We arrived at the murder scene my father's house. The house looked empty even though I know my cousins and my aunt with her husband's accompanied my father. The carpet was maroon with stains on it. I past the first living room to go to the next living room. There it was,the chair my father would sit on. But you could see blood on the chair and on the wall behind the chair. "Oh my god..." Mike whispered. I looked to my left which was where the body was. Hmmm it looked as if he didn't die at the moment of being shot. "How do you know he was shot?" Mike asked. "Well the form that the blood splattered I assumed he was shot." I responded. Mike than lifted the bag off from the body bag. He had multiple wounds on the stomach and one to the head. But once I looked closely I could realize he was shot by two different guns. One a shotgun to the stomach and a .55 with a silencer to the head. "Alright man I think I have seen enough take the body." I said calmly. "Yeah man sure thing." Mike said sympathetically. Creeaaak, the sound of a floor board creaked could be heard behind me. I looked behind with a quick move with my gun on hand. "Daddy what's going on?" Dasiy spoke innocently. I quickly motioned Mike to cover the body. "Oh my God Daisy you are so big!!" I spoke to her with a soft voice. "Nothing is going on, daddy's just making sure everything is ok." ,I responded, "lets go with mommy?" "Yeah." Daisy answered. I let her go up ahead of me while I stayed with Mike. "Hey, don't close the street down nor my house." I asked Mike. "Wait why the hell would you want that." Mike said suspiciously. "Well when we first came to the house there were no signs of a break in right?" I asked Mike. "Yeah..." Mike said confused. "Meaning that the murder was made by someone who lives here or with someone with keys. So if I stayed here I could investigate." I answered. "Alright man." Mike said worried. "Thanks." I thanked him. I knew the first thing I had to do was talk to my wife. Than I would get straight to the investigation.