My hand had been bandaged, it really was a disappointment, I really thought I could break to ground if I hit it, and at least they should have healers, or magic, some white wizard, or a green wizard, I sighed as I watched the red spots on the bandage.
Vivy and Sandar had agreed to be my guides, the took me to the infirmary.
-Follow me Yusha, it's best to find a weapon so you can fight, magic is not that simple" Vivy looked at me condescendingly but quickly looked away.
They led me down a long corridor, towards a wing of the castle where many people were in white clothes.
"These are the doctors, they will heal your hand," Sandar said in a monotonous voice.
I sat in one of the chairs, and a man took my hand and pouring a liquid that smelled of burnt grass, disinfected my wound, dried myself with a cloth and covered my hand with it.
After taking me with the doctor, we headed to the stables, to see the training of the recruits on duty.
Vivy started explaining to me about the town as we walked down the city street.
I could not stop looking everywhere, the streets were long, two compact cars could pass easily, apparently the structure the city was built was not old, at least they gave space for the carts to move without bothering the people.
-...ghbors, we have a good relationship ... -
Fruit and fur stalls were placed around me, too strange and exotic, I observed the skins, I imagined the animals and beasts that I should face later, and as excited as I was to start the adventure, I thought if I could even defeat one, I am a hero-in-training according to my status window, which means I will be able to, but without my initial powers I am afraid of falling dead before I find Clara.
I crashed into something and I fell, I cushioned my fall with my hands and hurt myself, Vivy saw me on the ground, clearly annoyed and sighing she told me. -You have not heard anything that I have been talking about right Yusha? -
And again that word, Yusha, I remember hearing it before in my world, Yusha, Yusha, was it French? Japanese? Korean ?, what could it be, I got up and the bandage untied and fell to the ground in a dark puddle, getting dirty and impossible to put it back, I decided to leave it on the ground.
- Sorry Vivy, there are so many things around that I got a little distracted - I commented while laughing with embarrassment, - the reality is that I am easily distracted, and seeing everything in this place and trying to learn everything was not helping myself.-
- Ok Yusha I will leave the details of the town for later, I told you that; In the stable we will be able to see the different weapons that we have, due to your complexion and your hero title, the most convenient thing is that you use some type of sword, a sword would be good for you, but it can be very heavy for a beginner, a rapier would be powerful but we don't made them here, you would have to go to steel city to get them, maybe a short sword, it could work with you, tell me Yusha, have you used any sword before? -
- Uhm ... - I kept thinking. - The truth is that I have never touched a real sword, but I have learned the basics in defense against kenjutsu, the weapon that I've used are tonfas or billy clubs and the bo, although I am better using my own legs to attack - I blurted out at the end with a laugh.
-Kenjutsu?, Billy club?, tonfas? - Sandar blurted out looking at me strangely.
- Oh my, well is understandable, those are weapons of my world, perhaps they are not known here - I apologize.
"Well, it doesn't matter, we have reached the stables, Yusha impress us, this will be your first test, and I hope for the future of our world that you can overcome it."
I grabbed air and we opened the doors, before me were more than 50 recruits training with swords and armor, I could see blood on the ground, I took a step back in fear.
If there is no magic to cure my hand instantly, this could be an even more difficult test than I thought.