Dear Webnovel readers,
Finally, after months of editing, my first book, Cultivation Fever: Volume 1, is out on Amazon! The last four chapters are a preview, and I hope fans will be able to tell the massive difference.
As part of the release, the book will be FREE until Tuesday 27th October. For my biggest fans: CosmicVictor, Glocc_Williams, Groffind, Daoist8rrQd7, and Mud_Man, the book will always be free for you. If you don't manage to pick it up in the next 3 days, I'll send you a code for a free copy.
The book will also be available for free if you have Kindle Unlimited: an Amazon service which has a one-month free trial. Otherwise, you can buy it for only $2.99.
I sincerely hope that you enjoy it. Every bit of feedback is much appreciated, whether it's an Amazon review, or messages on my new Discord server:
Links to everything will be available in the Webnovel description, or you can search "Cultivation Fever: Volume 1" on Amazon.
Happy reading!
Ozzy Banks