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Colourland Series 2: Bird's Isle

Crayon and his friends are invited on a vacation but it is not quite what it seems. King Bobby and his advisors are there.

Chapter 1 - Colourland Series 2: Bird's Isle

Chapter 1

The Vacation

The group arrived in Bird's Isle, they got their belongings and they met one of the advisors.

" My name is Curtis " said the advisor.

" Hello, Curtis " they all said.

" I am glad to see that you are here, we have two limousines ready " said Curtis.

" We will drive to the castle right now "

" The others will see you there "

" Sounds great to me " said Crayon.

Crayon, Colourea, Colouruke, Artby and Warbler will ride in this one here " said Curtis. " Challenger and Crayon travel in the other one.

They got into the seperate limousines. Curtis drove the one that Crayon and his friends got into while another driver drove Challenger.

Meanwhile Crayon and his friends were talking with Curtis.

" Crayon, the king is very proud of you " said Curtis.

" King Bobby knows about the Bear ? " asked Crayon.

" He knows of what you did to protect Colourland against them " said Curtis. " Bird's Isle and Colourland are allies but you probably know about that "

" Allies ? " asked Colouruke.

" Are they against Numeria or other countries ?

" Numerians are a people that King Bobby knows about " said Curtis.

" As well as the advisors "

" Numerians are a strong nation like Bird's Isle and Colourland "

" Strong nation ? " asked Colouruke.

" Numeria, Bird's Isle and Colourland are all strong nations " said Curtis.

" You will hear more about this later "

" We are happy to have you in Bird's Isle right now "

" Glad to see you are happy to have us here " said Colourea.

" Yes, we love what you did against the Bear " said Curtis.

" They are a dangerous gang "

" We trained hard and we are able to take them down " said Warbler.

" Warbler, I know you made a difference " said Curtis.

" Blackburnian tells me about your fighting "

" Yes " said Warbler.

" He will be thrilled to see you " said Curtis.

" We are here, so let's get out of this limousine "

The limousines arrived at the castle. They were met by several people working for the king who then brought them inside the castle.

They were checked into this part of the castle with beds that were very nice.

They all went to bed and slept.

They got up and were served a special breakfast. They enjoyed the breakfast where they were introduced to the advisors: Curtis, Diana, Blackburnian, Lord Grackle, Salvador, Paula, Draco, Rourke and Queen Starling.

" Warbler, long time no see " said Blackburnian.

" Glad to see you " said Warbler.

" I'm glad to see you brought your friends here " said Blackburnian.

" It will be good to meet them "

" The King should arrive here any minute now " said Queen Starling.

" He is excited to see you all "

" Yes, he will be for sure " said Blackburnian.

" He is a great king " said Curtis.

" You will love King Bobby "

The King arrived and introduced himself.

" I am King Bobby " said King Bobby.

" Crayon and his friends have shown tremendous bravery and they kept Colourland safe "

" Colourlandish people are thrilled that the Bear is gone "

" They caused so much trouble "

" It is great to see " said Queen Starling.

" This is a special occasion "

" Proud of my brother " said Blackburnian.

" Thanks, Blackburnian " said Warbler.

" I see that Warbler has been in good hands " said Paula.

" Warbler has impressed us "

" He most certainly has " said Salvador.

" It is great to see " said Lord Grackle.

" We also have to remember Challenger " said Draco.

" He has led them tremendously well " said Rourke.

" Yes, he sure has " said Diana.

" Now, we will talk about us " said King Bobby.

" Well yes " said Diana.

" Queen Starling and King Bobby is one example "

" Me and Diana " said Blackburnian.

" King Bobby, is war with Numeria now likely ? " asked Curtis.

" Well " said King Bobby. " The thing is that we are not likely to invade Numeria right now but it is likely we will fight against Numerians at some point "

" These wars can end up doing a lot of good for a nation " said Lord Grackle.

" War does a lot "

" Right now ? " asked Colouruke.

" Colouruke, you must be ready for anything " said Paula.

" Colouruke will turn it around " said Salvador.

" Bird's Isle wants him to fight " said Diana.

" Yes, for sure " said Curtis.

" Colouruke being able to fight is important "

" Yes, it really is " said Diana.

" Colouruke, you must understand " said King Bobby. " Colourland and Bird's Isle are allies, Curtis told you about it "

" Numeria has a lot of resources " said Lord Grackle.

" It's nothing personal but you have to understand why Bird's Isle will side with Colourland " said Queen Starling.

" Colouruke knows, I think he feels that he might not be ready yet " said Curtis.

" He will be able to do it " said Blackburnian.

" This is the time to believe in Colouruke "

" Ready ? asked King Bobby.

" King Bobby, have you had this problem before involving anyone fighting ? " asked Diana.

" No, I have not " said King Bobby. " Plus I am the king, so we should be fine here "

" King Bobby is great, we cannot let this type of thing tear us apart " said Curtis.

" Colouruke will overcome this and he will fight "

" He has to for the sake of Bird's Isle, that is necessary "

" Bird's Isle needs his fighting " said Lord Grackle.

" Yes, it is vital " said Rourke.

" Anyways, we encourage you to all train your abilities " said Queen Starling.

" Yeah, getting stronger is important " said Paula.

" Yeah, these Numerians are strong so we must be ready " said Rourke.

" Yeah, being stronger is a must " said Draco.

" We will do training " said Challenger.

" Is there a special training ? " asked Crayon.

" You will all hear about it soon enough " said Draco.

" It is great, tough training " said Rourke.

" Sounds great to me " said Artby.

" Bakers would want us doing this tough training "

" Bakers do like that "

After all of that, the five fighters were talking outside.

" They want to invade Numeria ? asked Colouruke.

" I wonder if they want us to fight " said Crayon.

" It wouldn't surprise me if they did " said Warbler.

" I am hoping not " said Colourea.

" I am not sure " said Artby. " We should meet the bakers here, I cannot wait to see them "

" I love bakers so much "

Well we could have some bread " said Colourea.

" I am curious if the bakers here could make us heroic in other ways " said Artby.

" There could be other ways of baking here, bakers are always a huge help "

" Yeah, let's go " said Warbler.

" Warbler, you will experience baking now which is great " said Artby.

" I am now getting an opportunity to see bakers in Bird's Isle and try the bread that they are baking "

" Baking means so much "

The five of them went to this bakery and ate some good bread. Artby thanked the bakers and he was glad to see bakeries outside of Colourland.

The five of them went somewhere to train. Crayon then used his Air Implosion against Warbler's Sky Implosion. While that was happening Colourea and Artby used their Light Implosions. Colouruke used the Quintuple Sea Strike. They kept practicing these techniques. After that, they were using their Blast moves.

Crayon used his Ultimate Wind Blast against Warbler's Ultimate Sky Blast. Colourea and Artby used their Ultimate Light Blasts while Colouruke used his Ultimate Sea Blast. These attacks were hitting with a tiny bit more power than last time. They then headed off to meet with Challenger.

" Challenger, we have been training " said Crayon.

" Good to see " said Challenger.

" Bird's Isle might invade Numeria " said Colourea.

" I hope that King Bobby will not use you five to fight " said Challenger.

" I am not sure what he plans "

" I hope so, too " said Colouruke.

" He seemed pretty certain on this war "

" For the time being we should make sure to see what they are up to now " said Warbler. " My brother Blackburnian is an advisor of King Bobby, so he may know "

" We should also introduce you to Dove and Grackle "

" Grackle ? " asked Artby. " Isn't he one of the advisors "

" No, this is a different guy " said Warbler.

" That is Lord Grackle "

" Let's meet them " said Colouruke.

" Sounds good to me " said Warbler.

" Let's go " said Crayon.

The six of them headed to meet them.

" Glad to see you two " said Warbler. " Challenger, Crayon, Colouruke, Colourea and Artby this is Grackle and Dove "

" Hello " they said.

" So Warbler, what happened in Colourland " said Grackle.

" Well we fought this group called the Bear " said Warbler.

" I'm glad that the Bear were defeated " said Grackle.

" We ate so much bread " said Artby. " The bakers have helped us a lot "

" Baking does so much for us "

" Bakers, what type of help Artby ? " asked Grackle.

" Bakers have helped us fight better and have kept us heroic " said Artby. " Grackle, have you noticed anything like that ?

" Nothing like that " said Grackle.

" I am hearing about this war " said Artby.

" We will have to see if King Bobby will change his mind or not, it is up to him " said Grackle.

" I hope he does " said Warbler.

" Same here, bakers could be hurt " said Artby.

" I would hate to see that happen "

" Not to mention what could happen " said Challenger.

Crayon, Challenger, Colouruke, Colourea, Artby, Dove, Grackle and Warbler headed outside and saw Blackburnian.

" Warbler, there is something you must know my brother " said Blackburnian.

" What is that ? asked Warbler.

" You are all needed in the castle " said Blackburnian.

" Curtis wants an invasion of Numeria "

" It is very important "

But why ? " asked Colouruke.

" I'm not sure, but he told me " said Blackburnian. I will join your group and we will fight together "

" We will be strong enough "

" Trust me, we will make it "

" Fight together ? said Crayon.

" If the invasion happens " said Blackburnian. " The advisors must all discuss it, we will decide if Numeria is invaded or not "

" It is more likely that it will happen "

" I'm not sure about this " said Challenger.

" Make sure to not mention that to Curtis " said Blackburnian. " I don't think he would take it well since he wants the invasion.

" The others have interest but Curtis has more "

They headed to the castle, where the advisors were there. Blackburnian met up with Diana, his girlfriend and he gave her a kiss.

Now the advisors have something very important to discuss " said King Bobby.

" The rest of you must be outside that room "

" It is how it must be "

" Understood " they said.

" Good " said King Bobby.

King Bobby and the advisors were talking.

" Well we must discuss the invasion of Numeria " said King Bobby.

" We must find out how many of us want to invade " said Queen Starling.

" I want an invasion " said Curtis.

" I think it would help Bird's Isle "

" Curtis is right " said Lord Grackle. " We could have even better resources "

" Resources matter so much, Bird's Isle needs to be improved "

" More people will love Bird's Isle if that happens "

" That is true " said King Bobby.

" We must have a good strategy "

" We should encourage our fighters to train more while we create the strategy " said Queen Starling.

" That is a good idea " said Salvador.

" They will be even more dangerous to Numerians that way "

" Numerians cannot defeat us " said Lord Grackle.

" So how many of you want to invade Numeria ? " asked King Bobby. "

" So how much to all of you want to invade Numeria ? asked Queen Starling. " You will all just like me give a number out of ten to show us.

The numbers were:

Curtis, Queen Starling 10

Other advisors 9

" So it appears that Curtis wants the invasion a bit more , but we all appear to want it " said King Bobby.

" The training will be extremely intense, war is something that is very serious "

" We cannot have this not be successful "

" This is a war that means a lot " said Diana.

" That is very true " said Blackburnian.

" People in Bird's Isle will be supportive of this war "

" They will for sure " said Lord Grackle.

" They know of the resources they will be getting "

" Our abilities are very elite " said Curtis.

" If they get even better it will be simple "

" I am thrilled " said Rourke. " It is what Bird's Isle needs "

" The resources are said to be good there " said Lord Grackle.

" They will make Bird's Isle so great " said Paula.

" King Bobby, we will not let you down " said Salvador.

" Numerians will fall "

" Good " said King Bobby.

" I know how strong you all are "

" I believe in Bird's Isle and I will never stop "

" Blackburnian, tell them the news "

" I will " said Blackburnian.

" Warbler will fight with us, it will be great for sure "

" Yes, it will be nice " said Diana.

" We are all dismissed now " said King Bobby.

" This war will be great "

" It will be a war that all of Bird's Isle will love " said Lord Grackle.

They left to their seperate areas in the castle. Crayon and his friends then saw Blackburnian and he discussed the meeting.

" We have made the decision, there will be an invasion of Numeria " said Blackburnian. " It was a decision that was agreed by all the advisors "

" Invading Numeria is not something I'm sure about " said Dove.

" Lord Grackle said he wants more resources here so he wants it " said Blackburnian.

" Curtis and the Queen wanted it the most "

" Who wanted it the least ? " asked Crayon.

" Everyone else wanted it the same " said Blackburnian. " We have to fight it is the decision that is made "

" Our abilities will make this not extremely difficult "

" We do have the skills and we can improve them "

" We can refuse " said Colouruke.

" You cannot tell them that " said Blackburnian.

" The King and Queen both want it "

" Not to mention the advisors "

" They will be furious "

" Maybe the King is not right " said Challenger.

" Warbler, my brother I know that you will fight " said Blackburnian. " I know of how capable you are "

" Challenger, the king knows what he is doing "

" I have gotten stronger, but I am not sure about this " said Warbler.

" Warbler, you are so talented " said Blackburnian.

" You will not disappoint us, I just know that "

" You are right on that " said Colourea. " The thing is though, is this a war that is worth it ?

" King Bobby will probably tell us the date soon " said Blackburnian. " You must keep your views secret around the other advisors "

" They will be so angry, they want this war a lot "

" This war is meaningful to them, you must understand "

Everyone went to bed, Blackburnian kissed Diana. Crayon was kissing Colourea.

Everyone then got up, and they were served breakfast.

Crayon and his friends were approached by Curtis.

" So did Blackburnian tell you about what the king decided ? " asked Curtis.

" He did " said Crayon.

" Good, I am glad to see " said Curtis. " Lord Grackle says he wants to expand the resources of Bird's Isle

" What does he have in mind ? " asked Colourea.

" He will see what the Numerians have and he will take it " said Curtis.

" He wants to take what is useful "

" I see " said Colouruke. " Do you know what time the training will start ?

" King Bobby has it planned out " said Curtis. " He will tell the advisors who will tell you "

" For the time being just enjoy yourselves, the training will be very intense "

" We need you all ready to be fighting Numerians "

" Numerians must be taken down, this war means a lot "

Curtis left. Crayon and his friends enjoyed their breakfast.

Chapter 2

The Training

Crayon and his friends went outside and were talking.

" We are going to have to figure out something " said Crayon.

" I don't want to fight " said Colouruke.

" This shit has gone far but if all the advisors were to fight us at once it would be tough " said Colourea.

" I think we should complete the training but not go to war " said Dove.

" That seems like the best idea for now " said Artby.

" I am wondering about bakers "

" I think about bakers so much "

" It does, we can get stronger " said Grackle.

" What are you thinking about bakers ? "

" Baking is so important so I can get stronger for bakers " said Artby.

" Bakers are so useful and helpful "

Meanwhile King Bobby was talking with Blackburnian and Queen Starling.

" The training will start tomorrow " said King Bobby.

" So what training do you have in mind ? " asked Blackburnian.

" We need them to use their Bomb techniques " said King Bobby. " If used properly, they can blow up a lot of Numerians "

" This type of explosion does a lot for Bird's Isle "

" That is something very useful " said Queen Starling.

" War is something that must be taken seriously, so we cannot have people sent in if they are not ready for it " said King Bobby.

" I will let them know " said Blackburnian. " Curtis talked with them this morning and they seemed up to it according to him "

" They must be " said King Bobby. " I will meet with Challenger as a meeting of the two leaders later on "

" We have a lot to do "

" Yes " said Blackburnian.

" Hopefully Challenger will be on board "

" He has to be " said King Bobby.

" He must be for Bird's Isle and not Numerians "

Time passed and then King Bobby met with Challenger.

" Challenger, do you have people in Colourland ready to fight " said King Bobby.

" We will see the situation " said Challenger.

" Colourlandish people will unite with us in this war against Numeria " said King Bobby.

" Crayon will love this opportunity to be a hero again "

" This war is giving Crayon a great chance here "

" Well Crayon has shown tremendous ability " said Challenger.

" Colourea finds him heroic now, could you imagine how heroic she will find him after this " said King Bobby.

" Colourea would be more attracted to Crayon "

" Colourea loves the bravery from him a lot "

" Colourea does love Crayon a lot, but I'm not sure it is the fighting " said Challenger.

" I am not sure about what causes the attraction "

" I am not entirely sure what this has to do with the war "

" Well it is another reason for Crayon to fight, he loves Colourea " said King Bobby. " He will be a hero like he was against the Bear "

" Colourea loved what Crayon did "

" Colourea being happier is good for Crayon "

" Anyways, let me know about Colourlandish people willing to fight "

" I will do so " said Challenger.

" Good they will be useful " said King Bobby.

" They will help Bird's Isle take what they need from Numeria "

" This war is a great war "

" It is time for me to head to the other advisors, it was nice talking with you "

" See you later " said Challenger.

Crayon and his friends went to a bakery when this happened, Artby had thanked more bakers.

" You bakers are so brave, I never forget any baker " said Artby.

" Forgetting bakers, I cannot do out of respect for bakers "

" So brave ? " asked the baker.

" Bakers cannot be forgotten, baking bread is something that can never be forgotten " said Artby. " Flour has made me a better person "

" I feel better as a person thanks to bakers, I love bakers so much "

" Uh, thanks " said the baker.

Bakers are always welcome " said Artby.

" I love eating bread so much "

" Bread means so much "

" Thanks " said the baker.

They left the bakery and enjoyed their bread.

After that, they headed back to the castle where King Bobby was talking to them.

" Blackburnian will lead the Bomb style training " said King Bobby.

" Looking forward to it " said Colouruke.

" He will not take it easy on any of you " said King Bobby.

" Not even his brother, Warbler "

" I would expect that, will be great " said Crayon.

" Good " said King Bobby.

" We must be ready "

" This war is so important "

Curtis entered the room.

" Since that Blackin was defeated this shouldn't be too difficult, I'm not sure about Grackle and Dove " said Curtis.

" We will give it our all " said Dove.

" Blackburnian is one of the strongest Wind warriors out there " said Curtis. " Warbler, you will enjoy getting to learn from a family member "

" That is true " said Warbler.

" Anyways you will need good sleep for tomorrow " said Curtis.

" True " said Warbler.

Crayon and his friends headed up to their rooms and they were talking.

" I am hoping that we learn more about this war " said Crayon.

" Exactly " said Colouruke.

" I talked with King Bobby " said Challenger. " He wants people from Colourland to fight "

" He also mentioned the relationship between Crayon and Colourea "

" Why ? " asked Colouruke.

" He mentioned Crayon being a hero " said Challenger.

" I am happy with Crayon and proud of the fighting he has done but the war is something else " said Colourea.

" Yeah, I am not sure about the relevance " said Crayon.

" Same here " said Colouruke.

" I think the king feels that Crayon is more likely to fight that way " said Warbler.

" Yeah, I believe that " said Crayon.

" King Bobby has talked about Colourlandish people fighting in this war " said Challenger.

" Would Colourlandish people do that ? " asked Colourea.

" I have no idea " said Challenger.

" We will find out "

" This has gotten pretty fucked up but we must continue to learn more about the war " said Grackle.

" Yeah, that is a good idea " said Dove.

" We will have to think of something " said Colouruke.

" Yeah " said Crayon.

" I am not sure what but we will figure something out "

" My brother's training will be something " said Warbler.

" I imagine it will be tough "

" We need to keep training hard and finding out more about this war " said Artby.

" Also we need to keep eating bread, you never know what asskickings we need to give "

" Asskickings are important "

" Important ? " asked Colouruke.

" When bakers are protected by a great asskicking, it matters to give one " said Artby.

" Uh, okay " said Colourea.

Crayon kissed Colourea and all of them went to bed.

They ate their breakfast and Blackburnian went outside for training.

" Today is the first day of training " said Blackburnian.

" We will be using our Bomb techniques today "

Bomb techniques are very useful, especially when used in an area where there will be a lot of enemies "

" You can defeat a lot of people that way which is exactly what we need "

" We must blow up people "

" First we need to see your basic Bomb techniques.

Crayon, Warbler, Dove and Grackle used their Wind Bomb while Challenger, Artby and Colourea used their Light Bomb while Colouruke used his Sea Bomb. The bombs all hit.

" So far Warbler and Challenger appear to be the strongest so far in their respective elemental bombs " said Blackburnian.

Such power by Challenger " said Crayon.

" He's not the leader of Colourland for nothing " said Colouruke.

" Yeah, he is extremely strong " said Artby.

" Challenger has shown tremendous power " said Blackburnian. " Now we need to see your Super Bombs.

" They all used their Super Bombs and they all hit.

" Very good " said Blackburnian. " Warbler has gotten way stronger since he was last here for sure "

" It appears that we have very similar results to last time, the invasion should not be impossible "

" I do expect all of you to live and not die "

" We have that confidence here "

" Now the Ultimate Bombs, if you can use them "

All of them used their Ultimate Bombs, the power was insane.

" It appears that Challenger is the strongest here significantly " said Blackburnian. " That being said Crayon, Warbler and Colourea looked to be quite strong "

" The rest of you did well, but just not quite on the level of the four "

" Anyways, I am glad to see these Bomb techniques hit with such power "

" Keep using these bomb techniques and get them more powerful, these explosions will be amazing in battle "

Artby started talking about bakeries.

We should see some different bakeries " said Artby.

" They could help us out with what the flour can do "

" Flour is extremely helpful "

They went to this different bakery, Artby thanked the bakers for the flour they used.

" The flour you have used in the bread, I will thank the flour and the baker who used it said Artby.

" Thanks " said the baker.

" You are welcome " said Artby. " We must always thank bakers for what they do for fighting "

" Bakers do a lot for my fighting "

" Fighting ? " asked the baker.

" The flour awakens us and it inspires our punching " said Artby. " I am so grateful for bakeries and the bakers "

" Bakers are such amazing people "

" Punching ? " asked Grackle.

" Yes, the flour helps us give great punches, makes the bread taste great and so many other things " said Artby. " Anyways it was great seeing bakers like you "

They got their bread and left.

After that, King Bobby was talking with some advisors.

" Rourke, the training for them tomorrow will be those blast attacks " said King Bobby.

" They need to get them stronger " said Rourke. " I will be glad to do that "

" Good " said King Bobby.

" We need this for Bird's Isle "

" They will be unstoppable " said Draco. " It will be a good war for Bird's Isle "

" It sure will " said Salvador.

" Bird's Isle will do great "

" We must encourage people to protect Colourea from Numerians " said King Bobby.

" That is important to do "

" Crayon will be able to do that " said Salvador. " Crayon loves Colourea "

" Crayon will show his love for Colourea and will fight " said Rourke.

" He does and he will protect her in the war " said King Bobby.

" Crayon is very attracted to Colourea so he will make sure that he will fight "

" Numerians want to take Colourea away from him "

" Some Numerians want Crayon for themselves as well "

" I will discuss the need to protect Colourea when the training happens " said Rourke.

" Protecting Colourea is extremely essential " said Draco.

" Crayon would hate to lose Colourea to Numerians "

" Yes, he cannot allow that " said Rourke.

" It would be a disaster " said Curtis.

" Protecting Colourea is very important "

" Colourea will want to make sure that Numerians do not take Crayon as well "

" Yes, that will be talked about as well " said Rourke.

" That is good " said Queen Starling.

" Crayon and Colourea will make sure Numerians do not try anything "

" Crayon cannot trust these Numerians " said King Bobby.

" They will try anything "

" Yes, we have to be careful " said Rourke.

" Crayon and his friends must know about what can happen "

" Yes " said King Bobby.

" You are all now dismissed "

Meanwhile Diana and Blackburnian were talking.

" Blackburnian, I am glad you led them through the training " said Diana.

" Thanks Diana " said Blackburnian.

" I keep hearing what those Numerians want to do to Colourea " said Diana.

" Why ? "

" I have no fucking idea " said Blackburnian.

" Anyways, Rourke will tell them about protecting Colourea "

" It is something Crayon must do "

" Numerians will take Colourea "

" Yeah, Crayon must be ready " said Diana.

" I wonder if Numerians will try to take Crayon "

" It would not surprise me " said Blackburnian.

" Crayon and Colourea must protect each other "

They ate their supper and went to bed later.

In the morning, they got up and everyone started to talk.

" Good morning " said King Bobby.

" As you know, Crayon and his friends will be doing the Blast training with Rourke today "

" They will do great, we need more of this " said Draco.

" Numerians will shake in fear " said Salvador.

" They will fall to Bird's Isle "

" They are no match for Bird's Isle " said Paula.

" Bird's Isle is so strong "

" The resources will be great " said Lord Grackle. " Bird's Isle will be a better place because of it "

" It is an expansion if you think about it "

" It sure will " said Queen Starling.

" When we are united we are unstoppable, but when we are not it is no guarantee "

" Yes, this unity must exist " said Blackburnian.

" Rourke will also discuss about protecting Colourea " said King Bobby.

" I heard about what the Numerians want to do " said Paula.

" Yes " said King Bobby.

" Numeria must be invaded "

" What we can take will do so much "

" Crayon cannot let Numerians take Colourea away " said Draco.

" That would be terrible "

" Crayon will not allow that to happen " said Blackburnian.

Breakfast arrived and they enjoyed eating it.

Chapter 3

The Training, Part II

After they ate their breakfast, Rourke went with them to head to where the training would happen.

" First, before we begin there is something very serious that needs to be discussed " said Rourke.

" Numerians want to take Colourea away from Crayon, we have ordered people to be careful "

" King Bobby knows about this threat and when during the war, Numerians will try to take Colourea away so keep an eye for that "

" Numerians want Crayon to be with a Numerian instead is what I have heard "

" They will not stop easily "

" You must all be careful "

" There's something I don't understand " said Warbler. " Why do Numerians want to harm Colourea so much ?

" Good question " said Rourke. " and King Bobby have said that Numerians want people to be with a Numerian instead "

" We have urged people to protect Colourea "

" Colourea could be hurt by Numerians, you have to be ready "

" Crayon could be taken by Numerians, which would hurt Colourea a lot "

" Colourea would hate to see Crayon hurt like that "

" Why would Numerians take Crayon ? " asked Artby.

" There are Numerians who are wanting Crayon for themselves " said Rourke.

" This is not a good thing "

" We must prepare "

" Now, let's start training "

" Use your basic blast techniques "

Crayon, Challenger, Artby and Colourea used their Light Blast while Warbler, Grackle and Dove used their Wind Blast and Colouruke used his Sea Blast.

" Very impressive, it seems that Challenger and Crayon had the strongest ones " said Rourke. " Now let us see your Super Blasts "

" Challenger, Artby and Colourea used their Super Light Blast while Crayon, Warbler, Grackle and Dove used their Super Wind Blast and Colouruke used his Super Sea Blast.

" Good attacks here, it seems like Challenger and Colourea were the two strongest " said Rourke. " Now if you can use the Ultimate Blasts, I would like to see it "

Crayon, Artby, Challenger and Colourea used their Ultimate Light Blasts while Warbler, Grackle and Dove used their Ultimate Wind Blasts and Colouruke used his Ultimate Sea Blast. The attacks hit with amazing power.

" Wow, very impressive " said Rourke. " Challenger was the strongest but all of you have gotten so strong "

" Now the implosion is next "

" Implosions are insanely powerful "

Crayon, Artby, Challenger and Colourea used their Light Implosions while Warbler, Grackle and Dove used their Wind Implosions and Colouruke used his Sea Implosion. The attacks were insanely powerful.

" Brilliant " said Rourke. " It appears that all of you have been training a lot "

" It is said there are stronger Implosions "

" Stronger ones ? asked Warbler.

" Wind users should be able to learn the Bird Implosion " said Rourke. " The king knows how to use it and also the queen "

" There is also the Sky Implosion which is stronger than the Wind Implosion "

" I wonder if other elements have those ? " asked Colouruke.

" There are " said Rourke. " Several kings know how to use them " Shadow and Light are stronger than the Wind and Sea ones but weaker than Sky and Bird "

" Thanks Rourke " said Artby. " I would love to be able to use those attacks "

" It takes time, Artby " said Rourke.

" You will get there "

" I will do my best " said Artby.

" Bakers would want that "

" Remember to protect Colourea from Numerians, Numerians are no joke " said Rourke.

" Crayon, you must be ready for any Numerian "

" My good buddy Draco will lead the Strike technique training tomorrow so see you all later "

" Make sure you are ready "

" We will " said Crayon.

" Good, I would expect nothing else " said Rourke.

Crayon and his friends were talking after Rourke left.

" They all seem to believe that Numerians will split me and Crayon apart " said Colourea.

" Do Numerians even want Colourea that much ? " asked Artby.

" They are claiming that they want Crayon "

" I am not sure what to think about these comments "

" I have no idea, but I think they want us to hate Numerians " said Colouruke.

" That sounds about right, these advisors want war " said Crayon.

" Yeah, they do " said Colourea.

" I am not surprised " said Dove.

" Neither am I " said Grackle.

" Anyways we need to be ready for tomorrow's training " said Challenger.

" Yeah, that is true " said Artby.

" Baking will help "

" Yeah, we will keep it up " said Grackle.

" Baking ? " asked Dove.

" Yeah, we use baking to help us " said Artby.

" Baking is so helpful "

" Baking has never let me down in my life "

Meanwhile King Bobby was talking with Queen Starling.

" Challenger needs to send the Colourlandish people in " said King Bobby.

" It will help our chances, plus Colourlandish people will get to fight with Crayon " said Queen Starling.

" They will be honoured to see him fight " said King Bobby.

" Crayon will be a hero again, Colourea will be even happier " said Queen Starling.

" Colourea feels so safe with a hero like Crayon " said King Bobby.

" Numerians want both of them for themselves "

" They are not to be trusted "

" Colourlandish people will see how Crayon has made Colourea so happy and the bravery that his friends have shown " said Queen Starling. " They will want to aid us in the war "

" It is up to them and Challenger right now " said King Bobby.

" It will be a war that is good for Bird's Isle " said Queen Starling.

" It sure will be " said King Bobby.

" Numerians will be taken down "

" Bird's Isle will overwhelm them "

" Yes, we will win " said Queen Starling.

Meanwhile Crayon and his friends ran into Blackburnian and Diana.

Glad to see you all get stronger " said Blackburnian.

" We have been training hard " said Colouruke.

" The bakers have helped us " said Artby.

" Bakers ? " asked Diana.

" Artby says the bakers have helped him fight and made him a better person " said Warbler.

" Better person ? asked Blackburnian. " I have never heard of anything like that "

" Bakers can do it, before the bakeries I was an okay person but now I am a good person " said Artby.

" Well I really don't know about that but I'm glad that you are a good person " said Blackburnian. " I am really proud of Warbler my younger brother "

" He has come a long way "

" Warbler has gotten stronger, I am proud of him " said Diana.

" It would be great if King Bobby lets us fight together in the war " said Blackburnian. " He's a great king but it would be great "

" King Bobby knows what is great for Bird's Isle, he is looking forward to see how well in the war you will all do " said Diana.

" Do you know who is going to fight ? asked Challenger.

" It hasn't been decided yet but Draco will lead the Strike training tomorrow which Rourke probably mentioned to you " said Diana.

" He did, he also talked about protecting Colourea what is this all about if you don't mind ? " asked Crayon.

" Well, word is that Numerians are upset that you are not dating one " said Blackburnian.

" The king has said this is true "

" But why does a country care so much ? " asked Dove.

" Crayon is wanted by a lot of people sexually " said Blackburnian. " After someone is a hero, people have this sexual interest "

" Colourea cannot stand for it "

" True, Colourea cannot do so " said Colourea.

" I get that, but people will have to accept that he is with Colourea " said Challenger. " I don't remember Colourlandish people wanting him like this "

" That is true " said Colouruke.

" This happens to lot of heroes " said Blackburnian. " There are people in Colourland who want him but King Bobby says the number is not as high "

" Perhaps King Bobby will discuss it at some point "

" I don't understand, I am with Crayon, I love Crayon " said Colourea.

" Yeah, I don't get it either " said Colouruke.

" I know but this is how it is right now " said Blackburnian.

" Crayon will protect you from Numerians in this war "

" Not to mention everyone who will fight "

" This will be a war that means a lot "

" Well time has passed a lot and supper is about to be served so we should head to the castle " said Diana.

" Yeah, we should do that " said Blackburnian.

" Let's go " said Diana.

They headed to the castle, had their supper which they enjoyed.

Crayon and his friends went to bed when time got a lot later and they got up and had breakfast. Before breakfast was served, there was a discussion.

" Today, we are doing the Strike training " said Draco.

" They will do great " said Salvador.

" We have lots of confidence " said Lord Grackle. " Give it your all "

" I am very proud of my brother Warbler " said Blackburnian.

" He knows what it means to be from Bird's Isle " said Paula.

" Well he helped stop the Bear so that is something " said Curtis.

" The Bear were a strong gang, but Crayon and his friends were able to stop them " said Challenger.

" Colourland and Bird's Isle are great allies " said Lord Grackle. " They have lots of respect for each other "

" That is for sure " said Diana. " King Bobby has been a great king and has always said great things about Colourland "

" King Bobby loved the history of Colourland " said Queen Starling. " Before Challenger, there was a leader named Colour King but he had a mysterious disappearance "

" Disappearance ? "asked Crayon.

" Yes, he disappeared " said King Bobby.

" You will hear more about it later "

They finished their breakfast and headed out with Draco for the Strike training.

" Now we are going to work on our Strike moves " said Draco.

" Strike moves are very useful for head on attacks, something in the war that will be very useful "

" So now let's begin, we will use our Triple Strikes "

Crayon, Challenger, Colourea and Artby used their Triple Light Strike while Warbler, Dove and Grackle used their Triple Wind Strike and Colouruke used his Triple Sea Strike. The strikes hit with power.

" Very good, now lets see those Quadruple Strikes " said Draco.

Crayon, Warbler, Dove and Grackle used their Quadruple Wind Strikes while Colourea, Challenger and Artby used their Quadruple Light Strikes and Colouruke used the Quadruple Sea Strike. The strikes hit with lots of power.

" Great to see, this will be very useful during the war " said Draco. " King Bobby will be very pleased to see this success "

" Now, let's use our Quintuple Strikes if able "

" They are some of the strongest Strikes out there "

Crayon, Colourea, Challenger and Artby used their Quintuple Light Strikes while Warbler, Dove and Grackle used their Quintuple Wind Strikes and Colouruke used his Quintuple Sea Strike. The strikes were so powerful and hit with intense power.

" Brilliant " said Draco. " Now, this completes the training, you are ready for war against Numeria "

" Numerians must be taken down "

" They are not a joke "

" There is a lot to be decided for the date of the war and the plan that King Bobby and Queen Starling must do "

" Remember to fight hard and protect each other as much as possible "

" No mercy against any Numerian out there "

" Warbler, your brother Blackburnian will be thrilled "

Warbler has gotten so strong now " said Dove.

" He sure has " said Draco. " Make sure you are ready, Numerians are no joke "

" Anyways, I have to head back to the castle "

Draco left.

" I get the sense that the war will be pretty soon " said Challenger. " Colourlandish people have said that many of them do not want to fight this war "

" I don't blame them " said Colouruke. " I don't want to fucking fight "

" I understand " said Colourea. " I'm not sure how we plan to get out of this "

" It will be difficult " said Artby.

" I am not sure of what to do "

" We may have to leave Bird's Isle " said Crayon.

" Yeah, I could see that " said Grackle.

" I'm not sure what King Bobby would do if were to find out about that " said Dove.

" He would be infuriated, if he were to see it " said Warbler. " My brother will not be happy, he says he is looking forward to the war "

" If he finds out we do that, things will get ugly "

" Warbler, do you want to fight ? " asked Challenger.

" I do not want to fight, but the advisors are incredibly strong " said Warbler. " Fighting any of them will be like fighting Blackina or Blackin at least if not tougher "

" It will be very difficult "

" We beat them and are stronger now " said Artby.

" I am ready "

" We should try to hide somewhere " said Grackle. " We should last there until the end, we must stop the war "

" Maybe the bakers know something " said Artby.

" Bakers are so wise "

" They know so much "

They headed to the bakery, where they asked about the war.

" King Bobby wants to invade Numeria ? " asked a baker. " Why would he do that ? "

" Apparently Lord Grackle wants their resources, King Bobby believes that Numerians are trying to take Colourea away and Blackburnian wants to fight in the war " said Crayon.

" Numerians seem to be getting blamed a lot, I don't know a lot about them " said a baker.

" King Bobby with his advisors want war so it is getting pretty serious now " said Warbler.

" Anyways we should eat some tasty bread " said Artby.

" I never get tired of bakeries, so much great bread here "

" I love bakers, I love bread "

" I never get tired of either "

They got their bread and they left.

Challenger got a message from King Bobby just now.

Challenger, do you know how many Colourlandish want to fight ?

Challenger, this war will do wonders for Bird's Isle as you know. Colourea will be extra safe if this happens, you want her safer I know.

Challenger talked about the message he received.

" War isn't going to keep Colourea safer " said Grackle.

" Who knows with him " said Colouruke.

" The number of Colourlandish people isn't that high, he will not be happy but we must accept it " said Challenger.

" I will tell him the number "

" I wonder how much ? " asked Crayon.

" They say about 18 percent of our warriors want to fight " said Challenger.

Mostly some very anti Numerian people and a few others "

" Anti Numerian ? " asked Colourea.

" There are some people that do not like Numerians and want to kill a Numerian but most of our warriors are not like that " said Challenger.

" So, Grackle and Dove if you have to leave here would you want to ? " asked Warbler.

" If it is the only way for us to not be part of the war then we will do it " said Dove. " If that happens we will need to find somewhere in Colourland "

" For the time being we need to know when the war starts " said Colouruke.

" Yeah, we do " said Challenger.

" Let's try to find out "

Meanwhile King Bobby got Challenger's reply and notified Blackburnian that 18 percent of the warriors want to fight.

" How could this be " said King Bobby. " This war will do good for Bird's Isle "

" Well if we do not get that many people, then we really need to be on point " said Blackburnian.

" Crayon will make up for it "

" His fighting will do so much "

" The 18 percent will be useful, I am proud of them " said King Bobby. " Hopefully they will get here soon, we must wait till then "

" Sounds good " said Blackburnian. " They understand what is at stake here "

" They know what it means for the alliance of Colourland and Bird's Isle " said King Bobby.

" They sure do " said Blackburnian.

" This alliance is so great "

" It will never end "

Time passed, Crayon and his friends were notified that the warriors will arrive in three days from now.

" When they arrive we will decide a date for the war " said King Bobby.

" We will be united and we will win the war " said Queen Starling.

" We will protect Colourea the way that is needed " said Salvador.

" Colourea is loved here " said Paula. " What the Numerians want to do to her is horrible "

" I am not going to stand for it "

" It is not right but we cannot let them succeed, it is another reason for the war " said Curtis.

" This war will be a great war " said Draco. " The training that we went through has shown to be worth it "

" It was great training for them " said Rourke.

" Now they are so strong " said Draco.

" They most certainly are " said Rourke.

" These Numerians have resources that we must take " said Lord Grackle.

" Numerian resources will be useful "

" This war will be great "

" I think about what a great war this will be "

Everyone was dismissed. Time passed, then everyone ate their supper.

Before bedtime Crayon was kissing Colourea.

Artby said that he could count on bakers for anything and he was happy that the bakers have made Crayon so happy.

Everyone went to bed. The three days passed. During those days everyone trained their techniques. Artby talked about bread and baking like he usually does.

King Bobby said that the people who would fight would be these people: All of Crayon's friends and all the advisors except for Lord Grackle, Draco and Rourke. The date was tomorrow for the war.

Before bedtime, King Bobby was talking with Queen Starling, Lord Grackle, Blackburnian and Diana.

" This is going to be huge " said King Bobby.

" I will be too strong " said Blackburnian.

" Imagine me and my brother taking down Numerians "

" Yes, it will be great " said Lord Grackle.

" I would fight but the king needs some advisors back "

" Yes " said Queen Starling.

" Crayon has a chance to do a lot " said Diana.

" Yes, this opportunity is important " said Blackburnian.

" Warbler knows what he needs to do "

" He sure does, this war is great " said Lord Grackle.

" I cannot wait for these resources "

" Same here " said King Bobby.

" Time for us to go to bed "

" Yeah, we need our rest " said Diana.

Chapter 4


In the middle of the night, Colouruke and Crayon were talking quietly.

" What are we going to do ? " asked Colouruke.

" We will have to sneak out of here " said Crayon.

" Or we will have to say that we aren't going to fight "

I think we should sneak out, that will be less bad for us " said Colouruke.

" We will have to go out the window " said Crayon.

" We are going to have to leave some of our stuff behind, we won't be able to escape " said Colouruke.

" Yeah, we will have to do so " said Artby.

" Makes sense to me " said Grackle.

Crayon and his friends went out the window at the same time and they headed outside. They left the castle.

" Glad we are out, we need to get far enough away " said Colourea.

" Yes " said Crayon.

They headed to the place that Grackle and Dove were at.

" When King Bobby finds out, he will never forgive this " said Warbler.

" He will lose it "

" We need to get the farthest from the castle on Bird's Isle " said Grackle.

" We will not be able to hide around here, they will send people in "

" Yeah, we aren't that far from the castle here " said Artby.

" I am thinking about the bakeries and what could happen if this war happens "

They took some belongings and left. They started heading towards a place called Bird Port.

King Bobby and his advisors got up and they wondered where Crayon and his friends were.

" We need to start the war " said Curtis.

" It matters so much "

" Should we go without them " said Lord Grackle.

" No, we cannot " said Blackburnian. " We should check their rooms, perhaps they overslept "

" It could happen "

" Overslept ? " asked King Bobby. " War is too important for that shit "

" This war means so much "

" They had better just be in the showers and awake "

" Bird's Isle will be furious about this "

" This is an insult to Bird's Isle if not "

King Bobby and the advisors saw they were not in the rooms.

" I am so pissed " said King Bobby. " Perhaps they are outside waiting "

" Not right of them to do this " said Queen Starling.

" This is not acceptable "

" We need the resources from the Numerians " said Lord Grackle.

" These resources are so important "

" Bird's Isle must have them "

" If they are not here, I will be so angry " said Queen Starling.

" Crayon cannot do this "

" He will end up letting so many people down "

" He will be viewed differently "

They did not see them there.

" That does it " said King Bobby.

" Salvador and Paula go and find them, if they refuse to come willingly then challenge them to a fight "

" I will not tolerate this "

" I wonder who made them do this " said Draco.

" Something seems fishy "

" Maybe Grackle and Dove started it " said Rourke. " They might be there, if they are trying to stop this war then they must be stopped "

" We cannot have them interfering " said Paula.

" This war means so much " said Curtis.

" It is insulting what they have done here, we cannot stand for this "

" The people of Bird's Isle will demand that they are found " said Lord Grackle.

" We must postpone the war until they are found " said King Bobby. " I was looking forward to it so much "

" Our warriors wanted to fight "

" They are upset "

" We thought that Crayon would have been more of a hero than this " said Salvador.

" Same here " said Blackburnian.

" I feel bad for Warbler "

" Crayon has not been heroic here " said Paula.

" Bird's Isle is disappointed " said Queen Starling.

" Exactly, not heroic behaviour from Crayon at all " said Curtis.

" Crayon let me down " said Salvador.

" It is not acceptable "

" I cannot imagine what people in Bird's Isle will think "

" Yeah, people in Bird's Isle are so angry about this, it is unfortunate what happened here " said Curtis.

" Me and Paula will be going " said Salvador.

" Yes, we will go " said Paula.

" Find them " the other advisors said.

Salvador and Paula left, while they contacted several of King Bobby's warriors and they headed to find Crayon and his friends.

A message was sent out:

Crayon and his friends have chosen to not be heroic and fight in the war unfortunately for some reason. We must find the friend responsible for this. We will have no choice but to have them thrown in jail and questioned. We encourage the other friends to not hang out with the individual in question, that is not what is good for Bird's Isle. People in Bird's Isle will be forbidden from hanging out with that friend as well, we will not tolerate it.

This was a war that so many of us were looking forward to, this behaviour is not acceptable. For the time being we are postponing the war until this is dealt with, Challenger must show the proper leadership and tell us who is responsible. The friend that is behind this must be brought to justice and is a disgrace. Bird's Isle deserves better, I am so sorry for this.

Thanks for all your patience,

King Bobby Blackbird.

Meanwhile Crayon and his friends got on the plane to Bird Port and they got on.

The flight should take about 2 hours " said a message on the intercom.

Paula and Salvador arrived at Grackle and Dove's place and they did not see anyone there.

" They must pay for this " said Paula.

" The friend who is responsible will regret it " said Salvador. " King Bobby is so upset about it "

" We may have to fight, if they don't come willingly " said Paula.

" That is fine, it will not be difficult for us " said Salvador.

" We will bring them down "

" Yeah, we will not have a problem " said Paula.

The warriors were searching through the city and could not find them.

King Bobby was talking with the other advisors.

" Paula and Salvador should be able to bring them to justice " said Curtis. " I know that the friend responsible will pay for it "

" We are willing to let the others fight in the war if they promise to never visit the friend in jail " said Queen Starling.

" I wonder who it could be " said Blackburnian. " I know that Warbler wants to fight "

" It cannot be him "

" I know he is better than that "

" I have a sense it was either Grackle or Dove " said Diana. " Crayon fought against the Bear, he was not afraid to fight before he met them "

" I could see that " said Lord Grackle.

" Surely Challenger would have said something " said Draco.

" You would think that he would " said Rourke.

" Perhaps he is not the leader we thought he was, but we must assume that one friend is responsible for the time being " said Draco.

" Yes, that would make a lot of sense " said Blackburnian.

" Warbler cannot hang out with any friend like that "

" This cannot happen for him, I will never stand for this "

" If Grackle or Dove is responsible for not allowing the rest of them to be heroic it is unacceptable " said Lord Grackle.

" This war is very important "

" Yes, it is " said King Bobby.

" They cannot prevent people from being heroic "

" It matters to be heroic "

" This war is allowing that "

" We must think about my brother Warbler and the fact that he is not getting the opportunity to fight " said Blackburnian. " It is not acceptable "

" Warbler is a great guy, shame on that friend for doing this "

" Any friend that does this can no longer hang out with him "

" Warbler must fight "

King Bobby said that when the friend is arrested and questioned that people cannot visit the individual in jail and he will shut off visits for the individual. If anyone in the system refuses then they will be fired. King Bobby has also said that Bird's Isle wants this to happen.

Crayon and his friends arrived in Bird Port. They then looked for a hotel and they chose to stay there for the time being.

" Man, I hope that we will not be found here " said Crayon.

" If we stayed in the main area, they would have found us " said Dove.

" Yes, that would be bad " said Colouruke.

" King Bobby has claimed that a certain friend is responsible " said Challenger.

" They will arrest the friend and question the individual " said Colourea.

" They will also disallow visits " said Artby.

" That stinks, since the friend cannot enjoy baking "

" Baking is important "

" It is unfortunate " said Warbler.

" Hopefully we are not found "

" It sure is " said Crayon. " I wonder who they will blame "

" It is hard to say " said Colouruke.

" I have no idea, I have never seen the bakeries here " said Artby.

" Bakeries ? " asked Colourea.

" We could use some tasty bread to eat " said Artby.

" Artby, we have to be very careful " said Crayon. " If they find us, they will put a friend for questioning "

" This is a very dangerous situation "

" I have to agree " said Dove.

" I have never tried the bakeries here, they should be delicious " said Artby.

" We can go, but if we see anyone that looks like one of their warriors, we have to leave " said Colourea.

" This is a huge risk "

" I have risked my life for bread, I have been fine " said Artby. " We will not be caught by them "

" Bread is so tasty "

" I believe in us "

" I hope that you are right " said Colouruke.

" For our sake, I hope so " said Warbler.

" I love bakers, I will not stop loving bakers " said Artby. " Bakers have done so much for me, risking my life for bread is the least I can do "

Risk your life ? " asked Dove.

" Bread made me a good person " said Artby. " Bakeries have allowed it to happen, bakers are great people "

" I love bakers "

" Bakeries have allowed it ? " asked Grackle.

" My love for bakers is super strong and how could it not be after what they have done, we should get going " said Artby.

" Yeah, let's go but be insanely careful " said Crayon.

" They will turn us against each other " said Colouruke.

They found this bakery in Bird Port, they got their bread. They went back to the hotel and enjoyed their bread.

Warriors working for King Bobby arrived in Bird Port and were searching for the friend responsible.

" This friend will regret it " said the first warrior.

" They are hurting Bird's Isle "

" King Bobby will end the friendship and he will allow the rest of them to fight in the war " said the second warrior.

" King Bobby always knows what he is doing, he is a great king " said the first warrior.

" Yeah, he is such a great king " said the second warrior.

The warriors searched through Bird Port.

Salvador and Paula headed to Bird Port and arrived.

" They should be somewhere in Bird Port " said Paula.

" I don't think they got that far "

" I have a suspicion that either Grackle or Dove are responsible " said Salvador.

" Why so ? " asked Paula.

" Before Crayon and his friends met them they were willing to fight people, but now they are not " said Salvador. " Seems very likely it is one of them "

" Warbler would never do this under his will so I believe " said Paula.

" I know he is better than that "

" His brother Blackburnian wants him fighting in the war, so Warbler would not go against that " said Salvador.

" Blackburnian cares a lot about Warbler which is something that must be remembered by Warbler "

" He wouldn't go against his brother, Warbler cannot allow Grackle or Dove to force him not to fight " said Paula.

" War against Numeria is very beneficial to Bird's Isle "

" Blackburnian is there for him "

" He understands that "

" It is, that is why King Bobby wants it " said Salvador. " Warbler is a nice guy, but he cannot let anyone treat him like this "

" Warbler is a nice guy " said Paula.

" Every advisor understands this, so we are doing a lot of good here "

" We should start searching Bird Port "

Paula and Salvador were searching through Bird Port.

" We should check the bakeries " said Salvador.

" Artby is said to like bread a lot " said Paula.

" Yeah, maybe they will be close by " said Salvador.

They checked the bakeries and asked about Artby but they did not go to the bakery that Artby was at.

More warriors showed up in Bird Port and found this hotel.

The warriors went inside and demanded the whereabouts of Crayon and his friends. They were not in the hotel, they searched through Bird Port and found the hotel. Eventually, they found the hotel and they demanded the whereabouts of Crayon and his friends again. They were told that a group of people checked into seperate rooms and that they were on the fourth floor. Crayon, Colouruke, Colourea and Artby were in one room while Challenger, Dove, Grackle and Warbler were in a room next door.

The warriors knocked on the door.

" Is Crayon here, if he is he must surrender the friend responsible "

" King Bobby wants war, it is not too late we can arrest the friend and the rest of you can fight "

" If you do not open up, it will make things worse "

" You cannot hide from us "

" Warbler, Blackburnian wants you to fight in the war with him "

" We know that you are a nice guy and something is out of the ordinary here "

While this was happening, Paula and Salvador were contacted and they made it outside the hotel.

The warriors then charged their Wind Blasts and broke open the door.

" Crayon, you must explain this " said a warrior.

" This cannot be happening "

" Now if you know the answer, it is time to give us a fucking name " said the second warrior.

" A name ? " asked Crayon. " Well there isn't one particular friend "

" That is true " said Colouruke.

" There is, why are you so afraid to admit it " said the third warrior.

" Crayon you were so heroic, what happened ? " asked the fourth warrior.

" Heroism is important, Crayon "

" You could have fought in the war " said the first warrior. " You would have been seen as a hero again "

" It matters to be seen as a hero "

" A hero ? " asked Crayon.

" Fighting Numerians because the king thinks that they will take Colourea away "

" Numerians are not a threat " said Challenger.

" Challenger is right " said Artby.

" The king knows they will attempt to do that " said the second warrior.

" Not to mention what Bird's Isle can take from Numeria "

" They can take so much from them "

" If you refuse to name a friend, we will have to bring all of you to jail, I wouldn't do that if I were you " said the third warrior.

" This is not worth that "

The other warriors on the other side then were asking the other four and got no particular friend.

" Since you are all either too afraid or trying to protect someone we will have to bring all of you for questioning " said the first warrior.

" Paula and Salvador are outside, you can explain yourselves to them " said the second warrior.

" You must do so "

Crayon and his friends went outside the hotel with the warriors and their stuff and saw the advisors.

" Now, you can explain yourselves to them " said the first warrior.

" They aren't going to go easy on you" said the second warrior.

" They are very upset, you had better give a name " said the third warrior.

" King Bobby and Queen Starling are very disappointed with this " said the fourth warrior.

" They are very upset "

" Anyways, we will be off it will be up to them now " said the first warrior.

" Yeah, it will " said the second warrior.

The warriors then left the hotel and they headed to the Bird Port airport, meanwhile King Bobby was talking with Blackburnian.

" They must be found " said Blackburnian.

" Warbler is a nice guy "

" He really is, I am confident that he is not responsible " said King Bobby.

" We will find out who is "

" This war will happen "

" Yes " said Blackburnian.

" I am glad that you will not allow visits for the friend in question "

" Yes, it would go against Bird's Isle for that to happen " said King Bobby.

" That friend is a disgrace to Bird's Isle, it would be a joke for anyone to visit them "

" I will never allow anything like that "

" Bird's Isle cannot have that "

" Warbler deserves better than that " said Blackburnian.

Chapter 5

First Fight with Advisors, Part One

Paula and Salvador then started to talk to Crayon and his friends.

" You will give a name now if you want to not be arrested " said Paula.

These Numerians must be defeated "

" Crayon, Numerians want to take Colourea away " said Salvador.

" As a boyfriend, I cannot imagine why you would not fight "

" So, who is the friend ? " asked Paula.

" I would think that Warbler would want to fight " said Salvador. " I can't imagine why he wouldn't "

" The thing is that none of us want to fight this war " said Challenger.

" Challenger is right " said Colouruke.

" That isn't what we want to hear " said Paula.

" Bird's Isle needs this war "

" True, the nation wants this war " said Salvador.

" But there is not very much proof of that " said Challenger. " King Bobby says it but where is he getting the proof "

" He is the king " said Salvador.

" He knows what he is doing "

" He is such a great king "

" But he does not have the proof of that " said Colouruke.

" He does " said Paula.

" Paula is right " said Salvador.

" What proof does he have ? " asked Challenger.

" Lots of people want war " said Salvador.

" The point is that lots of people in Bird's Isle want the war and want to fight in it "

" It is a war that people do want, Challenger "

" Now you must come with us and explain yourselves to King Bobby or you will have to fight us " said Paula. " I warn you, that we are a lot stronger than the Bear "

" We will fight " said Grackle.

" Grackle, you will regret that " said Salvador. " You have been very disrespectful to the king "

" King Bobby is insulted by this "

" You could have fought in the war and got off free but since that is how you want it so be it " said Paula.

" Yes, this must happen " said Salvador.

" This is unfortunate "

We will fight Crayon, Colourea, Colouruke, Artby, Dove and Grackle "

" Warbler is the brother of Blackburnian and Challenger is the leader of Colourland so we will not fight them "

" It is a shame that Crayon refused to fight in the war, he lost his chance of being a hero " said Paula. " He would have seen Bird's Isle people witness him being heroic "

" Yes, it is a shame " said Salvador.

" Time for us to fight " said Paula.

" Yes, let's fight " said Crayon.

The fight began.

Crayon and Colourea fired their Super Light Blasts while Paula and Salvador fired their Super Wind Blasts. The blasts hit their respective targets. They got up, Artby used the Super Light Bomb while Grackle used the Super Wind Bomb. The bombs aimed for Salvador but he used the Ultimate Wind Strike which then hit down Grackle. Paula then was charging the Ultimate Wind Bomb while Salvador was charging the Ultimate Wind Blast. Colouruke then used the Ultimate Sea Bomb while Crayon used the Ultimate Light Blast, the attacks hit.

" You aren't bad, but you will not avoid questioning " said Paula.

" As a brother Blackburnian is very hurt by the decision " said Salvador.

" Yes, he is unhappy " said Paula.

" Warbler doesn't want to fight " said Dove.

" Blackburnian wants him in the war, you must understand " said Salvador "

" It means a lot "

Perhaps you should ask him yourself " said Colouruke.

" I don't need to ask him, he is in a tough position right now " said Salvador. " He wants to fight but you are not letting him fight "

" He must have that chance "

" Yes, he must " said Paula.

" If he wanted to fight, he would have stayed back at the castle " said Crayon.

" He went with us "

" Crayon is right, he didn't tell us " said Colourea.

" Well you can think what you want, let's continue the fight " said Salvador.

Salvador launched his Wind Implosion and aimed it right at Dove, Dove used the Ultimate Wind Strike while Colourea used the Ultimate Light Strike. The strikes and the implosion collided with each other. Lots of damage was dealt to all three.

Paula then charged the Ultimate Wind Bomb while Artby used the Ultimate Light Blast and Grackle used the Ultimate Wind Blast. The attacks hit and they all took damage. Grackle and Dove then used their Ultimate Wind Bombs while Paula and Salvador used their Ultimate Wind Blasts. The attacks hit, but the blasts were stronger.

Grackle and Dove then got up and used their Ultimate Wind Blasts while Paula used the Wind Implosion which hit them down.

Crayon used his Light Implosion while Colourea used hers. It combined to create a devastating attack called Sun Implosion which hit down Salvador and Paula. Paula and Salvador got up and they then used their respective Ultimate Wind Blasts and they aimed them at Colouruke, Colouruke used his Ultimate Sea Blast while Dove used her Ultimate Wind Blast. The attacks hit their respective targets, Dove was starting to slightly struggle.

Paula then charged up for the Ultimate Wind Bomb while Salvador used the Ultimate Wind Blast, the attacks then aimed for Grackle but Grackle used the Ultimate Wind Blast and Dove used the Ultimate Wind Bomb. The attacks then hit their targets.

Grackle was slightly struggling, while Dove was struggling. Artby then fired his Light Implosion with Crayon using the Ultimate Light Bomb. The attacks aimed at Salvador, he then used the Wind Implosion to counter.

Paula then rushed for Dove with the Ultimate Wind Strike while Dove countered with her own. After that, Grackle used the Wind Implosion and aimed it towards Salvador while Salvador countered with his own but it was stronger. Salvador then got up and then used his Ultimate Wind Bomb while Paula used the Wind Implosion. The attacks then aimed for Grackle and Dove who then used their Ultimate Wind Blasts. The attacks created this giant wind explosion blowing everyone away and they all fell.

Grackle and Dove were defeated, while Artby was starting to slightly struggle.

So that is all for those two " said Salvador. " Now you really have seen what it is like fighting advisors of the king "

" We are too strong " said Paula.

" There are four of us left " said Crayon.

" We have a lot more " said Artby.

" Yeah, we do " said Colouruke.

" You four are stronger than Grackle and Dove, I will give you that but it is not enough " said Salvador.

" Bakers have helped us " said Artby.

" The bakeries know what we are fighting for "

" They know we are here for them "

" The bakeries ? " asked Salvador.

" Yes, the bakeries know that we are always fighting for bakers, helping bakers out " said Artby. "

" Bakers are appreciated "

" Helping bakers out, bakers will do nothing " said Paula.

" I help bakers out all the time with the purchases I make " said Artby. " Purchasing bread is what I need to keep doing, bakers feel that they are rewarded for their hard work with flour "

" If it wasn't for bakers, I wouldn't be the person I am today, bakeries have changed me for the better "

" Flour does so much, I love flour "

" No matter what type of person you have become, you will be defeated and will spent a long time in jail " said Paula.

" I will not let bakers down " said Artby.

" Bakers mean so much, baking is so useful "

" Let us continue " said Salvador.

" Bring it on " said Crayon.

Paula then charged for the Wind Implosion while Salvador then charged for the Ultimate Wind Bomb. Crayon used the Light Implosion while Colouruke used the Sea Implosion, the attacks hit their respective targets.

Artby then was charging his Ultimate Light Blast while Colourea charged her Ultimate Light Bomb. Salvador used his Wind Implosion. The attacks hit each other and all fighters took damage. Artby got up and he used the Quintuple Light Strike while Salvador used his Ultimate Wind Strike. The strikes hit each other. Artby was struggling, he got up and charged for the Light Implosion while Colouruke used the Ultimate Sea Blast. The attacks then aimed for Salvador, Paula and Salvador used their Ultimate Wind Bombs. The attacks hit each other, everyone took damage. Artby was seriously struggling while Colouruke was slightly struggling.

" Now Artby it is the end " said Paula. " It is a shame it had to come to this but you refused the war that King Bobby had wanted so it must be this way "

" I will give it everything I have left, which is what bakers want " said Artby.

Salvador and Paula then charged their Wind Implosions while Crayon charged his Wind Implosion and Artby used his Light Implosion. The attacks combined into Sky Implosion for the advisors and Light Tornado for Crayon and Artby. The extremely powerful attacks collided and everyone was hit and took damage.

It was looking like Artby was about to be finished while Colouruke was struggling. Paula then charged her Ultimate Wind Bomb while Salvador was using his Ultimate Wind Blast. The attacks aimed for Colouruke but Colouruke used the Sea Implosion while Crayon used the Ultimate Light Blast. The attacks then hit their respective targets. Salvador got up and he used the Quintuple Wind Strike against Colouruke's Quintuple Sea Strike. The strikes hit each other.

Colouruke was seriously struggling and he was having a hard time moving but he could still fight.

" Now it is going to be the end " said Salvador.

" I will keep fighting " said Colouruke.

" Colouruke you now have seen what it is like to fight an advisor of the king "

" The king has great advisors " said Paula.

" He is such an amazing king " said Salvador.

" King Bobby is the best "

Colouruke used his Sea Implosion while Crayon used his Ultimate Light Blast. The attacks then aimed for Salvador while him and Paula used a combined attack called the Ultimate Sky Blast. The attacks collided with intense power and everyone was hit.

Colouruke was defeated while Salvador was starting to slightly struggle.

Chapter 6

First Fight With Advisors, Part Two

" Now you two will be questioned by King Bobby and the rest of our great advisors " said Salvador.

" King Bobby is very frustrated about the decision "

" King Bobby had lots of confidence in you Crayon, he saw the bravery against The Bear but now this ? " asked Paula. " Crayon, you would have been a huge asset in the war "

" It is a shame you did this, Bird's Isle will remember "

" The Bear were more of a threat than Numeria " said Crayon.

" Numerians are not a threat to either Bird's Isle or Colourland "

" There is no reason to fight any Numerian "

The Bear did want to take over Colourland, but King Bobby knows of the threat that Numerians pose " said Salvador.

" They are not a joke "

" The threat ? " asked Colourea.

" The fact that Numerians want to take Colourea away " said Salvador.

" Crayon, you cannot be okay with that "

" But if Numerians want to do that, then wouldn't having Colourea fight in the war put her in more danger " said Crayon.

" I don't understand "

" Same here, I do not get it " said Colourea.

" Colourea's abilities are something that the king has wanted in battle " said Paula. " If all of us are together, we can fight Numerians while protecting her "

" Plus it is not just that, Lord Grackle has craved the resources from Numeria " said Salvador.

" These resources can do so much "

" Well, since you are not going to us willingly we must continue fighting " said Paula.

" It is a shame that Crayon and his friends do not want to fight " said Salvador.

" Yes, let's continue this fight " said Crayon.

Paula then charged the Wind Implosion while Salvador used the Ultimate Wind Bomb. The attacks aimed at Colourea, Crayon and Colourea used the combined attack the Ultimate Sun Bomb. The attacks collided, creating a huge explosion.

Salvador got up, he used the Tenfold Wind Strike while Paula used the Wind Implosion again. Crayon and Colourea used the combined Sun Implosion.

The attacks aimed at each other, the implosion powered up Salvador's strike. After all of it, everyone took damage.

Salvador was seriously struggling, Colourea was slightly struggling.

" How could this be " said Salvador.

" I cannot believe this "

" Same here " said Paula.

" We have shown our skills " said Crayon.

" Yes, you are a bit stronger than we thought " said Salvador.

" Well now it is time for our ultimate attack.

Salvador and Paula combined their implosions to create the Sky Implosion which then directly hit Crayon and Colourea.

Crayon was able to get up and he used the Ultimate Light Blast while Colourea used her Ultimate Light Bomb. The attacks were aimed for Salvador and Paula but Paula was hit more by it.

Salvador looked almost finished, him and Paula then used their combined Sky Implosion, Crayon used his Ultimate Wind Blast while Colourea used the Light Implosion. The attacks then collided with tons of power.

" It looks like it is just you and me Crayon " said Paula.

" Colourea isn't done yet " said Crayon.

" She still has a bit more "

Salvador was defeated, Colourea was seriously struggling.

" Crayon it is time for us to combine our attacks for one last attack " said Colourea quietly to Crayon.

Crayon and Colourea combined for the Sun Implosion while Paula used the Wind Implosion which was overpowered significantly.

Paula was slightly struggling. Crayon was able to get up and then he was charging his Ultimate Wind Bomb. Paula then used the Tenfold Wind Strike and the attacks collided.

Colourea was alive but was not able to move, Crayon then charged his Wind Implosion while Paula countered with hers. The attacks then hit their targets.

" Crayon, you have shown yourself to be this strong " said Paula. " The king has always wanted this kind of power for the war "

I'm not fighting the war " said Crayon.

" Colourea doesn't want to fight "

" That is a real shame, the king does not take kindly to this " said Paula.

" If I do not make it, Rourke and Draco will have no trouble "

" Also Curtis as well "

" We will see about that " said Crayon. " I know that I am strong but war with Numeria isn't worth it "

" If we succeed in the war, it will make Bird's Isle a better utopia " said Paula.

" He knows how to improve Bird's Isle "

" Utopia ? " asked Crayon.

" King Bobby has planned to use this war to make Bird's Isle a better place, he plans to take everything from Numeria allowing us to be richer " said Paula. " He says he will strengthen parts of Bird's Isle, people will take more vacations here which is awesome "

" I get that he wants to be richer but we have chosen to make this decision " said Crayon.

" King Bobby has said that he is going to take all the money there " said Paula. " He will fund more great things here "

" Such as what ? " asked Crayon.

" He wants to expand Bird Port " said Paula. " He says that he will also expand more of Bird's Isle as well "

" He will also boost the amount of warriors here by doing this "

" Anyways, let us continue the fight "

Paula charged up her Ultimate Wind Bomb while Crayon countered with his Ultimate Light Bomb. The bombs collided with each other, creating an explosion. After that they both got up, Crayon used his Quintuple Light Strike. The strike hit and Paula was looking near the end.

" Crayon, remember the advisors " said Paula.

" Do not forget us, we will question all of you "

" You will regret this decision "

Crayon then used his Quintuple Wind Strike while Paula used hers, the attacks collided and Crayon won the fight.

" Great battling " said Challenger.

" Yeah, it was a great win " said Crayon.

" Glad to see that you won " said Warbler.

" We should find somewhere that has a hospital, we are going to have to leave the hotel " said Crayon. " I don't know when the next advisors will come "

" It is hard to say " said Warbler. " My brother Blackburnian will be pissed so we must be ready "

" He wanted us to fight in the war so bad, he will try anything "

" I know that he must feel hurt, but the war is not worth it " said Crayon.

" Anyways we should find a hospital " said Challenger.

Meanwhile King Bobby and the other advisors were wondering what happened with Paula and Salvador.

" They should either be back with them for questioning or at least just won the fight and about to contact me " said King Bobby.

" Our advisors should be able to handle them, if Challenger was to fight it could be an issue " said Queen Starling. " I have no idea if Challenger fought "

" If Paula and Salvador do not return, it must be that " said Blackburnian. " I know that Warbler has improved but he is still far from our advisors "

" Our advisors are incredibly strong " said King Bobby. " What do you think happened ?

" My guess is that Challenger fought and it took longer than expected " said Lord Grackle.

" They need to be questioned " said Queen Starling.

" We will give it 70 more minutes " said King Bobby. " If we do not hear from them, it will be assumed that they were defeated "

" If they lose, that would shock me " said Curtis.

" Same here " said Lord Grackle.

" That so called friend must be taken down and brought here " said Blackburnian.

" They are taking a great opportunity from Warbler away "

Crayon and his friends arrived at a hospital and they stayed the night there. Challenger and Warbler found somewhere to stay for the night.

They are likely to send Draco and Rourke in next " said Warbler.

" Or Curtis " said Challenger.

" Curtis is quite strong " said Warbler. " I think that I will need to fight "

" I could see that " said Challenger.

" We will need to keep training " said Warbler.

" Indeed, Warbler " said Challenger. " Let us go to sleep "

The morning passed and King Bobby heard that they had not returned.

" Now Draco and Rourke it is time, bring them here " said King Bobby.

" I cannot forgive them " said Blackburnian.

" We will make sure that they face justice " said Rourke.

" It is not right " said Draco.

" The resources of Numeria would have made Bird's Isle into the utopia that we need it to be " said Curtis.

" We thought that Crayon would be more heroic " said Queen Starling.

" He has truly disappointed us "

" True, Bird's Isle has seen Crayon for who he is " said Curtis.

" They are not happy with him "

" We were wrong " said King Bobby. " It happens sometimes "

" But Challenger is the leader, so he could have shown the leadership that could have gotten them to fight " said Blackburnian. " Why would my brother Warbler do this ? "

" That will be up to him to answer " said Diana.

" The previous leader Colour King was not like that, he demanded heroism " said King Bobby. " When he did not get it, he would have taken more action than Challenger took "

" Warbler would have loved Colour King, he was great "

" Colourlandish people had better order under him, but he is not there now so it is up to Bird's Isle now " said Queen Starling.

" We are united with the king and queen " said Diana. " No matter what Challenger does "

" King Bobby's great " said all the advisors and Queen Starling together in unison.

" I am a great king " said King Bobby. " Draco and Rourke it is your time to bring these so called heroes to justice "

" Yeah, they are no heroes to us " said Draco.

" We will deal with them " said Rourke.

Draco and Rourke then left and headed to find Crayon and his friends.