There once was a time where the skies were empty. No sun no moon and no stars. Then a beautiful woman came down from the sky and her tears became stars. Then a man of the gods came down from the sky and immediately fell in love in love with the woman. The next day the woman said she had birth of a child later called galaxy who also cried stars. While the woman called it a galaxy the man called it a ocean of stars. Later galaxy also birth a galaxy (ocean of stars). And that continued through generations until a galaxy cried an enormous star soon called sun and placed in the middle of orbits. The gods were amazed at their beautiful work and gave them a gift a big rock. The gods said"save this rock and one day it will shine so bright that it will brighten the dark skies,". Before the gods left the gave them the names Korova(Maiden of stars) and Surnove(keeper of light). Later Surnove went exploring and found a green rock and showed it to Korova. Korova said to put in one of sun's orbits. Everyday Surnove came with a rock some were big some were small some were color full some were dull some had rings some had none. Korova noticed that the green rock had blue liquid but it didn't move. Then she found the rock that the gods gave to Korova and Surnove. Korova lightly placed the rock next to the green and blue rock. Korova and Surove didn't just want to call them "rocks" so they gave the "planets" names. The first planet's name is "Mercury" the second "Venus" the third "Earth" the fourth "Mars" the fifth "Jupiter" the sixth "Saturn" the seventh "Uranus" the eighth "Neptune". And from there the solar system was always beautiful.