Chereads / The Journey Of The Knights / Chapter 82 - The Help

Chapter 82 - The Help

The bright moonlight shine at his eyes from above the sky, he covered his eyes before realizing the crowds already forming a circle at the middle of the road and all of them looked at Arden and waiting for him to enter the circle.

He rushed inside the circle and examine the surroundings around him. It was a circle, more like an oval formed in the location by the crowds.

Arden noticed the warrior at the opposite side of the circle he is currently at. With his eyes closed and folded arms while holding his arm. Arden could see his opponent make the last preparation for the duel.

Then he noticed something weird, a f*cking chair and tables around the circle, even with servants pouring tea to the cup of the nobles sitting in the chair.

His eyes lit up, and he became mad at them, an arena for fighting is treated as a circus. He loudly said, "All of you are disrespectful to the tradition, treating this duels of life and death as a show!"

All of them stayed silent for a few seconds before burst out laughing loudly. The sound of them laughing could be heard echoing through the street and houses, making it louder.

Arden was becoming madder and madder but remembered he needs to be cool-headed when solving problems, he quickly calms himself down.

But, his opponent is not the same, he was disturbed by the laughter when he tried to prepare his mind for the duel.

This led to Arden's opponent shouting louder than the laughter itself, "All of you disturbed my preparation against this kid! Let's just start this fight early, not like I will lose or something"

Arden smiled, knowing he is facing a man with a temper like that at the moment. He smiled lightly before changing to his fighting stance.

His opponent did the same and unsheathed his sword before throwing his scabbard to the ground. Arden on the other hand, keeps his scabbard loosely at his waist, ready to be used whenever he needs to use it.

Both of them looked at each other right at the eyes before charging into each other. Arden examined his surrounding, but his opponent didn't bother to do it at all. His chance of winning is higher than his opponent.

Even though he knows and understands about the surrounding. Without a perfect move, he couldn't use it to his advantages, 'I need to be patient and find the right moment to use the rock over there!'

He moves his eyes to the rock for a few seconds before retracting it back and noticed a sword was heading right into him. With his best speed, he moved his sword in front of him and quickly hit the incoming sword with his sword.

Right after that, he pushed the enemy with his shoulder and his opponent was taken aback. That's when Arden realized that the opponent is still dizzy from that push from the shoulder and noticed the rock implanted deep into the ground, enough to make a person trip if he is not careful.

'This is the time to use my scabbard!' He takes the scabbard and with his left hand throws it as best as hard as he could.

The opponent was pushed once again. But this time, it's enough to make the big muscly guy trip over the rock. There is a loud thud when the body dropped hard onto the ground.

Arden quickly uses this chance to run toward the fallen opponent and end it once and for all. He was about to stab his sword deep into the heart of their opponent before the voice he heard over and over again said, "Stop!"

He knew it was the Karen; he didn't even need to turn around to see who it is because he is already familiar with the voice. He talks to himself in his mind, "At least I need to check on why she stopped me!'

Arden turned his head back only to find Theo and both of the boys have a sword near their throats. Everyone looked at her was taken aback at this point seeing she used hostage in the duel.

The minority of them have doubt that she has lied to all of them and decided to side with Arden. While most of the nobles smiled and laughed, praise was given for the Karen for using such an underhanded trick.

The nobles give praises and surround herself at the chair while the guards are having a smug face and constantly looking back to see what's happening behind them.

Arden looked if he should kill his opponent or not, after all, it's called "duel of life and death" It's going to be his death or his opponent's.

That's when he noticed Theo smiled at him and gave him a slight nod. 'He wants me to kill this person and break them free from the guards! This plan might work!'

Arden lifted his sword up and stabbed the person right in the heart. At the same time, Theo uses the back of his head to hit the distracted guard and broke free.

He helped the boys and quickly run into the safety of Arden while Arden is running to their direction and covered their back. The nobles that sided with Arden cheered and prepared their swords after realizing Arden was a better option to side with.

By this time, the crowd of wicked nobles noticed the hostages were missing, and the guard was at the ground, still dizzy. They told Karen, and it was their first mistake.

The Karen quickly makes a screeching voice that even the screeching sound from the sword meeting sword lost to her. The wicked nobles realized this, and the noblewomen began doing the same.

The noblemen looked at them for a few seconds before realizing their ear function is more important than a mere alliance. They covered the ears and switch side, not all, but almost half of them.

This led to more screeching as the Karen noticed the wicked noblemen began siding with the right person.

Some of the wicked noblemen that are still at Karen's side began covering their ears.

But, it was already too late to do that. Blood came out of their ear and they began shouting to counter the screeching. That… lead to more sound being made, at this point, all of the people at Arden's place are covering their ears.

That's when a loud voice coming from a different direction joined the loud sound that is being generated by the wicked. It was men shouting, "HEY! HEY!"

They shouted that In a very deep voice while their stomping sound of boots meeting grounds is supporting the sound they are trying to create.

All of the people at the location looked at that direction and noticed it was a group of noblemen. Arden recognized the symbol of the warrior houses worn at their clothes.

He quickly approaches them, and his followers and friend follow shortly behind him. 25% of the normal force used to attack Arden has joined Arden himself.

Once he was close enough, he noticed a familiar being, a small white tiger on the hand of another noble. After he saw that, he quickly said, "You must be the help I asked!"

A familiar person to Arden stepped forward from the groups and extended his arm looking to shake hand with him, "Sir Arden, I'm the Count of Hamsville, nice to meet you!"

Arden looked at that person after hearing the familiar place, "Hamsville" then, he realized he was talking to his best friend he met when he was 14 year old and a squire under Sir Aswick, The Duke of Aswen.

Arden quickly grabs his arm and shakes it full of joy and happiness after meeting his best friend, Ady. His best friend could be seen having the same expression of him, and both of them patted each other back.

After both of them were done, the group of reinforcement clapped and cheered before returning to silence. All of them were ready to confront about what Karen thinks she is doing.

Ady said to him calmly while trying to comfort him, "Don't worry, I'm here, I'll be talking with that Noblewoman. She looked like a decent woman in my eyes"

Arden looked at the Karen before taking a gulp and sighing, then say to his best friend, "Good luck, that person is hard to deal with. Also, be careful, she is the mother-in-law of the king"

Ady smiled at him and said a short, "Thanks" before giving a hand sign to some of the people to follow him. His small detachment from the bigger group is approaching the Karen and plan to talk with her.

A few minutes passes as Ady talk to the Karen. In the end, he came back from the big crowd of wicked nobles that is the follower of Karen with a sad and moody face.

He slowed his pace when he was near the friendly group and loudly says, "All of you, looks like the situation of the conflict is not looking good"

Ady said with a voice low enough so the Karen side couldn't hear what he is saying, but loud enough for his own side to hear. Then, he continues, but this time, he especially faces Arden, "They let you go though"

He ended the words with a smile before repositioning himself to continue his words. "All of you here, there is a possibility that the nobility will be divided into 2, which side you want to join, declare it now, it would be hard to change later"

Most of the nobles at Ady's group didn't discuss it at all and stayed silent. Most… some of them began discussing and Arden could hear them, "The leader of the other side is the mother-in-law of the king, she would be more beneficial for us!"

There are more buts in the discussion between the minority of the warrior house if they should change side or not. In the end, some of the people from Ady's side changed side and decide to follow the Karen.

Ady sighed but knew he can't force them and let them be. While Arden said to himself and not anyone else hears it, "It's more like an exchange, I got some merchants and they got some warriors, mostly fair though"

Both side faces each other, Ady and the Karen look at each other with caution. The tension skyrocketed and Arden thought a fight was going to break out.