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They look really ugly though.

Akira found himself in the gym storehouse of his school for some reason. He then discovered that his whole class is unresponsive. What the hell is happening?

Chapter 1 - They look really ugly though.

Ugh, where the hell am I?

I put my hand on my forehead, seems like I'm recovering from a concussion.

I survey my surroundings and found various gym equipments. Gym mats, hurdles, etc.

"Huh, storehouse?"

This is the school's gym storehouse, no doubt. Huh, I wonder what I was doing back there.

I check my phone and see that lunch break is about to finish. Wait, did I actually fall asleep in there? That's embarassing...


I arrived in the classroom a little late so everyone is already seated and the teacher's already writing something on the board.

"Where have you been, Akira? Class is already starting."

"I'm sorry, I fell asleep inside the storehouse."

I fixed my hair and uniform as I sit and get ready for class.

"Alright, who wants to solve this problem?"

The teacher pointed to an algebraic problem he has written on the blackboard but it seems that no one is interested in solving it.


The room is filled with silence, kind of solemn actually.

"Alright, let's just get Mr. Slept in the storehouse over here and solve this for us."

Damn it.

I head to the board to solve the problem but before the chalk I have in hand came contact with the blackboard, the door slid open and a familiar face emerged.

"There you are, Akira! I need you for something!"

"Huh? But, I'm doing something."

His eyebrow furrowed and head tilted.

"Doing what?"

I pointed at the board.

"Do that later, I need you for this one."

I looked back to the teacher and he just sat there, no response.

Well, I guess I'm gonna go and help him then.


We arrived in front of an abandoned classroom. Hisao opened the door and a noticable amount of dust escaped from the room.

"What do you need me for?"

I asked Hisao while pinching my nose to prevent myself from sneezing.

"I need you to put these tables at the school entrance."

"All of these?"


"Huh? Is something happening?"

"I guess you can say that, we never know."

Huh, that's a very vague answer.

He carried two tables and told me to follow suit, so I did. I grabbed two tables one for each arm with ease and followed Hisao to the school entrance.

Hisao is a friend I met when I joined the swimming team, we just kinda clicked. Before I even noticed, we were best friends.

But enough about that, it feels weird skipping class to put tables at the school entrance.

Speaking of skipping, it seems that it's not just us. I passed by a room in my second round trip to get more tables and I heard quiet moans. It's more like a purr but it didn't sound feline. It's definitely human, something like that.

I didn't check.

It'd be awkward if that person's doing something, if you catch my drift.

After about five round trips, Hisao said it's probably enough.

"Alright, then I'm going back to the classroom."



I came back and the teacher is still there lecturing. I didn't even bother making my prescence known. The moment I stepped inside the room, I just went straight to my desk and listened.

Same things happened.

The teacher asks a question, no one answers. Well, the teacher answers himself to be more specific.

I mean, this happens most of the time but this is the first time I've seen the whole classroom unresponsive. Even those aiming for a high grade are just staring blankly at the board.

Makes me wonder if there's something that happened while I was asleep in the storehouse.

"Anyway, that's it for today. I'm expecting you guys to pass your assignments next time, okay?"

And with that, the teacher has left the room. You'd expect the room to be filled with shuffling students leaving the school but there's nobody moving.

Huh, weird.

I reached out to my seatmate.

"Hey, what's happening? Why is everyone still sitting?"

No answer.


The door slid open once more and Hisao entered the room.

"Who are you talking to?"

"Huh? My seatmate, Miku."


He shot me a familiar look, reminiscent of the first time I saw him today.

"Don't give me that confused look, I'm just talking to Miku!"

He stayed silent, hands shaking.

"But that's a…corpse."


"A corpse! A dead body!"

"What are you talking about? She looks alive to me!"

I shifted my attention to Miku.

"Come here, Miku."

I grabbed Miku's hand.

Quite literally.

And quite hard at that too.

Since her whole arm just broke away from her torso.

I dropped the hand and my eyes widened in shock and confusion.

"What the hell is happening?!"

"You don't remember?"

"No I don't! I wouldn't ask that question if I do!"

"You're trapped in here, Akira."

I shot him a confused look.

"I'm trapped here?"


The light shining from outside the windows suddenly turned dark and all I can see are flashing red lights. I looked around the classroom and saw everyone's bodies turn from a healthy body to a pale looking corpse, some of them are missing body parts.

His face of confusion suddenly warped into a wide smile, wider than humanly possible. His smile extended from ear to ear and his head broke open in half.

"Just what the hell are you?!"

"What are you talking about?" said the creature as his body distorts itself in a very grotesque manner, breaking his limbs.

"I'm Hisao!"

He then raised his arms, if you can even call it that anymore, and starts wildly swinging it in a circular motion dragging his dislocated forearms together with it.


I need to get the hell out of here.

I dashed towards the exit opposite of the grotesque creature still spinning his dislocated limbs.

"Where are you going?!"

His voice pierced my eardrums, which made my vision fade for a bit but I still continued running.

"Don't leave me alone!"

The creature starts running towards me but I'm much faster than him so I eventually lost it.

I need to find a weapon, something to keep me safe.

That's when I remembered I passed by the home economics classroom while I was doing the table at entrance thing.

I rushed to the home economics classroom as fast as I can.

The room is dark, same as the classroom with only a red light from a strange source luminating the room. I walk towards the knife rack and grabbed a knife.

Feels a little bit safer but how the hell am I supposed to kill that thing?

I sit behind the counter to weigh my options but I heard something move behind me.

Huh? Ah, that's right, this is the room with the low purring sounds.

"Hello? Is anybody there?"

My calls were replied with quiet moans.

I pinpoint the location of the moans to be at the other side of the room, so I head over to check her out.

I wish I didn't.

There it was, a creature slowly melting into a black tar-like substance. Her face formed like the face of the person in "The Scream".

I gasped and held my knife tighter, trying to stop my hand from shaking.

The moans grew louder as its slowly melting eyes meet mine.

"Just what the hell is happening in this place?!"

In reply, its face slowly contorted into a more exaggerated expression. I can hear its bones break as its eyes fell off and its mouth stretched out to its chest, dislocating its jaw.

I look at it in fear and pointed my knife at it.

The creature starts to crawl towards me, leaving a trail of the aforementioned black tar stains behind it.


The creature jumped towards me and I instinctively slash the creature in self defence. It let out a loud, piercing moan reminiscent of a pig in pain.

Black liquid started pouring out of the creature's wound as it disengages from me. It writhed on the floor, violently shaking and applying pressure to the wound.

"Just how many of us will you kill before you're satisfied?!"

The creature yelled.

"What are you talking about?!"

"That's right. How many of us are you gonna kill before you're satisfied, Akira?"

I stood still in fear and the hairs on my arms started raising.

The door violently slid open and another creature entered the room.

The creature who called himself Hisao.

Seeing "Hisao" once more has brought back the fear that was instilled in me when I saw him transform into this abomination. My breathing pattern has quickened and my legs started shaking again.

"Aren't you satisfied, Akira?!"

He lunged towards me and I dodged just in time to only sustain a scratched forearm.

Without looking back, I picked myself up and escaped the room.

Where the hell do I hide now?!

I ran the length of the hallway looking for a place to hide and failing miserably.

I just want this thing to end! If this is a nightmare, just end it quick! If this is a prank, I can't wait for the people hiding behind these doors to just pop out and say "You've been pranked!"

Where the fuck are those people?!

Just get the hell out of there and say it! Goddamn it!

In my peripheral vision, I saw an opened room and without even thinking, my legs lead me there.

Now I'm here currently shaking, sweating, and breathing heavily.

I sat on the floor of this classroom, hugging my legs and biting my nails.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. What do I do?!

How did Hisao find me?!

Does he have control of the school?!

Shit. I don't even know what the hell I'm fighting, like what the hell is that thing?! Spinning his dislocated limbs? Walking and running on his knees because he also dislocated his legs? How much more fucked up can this be?!

But for now I need to relax and think of a way out of this.

I start rocking myself back and forth in an attempt to push the fear out of my brain and actually think of something beneficial in this situation.

Think! Think!

As I racked my brain for solutions, the air suddenly grew heavy making it hard to breathe.

Ugh, shit. I can't think of anything.

For now water, I need some water.

I checked the hallway and found nothing. Still the same old blinking red light and dark hallways which seemed like its extending infinitely.

The school felt like a labyrinth, but years of studying in here has given me the right sense of direction to know where I'm going.

Right now I'm pretty sure I'm near a comfort room, which has a water fountain outside of it. I just need to hydrate myself quickly.

I swiftly moved out of the classroom, making sure I made no noise and headed to the fountain.

It's here, seems that I'm still in the same school I know. With all of these weird things happening, I don't even know if this is the same school I studied in or if I'm teleported into something similar.

I turned the faucet as quiet as possible and put my mouth under it.


It felt like an oasis in this desert.

Actually, you can say it's a well in this hell.


I wipe my mouth with me sleeves and walked back to the room as quiet as possible. As I entered the room, a voice coming from a radio-like device rung across the school.

"If there are people still alive inside, do not worry. We are here for you."

Huh? Police?! I'm saved! Goddamn, what the fuck?!

"We're slowly going to move in, if you see us and have weapons with you, it's better to drop them!"

Wait, they're entering the school?! No, no, no. That's like the dumbest shit you can do! The creatures in here will kill them!

I heard shuffling near me.

Is it the police or Hisao?

I swallowed and slid the door open.

"Help me!" a piercing voiced said.

I recognize that voice!

It's "Hisao's"!

I peeked at the hallway and saw the police approaching me on my left and a rapidly approaching Hisao on my right yelling "Help me! Help me!" endlessly.

Help me? No, HELP ME!

"Watch out! He's gonna kill you guys!"

I yelled as I intercepted "Hisao". I tackled him to the ground and started stabbing him.

This is fucked up, fucked up, fucked up!

Sorry, Hisao. But this is fucked up!

"Stop! put your weapon down!" an officer yelled.

"You don't understand! He's gonna kill you!" I yelled back at him

"The killer here is you!" he pointed his gun at me and shot.

Hey, hey, hey. You can't be serious now, right? I look at my side and saw blood flowing rapidly.



I lost consciousness after that.

I woke up with a heavy body in a hospital room with a police officer at my side telling me something.

"Akira, you're under arrest for several counts of murder and attempted murder."

"You've got to be kidding, officer. I saved you from a monster about to attack you and you reward me with this?!"

"Monster?! What are you talking about?!"

"Didn't you see his broken limbs?! Walking on his knees?!"

"Yeah, cause you fucking broke them!"

"I, what?!"

"You broke his arms and legs! You killed everyone in your class, including your teacher!"

"Huh?! No, I didn't!"

"Officer, I need you to step outside for now. There are still tests that we need to perform on Akira."

A nurse entered the room.

"You're dealing with a mass murderer, you know?"

The officer's eyes furrowed.

"I don't care. He's hurt and he needs our help. That's enough."

The nurse made a motion, sending the officer out.

A few days later, I found myself in an asylum.

Turns out, the officer was right.

I killed my whole class, including the teacher. Their bodies were found all across the school including the body of our school nurse they found in the home economics room.

For me, well, I'm diagnosed with an unheard form of agnosia which turns people into some kind of abomination.

The doctors are still studying my case.

They look really ugly though.

I kinda want to kill them.
