"Um.. Just two minutes more Yan Yan." groaned Wen Mei, irritated by the constant bugging of a person.
Still lazing on the bed, she had no plans to get up before noon, as today was Sunday. Tilting and tossing around the bed, she was getting very annoyed, of someone depriving her of her sleep. Her mouth twitched and she felt some light on her which caused her eyebrows to be knitted, her hand roamed on the bed and as she got hold of her duvet, she pulled it up on her face. Yawning, she again felt into her dreamland.
But the sleep was again interrupted when the duvet was pulled off her, probably by the hands of the person. Now that the sunrays found their path cleared, they directly fell onto Wen Mei's face, slowing heating them. Feeling the rising of temperature, she took a pillow which was kept under her, and covered her face with it, blocking the path of the rays and the constant nagging of the person.