Chereads / That time I got reanimated as a zombie / Chapter 88 - Malum's descent

Chapter 88 - Malum's descent

"Kekekekeke. Obitus?" she spoke with a voice which sounded like one thousand people speaking all at once.

Reeve edged backwards. He didn't know what was going on, but it didn't sound like anything good. No, it also didn't look good. And it wasn't just about Rizaneth's body.

"W-who are you?" he asked.

"Kekekekeke. It's not me you should be asking that. The question is who are you?"

"Eh … My name is Reeve … I already know who I am, but who are you? And why are you using Rizaneth's body?"

"Obitus Obitus … What have you done? I had not paid attention … but this? And now … it's in my temple …" the possessed Rizaneth kept on muttering to herself. She continued, "At least I now have a seed! Kekekekeke. I wonder who I should prank first. Prudentia? I feel her presence … no … it's her seed? Kekeke."

"Umm excu--"

Reeve didn't get to finish his sentence, because Rizaneth's hand glowed, and a red beam blew him away.

"Annoying! Eh? Still alive? Obitus! What were you trying to achieve when you made this thing?"

Reeve stood up, and for the first time in his undead life, he felt pain in his chest, where the beam had hit. However, despite the burn mark, there was no other sign that he had been hit by that beam.

The possessed Rizaneth tilted her head, before she started floating in the air. It was as if she was puzzled about something.

This left a confused Reeve.

"Can you at least please put something on?"

"Kekeke. Humans and their … wait … you're not human … Kekekeke", she giggled, which caused Reeve's expression to turn sour.

Calling this situation awkward would be an understatement. After a few seconds, which felt like a few hours, a red cloak appeared out of thin air, before settling on Rizaneth's naked body.

"Better now?" she asked, with a giggle.

Red hair, red eyes, and a red cloak. Those red pupils had black dots, connected into a circular shape. It was an eerily stunning sight. However, Reeve couldn't admire this sight for long, because Rizaneth pointed at the roof of the hall. Her hand glowed, before a red beam of light lit up the entire hall.


The entire roof began to collapse, forming a large hole in the roof of the underground.


Reeve and the soldier from earlier were crushed by the falling debris. The only person who was unaffected was Riza, since a red barrier covered her entire body. Once the dust had settled, she flew out of the underground hall, or rather, what was left of it.

Inside the main hall of the temple, the congregants were praying for the descent of their god. The person leading the prayer was wearing a large robe which covered their head, making their face unclear.

Suddenly, the whole temple began to shake! It was as if there was an earthquake going on. The shaking lasted for a few minutes, before part of the stage collapsed entirely, forming a large hole that was quite deep.

Out of the hall, flew a red-haired figure, wearing a red cloak. The figure started floating in the air, looking down on the congregants who were so shocked they remained frozen on their spots.

It was unknown who started to panic, but once they started, the entire hall devolved into a wave of chaos.

"ENOUGH!!" yelled a loud voice, causing all the panicking congregants to calm down a bit. Well, rather than calming down, it was more like they were paralyzed with fear.

The person who was once on the stage leading the prayer, had dived offstage the moment the stage collapsed, thereby avoiding being caught in a catastrophe. However, when the person stood up, the hood covering their face had fallen, revealing a head full of short, blonde hair. In terms of height, the person was average. Oh, and it was a girl.

Soren was still in the middle of the crowd. Unlike the rest of the congregants however, he wasn't panicking much… well … that's what it seemed like on the surface. When the building was shaking, he was surprised, but he didn't panic, until the Rizaneth that they were looking for flew out of the hole which had appeared on the floor. Talk about very weird coincidences …

"Kekekeke. You were praying for me to descend, and now that I have, you're cowering in fear? Pathetic! I think I should kill you all right now, since none of you deserves to live!" after saying this, Rizaneth stretched her left hand towards the congregation.

"P-please L-Lord Malum … Have mercy on your servants. Blessed be the name of Lord Malum, trickster of the wise, prankster of the ages. We were not expecting your graceful presence this soon…" the girl who was conducting the prayer.

Rizaneth lowered her hand, before noticing the cracks forming on the hand. "Eh? How annoying! And I was just starting to enjoy this vessel too. Sigh. Humans have pathetic limits!"

As for the undead zombie hero, he stood up from the rubble. The universe had answered; this was what could go wrong. Of course, he wasn't expecting the universe's answer so soon. Unfortunately, the reply was fast and swift.

Looking around the destroyed hall, Reeve could make out a glowing red orb, hidden under the remains of what had once been a statue. He moved towards the red orb, and picked it up. It was small enough to fit inside his palm.

"What is this? I feel a very familiar … something … towards it. How come I didn't notice it before?" Reeve wondered aloud. He put the orb inside his pocket. "Now, it seems like everything has gone very wrong. I wonder, what do we do about this?"

He decided to look for the rest of the girls which had been trapped with him. He found one girl under the rubble.

"P-p … pl…ea…s", the girl tried to say something. Reeve was still uncomfortable, so he took off the robe he was wearing and covered the girl.

"Don't worry, you're now safe", he said, and then realized he was practically lying.