Chereads / BlackMoon / Chapter 92 - Legendary Artifacts (IV)

Chapter 92 - Legendary Artifacts (IV)

"Do you think she'll be alright?" Don whispered low. Trying not to wake me up, but he didn't know I was awake. I didn't want to open my eyes yet. I quietly listened to their conversation.

"Yes, the young mistress had a slight fever from that rough ordeal. I am thankful that she is alright. Her energy has stabilized and is slowly returning. I never seen this happen before." Coco replied worriedly.

"You don't even know what's happening? You're the maid, aren't you?"

"Yes, I am. Tart, Moca, and I have only been next to young mistress for a short period. We don't really know much about her past." Coco's voice feels strained. She was gently wiping the sweat off my head with a towel.

"So, you know nothing about her background." Phil's voice cut through the quiet catching me off guard. I didn't expect that he would be here either. The last thing I remember was seeing him, holding onto Laurel's hilt, when it burst into black flames.


"Not even a single clue, huh.…" Phil thought it over.

"What are you going to do with the sword?" Don asked.

Wait, Laurel is still out? I tried my best to open my eyes but felt like weights were hanging off each eyelid. I was finally able to open them up and slowly turned my head towards Phil. It took a lot more effort than I thought just to do a simple task.

"Berry?" Phil spoke gently with worry.

"Young mistress." Coco gasped as she held up her hand, covering her mouth. "Young mistress." Tears gently fell.

"I'm alright." I weakly spoke.

"You look horrible." Don dryly chuckled. "I've seen you in bad shape before, but this just tops it all."

"I feel horrible too." I couldn't help but croak out those words. My eyes traveled around, trying to find the Legendary Weapon Laurel that I last saw in Phil's hand. It finally saw the sword, leaning next to Phil by the chair that he was sitting. "What is Laurel even doing out?"

"That's what we would like to ask you." Phil crossed his fingers and placed it on his knee.

"Did you get chosen?" I couldn't help but feel a bit threatened now. Phil has the Dragon Slayer.

My throat tightened, and I gulped.


Damn. Curses were flung around in my mind like a hurricane. The one thing I wanted not to happen was giving him Laurel, the Dragon Slayer. This is too coincidental. He was given the one thing that can kill me, and he was the Death Flag that heralds my possible end made it ten times worse. A horrible sinking feeling could be felt in the pit of my stomach, and all I could do was wish that the weapon would just disappear.

A flash of black light erupted around Laurel and turned into a small orb. It suddenly flew towards me and disappeared. Everyone stared at me in disbelief.

"What just happened?" Don broke the silence first.

"It's been called back." Phil softly spoke. His hands were gripped to the side as he clenched it tight. "Did you?"

"Did I what?"

"Recall it?"

"I think so?"

"You think so? You're not sure?"

"I just wanted it to disappear..."

"That would probably explain it."

"I'm sorry?" I had a mix of expressions. Happy that it was not in Phil's hand but was not sure if what I did was the right thing. Laurel chose her master, and I could already feel Laurel's pull to come out back into Phil's hand.

"Well, it's no problem, actually. There is no point in using it now. There isn't any dragon to slay at the moment." Phil had said casually as if it was not a big deal.

"Would you slay me if I go crazy?" I couldn't help but ask.

"I'm not so sure. Honestly, it depends on how bad it gets."

My lips twitched at his response. It wasn't a definite answer, stating that he would kill me while there was a chance that something could happen. Unconsciously, I slipped a tendrils of chains around Laurel, trying my best to keep it at bay. It was already a struggle in itself to keep it quiet as it raged even harder. Not only that, Laurel was actually siphoning up my powers as if it was charging all of its lost energy. Shakily sitting up, I tittered for a moment till I stabilized myself.

"That doesn't sound so reassuring."

"Look." Phil leans over. "It's not going to be the first option I use to stop you. I have my morals, and I don't feel as if you are a threat. Honestly, I would try another method first, and if all else fails, yes."

I was quiet. All I could do was keep myself from not holding my breath in too long. I had to breathe, but the stress from his words made me very uncomfortable. Damn. Thinking about all this made my head hurt.

"I won't call for Laurel. So don't worry." Phil tried his best to reassure me, but it only gave me a slimmer of ease. Instead, when he called out her name, I felt a forceful tug that made me have to reel the weapon in. Biting my lips, I tried my best not to show the strain on my face as I battled to ease Laurel. "Though it makes me wonder, can you use them?"

"No." I flat out denied. I knew now that I had no say in the usage of the weapons. Not one of them listened to me, and all of them stayed silent as if they were dead. They even siphon up my energy like a starved child, making me weak.

Every one of them had a heartbeat of their own as if they were alive. Each slowly becoming stronger and stronger. Honestly, I felt like a magical storage space that holds items. "I'm a damn outlet," I mumbled underneath my breath.

"Outlet?" Phil asked, confused.

Don understood but didn't say anything.

"Never mind. Forget it."

"Are you upset that you can't use it?"

"I wouldn't say I'm upset because I can't use it. I'm more upset that I'm being used as a power source and a container. I don't understand what's happening and I need an answer. Why is this happening to me? What did I do wrong to deserve this?" I gripped the edge of the bed, rolling up the blankets in my hand.

"Calm down."

"I am calm. I'm very calm." I could feel my emotions raging at me, telling me that I shouldn't contain this for too long, but I knew it was a bad idea to let everything out in one burst. "I decided. I'm leaving."

Don face scrunched up in disbelief. As the other stood there, confused.

"Young mistress? Why?"

"Why the sudden change? You need to slow down and take a rest."

I shook my head. "No. I'm going to search for my origin. I need answers, and staying here isn't going to help me." Pulling back the covers, I placed my feet on the cold floor.

"I'm going with you," Phil spoke. I turned towards him, wondering why all of a sudden. "I get the feeling you will need me, and I need some answers as well, though right now, I believe you will need more rest. You don't look so good."

I waved my hand in front of me, telling him that I was fine. Then I turned to Coco. "Coco. I leave this castle to you. I know I've only been here for a couple of days, but I expect you to take care of this place. I know you will do well."

"Young mistress, I am happy that you see me so highly, but are you sure you want to leave so soon? It's already noon, it would be best if you are all recuperated for tomorrow."

"No. I'll leave today. Staying cooped up in here makes my brain rattle with more questions than answers. One more second laying down, and I think I might go crazy."

"I'm going too." Don cut in. He was set on the following.

"What about classes, young mistress? Do you want me to cancel everything?"

I felt a weight on my shoulder. I realized I promised the twins that I would stick around and help out with teaching and, at the same time, learn a bit more about magic. My mediocre ability wasn't even considered intermediate. I only knew a handful of magic spells, and the rest were instinct.

"We might want to plan this a little more, Berry. The Black Gryphon is still out there roaming around," replied Phil, trying to dissuade me from doing something stupid.

"I didn't think about that." I sighed. There was a high chance the Black Gryphon was still out there with the intent to do me more harm for stuffing it in a crystal. "Then a change of plan. I might be able to get a question from someone."


"A guy name Elcro Ragnessia. I met him yesterday when I was running away from you."

"Running away from him?" Don pointed towards Phil. "Did he do something to you? Maybe something naughty?" He gave me a snicker.

I didn't answer and tried my best not to get embarrassed. With the best straight face I could muster, I spoke, "He's from the Divine species."

"Divine!?" Both Coco and Phil spoke out at the same time.

"Divine? Why did you both shout at the same time? Is there something wrong?" Don asked with curiosity as he stared at both of them back and forth.

"Divine..." Coco was uncomfortably shuffling around. She didn't seem happy.

"How did you meet him? Did you get hurt?" Phil spoke first before Coco did.

"No, but why are you so nervous? Everyone in this city thinks that we came back from Divine's Country, so they probably think they're a couple of them roaming around. Seriously what's the big deal?"

"Young mistress. You need to be wary around a Divine being. They aren't to be easily trusted. When they speak, they may mean something else entirely. Plus, they are considered the most powerful species in existence. A human doesn't compare to a Divine."

"You make it seem like they are monsters."

"Well, in a sense they kind of are. The strongest of their kind personally went head-to-head with the other Legendary Creatures in the past, but they weren't able to kill the other five. One Divine soldier equals over 1,000 human soldiers, and to kill them is really difficult."

"They're that strong?"

Coco nodded.

"Are they an aggressive species?"

"No. Though they are quite a mysterious group of beings. Compared to the elves, they live the longest, and they're even more exclusive and secretive. So far, there hasn't been a single Divine walking outside of their Kingdom. They don't like to mix themselves with the other species."

"Apparently, he knows who I am. I'm going to talk with him and possibly leave with him."

"Are you serious? You're just going to up and leave with a stranger?" Don asked with disbelief. "Haven't your parents ever told you not to go with a stranger?"

"I know. I'm careful. You're both going with me, aren't you?"

"Yea, though, the thought of a Divine working with us sounds dangerous," I said. "It's a simple in and out."

"Simple my ass. Nothing is simple around you."


"It's true." Don shrugged.

"He got the point." Phil doubly agreed with Don, making me feel a bit slighted. It wasn't my fault, but that damn title brought trouble at every bend in my life.

"Look, how about this. We stay around the city a bit longer. Meet up with him and get to know him before we leave."

"I'm cool with that," Don replied.

"That would be the best way to go." Phil nodded.

"Okay, then let's go find him."

"You know where he is?" Phil raised his eyebrow.

I went silent for a moment, realizing what he meant. "No." My shoulder slumped. I ran away from Elcro, so for sure, I wouldn't know where he lived.

"Where did you meet him again?"

"At school."

"Then that's our answer." Don snapped his fingers.