Chereads / BlackMoon / Chapter 122 - The Festival of Blessings (II)

Chapter 122 - The Festival of Blessings (II)

"So it's true, the dragon has been sent by the Goddess. To save us from the wretched monsters!"

The citizens were getting a little bit to stir crazy for me when I spoke the Goddess name. They started to huddle towards me with their hands outstretched in the hopes of touching my scales.

On the other hand, I stood there completely frozen, unable to move for fear of hurting them. These people looked really fragile under my large, lumbering body. Just a simple flick of my tail, I swear I could kill them in one hit.

Even a simple poke and I would impale someone in half. Such thought made me shudder as I kept my claws hidden and my tails wrapped closely to my body. No way am I going to make a blunder of killing people. Who in their right mind wants to make enemies in my own home? Nope, I'll play nice for now and keep watch on what these people would do.

"Thank you." The small girl sniffled. She was about to go back to her mother, but I stopped her.



"Take this with you." I magically summoned out two special potions that I have been concocting for a test trial. The first one was a purple potion the size of an adult fist, while the second one was clear and half the Purple Potion size. I opened my hands and stretched it out towards her.

The little girl's eyes became wide in confusion.

"The purple potion is an Elixir. It will heal both your health and your mana pool. The second one is called a Panacea. It should heal any ailments. Be Careful for the Panacea is potent and can't be retaken for another seven years. If you do, it will kill them." I quickly explained to her. "This is a test product from the Wonder Shop, so I don't have anymore."

The little girl gasped. Her hands shook with excitement. "T-t-thank you!"

People exclaimed in shock when they saw the little girl holding a very precious item that hasn't even been introduced into the market. This was indeed a monumental information, especially to hear that the Wonder Shop was creating two new products that could become widely sought after.

I was using this chance to advertise Wonder Shop a bit more. The amount of gold I'm raking in as a shareholder is astronomical, and as a dragon, I wanted more.

"Don't worry about it." I turned towards Duke Jeremy. "Duke Jeremey, please escort the girl home. We don't want any unfortunate event happening. Please make sure her mother takes this drink."

"Absolutely." Duke Jeremy nodded. He motioned his guards to follow behind him, and both the girl and the Duke left the premises.

The people were buzzing with excitement at the news of the Wonder Shop and back at me. They all wondered what connection I had with Wonder Shop to be advertising for them, but I didn't say anything and instead let them form their own ideas. The more I listen, the crazier it becomes.

They were some who gossiped on how I was some kind of messiah, others stated I might be the Wonder Shop Mascot because of their memorable logo, others believed that I could be the owner herself. In which case, it wasn't far off the mark, but still, I kept quiet.

Small kids and even brave teenagers ran up towards me with wonder, their tiny hands brushed and patted against my thick scales, making me slightly shudder. Having people pet me wasn't something I was ever going to get used to, especially since I do like my own personal space, but I didn't do anything drastic right now.

Though one of the young boys actually had the nerve to reach up and tug at one of my scales. Without even realizing how quickly I turned, I scared the little boy. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." Smoke erupted out of my nose, making me look intimidating.

"I-I-I'm sorry!" The little boy scampered away back into the crowds, disappearing like a whisk of smoke.

"Be nice." Phil patted me on my rear, making me flinch. I hissed at him for patting my butt. I'm not sure if he realized that my butt that his hand just patted. "What?"


"Did I do something wrong?" His beautiful face tilted to the side, telling me that he didn't understand what I was fussing over.

I stopped myself from bursting out my agitation in front of so many people and instead reeled it all in. Right now, I needed to show my good side. GOOD SIDE. Yep, this is too difficult for me. I rather throw a couple of tantrums and blow off steam by working on my new creations rather than rolling around in my dragon form. It's just too uncomfortable with all these gazing eyes that didn't leave my side.

With a sigh, I slowly got up. I should just hurry up and get this over. What could possibly go wrong in walking in my dragon form, right? Wrong! Such thoughts need to be stamped out of my mind, or something terrible will happen, and I don't want anything to do with it.

"Let's go." My words sound like a hiss.

"Right." His hands brushed up against my side and trailed up to my shoulders, where his hands stayed there for a moment. I shivered at the light touch and twitched. This damnable Demon Lord! He's doing it on purpose!

"Do you mind if I ride on your back?"

"You want me to be your horse?" I snapped.

"Calm down, don't get your panties in a bunch. I was going to either walk with you or get a ride from you to keep you company. I thought a familiar presence will help you stay calm."

I sighed. Phil did have those moments when he was thoughtful. Maybe I was too harsh. I'm guessing that he saw how tense I was, so he offered, though the thought of having him ride my back wasn't something I would want right this moment. Still, his company would be appreciated. Strutting around in the large city by myself is something I really don't want to do alone.


"Fine, to which one?"

I furrowed. Should I let him? Or should I just make him walk and see him running after me with that long leg? It would be kind of funny to see him running next to me, trying to keep up, but then again, Phil might have some sort of magic that helps in keeping his pace. So right now, there really isn't a win-win situation.

"Fine. You can ride on my back."

"Great! That will definitely help with your image that you're friendly."

"And if I said no?"

"Nothing really. I was trying to bring a different feel, you know?"

"I guess."

"Well then, give me a moment." Phil scaled onto my back effortlessly.

The people gasped at Phil's bravery and watched with awe. Is it really that amazing to see Phil scale my back? It's just riding on a dragon. I snorted at their reaction, thinking it was kind of amusing. It made me wonder what else would amuse these people.

"Time to go, Berry." He ushered me forward.