As the counselor continued her ranting and raving, I could her girls complaining all around me.
"what is up with this lady! I swear this lady always has something to scold us about! I'm tired! and we still have chores to do! (girl 3)" I know right! she always does this but she rarely ever talks to the boys! she is always bragging about how dorm nine is so good and have the best results! and how they earn their place in dorm nine. ugh! why don't the girls get an honor dorm!? (girl 4)"
"we do have one. Only ours isn't separate or even really considered an honor dorm. we go by points and best one gets like benefits. like staying up later an stuff. (girl 5)" "well that's just stupid! we should all be treated fairly...I dont get in trouble why is our dorm always on probation cause some girls don't wanna even shower! like we have to live with them...we should get a detached dorm too like the boys... (girl 3)"
"well at least we are all graded differently... otherwise we'd all end up ones with no privileges....(girl 5)"
they all sighed and grunted angrily.
'wow this place is....a mess....why do they make this place out to be so good on paper...jeez...'
Ater what felt like forever the councilor finally ended her yelling fit and turned us all loose. "man, im exhausted..arnt you two?" i said as i turned to my roommates. "shut it. we still have to go out to clean but YOU have to stay in the room now." she slammed the door behind herself.
my body shuddered and chills fazed through me as my head began to throb. 'i am so not...used to this...or maybe i'm too used to this....' (sigh)
i walked back to my bed and flopped down trying to calm my nerves..
"I think i messed up..."
The next day i went to the RA room to talk to miss Jané.
"I don't think my roommate sunshyn likes me very much...." i said as i sat down on the rolling computer chair.
"why do you say that?" she asked as she typed away on her keyboard.
"she tends to get...kinda mad at me a lot...i don't know the rules very much but she tries to blame me for yesterday i forgot my beanie on the bed in the morning and she blamed me for all the things we got marked down for...."
"i doubt she really said that. i know sunshyn an i know she's a little strong but it might be just because she's been alone with Elizabeth for a year now in that room so she just needs to get used to you is all..."
"I guess...i hope we can get along..i know she does a lot of art work so i want to be friends..."
"that's the spirit! don't worry! you two will be fine if you just try!" she said as she gave me a nudge to cheer me up. "thank you ms.. Jané" i said as i walked out of her office back to my room to get ready for dinner.
I started drawing a bit as i waited for dinner time to come around.
(click) the door closed and i heard someone start to sing to herself. It was sunshyn. when she turned the corner an saw me she stomped her feet and glared at me like i just ruined her day. "Don't you dare leave your stuff out again. Im not going to get in trouble for the shit you leave out again. oh and stop leaving your stuff out in the shower room!" i shuddered and stopped drawing. "i didn't leave anything out in th(she cit me off)"
"YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE THAT COULD HAVE DONE IT. I KNOW ELIZABETH NEVER LEAVES HER STUFF OUT SO IT HAS TO BE YOU." she yelled. stuffed her stuff into her dresser and rushed out the room very angry. "what the hell...i didn't even do anything..."
'my stomach hurts...and i wanna puke...i hate it here..'
That night we found out we got a new roommate. sunshyn was the first to meet her. she had come earlier in the day so was allowed to stay at the dorms to settle up.
It also turned out she had taken a shower and left all her stuff out...lull an behold her highness miss sunshyn couldn't even apologize to me after finding out the truth.
'I'm just going to keep to point in trying to make friends with her...'
for the next week sunshyn started to be out to doctor appointments a lot and was sent home for a bit.
during break from class a small round girl with black curly hair and glasses came up to me.
"you're alzi right? i heard you were roommates with sunshyn?"
'for real...' "um yes..i there something you need?"
she scratched her head and thought for a bit. "well do you know what's going on with her...she's been gone a lot and we haven't talked in a long time so since your her roommate i thought maybe you knew something.."
"well...(i looked around trying to avoid eye contact..) all i really know is she is sick..she has been in the room a lot so i don't really go into the dorm a lot unless its bedtime...ya..know...she's not really all that fun to talk too.."
"oh. sorry i thought you were friends by now since you have been here a week or so she's usually very open and nice."
i looked away from her and stepped back. "well i um gotta go..class is going to be starting soon" i scurried off and didn't see the girl the rest of the day.
'i can't believe this...' i sighed and plotted into my chair in class...
jeremy sat down right next to me as per usual...even though his seat was across the table from me...
"so how are you havinn anny funn? you okay?" he asked as he got uncomfortably close to me.
"I'm alright...(heavy sigh) i just tired...i haven't been able to sleep well.."
"woah girl what!? why what's going on?!" alexis said as she spammed across the room. (alexis is not part of our class she just likes seeing the new people that come in) "oh hey alexis...not much just my roommate seems to hate me...she always talks shit to me and blames me for every mess we get docked on in our room...i wanted to be friends since she likes a lot of the same thing as me...but its to the point i don't even wanna be in the same room as her.."
"wow she sounds like a real b*tch. i mean i know her and all but man never thought she be like that. guess everyone has a two face. sheez." she hugged me and flopped her long golden beach waved curls into my face. her fringe sticking to my neck.
"yeah don't listenn to that be-otch she's probably beinng petty" Jeremy said as he tried to rub my right shoulder.
"um thanks..." i scootched a bit away and shuddered... Jeremy was a bit taller than me, very thin not muscular, and wasn't very good looking but he was nice...and creepy..but i didn't wanna be rude as his way of walk and speech told me he had a medical problem.. i needed to be understanding of his situation...even though he followed me around like a pup the last couple of days..
ashley came up to me after class was over and we sat down to talk for a bit.
"so what's goin on? i heard from Jeremy that someone in our dorm is messing with you?"
ashley was a sweet girl short and stalky but with a pretty round white milked skin and cristal blue eyes. she wore her hair in a bob, her bright blonde hair swept across her small face.
"ugh...yeah..i get the feeling she hates me from day one..i can't seem to get a word in...and at night she talks on her phone til 2 am..i barely get sleep...and she just talks shit every day to me...i just wanna go back know..."
she looked at me and thought for a moment. then looked away "well maybe miss jané can switch you rooms? its worth asking?"
i sunk into the bench
"i guess...ill talk to her tonight after roll call.."
i went into the dorm after dinner and found our new roommate and the other two talking it up really happily. they were laughing and having fun. " sunshyn what's been going on? i have people coming up and asking me if you're okay?" Elizabeth said after she stopped laughing. "oh yeah nothing really i just gotta get a couple studies done to find out what's going on just don't tall anyone about it."
"oh yeah, i had people come up to me too lately asking how you were i sai" "YOU BETTER NOT BEING TELLING ANYONE ANYTHING! THAT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS! DON'T BE TALKING SHIT!!" she screamed at me. "i didnt..i told them i didnt..really know anything..." "F*UCKING BETTER BE SAYING NOTHING JUST SHUT THE F*CK UP AN STAY OUT OF THE WAY" she walked over to our new roommate an started to whisper angrily at her.
'looks like they've become good friends....' i hiccuped and walked to my bed zoning out...trying not to show any emotion.
After she left i curled up in bed and whimpered one else was in the room.
i went back out for dinner and ran into Jeremy. he started talking about random stuff but my mind was in chaos. i didn't pay any attention.
"miss jané...(whimpers)"
"what's up with you alzi?" she said as she motioned me to the chair and locked her door.
"i don't want to be here anymore...can i quit?..."
she looked at me shocked
"why what's wrong? what happened?"
she asked with a very concerned look on her face
In an instant my shoulders fell and i lowered my head into my chest amd brought my hands to my eyes. i whimpered slowly as my muffled tears fell soaking my arms.
she stood up in alarm petting my head as she flew into a panic. "oh no baby girl! oh no! what's going on?!"
"miss jané i just...i just want to go home...i don't want to go back into my room...i don't like it here...i only keep getting in trouble...(hic) i (hic) wanna goes(hic hic hic) home..." she could barely understand but made out a bit. "did something happen again in the room?" she asked
i calmed down a bit and managed to tell her what was going on. she looked at me in a weird way.
"i think you're over sensitive i don't think she meant for it to sound that way but i can talk to her for you or we can all talk together and mediate all this? how's that?.." she said sitting back up from her chair
"i rather not talk to her..."
i hid my face in my bag.
"okay that's alright ill talk to her for you tomorrow get some rest you don't have to stay for role call tonight." i thanked her and went back to my bed eyes swollen...and exhausted mentally.