Chereads / BlackMoon / Chapter 94 - Festival (II)

Chapter 94 - Festival (II)

Suddenly ghostly blue lights turned on all around us. A strange metal scraping sound could be heard from the side. I whipped my head to see a man tied up to the table. A scary, rated R scene was happening before me as the person was supposedly getting dismantled by a doctor. Screams could be heard, erupting from the man's mouth that all I could do was stare in a daze.

The lights flickered on and off until finally, the scene was gone. Instead, the resounding sound of the man's scream echoed in my ears. I could feel the bile rising up inside my stomach, and I turned away, ready to hurl. Test of courage? This should be a test of holding in your barf!

Even more horror movie scenes were played out as we continued to walk through the darkly lite passageway. Raven was not phased a single bit by the grotesque scene. Right now, she looks like she was just taking a normal stroll in the park, while Crow, on the other hand, seems to be shaking just like me.

Instead, he grabbed my hands into a fist and shook. Yep, I definitely don't want to be here, watching such a nerve-wracking scene. If I hadn't been through the terrible goblin invasion and tore through body limbs, I probably would've run out screaming at the top of my head. From the looks of it, Crow didn't seem like he had experienced such a grotesque scene before until now.

All I could do for him was feel sorry for him, I, on the other hand, was half closing my eyes not to see such disturbing scenes. Torture was something that I didn't want to see or ever go through. Who would?

"L-let's k-k-keep going." Crow stuttered. He gripped my hands harder.

"Are you sure?" My face was green. I wasn't sure, going through any deeper was worth five gold coins anymore. It was already a miracle that I didn't throw up by now.


All of a sudden, a ghostly female apparition popped up in front of Crow.

"Gaaaaah!" He jumped backward in fright.

The ghost swept through the air and went past Crow. Crow froze up and paled, unable to move. "I-it went through me!"

I nodded, understanding what he meant. Ghost was also not my specialty either, but the special effect here was perfect that one would've thought these ghosts were real. That's what I had to keep reminding myself, right? Oh no, it's coming back!

The ghost swept, flew upwards in a shrieking voice, and flew back down towards Raven. Raven didn't move and instead seemed to sigh. Her hands rose up in front of her. With a flick of her wrist, she smacked the ghost across its face as if it was nothing.

"Are you seriously going to be such a fool, brother?" Raven's voice became deathly cold as she gave him a disapproval. "We didn't come here to play."

"Y-you just smacked a g-ghost." Crow was amazed at his sister's courage.

"Are you an idiot? That was an illusion magic, you should know better than that."

"Illusion magic?"

"Oh, come on. I know you're a muscle brain, but seriously? Let's get on with it."

"Wait. Wait. Can't I enjoy a little bit more of this date?"

"Date?" I confusedly stared at Crow.

"Yep." His grin split into a smile, showing his teeth. "I thought hopefully you've jumped in my arms in fright."

"Quit fooling around. If not, I'm going to start!" Raven rushed forward towards me. She struck a deadly strike towards my neck.

I was able to move just out of harm's way, though a small red streak of line appeared from where she struck. My steps didn't falter, I would've been able to fully dodge the attack if it wasn't Crow's hand that was still holding on to me.

I yanked my hands backward, trying to pull out of his grasp, but he fell towards me. Cursing in my head, I grabbed his shoulder and stopped him in front of me to block from his sister's attack. Luckily Raven didn't attempt to harm Crow at all and tried to maneuver around him.

Using every little fighting skill I had, I tried my best to use Crow as a shield. I knew it wouldn't last long, but this gave me enough time to yank my hands.

"Oh no, you don't." Crow grabbed me from the front, hugging me into his embrace.

"What? Why are you doing this?" I squirmed hard. Everything was just happening way too fast for me to understand quickly what was going on. Raven was trying to hurt Crow and me…I wasn't sure what his purpose was, but I put my bet with his sister.

With a sharp intake of his breath, he breathed in my scent. I felt a sickening shiver run up and down my spine. Was this possibly a rape case too?!

"You smell nice."

My hands balled up into a fist. Magical energy was swirling around my hand, changing it into a scaly dragon claws. I knew that magic control was horrible in my human form, but for some reason, in my dragon form, I seem to expertly control it without too much trouble. The problem was that the jump between one to the other body made it difficult to control my powers. I had to be eased into it to fully grasp my magical power.

Ice started to form around my dragon claws, and with a quick punch, I aimed directly at Crow's face. I wasn't going to get killed or rape today!

Crow let go before my fist could contact his stomach, jumping backward a good couple feet away. Raven leaped over Crow's head with a black energy sword over her head. I don't know how she was able to jump with that dress or where that sword came from, but she did it flawlessly.

My scaly iced hand made contact with Raven's sword, causing a strange clashing of familiar energy. I didn't like this at all, but it was the best that I could do. Changing into a full dragon form here and now was a terrible idea. I didn't want to scare off the residences of this city, the best option right now was to escape.

Dancing out of harm's way, I dove forward towards the rate R scene of death and gore before me. My body passed through the illusion as if it was nothing, and I ran. I wasn't going to stick around these two crazy heads any longer.

"Where are you going?" Crow chortled with glee. "Our date is not over~."

"You're nuts! I don't date a rapist!" I yelled back with such a loud shout that I was surprised where such a gruff voice came from.

"Rape? What are you talking about? It's a date!" Crow dashed behind me and was getting closer and closer until finally, he was side-by-side.

I really needed to improve my speed and fighting abilities in my human form. This was genuinely pathetic that my fighting skills were so low. Reality was harsh, and I was not a genius fighter. The best I could do was jumping around dodging and putting in a couple of hits and kicks. Magic was not my forte in my human form either, and my dragon form right now appearing in the middle of the city was a very bad idea.

"Brother, please focus on killing her!" Raven's hand glowed with magical energy. "Eagle's claw!"

A burst of black energy of a giant bird claw shot forward towards me at rapid speed. My hands quickly went into my pocket as I threw a high-level C magic stone in front of me. "Barrier!"

The words activated the magic stone, and a pure blue light appeared before me, covering my back from getting shredded. With a swift but powerful attack, the black claw broke through the barrier, cutting the power in half. Even still, the magic came flying my way without stopping.

My dragon hand raised up in front of me as blue balls of ice appeared. In that instant, the ball of ice shot forward, striking the black claw from causing me harm.

"I thought so. She's the one! The dragon that we heard about!" Crow was excitedly saying. He jumped upwards, and a magical black rope formed in his hand like a lasso, casting it towards me. The rope came falling down around both my arm and waist.

I was not fast enough to break away from the lasso and was caught by Crow. Twirling around so that the rope was wrapped around me, Crow stepped backward and pulled.

I used the momentum of the pull and jumped forward. I did a perfect spinning kick that landed squarely on Crow's stomach, making him reel backward in pain and stumbled onto the ground.

"Useless, brother!" Raven seethed in annoyance. Her hands took the rope from Crow's hand and roughly pulled me towards her. I spun around in a circle from the sudden yank and stumbled from the dizzying effect.

With a sickening thud, Raven's hand snaked in around my chest. I swear I thought I heard my bone snap, and intense pain followed after. Falling over onto the ground in pain, I felt a threatening aura from behind me.

Raven viciously stomped downwards towards my back in the attempt to dislocate my spines. My instinct saved me just in time by rolling out of harm's way. The throbbing in my chest made me cringe, but it eventually faded away. I was glad that my bones didn't break and were quite sturdy.

With a harsh tug, the roll was halted, and before I knew it, something hard hit me in the back of my head. Once again, I was welcomed with unwanted excruciating pain, followed by bright white spots dancing in front of my eyes.

All I could do was fumble around, trying my best not to get hurt and stay conscious. My instincts were in overdrive, helping me dodge three-fourth of the strikes and kicks. The other one-fourth connected through, giving me a rough beating against my body, until finally I pulled up an extensive amount of magical energy from my core and blasted it outwards.

The ground froze over, large icicles formed, covering all around me in a protective barrier. The twins jumped out of the way and stood far away from me in alarm. I could now use this chance to gather up the magic as fast as possible before they could attack.

"Why are you doing this?!" I yelled out towards them, trying to stall for time.

"Why not?" Raven replied angrily. "You attempted to kill our father. So before you even kill him again, we'll kill you first."