Chereads / BlackMoon / Chapter 87 - Sizzle, Pop, Blush (IV)

Chapter 87 - Sizzle, Pop, Blush (IV)

My name is Elcro Ragnessia. I have been in search of Myrin Drakel for the past twenty-seven and a half years. Searching far and wide, and even going to the Forbidden Lands, my goal was to confirm whether she was alive or dead and where she has been.

Twenty-five years ago, I heard a rumor that a white dragon had appeared in one of the Beast-kin cities: Roland. Supposedly, this dragon had fought an epic battle with the Black Gryphon of legend, creating destruction within the surroundings. Roland's town was devastated to the point where half of their city was destroyed, but two-thirds of their population was saved because of the interference of the White Dragon.

My only thought was that this could only be Myrin. She was the only white dragon in the existence of the Drakel family. No other dragon came close to as pure white as Myrin.

When I heard this news, I ran straight over to Roland's city to gain more information. I followed where they were last seen fighting. Arriving at the location, destruction was apparent all around the thick Forest, but I was too late. There were no traces of the White Dragon except for her white, bloodied scales, mixed in with the black feathers, the broken trees, and where she had fallen.

Searching through the environment, I found two sets of footprints. The first was near the black feathers. An adult size shoe print led away from where the dragon fell. I found it strange that this footprint led the opposite direction, heading back towards the Beast-kin city: Roland.

The next was the second pair of footprints that seem to be the size of an adult male. What I did

find out about this footprint was that it was much lighter and almost difficult to find. Only elves would leave behind a practically untraceable footprint unless you knew what one was looking for, no one, but I would have found that second pair.

The elven footsteps led out towards the Human Kingdom, I found that every step that this elf took, there were heavy traces of blood that seemed to be splattered on the forest floor. For an elf, he made a careless mistake of leaving behind such apparent clues, which made me realize that there could only be one reason.

Myrin was hurt badly, and the rate of blood that was scattered on the ground was heart-wrenching. I desperately ran after the dried up blood even if it was a couple of days old, I needed to know if Myrin was okay. When I finally came to the entrance of the Forgotten Forest, I stopped.

Was she really in here? I could not believe that I so easily dismissed the thought that there could be a chance for her living in this Forest. Even if this Forest was known to have dangerous monsters with strange fluctuations of dark energy that put me ill at ease.

I had no time to think, I needed to make sure that Myrin was okay. She had to be, mainly because of the desperate footmarks of the elf running. A couple of times, I noticed a large amount of wind magic was used to quicken his footsteps. The amount of power this elf used was considered astronomical, I could even still feel the lingering effect of the elf's power. It was so potent that even I could tell that the caster was a male—a very powerful one at that.

But from my memory, there were not many powerful elves with such high magic density, it was not just one magic this elf used, but multiple that I never thought was even possible. Elves were only known to mix up to two elements, not three or even five. Not only that, but they were also no elves living in the Forgotten Forest. They knew that living here was dangerous. The Forest did not 'speak' with them, so they had no choice but to leave, but before me were eleven tracks that led deep into the Forgotten Forest.

Quickly, I followed after it, hoping that I was not too late. It didn't take long before I came across a giant, black wall that seemed to cover endlessly into the sky. Green maneater plants dangled all across the wall, making me feel uncomfortable. I knew I could not just hop over the wall without getting tangled with the man-eating plants. I didn't want to die, but I saw that the footprints did go past the walls.

There could only be one answer; there was a way in, and I was going to find the entrance. I searched high and low, but so far didn't find a single hint. I desperately wanted to go in and in and find Myrin. I would even thank the elf that saved her life. I almost gave up until I heard a strange rumbling like sound and saw the black metal doors open.

I couldn't help but stare at the strange scene before me. How was it that the door just opened? I didn't know, but I ran through, hoping that I would not be locked out if I dally too long. No one came out or went through after me. It was almost as if the door just opened only for me.

Without a second thought, I continued to run until I finally saw a small village in front of me. I couldn't help but stare at the strange construction of houses that I had never seen before, but even still, I kept on going through, trying to find Myrin. I finally came to the foot of the mountain and saw a looming castle that's been majestically integrated with it. As I got closer, a beautiful red-haired maid came out, stopping out in front of the castle gates.

"Halt!" The maid yelled. "Who are you and state your business!"

"I'm just a traveling passerby. I heard that someone lives here. I am looking for someone if you don't mind me asking."

"Who would that be?" She wearily looked towards me.

"Her name would be Myrin. She has reddish hair, adorable cute cheeks, eyes that are two different colors, and quite a fiery spirit."

The maid frowned, and her lips twitched. "We do not have anyone by the name of Myrin."

"Really?" I could tell that this maid was not telling me everything that I wanted to know. I get the feeling that she was hiding something from me. "That would be too bad. If you do see someone of that description, please tell me. I'll be staying around the town for a while."

"I will." The maid gave a false smile and bowed. She turned around and went inside the castle. The gates closed with a loud bang.

I too didn't stay long, I got the feeling that I wasn't welcome here at the castle. It was a strange feeling as if the castle, itself, was alive.

For the next few months, I slowly settled into the village. It was quite a fascinating village, where new concepts and buildings that I have never seen before sprung up like flowers--from supposed apartments, bathhouses, sewage systems, and even schools. They were even constructing a giant Academy in this fertile land. What was more astonishing was the magic lamps and low-grade level God's Potion and Magic. These people here call them Red and Blue potions, and it has become a famous brand made by the Wonder Shop run by a Beast-kin.

What was quite unusual was their crest, it was a White Dragon. It took a lot of digging around until I was able to get a description of the actual owner. Surprisingly enough, the owner had the same specification as Myrin. Not only that, but she also lived in the castle.

I started to stick around and signed myself up with the Adventurer's guild and started working. They were quite easy hunting missions, but at times a difficult commission did come through, in which case I played along and joined with a group of Adventurers.

"Hello, Mr. Ragnessia." An Adventurer named Anna came up to me with a brilliant smile.

"Hello, Anna. How is your team doing today?" I gently smiled down towards her. She blushed red and averted her eyes.

"They are doing well. I wondered if you are joining our team today to go and put down the rampaging Scaled Beast outside the walls."

"I was thinking about it." I scratched my chin, thinking about what I should do.

"You should come with us."

"Are you sure? I've only been with you guys a couple of times."

"I don't mind. The others have seen you fight and think you are a great addition to our team."

"Really? Then if you don't mind. I would like to join, though I have to say you guys are the first people that I've actually gotten to know in this town."

"Hehehe. Mr. Ragnessia, I wouldn't mind being your friend if you don't mind."

"Sure, though, I would like to be called Elcro rather than Mr. Ragnessia. It makes me sound so old."

"Sure!" Anna smiled elated. The other four Adventurers came forward. They were Sun, David, Hiroto, and Sara. Sara was the healer of the group. Hiroto was a magician with his black robe and staff, while Sun strapped on a bow and a short sword. David and Anna were the warriors fighting on the front line with their swords, but David was the vanguard who took most of the beating with his shield.

We went outside the town walls and started our hunt. When I first met them, I was quite surprised that Anna would take the initiative to fight on the front line, there weren't many women out there who would fight as a swordsman, especially someone quite decent looking like her. Her blood lust was a bit nerve-wracking. Her sword skill was superb, and even her speed outmatched every one else except me.

David would draw in the Scaled Beasts by banging his shield to catch their attention. Sun would then shoot arrows at the strays that would divert a couple's attention away from David. Hiroto cast a large scale fireball that left a pitch-black Scaled Beast in one hit.

Honestly, I would barely even do any work except dart in here and there to stab at the monster in hand. Our party was quite balanced, I didn't have to show off my full strength and instead fixed it to match theirs. So far, not once did I have to exert more than I should.

"Elcro," Anna called out. She was covered in blood like usual.


"I was wondering.." She fidgeted in her bloodied armor, casting her gaze downwards. "Are you an elf?"

"Well…" I didn't want to tell her that I wasn't. My race didn't like to interact with other species, and we do have a similar resemblance to an elf. "I'm part elf." I lied.

"Then, are you half like Phil?"

"Yes, I'm half, but who is this Phil?" I didn't care if I lied to this young lady. Secrets were best kept hidden, and a Divine race like me, running around on human territory, always brought trouble.

"Well, he's a half-elf like you, and he always seems to stick around Berry." Anna was frowning.

"This is my second time seeing another half-elf around here. Are all elves beautiful like you?"

"Um...I'm not sure what you mean?"

"What she is saying is that she wants to date you." Sara bluntly spoke out as she walked up next to her. "She thinks you're hot, and I don't disagree."

I was quite amused at Sara's bluntness that it was a refreshing feeling.

"Sara!" Anna stomped her foot in frustration as she turned red.

"What? I know you would never ask him out by your character."

"But still!"

Sara shrugged. "So, do you have a girlfriend?"


"Really? Then do you have someone you like?" Sara asked slyly and looked towards Anna.


"You do? Who?"

"A young girl that I have been searching for. She had been kidnapped against her will, and it is my job to bring her back."

"Wait, are you into lolicons?" Sun came over with a chuckle. "Wow, I should've known there are guys like him running around here too."


"What he's saying is that you like little girls." Anna frowned. "You don't do you?"

"I wouldn't say I like little girls, she is the only family member that I have left, and I love her dearly even now." Sadness gripped my heart as I glanced downwards. I felt ashamed that I lost the young girl I have taken care of since she was little.

"He said, love. Wow. Both you girls are out of luck. He's into family members." Sun chuckled.

"Shut it, Sun! You make everything so twisted!" Anna punched him by the shoulder.

"Ow! That hurts you, brutish woman!" Sun rubbed his arms.

"You deserve pain."

"Tch, this is why I hate girls."

"This is why I hate your guts." Anna stuck out her tongue.

"Well, that is a different story than what I was going for." Sara sighed.

"What were you asking for?" I tilted my head in confusion.

"Someone who you will eventually marry."

"Marry? My kind doesn't marry."

"Wait, Elves, don't marry?" Sara said in shock. "This is the first time I ever heard of this."

"Like I said, I am just half an elf. Through customs are like the Divine Race."


"Yes, the Divine culture partners up with a powerful partner through business, politics, or the benefit of creating a strong child. Our lives are long, so we don't mate often. In my culture, the person who wishes to partner up with someone will bring a rare Moon Flower that grows only once a year. The receiver decides to choose if they want to go forward with the partnership."

"I see," Anna spoke softly. She was thinking about something in her mind.

"Well then, it seems our job is done. I'll once again see you around."

All of us parted ways and years past on. It was a simple life.

One day, Anna came up towards me in the middle of the night. We were sitting on the roof

watching the moonlight.

"Elcro." Her footsteps were soft as she came closer. She sat next to me with a smile on her face.


"Do you like sitting up here staring at the moon?"


"Why is that?"

"Because it reminded me of the night when she disappeared."

"Ah, that's actually depressing. You shouldn't think so deeply about it."

"I can't forget. I have been given the task to find her, and it is my life mission till I do, even if she is dead, I must bring back the message."

"No luck, huh?"

I sighed and nodded my head side-to-side. These were one of those nights when my mood was heavy, and the memories were still thick with sadness.

"Well, um..." Anna fidgeted.

I turned around, curious about what she was fidgeting around for.

"I have something for you." She blushed red and brought out a white Moon Flower towards me.

"Would you accept?"

I stare down at the flower and back at her--the Divine's custom for mating. It's been ages since someone had brought up a flower; even then, there were not many who I considered healthy.

Only once did I take the flower, and the rest I have pushed away, saying no.

The sacred Moonflower that held a deeper meaning than sharing one's genes. A holy message that was filled inside the flowery petals that would show you the child's outcome will come from the union and the possible future that it would bring.

Reaching over, I placed my hands on the flower and closed my eyes. I felt a rush of powerful energy streamed outwards from Anna through the flower and towards me. For a human, she had powers that were uniquely hers that I have never seen before. It didn't compare to the first mate. The image of a young female child that came to mind as clear as day. Her soft features that took after me, and the eyes and lips that took after Anna.

The image of the girl was powerful and strong. She was standing beside a male with blue and green eyes with soft features, holding hands-- a unique being. Just as suddenly as the image came, it disappeared in a flash.

"I would gladly receive the flower." I took the Moonflower and crunched it in my hands. The pure white moonflower juice squeezed out from my hand, burning it red. I raised my fingers up to her forehead and drew a circle with the dot, in-between her eyes representing the agreement.

I took her hands. Anna turned scarlet red as I leaned over and gave her a gentle kiss. For the future. My mind hummed into numbness as we fell into each other's embrace.