Chereads / The future crowned Empress / Chapter 39 - Chapter 39

Chapter 39 - Chapter 39

The sound of her footsteps were all the things she heard, the buzzing noises of the crowd came to a holt when she waltzed her way to the piano board and then replaced by a hint of curiosity glued on their faces. a lot of them might not know of her based on their faces and others were just plainly confused as to why a kid in her age would dare know how to play a piano.

She bowed as a form of greeting like any other person and sat down down hurriedly, "(This is it.)" she thought stroking the keys of the board, when she was about to play a song, she looked at the music sheet placed on the music rack and sighed in embarassement.

she forgot one fatal flaw and that was her music sheet, she confidently strode of all the way in the middle only to be fainthearted in the end. she is already there infront of all of them what kind of face would she show them if she went down from there, obviously it wont be pretty.

"(F*ck it)."

it was now or never, the only recent song she played was Chopin-Nocturne op 9 no.2 and she only knows half of it, a song should be more than 3 minutes she only has 1 minute left, if mixed with another song it would complete it but what song would compliment Chopins with other muscicians. this was a shameless act not to be copied but within crisis this was the only thing she could do, she just apologized one time to Chopin in her mind and let her performance 'Wow' the audience.

she started playing without hesitation, her eyes shut to focus solely in her mind and let her fingers dance on the music, her fingers glided to every note perfectly finishing the hard parts without breaking into a sweat.

the middle was turning close, between thinking of the next notes and thinking of a song were mashed up in her mind, she did not know what to think of first the first minute was a-okay since she remembered all the first parts, the second parts were abit shaky she did not remember almost anything at all, the notes were just popping in her mind one by one and her fingers would quickly press the keys not minding if the notes were wrong or right.

her ears could not hear anything like she refused to listen to all of the nonsense she was doing, the song was building up to the middle part and the song that was supposed to connect with Chopin's is still prossesing in her head.

the middle part came and notes of a song surprisingly came in her mind, she does not know what notes of a song was it but her fingers gave in to those unknown notes. she slowly became more confident the whole sheet was showing in her mind, she did not need to knit her eyebrows everytime she needed for the next note to appear.

then she slowly relaxed, her calm nerves helped her relax more and her ears finally accepted her work, a soft chuckle escaped her mouth, the song she was playing made her cackle. An opening song from Your lie in april 'Hikaru nara' a song which is full of memories. the song was about to reach its end when she had the urge to play more, her smile grew more and more when she realized her hilarious urge.

An image emerged in her mind, her playing on the piano with her family watching her side by side, her brothers tapping on the beat and his mother swaying her head on the air feeling the melody of the song while her father wiped his tears quietly, touched by the song produced by her fingers without them even noticing the song she was playing was just an OP from an anime song not from Ludwigs or Chopins but from the anime Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso.

her fingers glided to the last note, like a feeling of success when she finished her performance she looked up the ceiling smiling, she opened her eyes expecting to see the people that were in the image and was disappointed by the reality.

Clapping, applause and cheers were not the sounds she wanted to hear, she will say this for a hundred time but she missed her family, the Valentine family might have been her new family and there faces were the same as her own but the feelings were still not the same, the feeling of herself when she was Haru not the copycat she is now as Carnia.

she bowed her head for the last time and walked out of the center and into the crowd, accidentally bumping into someone. her tied hair loose by the force of the shock.

"I am sorry."

she did not wait for the person infront of her to respond and swiftly ran into the balconey to get some fresh air.


"How rude!, How could she jus-."

"Its okay, I am fine.

he patted his clothes to fix the wrinkles and looked down below to see if his pants were alo wrinkly when he looked down he saw something shiny below. he picked up the shiny object and it looked like a hairpin.

"What is her name again?."

"Your majesty her name is Carnia Valentine."


He put the hairpin between his lips and pecked it lightly, grinning at the direction the lady named Carnia went, he put it in his under pants and blended into the crowd like nothing had happened.