Nicholas stood by the entrance to the family balcony and managed a sigh. Mother instructed us to join my so called fiancée and her entourage in their every meal, as courtesy to them. She held a talk a day before their arrival and she said that they should not find out that we are different from them. That we are vampires. Well humans are easy to fool. As long as they don't see anything wrong they won't suspect you of anything. Mother made each of us swore that we will do as she says and BOND with them. But what for? She knows that marrying Lady Vega is just an experiment to avenge my fiancés death.
"I believe that you will fall inlove with her, Nicholas. So I expect that you invest some of your feelings toward her. I know no one can replace Merrielle in your heart, but at least try. For me." My mother's voice echoed in my head.
"Morning, Nicholas." Riviere uttered in silence as he saw me.
"Morning." I replied.
The Dela Vega's instantly went quiet and faltered. What the hell is wrong with them. They seem on edge everytime that I'm around. It was as if I was a bad person being judged by unseeing people. But then again, wasn't my plan evil after all?
I hesitantly went to sit to the only chair that was availableand oh boy would you believe thatit was next to Candace and Shanara? What a coincidence. I looked at Clover questioningly.
He just smiled smugly. Bastard. Him and his old habit.
I sat down heavily and stared at the food randomly. I noticed that Shanara and her siblings for entourage are enjoying the food. I felt pain in my heart when I remembered Merrielle in this very room. Eating her food while I patiently wait for her to finish. And then we would go to the garden and she would tend to some funny nonsense and....
I shaked my thoughts away and focused on the present. I can't deal with painful thoughts while I was with them. They might suspect something.
"We need to talk." I looked at Shanara in the eye and I instantly regretted my decision. She seemed startled at my untimely approach as her eyes widened. I felt electricity shot through me as I staredat her brown eyes. It overwhelming and unreadable yet I felt naked at her stare and I took a breath before finally breaking eye contact. "After your meal," I slowly added. "I'll be in the office."
I stood up and made a quick bow before leaving.
"I should go," Shanara said to no one in particular.
"Okay. We'll be around though. We want to show ourselves around the place. We dont want to sulk." Carlisle said after wiping his mouth.
"Sure." I stood up and started walking. "Wait, didn't you have things to plan like, for the wedding?" I asked.
"Momma Loveland has is it in for us. She went out and already did the plan and we can't say no. She seeems excited!" Golden beamed. Tss she's just happy that she can go on snooping around the place with nothing to do but be lazy.
"Really" I stammered. "Then what was the use of my helpful entourage?" I smiled and crossed my arms.
"Well, shes gonna be our momma too ans we respect her decisions," Vivienne smiled nonchalantly. "Im sure we will approve of what she has in mind. So go."
I cant almost believe of what I was hearing. Three days ago they were almost livid that I was about to marry. But now here they arw, calling Mrs Loveland, MOMMA LOVELAND. I felt like laughing hard at the irony and I did. I waltz out of the room laughing sarcastically.
"Don't mind her, she acts weird sometimes." Gavin scrathed his head. "Come on let's get a tour!"
"Can I come, Father?" Candace asked.
"Sure, Darling." Mr Loveland smiled at Candace. "Go get your coat though, its chilly outside."
Candace silently obeyed and went out of the room without a word. They sure dont talk much.
"We'll go ahead father, see you outside." Clover and Riviere then followed Candace.
Mr Loveland then gestured us to go out and we headed for the door.
Meanwhile Shanara inhaled a deep breath before raising her hand to knock on the office's wooden door. And when she did she was not surprised that it opened before her before she could knock.
Nicholas stood facing her his face unreadable.
"Come in" his voice didn't sound inviting at all.
I followed silently. I admired the simpleness of the room. No special something that is eye catchy, knowing that he has a rich family that has a good reputation.
"Nice office." I commented and attempting to have something to talk.
"Yeah. I want to keep it simple." he said absentmindedly. "Sit down".
As I sat down facing him, I was trying hard to stay focus as I felt his uneasiness wafting out through him. His demeanor was very different, the exact opposite.
"Im sorry about what happened at the press. I didn't want to make a scene. I was just desperate to make you say yes.." he fidgeted.
"But why? I mean why me?" the way he said those words confused me. He said it so sincerely but his aura was screaming lie. This was the reason whybeingan empath is such hard work. The untruthfulness was choking me.
"I've been watching you from afar for a year now, Shanara, and I've been magnetized by you, not by your beauty but by you. You do things with love and everything that you touches bows down to you. Not because of your power and wealth, but because of your effort and love in doing it. "
I couldn't believe that I'm hearing this from Nicholas, I wanted to believe him, my heart told me to believe him, but my brain fired out questions that even my heart wouldnt understand.
There are two things why you dont trust someone: you know them already, or they dont know them that's why you can't trust them. Now which one is it right know.
Nicholas inhaled and I stared at him warily.....