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Toy Battalion Summoner!?

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A man woke up near a tree and have discovered that he was in a fantasy world and couldn't remember his past and how did he ended up here. His name was Johnson, brown-haired, also young around his 20s, he was the height of 5'7 and tan skin along with green eyes. His journey was just the beginning as he starts off exploring many things along the way, as well as meeting so many new people and struggles, but he wouldn't be alone due to his discovery of a very ultra rare ability that grants him to summon soldiers, but not just normal living and breathing soldiers, more like plastic action figure toy soldiers that are handheld, what will await for him as he travels far and wide to find answers to why was he even in this fantasy world? What will he do now when he finally has all the answers and will it even be possible to have a normal life afterwards?

Chapter 1 - Waking up to a new world!

He slowly woke up while lying near a tree, Soon looking around his surrounding with a confused look. He didn't understand where he was and why was he outside sleeping, Suddenly realizing that he couldn't remember anything at all. This was troubling, but couldn't do anything about it, not yet anyways till he find out where is he. Wasn't quite sure where to look first, Seeing a nearby village following a nearby road could help, He immediately got up from the ground and started on the road towards the village. Unexpectedly a message pop up like a HUD and notice it in front of him.

{You have gained the ability to summon (Error) Soldiers!}


'What does this even mean and what what is this error it is talking about?' He thought to himself while observing the message, it was a small box of some sort and looked pretty advanced for a digital screen. It was hard to tell what was it about, but from the words on it.

{Available Units, (2), They are ready to be deployed at any time}

Wait a minute, what did this mean by available units ready to be deployed at any time and especially this ability is even more questionable due to the error, whatever it might be, perhaps he will find answers about it too one day after going to this village up ahead.


He soon stopped when he took notice of strange monsters creeping through the tree line towards him, which made his hair stand, What the heck were exactly these things and they seem obviously dangerous too.

"Deploy!" He shouted before pointing towards the monsters that were suddenly charging at him until the two figures appear with their rifles drawn and aiming down their sights in a combative aim, stance and immediately started to fire their M16 in unison before they both fired their M203 Grenade Launchers at the same time and resume firing again until the threat was eliminated.

The smoke soon clear due to the explosions and reveal that the monsters were injured with some of them missing limbs and bleeding from what seems to be bullet wounds as they whimper and whine in pain while dying and afterwards none of them were moving anymore and laying on the ground as corpses, He was surprised by the sudden loud banging sounds coming from the two figures standing in front of him, as if they were guarding him which they actually were.

But there was a problem. He didn't notice anyone in front of him at all as he was expecting and looked around his surroundings with a confused expression until he felt something tugging on his pants and looked down with his eyes widen in shock.

"This can't be real... These guys are literally small! They're like... like toy soldiers! How in the world were they able to do so much damage to these monsters that's ten times bigger then them!? I need to calm down since this isn't making any sense and especially helping me here, none of this makes sense at all" He said to himself and almost freaking out as he looked down at the handheld soldiers that were looking up at him in silence while one of them still held onto his pants. Guessing by their uniform and equipment and weapon, it looked straight from the Vietnam war era, and The US Military on top of that, they were staring up at him still in silence. "Wait a second, Can't you guys speak?" Johnson asked curiously and crouch down on one knee to get a better look and view of the two action figure soldiers that took a couple of steps back away from him and exchange looks at each other because of his question before both of them started looking back up at him in silence again. "I guess you guys can't speak at all..." He said with a frown forming on his lips and lets out a soft sigh.

The toy soldiers continue to look up at him before standing at attention and soon saluted up at their leader at the same time with perfect timing and Johnson couldn't help but crack a smile at their attempt to reassure him. To be all honest, He did find them pretty cute for some reason, didn't know why, but just did, even if they were small action figure toy soldiers, they sure did a lot of damage with such intense firepower to protect him. He had a lot of more questions than answers, but didn't want to bother about it and put it aside for now, besides, This could mean he won't have any problems having them around him without people getting Suspicions and asking questions about them once he reach the village for answers.

Johnson turns his attention and looked at his HUD, He saw another message and a few new notifications. 'Wait, what is this? I don't remember seeing these before, especially these notifications too, not to mention the message that I just received' He thought to himself.

{You have leveled up to 4!}

{Your available soldiers have been increased}

So he can summon more soldiers now that he leveled up by defeating a couple of monsters because of his soldiers, was this some sort of video game or something, This was getting very strange. Now that he thought about it, the toy soldiers did look pretty realistic for an action figure.


Johnson eventually begins resuming back to walking on the dirt path, road again, There seem to be nothing particularly dangerous now that those monsters were defeated, even if there was more, he was confident that his *Soldiers* He would put it would protect him definitely. It was so strange to him and was pretty surprised that the toy soldiers were having no problems keeping up his pace and were following right behind him, He also couldn't help but noticed as he looked over his shoulder to see them looking around in amazement and wonder, probably new to this fantasy world as well like myself.

On the way to the village, he notices smoke rising in the air for some reason which was the direction of the village, he was walking towards to, he felt something wrong to be honest, even his toy soldiers were keeping close to him with their rifles drawn when they also notice the smoke rising in the air, did they notice something wasn't right neither, his train of thoughts was broken when he heard a faint scream of a young girl and also a lot of more screaming afterwards, Something definitely wasn't right now and he can only guess the worse which means the village is being attacked.

"This isn't good! I have to somehow save them before it is too late!" Johnson said out loud while fully running towards the burning village along with his toy soldiers surprisingly keeping up with his speed. He didn't understand what was happening neither did he know what exactly was attacking these villagers, but he will soon find out. Once he finally reaches the scene, that's when he immediately stops with horror on his face and couldn't believe what he was seeing, a bunch people wearing knight armor and slaughtering innocent people left and right.


"Quick! Form a formation! We need to stop these blood thirsty bandits! How the heck these monsters even have such high quality armor, are they probably rogue soldiers, corrupted minded individuals that fell victim to a MAG user who has the forbidden ability to corrupt people, What is going on here!?" A village guard shouted to himself out loud with anger boiling deep inside of him, this was unacceptable and couldn't bear to watch two bandits drag a little girl in a house, probably for their own entertainment as she kicked and scream for help, he wanted to help but their hands were fully busy fighting these monsters off in front of them.

He sheds a tear at the broken Idea of his village being left destroyed. 'No, This most stop at all cost! If this continue then no one would be left, but what else can we do, these bandits are putting up a fight, I have to focus on evacuating the villagers and giving them enough time to run for it to safety, if they can defeat a at least some of these monsters, then I'm sure we can save another villager again!' He thought to himself and looked down at his bloody sword and shield that looked like its breaking apart after all the encounters he had to fight and watching his fellow village guards trying their hardest to hold back the bandits as some rescue a a young little boy and his mother who was holding onto her baby for dear life, panic and fear obviously seen in their eyes. How can he just stand here and let this happen and why didn't anyone see this even coming, shaking his head to break his thoughts that kept building up more questions, he stops to look at the village and the murderers, and soon stretched out his sword toward their direction. "Fight with me, my Brothers and Sisters!!" He shouted which caught the attention of other bandits nearby and watched as his fellow village guards did their war cry before all charging into the burning village as more sounds if swords and metal were clashing each other.

A bandit giggle with glee while undoing his pants and about to have his fun with a young woman who was on the floor injured and with horror and disgust on her face while staring up at him, before he could do anything else, a sudden bang sound was heard across the village and the bandit soon found himself falling on the ground with a pool of blood covering the ground, a hole in his forehead is shown. Afterwards, banging sounds started to go off rapidly in the village which caught the attention of both bandits and village guards vigilantly. 'What is that strange, frightening noise!?' A female village guard thought as she was about to stab her long sword deep into a disgusting bandit who was on the ground injured.

There was screaming and shouting of bandits from a distance away and nobody could barely see due to the smoke and fire all around them, then a bandit standing there while looking at the direction of bang sounds suddenly took multiple hits on his body and face and fell on his knees before falling flat on his face. Muzzle flashing repeatedly seen through the thick smoke as a bang explosion was heard afterwards, The village guards found this as an opportunity and started resuming back to fighting against the bandits which caught some of them unguarded, and more banging sounds that sounded like a rapid small explosion was heard again, follow after a bigger explosion next. Sounds of bandits were heard shouting and yelling out of anger or out of fear, The leader of the village guards did a quick spin, dodging a sword swing from a bandit grunt and cutting his head off with ease and took the moment to look at the direction of banging sounds and the explosions were taking place and couldn't believe what he was seeing when the smoke started to clear. "What the..."

A man standing in place, along with small figures wearing odd clothes he had never seen before, they were firing their smaller black staves at multiple bandits charging at them, the bandits were dropping like flies, one by one in a fast pace. The mysterious man kicks in house door with 2 small figures running inside the house first and flashes of light followed by rapid banging sounds were heard along with the screams of two bandits inside, remembering that was the same house he saw a poor little girl being dragged inside by two of those bandits. 'Who is that guy and what are those strange little things that resemble a whole lot of a human?' He thought to himself, as if looking for an answer to what he was seeing with his very own eyes then snapping back when he noticed a bandit with an iron sword charging at him. 

"Whoever that is, I'm grateful he is helping us get rid of these blood thirsty low lives!" The leader of the village guard shouted before shielding himself against the iron sword. "Do not worry my brothers and sisters! Help has arrived! Just keep pushing them back and focus on what's in front of you!" He shouted his orders and encouragement to his fellow village guards that were getting exhausted as both men and women shouted their war cries again and started to push them back.

"Deploy!" Johnson shouted with his hand stretch out towards the direction of bandits trying to murder and steal from the villagers that were trying to hide or run away from them as some stood their ground to fight back with whatever they can find in their hands to give time for their families and friends to flee, 6 brand new soldiers appear and immediately aim down their sights at the people wearing armor in front of them while staying close to their leader and to protect him.

"Soldiers! Stop these murderers that are attacking this village! Do not harm any of the villagers, and are you clear to engage and shoot to kill on sight! And you 2 follow me, Let's go!" He orders his toy soldiers and begin to enter the burning village, his toy soldiers immediately following their orders and charging into the battle and firing their weapons at the bandits nearby while the original two soldiers he summon continue following close to him.


A bandit was ready to kill an innocent villager until rapid bangs were heard, followed by a dozen of bullets going through his armor and body from the back and exiting from his front and soon fell onto the ground, leaving a pool of blood afterwards, the villager was shocked and surprised and saw odd looking small figures that could be mistaken as a toy doll for a child started to fire rapidly with their strange small black staves, the loud banging sounds coming from them cause the villager to cover his ears while watching with widened eyes at the sight.

The Bandits started to notice strange small figures that looked like little humans aiming their black staves at them and started firing at them, they were confused but also frighten at the sight of them, but soon angry after seeing one of their own bandits fall onto the ground with cycle bleeding holes through his chest and already dead, they started to charge at them and shielding themselves but to their horror soon found out that their shields and armor were useless against these strange small humanoids, and whatever sort of weapons that they were using against them. A few bandits started to run away only to end up getting blown up by something strong, a couple of them looked back at the source of where the explosion came from and their skins all became pale, one of the toy soldiers M203 Grenade Luncher had a smoking trail coming out of it, as more toy soldiers started to take cover behind objects from pieces of broken burning houses and a wooden wagon wheel.

"This is insane, Retre-" One of the bandits shouted before being cut off as the toy soldiers started to fire their M16 Assault Rifles at the group of them and one of the bullets went through his throat and immediately held onto his neck with both hands as he dropped his shield and sword, horror and fear shown in his eyes while looking straight at the little humans, before everything went dark and died, falling on the ground. The rest of the group of bandits tries to run away from their line of sight and fire, a couple of them hiding behind some objects while others were blown up by strong explosions or decimated by their bullets or try to fight back and charge at them only to be cut down by a hail of bullets. The toy soldiers didn't hesitate as some drop their weapons and equipment to surrender only to be shot down, a few small grenades were soon seen being thrown by the toy soldiers at the other bandits taking cover behind objects, one of the bandits notices a strange small object that looked like a ball and pick it up with his right hand only for it to explode and to be blown apart and a right arm fell on the ground nearby the other bandits taking cover behind a fallen broken wagon with horror shown on their faces.

Johnson looked over his shoulder at the sound of a big explosion again before looking back at a certain house and approaching it. Kicking the wooden oak door with all his might, his two toy soldiers immediately charging inside, and took aim with their M16 Assault rifles at two bandits ripping the clothes off a little girl with visible drool coming out of the corner of the bandits mouths, this sight was just sickening as his toy soldiers begin to fire their weapons at them as brain matter and blood splatter on the wall with only the muzzle flash lighting up the dark room and their shadows being shown getting shot with a hail of bullets.

The toy soldiers stop firing their weapons with only smoke trailing off of their muzzles, a single noise that was heard was a little girl crying, Johnson walked towards the young girl and noticed her dress was half torn and felt his heart moved with compassion at the sight of her condition and felt anger, what sort of monsters would even do this, he crouches down and place his hand on her head and started to brush her hair gently and spoke with a gentle and caring voice. "Hey, Hey, its okay, its all over and you are safe now..."

The young girl stopped crying while sniffling and started to rub her eyes before looking up to see an unknown man that rescue her from being harm by those two scary bandits, She didn't know who this stranger, but was grateful that he came to in time to help her, but something caught her attention and saw 2 small humanoid figures that she almost mistake it for toys, but oddly wasn't, this cause her to be scared at the sight of them, The toy soldiers exchange looks at each other and looked back at her and started to wave at the girl in a friendly way.

"H-hello there..." She said nervously to the toy soldiers before looking back up at the guy, he held his hand out to her and she took it before standing up and noticed that her clothes were torn and blushes in embarrassment because of this. "Ah, Don't worry, I have some clothes for you! Take these, I'm sure it will fit you and let me know if it doesn't. Do you have any parents?" Johnson asked as he gave her a brand new dress which surprise the young girl, and soon replied. "Y-yeah, they fled away in time, but I got separated from them due to the chaos happening in the village..." She spoke with a sad tone in her voice while avoiding eye contact, just remembering calling out to her family on their whereabouts as everything was burning with fire was scary experience, she didn't want to think about it too much and looked at the stranger again. "Alright, let's go and find them, I'm sure everything should be safe by now outside" He said to her before standing up and looking at the body of bandits and shook his head before turning his attention away and walking towards the house entrance. 

"Let me know when you are finished dressing yourself, I'll be waiting outside right here for you and make sure nobody comes in here and cause trouble for us both, but please make it quick though. I don't know when more of those murderers will show up again and that would be bad for both of us" He said while observing the area in front of him, many village houses on fire and the corpses of villagers scattered around the ground, which sadden him, Johnson did notice that there were more of those guys in knight armor scattered also around the ground as if there was a battlefield has taken place here and could only guess that the rest of his toy soldiers were being occupied eliminating anyone wearing knight armor and trying to murder any of the innocent villagers.

"Secure the area! The bandits are retreating back to the forest!" A teenage boy that was wearing an iron chest armor and leather armor underneath it said out loud as he order other people seen with the same equipment and gear and weapons, they were going in a different direction, and watch silently. 'These most be security for this village, I guess they are called the village guards if that's right. They consist surprisingly of young and older men and women and by the looks of it, they were putting up a good fight against these murderers that happen to be bandits, probably because they all wore high quality armor and weapons...' Johnson thought while thinking of the situation taking place in this damage village, suddenly someone tug on his back shirt. "I'm finished mister..." The young girl said while wearing the brand new dress he gave to her, where did he got it in the first place, a dress happen to be in a case that was open on a broken down wagon and sadly a dead horse next to it, guessing that it was the horse wagon. "That's good, let's go and look for your family, but it seems that the bandits are running away from the village now, he said to her and gave her his hand. "That's good, those guys were frightening... I can't imagine, what they were going to do to me, but thank you mister for saving me! I'll be sure to tell Daddy and Mommy about what you have done, I'm sure they will reward you!" She said happily with a wide smile before looking back at the scene of dead villagers and bandits alike, which made her frown and sad, since she knew half of these people for so many years, she sheds a tear and sighed before looking away.

They both begin to walk through the burning village while holding hands with the young girl, the two toy soldiers vigilantly scanning their surroundings with their M16 assault rifles drawn and took notice of a bandit with a damaged arm approaching from behind with a knife in his other hand that wasn't injured. The bandit didn't seem to care about the two toy soldiers aiming their weapons at him, he has already lost his sanity after barely escaping those unnatural small humans, and watching his own friends being cut down or blown up apart, if he was going to die, he may as well take down this guy and the little girl along with him. The insane bandit was about to bounce on them when a sudden muzzle flesh sparkles in the darkness of the alleyway that he came from and a single bullet shot right into the side of his head and cause him to instantly fall onto the ground and drop his knife.

A military plastic black boot step out of the shadow in the alleyway and into the sunlight, It's M16 assault rifle muzzle smoking trail from its barrel. Its helmet covering its eyes, the only thing was shown was its appearance, and some fresh blood stains on its olive green uniform with an emotionless expression on its realistic plastic face. "W-What was that!?" The girl shouted in fright as she held onto the guy's arm tightly and notice a bandit on the ground lying dead from behind them and confused as to why. "Was that bandit always there when we pass here?" She asked with confusion yet scared now.

The two toy soldiers looked down at the insane decease bandit and turn their attention at the toy soldier coming out of the alleyway and approaching them, it stops and got into attention and saluted up at its leader. Johnson stared at the toy soldier with blood stain on its uniform and the young girl was becoming terrified at the sight of it, it looked scary.

"Don't worry, you'll be safe and find your parents, these are my soldiers, they won't hurt you," Johnson said with a solemn expression on his face and noticed a lot of XP rising up more and more in his HUD, and lets out a soft sigh. "At least, the village is saved..." He said to himself before they continue to walk again.


The leader of the village guard panted while pulling out his sword from piercing inside a bandit's chest. They were finally gone, he didn't know if they ever return again, but seeing their losses, they probably would have second thoughts to come and try to mess with their village ever again. 

"That seems to be all of them everyone! Let's go back and check for any survivals! Man... this was intense, if only we were prepared sooner..." The leader of the village guard said to himself as he gritted his teeth in anger and regret after seeing so many villagers dead.

A hand was placed on his shoulder to catch his attention and notice his childhood friend looking at him with concern on her face. "It's over James, there's nothing more than we can do for them.." She said to him, looking deep into his teary eyes down, and pressed her lips together at the painful sight of her childhood friend breaking down into tears. "You're right, it is over and we should gather the villagers back to safety... There's nothing we can do for those that have died but we can prevent this in the future with rebuilding and making stronger defensive than before" James said and sighed with his eyes shut before opening them again.

He turned back to the burning village and notice a guy and a little girl holding hands together and remember who it was, quickly rushing towards the mysterious stranger and smiled down at the little girl he knew as Ashley as she smiled in return wryly.

To his surprise and his fellow village guards surprise, they all begun to notice strange small figures also walking out of the smoke and surrounding the mysterious stranger and they all stood at attention and saluted in unison to the stranger. 'What sort of power is this?' James thought to himself.


Johnson saluted back to his soldiers and looked back at the village guards and notice that they were gathering any surviving Villagers that were frightened and shaken up, and heard a woman's voice calling out to them.

"Ashley! Ashley is that you!?" all eyes saw an older woman with a worried expression on her face as she immediately ran to her daughter without hesitation which the young girl lets go of Johnson hand and ran to her mother as well, they both ended up embracing each other and crying in joy to finally be united again as more of her family members join in the scene with smiles and tears of their own, everyone smiled at the sight meanwhile others were comforting the little children's that have lost their relatives from the bandits unexpected raid.

Johnson couldn't help but smiled at the heartwarming sight and felt tears going down his cheeks, never in his whole life has he ever saw such pain and horror like he did for these people that had to go through it, he was thankful that he made the right decision to help them and reclaim their village back again.

A tug on his pants caught his attention and looked down to see his soldiers looking up at him in silence, probably concern for him since they noticed tears going down his cheeks. Johnson smiles and crouches down and offer his hand to it, the toy soldier immediately steps on his hand and he soon stood up again with his soldier surprisingly not wobbling and shaking but staying still at attention.

"Who are you stranger and what are these things that follow you? I have never seen such devastating power being displayed by these small things that go beyond logic" James asked the stranger with his eyes still observing the small humanoid on his open palm. "I am Johnson, and these are my soldiers" He replied to the leader of the village guard, which he made a confused look on his face when he heard that these small figures that appear to be a toy for a child yet happens to be his soldiers.

"This is him! Mommy and Daddy! He's the one that saved me from those mean bandits!" Ashley said with a smile on her face as she pulls on both her parents' hands towards the stranger with an odd toy on his open palm and a few surrounding him, this weird them out, but got scared when they started to move and look at them, but their daughter wasn't fazed by it at all as if she was used to it already and simply smiled as she waved at them all and they waved back in return.

"Hello, we just wanted to thank you so much for saving our daughter, and we like to reward you with this pouch filled with gold that we managed to escape with, please take it" The mother of Ashley said as she presented him with the pouch filled with gold inside as his toy soldiers observed the odd brown sack and tilted their heads at the offering and started to look at their leader for an answer. "Oh, No, no, you guys should keep it since you need it the most, I couldn't take this at all, even if I wanted to!" Johnson responded while rubbing his back neck with his free hand and chuckling nervously, Ashley's mother and everyone stared at him in silence and were taken back at this stranger's generosity.

Ashley's father place his hand on his wife's shoulder and smiled at the young man. "Thank you Stranger, but at least tell us your name! We want to know who it is that saved my precious daughter!" He asked the young man in front of him, not feeling creep out by those small odd soldiers surrounding him.


"Johnson, Please call me Johnson" He replied with a friendly smiled as he crouches down to let his toy soldier get back on the ground and off of his open palm, his hand was tired carrying him due to his weight, but also the equipment and gear that it had on, he didn't expect them to feel slightly heavy like a full can of soda.

"Johnson, Again, we thank you for saving our daughter" Ashley and her family bow to him in respect which cause the young man to blush across his face and quickly waved his hands around nervously to catch their attention. "D-Don't mention it, I'm just going what is right after all, I can't sit by and just let a couple of murders have their fun killing innocent lives like that!" Johnson explains while looking at him and the people gathering together  in front of him. "Johnson was it? I am James, I'm in charge of the village guardsman, if I may not be so selfish, but to ask if you would like to stay for a day with us once we are finished putting out the fires and clearing the damages as well as bury the dead" The young boy asked with his hand on his chest while looking at him with a smile yet a serious expression on his face, which gave off maturity but also as a warrior.

Johnson smiles in return and offer his hand to the young brave boy, and immediately accepted his hand in return and the two begin to shake on it. "I wouldn't mind at all, but the least I can do for you people for being so nice to me is helping as well, and don't worry about security while we are busy cleaning up and rebuilding James, My soldiers are more than enough to secure this village and protect it along side your village guardsmen" Johnson replied and accepted their offer to stay for a day.

James took one look at his small soldiers and almost doubted but before he did, he immediately remembered how dangerous these strange small soldiers of his are and remember how they were able to push back and eliminated most of the bandits within the village. "Then it is settled then, I wouldn't mind the extra help after all! All Village Guardsmen! Please secure the village for any potential bandits possibly hiding in the houses and once we are finished clearing the area, I need more muscles we can get to start cleaning up and rebuilding once more!" The leader of the village guards shouted his order to get the attention of everyone before walking towards the still burning village as many of his fellow villagers and guardsmen, men and women and even children begin to organize themselves and started to gather whatever buckets they can find and gather up as much water as they can to put out the fire while the village guards went ahead to clear the village for any remaining danger.

Ashley waved goodbye to her rescuer named Johnson and left in a hurry to help out with the other children that were helping the adults and the other older kids with whatever task that was easy for them to do, like the simple small things that can make a big difference.

'HUD Screen!' He thought and was surprised to see that it worked as the blue digital screen appear in front of him and took notice what it said. 

{Congregations! You have ranked up to level 10!}

{Vehicles has been unlocked for your units!}

{The number of your available soldiers has been greatly increased and are ready at any time to be deployed!}

{Special classes of units unlocked!}

{The growth of your units has been increased!}

'WOW! This is going to help me a lot in securing the village and making security better since 8 units isn't enough to guard the whole village, I don't have to worry about the village being attacked again since I have more than enough units to cover more ground!' He thought to himself and looked at the vehicle section and noticed many different types of armor vehicles like tanks, but also helicopters and planes too, this will be more helpful to survey the area better for any potential threats around the village since it was sorta nearby a huge vast forest leading somewhere. 'But now that I think about, what exactly is this so called Growth increase to his soldiers about?'  Johnson looked over at his soldiers watching the villagers helping each other but also couldn't help but notice that they were bigger than originally before. 'Wait! Are you telling me the more I level up, the more my soldiers will grow and increase in height!?' Johnson shouted in his head after being surprised at this amazing discovery and looked back at his HUD again, there were more rewards but they were locked and gray with a symbol of a red lock on it. This cause Johnson to frown, but also made him more curious and intrigued as to what they might be once he ranked up more and unlock them. 

"Whatever it may be, this will help out with my journey definitely as I continue to go on and discover more about this mysterious fantasy world" He said to himself and looked up at the sky in silence. "Might as well deploy more units and a helicopter chopper to survey the area more and give orders to my soldiers to protect and guard this village while I'm going to be here for a day." He said to himself and scratches his hand out towards a clear plain grass field where nobody was around since everyone was busy and gone already including Ashley. "Deploy!" He said out loud and soon watch in amazement as 12 soldiers appeared and a helicopter that resembles a lot like a US Military HU-1 Huey that actually had 4 pilots already inside and including the 2 gunners.

All the ground troops went into attention and all saluted at their leader, including the pilots and gunners that were located on both open hatch doors on the left and on the right of the helicopter vehicle. "

"Alright men! Let's get started!" He said out loud to his toy soldiers.