Tonight in the chipmunks' room at 702 Liberty Lane Seville house... "The end," Colossal Dave. His African American normal-size mute babysitter finished to narrate it recently. "Yawning! I'm so tired now," Dionne. "All right. I turn the light off. Sweet dreams," Colossal Dave.
Act one scene on the gigantic brown bed in the chipmunks' room... "Oh?" "Hello!" A CGI animated remake spooky ghost appears here. "AHH! Dionne!" A CGI animated remake colossal childish man screamed and scared of the spooky ghost recently. "I hear you screaming and tell me what's wrong," Colossal Dave? His CGI animated remake African American normal-size mute babysitter rushed in from the downstairs of living room. "Look at spooky ghost," Dionne! He pointed out that. "Huh? There's no spooky ghost. Just wind of the curtain. I close the window. Go back to sleep," Colossal Dave. "Oh. Snoring loudest!" A CGI animated remake colossal childish man understood what's she saying.
Act two scene midnight in the chipmunks' room at 702 Liberty Lane of Seville house... "Oh, wells?" "Boo!" A CGI animated remake spooky ghost appeared again recently. "AHH! Dad!" He got out of his gigantic brown bed and banged headed to Alvin's master bedroom.
Act three scene enter Dave's master bedroom... "Snoring! Whoa!? Dave, what's going on with you?" His adopted red-clad ten years old CGI animated remake troublemaker dad chipmunk Alvin Seville been woke up by a CGI animated remake colossal childish man jumped on him. "There is a spooky ghost in my room," Dad! He seems fear and exclamation expressed cued. "Calm down. Come with me," Dave.
Act three scene returns back in the chipmunks' room... "I swear that I saw that," Dad. "Maybe you must be imagine that there's no spooky ghost here. Go back in your bed. Here's your plush bunny George can help you to be calm down now," Dave? His adopted red-clad ten years old CGI animated remake troublemaker dad chipmunk Alvin Seville gave it to a CGI animated remake colossal childish man is in his gigantic brown bed. "Absolutely, Dad. Snoring loudest!" He picked this from him recently. "Sighs. I will talk to his babysitter Dionne about it tomorrow morning. Yawning! I have to go back to my room." To be continued...