After the war ended against the Demigods, the dungeons continued to appear. There are still some monsters in Aether greedy enough to intake the dense mana on Earth. Meanwhile, the Demigods were given a second chance by Angelo, the newly appointed ruler.
However, the whereabouts of the king and its two trusted servants were missing. Who knows what they could be plotting at the very moment?
Then, Kai was currently training in dungeons despite it being a low level. He practiced his new skills he learned after fighting Angelo. As for Astasia, at this very moment, she had finally awoken. As usual, no one was around to wake her up, "I'm going to kill that bitch" she mumbled, remembering an unpleasant memory of a woman forcing her filthy lips on Kai's.
Without wasting another second, she hops off the hospital bed wearing a hospital gown, "My Queen, please stay in bed," Jack and the others appeared.
"Get me my usual red dress," she demands, ripping apart the space as a black-purple dimension opened, shocking her guardians, "Since when were you capable of this?!" Jackie asked.
"Ever since she kissed Kai. If any of you gets in my way of hunting her down, I'll punish you myself," her tone was deadly and threatening as the guardians flinched. Just waking up from a coma and she seemed even stronger than before.
Before they knew it, Astasia had traveled to Aether without informing anyone on Earth.
A few hours later when Kai came back from work, the hospital bed was empty and he felt his heart drop once again, "Damn it!" He kicked the chair. Unsure whether he should be happy or sad.
However, he believed that she would eventually come back...