Chereads / Chaos Writer / Chapter 1 - Light ball genocide

Chaos Writer

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Chapter 1 - Light ball genocide

No just looked at his surrounding where he was.

It was a place filled with complete darkness. Not even a single trace of light can be found.

Staring blankly in this darkness for a long time. He suddenly came to his sense. What was happening in here? And he tried to remember what was happening in here. But he forgot everything about why he appeared here, who was he? almost everything about his past.

Then he tried to relax a bit and as he moved back on his back and laid on the complete darkness.

Actually, he didn't even have a body it was all his thought that he was laying in this complete darkness. He thought that due to this complete darkness he wasn't able to see his body.

Right now in the complete darkness, two big black eyes were staring at the complete darkness the color of the eyes was also black. Iris of his eye, and also the outer white part or sclera was black and also his pupil which looked like a dark abyss. His dark eyes shut themselves.

After some time, who knows how much long time had passed. But a voice came into his ears calling for him.

" Hey, hey wake up "

" Something coming towards your way "

" That's enough how much are you gonna sleep, now just wake up "

No opened his dark eyes with displeasure like he hadn't had slept enough.

" Don't disturb my sleep already let me sleep some more. "

" Any way who are you, why are you disturbing my sleep. "

" Lord No, there is something happening to your eyes "

No then opened his one eye because his right was already opened and a little light spot appeared on his eyes as a tiny lustrous tumor appeared on his eyes. He felt that something has entered his eyes or simply a normal discharge from his eyes because he slept for some time. He closed his eyes again not caring about what happened to his eyes.

" Hey this ignorant fellow, he doesn't even know a tumor can turn into cancer and eat him whole. "

The sound of the person beside him kept talking but no one listened to him. Then he thought to himself even if he wakes up nothing will change so why bother. At least cancer means a new being manifested in your body, due to some abnormality. So what, the mass of his body is increasing every second at an unimaginable rate.

He backed away from there without speaking anything.

Inside No's eyelid, there was that little light hanging above the sclera of his right eye. his eyes were like a dark ocean. And this tiny light was so small that it was like a small light bulb was lighting above an ocean.

A long time passed but No's " let me sleep some more " hasn't ended yet.

Meanwhile, inside his eyes, there was something else happening right now.

Inside his eyes that little light was still shining luminously and it was much larger than before. After some time a little luminous light started to appear from No's eyes it was floating on the iris of the eye yet rise above.

After some time when the little light has just risen from the surface of his eye, the other light came toward it and little threads of light came from his luminous body then it pulled it toward itself then it disappeared from its existence what was this. Yeah, nothing but the killing one of his own kind. No, one knew why he did that.

Time few like that and the little speck of light became quite large. Obviously, it has killed all the fellows who came out of No's eyes all this time and also the light that existed before it. Then it flowed out from the No's right eye to his left eye through the crevices of his eyes.

When it appeared on the left eye there were a lot of such lights floating above the surface of No's left eye. They were all tiny like little flickering bulbs floating above the surface of No's eyes they looked like a bunch of fireflies floating above the surface of the sea.

The new bulb of light that came from outside was quite larger than them. when it came a few small lights came toward it. And they started to sway side by side like they were celebrating a joyous event. More and more light came toward it started to sway gently surrounding it.

The larger ball of light that came from outside suddenly took out a lot of thin threads from his body then it spread around and wrapped around all the little lights that were surrounding it.

While all the little light balls were wrapped by the small threads by the big ball of light they still swayed like before. They felt these threads to be quite amusing as few of them started to roll around it. When they were rolling around it, suddenly the big ball of light stretched them toward it. and it started to absorb them all together.

When a few of them realized what was happening to them they started to move frantically from there but they weren't able to as all of them were bound by the small threads of light.

One by one all of them got devoured by the large ball of light. There were still a lot of them in there all of them were got alerted of an invader who was committing genocide in front of them.

Many of the smaller balls of light frantically moved in random directions away from the large ball of light. There were also some lights that were quite large. There was also one large light ball that was much larger than the large ball of light that invaded the left eye.

The large ball of light upon seeing such a big ball of light and few of them who were similarly as large as it coming toward it at a very high speed all the other small balls of lights has already moved quite further away from there.

Looking at the situation the large ball of light knew that he can't escape from here if he didn't move right now.

The large ball of light started to move toward the crevice in the eye where it came from into this world of the left eye. When it almost reached his destination and he was about to move out of the eye through the crevice. A ball of light came crashing down on him.

When the big ball of light came crashing down on it, it started to struggle desperately and it also crash down on the enemy that was attacking it. It took out the similarly small threads as before and started to bound the attacker that crashed down on it. The other ball of light again moved its body forcefully toward the invading ball of light even if it was bound by the small thread of light.

While they were crashing down on each other The other big ball of light has already reached there. The largest ball of light came crashing down it from the side with an unimaginable speed. When it was about to crash onto the invader's body the invader formed a lot of threads around it to resist the attack. But it was a futile resistance as when the larger ball of light crashed into it, it felt like it was about to get shattered into pieces. None then less a lot of cracks formed on its body.

After it was smashed by the large ball of light its body was thrown toward the crevice. When it reached the crevice it swiftly passed through the crevice out of the eye. But he got lots of cracks on his body and some faint white smokes started to form on the cracks.

It didn't return on the right eye where it was born. Instead, it moved around the other parts on the surface of No's face. When he was born he thought that the place he was born was actually above water, he still believed so, he never thought of the possibility that it was No's eye where he was born and it will never know about it.

It came out of the crevice after sometime when no one came from the crevice of left eye it felt relieved and started fly toward the big hill he needed to cross to reach the right eye. Actually, its No's bridge of nose. He came on top of it then he started to stroll around it and he was amazed by the huge mountain in front of it.

After travelling for sometime he got back to the right eye through the crevice. When he was outside he didn't find anything interesting that can heal his broken body. but what he saw was only darkness around himself and dark mountain around himself.

It reached inside the eyelid and entered te world where he committed all the genocide then started to think of the light ball which was much larger than it.