I get out of school and still have time left before i have to to home so I sign up for a gym membership and I start I'm there for at least 3-4 hours and Boyyy was I exhausted, but I was helping my self I pack my stuff and ride home and on the way home there is a McDonald's and I was going to go but I had self control and thought that was all not for nothing. I get home to see my mom,sister, and brother and a cooked meal. I eat but not as much as I would normally my mother tolled me to continue but I had to argue I wasn't that hungry. I go to my room and a few moments later my sister walks in and whispers " I know why you didnt finish your food !" I throw my pillow at her and yell "GET OUT" I go to bed and have a really weird dream it was about me but it didnt look like me it was the pretty me the me I wish I was and I loved it that was more motivation for me to succeed!! I sleep..