Italy is the worst victim ever to suffer from a virus which has barely any mentions in the microbiology textbooks perused by medicoes all over the globe. China met one of the most disastrous times post outbreak of COVID-19. All other countries are gradually gaining a nostalgic taste of it's charming effects. We have been instructed to avoid social contact with any human, living or dead.
Yet, what are us students supposed to do? Let a 65 y/o lady die in pain, without a trace of empathy to diminish her misery?
Students are the future or so they claim, be it in the medical community or the general field. They saw it fit to deport us back to our respective homes away from our sterile hospitals, away from those patients we greet on a daily basis during our clinical rounds, the source of all our knowledge as future physicians. Yet, are we honestly supposed to hide our faces and flee during such times of crisis? Or are we supposed to make ourselves available for those desperately in need? We may be mere undergraduates, we may not have any idea for real how to treat a case detected with Corona virus. But then who does for real? Afterall there is no definitive treatment till date. However, don't we have the right to volunteer for the screening and help our seniors to accomplish the eradication goals? I agree as postgraduates they are protective of all undergraduates. But how is it fair that they get to stand against novel Corona as the first line defence leaving their beloved juniors out completely?
We all joined the medical community with a singular goal carved in our minds;
To treat each and everyone within our reach,
Without any prejudice or discrimination against caste and creed,
Without any fear of self afflictions or imminent hospital acquired infections that may be followed by death?
We all are unified in that sole approach of ours,
Be it undergraduates interns postgraduates Residents or senior professors.
Then how come they get to exclude us from our lifelong dream,
The one we have pursued for all through the diurnal cycle!
They are fighting against the infection for the sake of humanity with their own lives at stake while we have been obscured from the source of spread!?
All I can do is wish that they are safe!
All of them that I feel indebted to for putting up with my childish antics during postings;
My respected teachers who persevere at being our strict yet patient trainers despite us infinitely failing to execute the desired skills?
I hope we get to meet again and soon.
I hope your eternal ambitions, those noble and courageous ideals pave a way for the future Doctors.
I hope those aspirations of yours can be carried onward by your current mentees without any qualms or regrets.
I guess I can just say,
"See you after a month! Remember to stay safe for your juniors nonetheless. You are not exempted from taking risks at all. I mean we are all rebels by heart and soul, the one string that connects all medicoes! Yet make sure that you are there to treat us when we return back to you! Because we want to be there to treat you too!"