But...I heard something, that was requiescat.
And that light started growing collosal, it was reaching towards me...
My body was sweating so bad...
I used to think, in magic world even the highest one is fallible but... after facing this heathen black power...it seemed a fallacy.
As she came to me, I felt more effete...and her thrilling voice praying that requiescat became more deadly frightening.
She got my guts!
Again, I wanted to escape...but without my memory, my power, my horse, all my strengths...
The whole edifice of my hopes came crumbling down.
In my very state dumping me was duck soup for that witchery power.
She hanged me in air, the thrust of her magic power caused bleeding, my mouth was full of blood, my old wounds started bleeding again,
it was terrific, I was in stark pain and terror, I spitted the bloody crimson liquid on her path and...shovels shit!!
This made her more mad, she was terrifically dudgeon now...
I thought she was going to make me her du- jour.
Her madness was visible now, she appeared as a witch in front of me.
Unwillingly but she was damn beautiful...
Her large bloody eyes with deep maroon pupil, her maroon hairs adorned by a coronet with maroon jewels. She was wearing purple body hugging dress with flowy skirt down her ankle.
No doubt, she is an evil sorcerer...