Chapter 28 - Blame

"It wasn't like it was intentional. I think you just somehow found a way there in your dreams, or he was just searching for the right victim with the right amount of terror, and he" Kaden said quietly.

"But...MY nightmares brought him here. I thought those things in my head were supposed to stop me from oing back there." I could feel my face getting hot.

"Rue, they were meant to keep you from going on YOUR abilities. In fact, they probably dragged you in when he wanted...well, a snack..." Kaden sighed.

"Great, now I'm a freaking monster meal too." Hot tears were gathering in my eyes. I couldn't tell if they were tears of rage, guilt or something else. Kaden took two quick strides towards me and grabbed me in a bear hug.

"It was not and IS NOT your fault that you have been used like this. You did NOTHING. WRONG." Kaden tried to console me, my head was pressed into his shirt front and I stiffened involuntarily at the contact. Kaden quickly let go and backed up with his hands in the air.

"I'm sorry, you must be pretty upset at our kind right now, and not not want anyone to touch you. I want to assure you, I will be upholding my end of the agreement, no manipulation or feeding unless given permission." Kaden said quietly. I turned and walked towards the living room, Kaden followed at a respectful distance.

"How bad are you, really?" I stopped and asked him abruptly.

"What do you mean?" He feigned innocence.

"You're not even in my head right now. That's an almost unconscious act for you, keeping tabs on our thoughts. How hurt are you, really?" I repeated, examining him. "It's bad, isn't it?" Kaden closed his eyes and exhaled slowly.

"It might take me some time to recover. He said on exhale. I frowned deeply and grabbed him by the arm.

"Let's get you in a seat before you fall down." I told him, tugging him towards the living room. Brie was still on the phone, making exasperated faces at us while waiting for replies. I made toast and offered some to Kaden and Brie, and then waited for her outburst once she was off the phone.

"Son of a B*TCH!" She yelled on cue, waving her toast around. "This company has GOT to be the LEAST organized thing I've ever seen. There is a record of the shoes up until the package was placed in a pallet, then all trace of them disappeared. They don't know which pallet number, or which truck, they can't tell me a delivery date because-and I quote 'without knowing which truck the package is on, we can't tell you an estimate of the time of arrival.' I've about had my fill. They're supposed to call back in an hour. In the meantime, I need coffee.... And to call someone about that mess." Brie said, now waving her toast at the boarded up window and heading towards the kitchen. There was a brief pause before her voice floated to us again.

"So, I'm not going to wait around for these jokers to call me back. I say we head over to the new lab now." Brie continued, coming back with a cup of hot coffee in her hands. Kaden nodded his agreement, and started to stand up It was like watching him in slow motion, as he slowly teetered and then fell over. Brie rushed to him and I slipped from my chair onto my knees next to him at the same time.

"Why didn't you catch him Rue?" Brie hissed.

"I didn't know he was going to fall!" I objected.

"But you sure did just sit there and watch it!" She pointed out harshly.

"Hey, he's the one been saying he's fine all day!" I argued back.

"Fine my ass-you and I both know he looks like hell." Brie grabbed Kaden's hand and gave me a hard glare. "Now, are you going to help me help him or not?" She asked.

"Ah hell." I replied, slapping my hand into his other palm. Brie nodded at me.

"Kaden, if you can still hear us, we want to help you. Please take what you need to restore yourself. We're right here. We don't want to see you suffer." Brie spoke to Kaden calmly. Nothing happened.

"Maybe he's too far gone to hear us?" I asked, looking at Brie. Then the room started tilting on me and I realized I was slipping bonelessly to the floor. Opposite me, Brie was doing the same.

"My poor head." Was the last thought I registered before opening my eyes again to see a mist shrouded forest. I could barely see a few feet in front of me, the tree canopies were somewhere above buried in that mist. Everything was completely silent.

"Well this isn't creepy at all." I grumbled to myself looking around.

"Rue? Kaden?" I heard Brie's voice echoing around me through the mist.

"Brie, I can't tell where you are but I'm here!" I called to her.

"Oh thank God, I was afraid I was alone." Brie answered. I still couldn't tell where the sound was coming from with it echoing all around me like that. I started walking towards the loudest echo, hoping for the best.

"Rue? Where are you?" Brie yelled. Now the sound seemed to be coming from a different direction.

"Brie-don't move. I'm going to try to find you." I answered.

"How did you know I was moving? I'm trying to find you." She replied.

"Just a lucky guess." I mumbled, then yelled "Seriously Brie, stop! Your voice keeps changing directions." I glanced around me at the tall dark trees with the mist clinging to them in an impenetrable barrier.

"Fine. I'll just stand here then. I'm standing by a huge tree." She said sarcastically. "Should I say Marco or you?"

"That's actually not a bad idea." I giggled, then stopped abruptly as I almost ran into a tree. "Damn this fog!" I stumbled around for a few more heartbeats.

"Brie, I need you to say something." I called. "Brie... BRIE? Sing, cry, scream, do SOMETHING!" I was starting to panic. "Marco!" I yelled

"Polo." Said a voice directly behind me. I turned, swinging at the voice behind me in reflex.