why? we answer !
we are owner of the house .
( what? professor, if they are real owner . Yes, Allina right professor).
why?all of you three seeing each other and what? discus in your mind.
Nothing , answer my question who are?? professor replied.
what are you all doing at this horrible forest?
Camila! i think they are criminals . And they want to kill us. When, i said go then run fast understand Paul and Camila!
okay, okay!
1,2,3 , go, run fast . No, we don't run why?
turn your face back.
aa....aaa..monster . come into the house or else all of you killed by a monster.
noooooo...monster capture aharon
what? oh no? what? we do!
All of you don't come outside ! no...no...no... professor open the door . Monster kill you.
don't worry i can go and help aharon , please.
professor jiang saw a bracelet which shines very magically, when jiang want to touch the bracelet, the bracelet automatically attached to the professor jiang's hand.
oooo..... what is this?
professor see monster comes close to you.
professor Jiang's hand automatically produce fire and all of his hand covered with fire.
Kwan understand that the professor jiang have fire power .
Kwan shout professor use your power for attack on monster .
okay... jiang attack and kill monster and protect aharon.
everyone shocked that what happens???
Kwan how? you know that this is a magic bracelet?
aa..... actually I saw this in fantasy movies so..., i only guess.
ooo....h.....kwan hesitantly replied .
look ! back , Camila said .
what is this? what happened?
a giant shadow with bright light saw and it's light is so bright that's why everyone's eyes automatically closed because of this very bright light and everyone freeze, time stops.
who are you?? . What? you do with them. why they freeze , Kwan said.
only she is not freeze and saw the shadow which after sometime converted into an old man.
oh! my dear finally i found you. I'm angel from heaven.
what? angel? what a joke? huh....hu...
kwan , if it is a joke than it also joke that you have most powerful magical book , am I right!
how you know??