walk as easily as I had before the ruby had been reconstructed as part of my defenses.

The lane had been created for new members and those that had not advanced to a high enough realm to use those movement techniques that made flight possible. I only realized this as I watched an Elder fly past, ignoring the well-maintained path and taking a more direct route.

I wondered when I would be able to emulate their actions and fly. Of all the things that I could look forward too, that excited me the most. I think everyone had dreamed of the skill at some point, and here it could become real. Flying meant freedom, in both lives. Sure, there were things I would need to be mindful of, Pterodactyls were just one of the flying monsters that roamed the skies.

But the need for caution wouldn't dissuade me, I didn't care. Or rather, I cared, I was just determined to not let that fear discourage me, flying without mechanical assistance was a universal dream for those beings that were forever consigned to be earthbound. And it was the only skill I was determined I would master. The fact that I had no idea what other skills or spells might be available had nothing to do with my ambition.

The walk up the mountain didn't take long. There was no way to get lost. There were no splitting or side paths that anyone could follow until we reached a point that had been leveled. A plateau that held a few buildings.

The library didn't seem much to look at. It was neither large nor embellished with superfluous architecture or finicky details. A rudimentary building even the most generous description would be more akin to rustic. It appeared to be something that had been built when the Sect was formed and had not been updated since. I was amazed that a heavy storm or fierce wind hadn't destroyed the shack.

"You will be allowed access to one cultivation manual, a jade slip that can be borrowed for a week. If you haven't been able to master the technique within that timeframe, you will be required to find another. If you can't master it within a week, that can only mean that your spirit root isn't suitable," Tarrah explained as she opened the door to usher me in.

The interior was of course completely different from the exterior. It was larger for one, ensconced within the scriptures of an expansion array. Vast with balconies opening unto a center mezzanine. I wasn't sure how high the library extended, but it appeared to be at least ten stories. The scent of age, of paper, and oiled leather spoke of treasures well cared for. Shelves permeated the building, towering structures that held scrolls and jade slips, each item indexed and filed for easy retention.

Sections dealing with Dharmic spells, Martial arts, Cultivation techniques, secondary job professions, and eclectic bits of knowledge and minutia were organized, each section full to bursting. It made me wonder how this place could not have reams of information for all the most common elemental affinities. This seemed an overabundance of resources for just water techniques.

As I looked around in shock, I knew I was going to need help. I was certain that a filing system existed, but what it was or how to access it was beyond me. I hoped there was a data matrix that could not only be used but downloaded and browsed at leisure.

"Disciple Tarrah," a voice filled with age and humor drew our attention. He wasn't wizened, not exactly. Elves were already long-lived, some managing to celebrate their fifth millennium even without the abilities to harness Qi. But these individuals age. Slowly, but the weight of their years became evident.

The Elder that had greeted Tarrah had reached the Immortal Realm at least, and those talented enough to break through that stage didn't age, their bodies were frozen, some even appearing younger after entering Immortal Realm. For these talented or lucky individuals, their life expectancy was unknown, mostly because they were either killed by powerful beasts or cultivators, or they managed to elevate their cultivation to the next realm. That next advance was enough that they became capable of ascending to a higher dimension.

Those that left, that ascended between dimensions, never returned, so it was unknown what awaited cultivators as they began their journey to increased power and knowledge. For most Cultivators, it was an unattainable dream, but this Elder radiated a complex mixture of serenity and power that had me thinking. Was he able to move to a higher realm and had chosen not to?