After coming back, Sia tells him to sleep for some time, and send him in the guest room, while she also goes to sleep, she is now in a relaxed mood, so she falls asleep, she wakes up after 2 hours with full energy she quickly take bath and comes downstairs, to her surprise everyone is present, only Arnav is not, she goes to check on the guest room and find out that he is still sleeping, she checks his temperature and found out that he has a mild fever, she comes out quickly and tell Udhav.
Udhav is quite surprised because isn't yesterday they fight, then when he comes inside, he call Doctor and asks Sia what happens, Sia tells him in short what happened.
"Why you don't leave him, Sia, not because he is bad but because you are not perfect for each other, he is not your soulmate," he says, because he previously heard the term from her mouth.