Sooo guys my other friends are going to be saying goodbye and that's sad because I feel like they my family so even though we won't be seeing each other again it's just so oooo sad for me like one of your family members are slowly died and it hurts like your having a hard attack ughhhhh this is a true story ok no joke we are always going to be the greatest grade in history the grade 4 Madrid /Milan even though I'm not ready to say goodbye to my best friends and BFFs but I already now that this would happen but its soooo so oooo sad like do you know what I'm trying to say or feel like saying goodbye but not seeing them we where all the best no one could take the other one and not the others no one can get left behind I'm imagining the future like if one day they will forget the others and the scholl will be down and if you pat them they won't even know who you are and that hurt me I won't get the friendship that we all had like when we forget something we all shared and if we had performance me hold each others hand so the other will not get nervous and if we forget to put on some make up or forget to do your hair they got your back even though I might not go here in the future I will never forget the fun of having a Big family like them they gave me warm hugs If I'm sad they talk all night if you crush reject you and if your bored at home they call you that's the best thing ever so that's the end of grade 4 Madrid / Milan...