Yeah, only those exciting parts.
The invader didn't remember anything about those parts where the venture cylindrical pipe got destroyed. And it was in a complete mess.
The invader soon repeated the same process as before and started to remember more about the things that happened in the subconscious world.
The invader soon came to know what the map from the dark blue colored gas. The invader soon started to read the sentence from it and started to understand them again.
It took the invader quite the some time to to figure out what those sentences mean. At the end of the day the invader came to a assumption that if it wanted to manifest the dark violet colore and the other six colored gases then it needed to reconstruct the barriers to six thousand six hundred sixty sixth one onece again.
After coming to such a decision the invader felt very troubled. Currently, it didn't have that much of lights in its body to support the creation of six thousand six hundred sixty six of barriers.
The invader soon started to think to get a usual solution to get out of the current situation.
After thinking for a while the invader read those sentences from its memories again once.
The invader looked at its pitiful barriers that were created to protect it from serious injuries. The invader thoughts about using the lights on its barriers to construct the barriers. But how can it do that much of he lights from its body and also from other barriers were USD to strengthen the barriers from the six hundred sixty sixth barrier to six hundredth barrier.
It seems that the invader wasn't able to use any of the lights from the barriers below the six hundredth barriers and obviously it cant use the lights from the six hundred sixty sixthth barriers because there it locked the most dangerous existence the fleshy pinkish colored gas. So, it cant touch them at all instead it might need to strengthen them with more of the lights from itself.
The invader suddenly had a thought. It wanted to use the lights of the barriers from six hundred sixty sixth barriers. And then when it had created the six thousand six hundred sixty sixth barriers it can use the dark violet colored gas from it and then turn them into violet colred lights and when it had a lots of violet colore lights it would cover itself with the violet colored barriers barriers. Then it might need to use the lights from its own body to construct the barriers.
The invader felt proud upon its intelligence that it was the smartest existence it can even think of such a solution.
Soon the invader started to execute its plan.
As we know already that those barriers were created from the multiple folds of clothes that were made of lights. The invader just didn't disingrate those clothes to extract the lights instead it just started to separate those lights clothes from from the multi folds.
It first started to separate folds on the the six thousand six hundred sixty seventh barrier. Soon between the six thousand six hundred sixty eight and six thousand six hundred sixty seventh barriers there was another thin light barrier that just looked like a thin cloth made of light it wasn't a barrier at all.
Soon the invader started to separate more of the thin cloth like lights barriers one after another in the gap each of the barriers.
After repeating the same process for some time there were more than four thousands of so called barriers.
Because the folds lights were separated from each of the barriers those original barriers became quite thinner than before. And the gap between each barriers were quite small. It didn't look like a barrier at all the it just looked like lots of clothes made of clothes in the wardrobe kept one after other.
Stilll the invader kept on separating fold after folds and the gap between each barriers were cramped with cloth like barriers there were even few barriers that touched each other.
Currently, the invader had six thousand barriers. Just six hundred sixty six to go then there would be total of thin six thousand six hundred sixty six barriers on the invader.
It didn't take too long for the invader to create another six hundred sixty six barriers. Currently the invader had exactly six thousand six hundred sixty six barriers. The invader was much more excited than it ever been. It expect to soon manifest the colored gases from its six thousand six hundred sixty sixth barrier.
The invader took another look at all those thin barriers cramped within the gap between the priously created barriers. There were many cloth like thin barrier that were cramped to state that they were touching each other.
The invader soon started to separate those barriers from each other living a tiny gap between them.
After it completed what it was doing it fouced its ended on the six thousand six hundred sixty sixth barriers and willed it to manifest its most beloved dark violet colored gas.
The invader's mood started to turn grim over the time. Beacuase when it ordered the six thousand six hundred sixty sixth barriers to create the dark violet nothing appeared from t. te tried few more times but nothing happened. As the invader kept trying its expression turn grim over the period of time.
The invader soon anxiously started to recheck its all thin cloth like barriers. Everything seems alright. Then the invader started to count and check each of the barrier one by one soon it finished checking all of them.
Yeah, there was a problem it was just that one thin cloth like barrier was less from the six thousand six hundred sixty six barriers. Soon the invader randomly choose a multi folded barrier and soon started to exract one fold of from it soon there were six thousand six hundred sixty six barriers again.
The invader again willed the six thousand six hundred sixty sixth barrier to manifest its beloved dark violet colored gas. However this time there was a tiny bit dark violet colored gas that appeared from the six thousand six hundred sixty sixth barrier.
The invader was too happy upon seeing that it was true that it can truly manifest the colored gaes if it just had six thousand six hundred sixty six barriers.
Soon the invader willed to the six thousand six hundred sixty sixth barrier to create more of the darkviolet colored gas. But right now nothing happened at all. The invader tried few more times to manifest those dark violet colored gases from its six thousand six hundred sixty sixth brrier.
The invader again started to count its barrier directly instead of scheking them thoroughly. Afterthe countingwas complete it found that there weren't six thousand six hundred sixty six barriers present on it anymore instead just like before there was one less to be six thousand six hundred sixty six barriers.
The invader soon understood that there should be some problem within its barrier didn't it just made its six thousand six hundred sixty six barrier just before some time how ca there be one missing again.
The invader again started to search thoroughly through the barriers. Where can that one missing barrier might have gone to? That was a big question.
After searching through all the barriers the invader found nothing worth mentioning at all. The invader knew that there was certainly problem within one of the barriers in here. So, it started to search thoroughly again and again.
After few tries the invader soon found a clue to the disappearance of one barriers everytime it reached up to six thousand six hundred sixty sixth barrier.
It found a trace of floating lights between the one thousand tenth barrier and the one thousand eleventh barriers. And the most interesting part is that the one thousand and tenth barrier would trembling withslight slight vibration from time to time. That was the thing that grapped the invaders attention.
The invader soon started extract one fold of carriers from one of the multi folded barriers. And again there were six thousand six hundred sixty six barriers present around the invaders main body.
This time the invader didn't willed itself to manifest the dark violet gas instead it intently looked at the on thousand tenth barrier and the one thousand and eleventh barrier. The invader had a feeling that the one thousand tenth barrier was responsible for the destruction of the one thousand eleventh barrier.
The invader just kept looking at the both of the barriers. There were a tiny gap between both of them so anything can happen while one of them had activity on them.
Nothing happened for a long time since the invader kept observing the two barriers after the completion the six thousand six hundred sixty six barriers.
Soon the invader started to doubt itself. Where is the so called disappearance of one of its thin barriers.
The invader thought that the problem should have been solved that's why it didn't disappear this time. The invader wanted to manifest its beloved dark violet colored gas.
But on other hand another though appeared what will happen to both of those barriers. If the one thousand and tenth barrier breaks the one thousand and eleventh barrier while it was busy manifesting the dark violet colored gas.
Thus, the invader decided to observe those two barriers while it ordered the six thousand six hundred sixty sixth barrier to manifest the dark violet colored gas.