Chereads / The Journey Of The Knights / Chapter 45 - Commander Test (2/2)

Chapter 45 - Commander Test (2/2)

He turned his attention from betting back to the fight and see the white team attacking the black team once they are done fighting the brown.

The black was expecting this, but not that fast. Both of them were tired, but now with the element of surprise in the white's side.

The black does not last long, they were fighting back by making a defensive formation. Before getting flanked by the white team that changed their tactic.

From the compact and solid formation to the loose formation, half of them attacking from the front and the other half flanked from the both side.

The tactic was proven effective by them, not even another minute before the brown got kicked out from the fight, the black followed their way.

Now, the 3 last team standing here was the blue, red and the white team. Arden knew the fighting would be the fight of attrition.

With most of the team now tired and can't fight, they would advance warily at each other and examine each other before continue fighting again.

Not long after examining them, Arden decided to left after making the conclusion they would need to rest for a second before continuing the fight.

While he is walking back to the hill, he made the announcement on, he made up at his mind to watch what happened at the archery section.

The one he least interested in for some reason, knowing he is not good at archery either, just better than some normal archers.

At least there is some curiosity left inside him to see if there would be anything interesting or amazing would happen at the section.

He began making his way to the arena once he decided what to do, only to find the truth that the fun fact hasn't even started yet.

The participants still finding a fit place for them to position their self before fighting, most of them split to 2 part in order to find the perfect small area for their self.

While the arena itself is bigger than the other 2 arenas, with many variants of terrain, hill, tree or a big open land for the participants to choose.

Not long after watching the participants advancing, moving across the field and did some small skirmish with some arrows being released from their bow, he got bored.

But not long after the boredom came to him, the first big skirmish started, the red positioned at the hill attacking the purple teams that are positioned on the very small forest with a little to five trees.

The blue teams can't be seen at the field, hiding at someplace. Now, all the attention was for the skirmish between red and purple.

It's not like a legendary battle between legendary archer or something like that. Just a small scale battle between 2 sides.

However, the one that got into the archery know the difficulties and the interesting part about it. Somehow, they are cheering as they watch the participants skirmish each other.

The participant from the purple teams climbed the trees and shoot from the strong branches. Using the leaf as cover from enemy point of view.

Needless to say, the purple won after some time of fighting. They knocked the blue teams from the game without inflicting major injuries, just some bruises that would have healed in the near future.

After they had won the skirmish, they decided to make the small forest to be their little fort and not move and wait for the red team to come to them. This is when the things go south for the purple team.

The red team came to them, but not after they had won the skirmish. But before the purple even occupied the place.

They thought of the same idea as the purple team, but the leader of the red team decided it's not worth it to attack the incoming purple team.

The leader of the red team was not known for his skill at using bow and arrow, but for his knowledge and thinking. The skill to choose the right decision leading to the victory, but never proven his self to Arden.

He told his friend to hold fire and hide in the bush, waited for the right time to ambush the purples and the time has come for them.

They leapt out from hiding and quietly took out the purples at the ground, then pointed their arrows at the one at the trees, instantly taking them out.

All of this was done at the cover of the tree, bushes and shadows. No one was confused once the member from the purple team suddenly walked out from their comfortable little fort.

With the red team following behind them calmly and talking to each other. The crowd confused, and the judge is as confused as the crowd.

The judge rushed to ask what happened and once he learned what really what happened between them. He just goes back to his place and waited to be called by Arden.

Arden burst out laughing before calming his self down and leaving the place and go back to his comfortable little hill to see what happens at the other 2 sections.

He learned that all the fighting is done, and the injured are already at the medic while the victor celebrating at their own place and the judge waiting to be called.

"I announce all the test were done for today, I would expect an impressive skill and loyalty from those who passed the test and for the judge to please come here," He waited patiently for the judge to come.

The judge came to him and they discussed about the test while all the crowd of soldiers talked to each other and talked about the new commander.

At the end, all the victor would be the original winner as none of them did anything against the rule and fought square and fair against each other.

"For Bryan from the infantry, rob from the archer and Haldin from the Acropolos, I'm proud about their skill and wanted to meet them personally here, please come to the hill," The leader of the victor's teams were called and the crowd cheers as the new commanders make their ways to the hill.

Cheers, wave, greeting, patting, high five and more thins were thrown by the crowds. These people, however, accepted them with a friendly gesture like a normal soldier.

They got onto the hill and were greeted by their own lord, Arden. With a smile at his face and his hand reached out to shake their arms.

With all the formal greeting aside, Arden announced that they would be the new commander and gave them congratulations.

"Today, I announce the birth of the new commander at the army, may these people lead the soldiers here to victory for the kingdom!" the crowd cheers became louder and louder.

"For this day, I will take 200 Aurens from the treasury to celebrate this day, we all shall have beer and food at this place tomorrow night!" the crowd cheers became even louder to the point it's deafening his own ears.

"Now… rest for tomorrow cause we will party!" upon hearing this, the crowd instantly knew this mean they are dismissed, and the crowd began to disperse to every direction.

With a smile at their face, talking to their own friends while making their way to the tavern or local pub to do early celebration for the event today.

The newly appointed commander was not as lucky as the normal soldiers as they were asked to stay behind and discuss something with Arden.

"Let's go to my office, it won't be appropriate to have a talk here, judges must come too" They were just starting to sneak away and left the scene to join others at the pub before getting stopped.

"It would just be a small talk at the office and probably won't take long" turned out to be true. At the office, they talked about Maverick…

"Gentlemen, let's talk about something, you might be surprised…" the commanders were confused and Haldin asked Arden about it.

"What is it about sir?" Arden gestured them to take a seat while Haldin asked him.

"I have a squire" their expression were expected, but they didn't say anything and let Arden continue his words.

"I want to put him at the barrack and let him experience the life of a normal soldier, please do me a favour," the 3 commanders looked at each other before answering.

"Will do, sir!" Arden chuckled before continuing talking.

"Yea, now you are dismissed, good night" the commanders looked at each other once more with the face of "only like this?".

They thought it would be super long and time-wasting meeting with Arden discussing about many things that are already good in its own way.

They just stood there with a confused look at their face while looking back and forth at each other and at Arden before leaving the office politely.

The last word from them Arden heard is "thank you" for giving them an opportunity to become someone important for him and useful for the army and country…

Arden sat down at his desk and looked back at his time at the army while he was still serving as a squire under The Duke of Aswen, Sir Aswick.

Remembering his own self at the past energetic and wanted to explore the world, without any responsibilities at his shoulder, unlike the present…