We arrived at the emperor's palace, and Sou grabbed me before walking out of the carriage. Just the gate and wall is littered with gold. I personally don't think that is a good idea,because gold isn't the strongest material. Walking under the red ark way just gives you a sense of the dynasty's wealth. "Wow you actually got one" a young boy said in front of us. "Hello crown prince and welcome back" Sou said while bowing his head which surprised me. I knew he had a mood swings disorder... not a real thing I didn't expect him to actually act royally. "Enough with the formalities. It looks adorable, Is it a boy or a girl?" he asked gleefully. "A girl her name is lunar,but anyway it is good to to see you lenh"
Sou replied as he walked towards lenh. I decided to be fancy and sort of bow by bending my left front leg and straighten out my right front leg "Oh well, I thought moom fxes were to prideful to bow their heads. Sou you taught her well" he said. "thank you your highness" said Sou. I saw a lot of tables most on the left with seats, table sets, food, and people who already arrived. On the right I saw a table, food, and a few older moon foxes are we a popular choice for pets? Sou placed my on the fox table "Hey look a newbie" "what let me see" " I want to see" "I can't see" "hey no fair I wanna see" "hey hey no fighting" "be careful" I hear as I see at the corner of my eye most of the foxes turn their heads, and look around each other to see me".I just ignore them, and continue sitting there.