Chereads / Legend of the Holy Sentinels - Night Hunters / Chapter 3 - A DEADLY EXERCISE


"Wow!" yelled Yosh in total excitement while they were running for their supply run in preparation for their upcoming final examination. "We're going to see Daddy! We're going to see Mama! We're going to the Northern Encampment!"

The tall grasses waved about in the meadows as if saying its goodbyes while they exit away entering a small forest that leads to a nearby river to the east. It is full of rocks and other tall grasses and wild shrubs that the small herd of deer forages upon. They were running so fast that any animal in their path ran about thinking danger was up ahead.

"Hahaha! That's right Yosh but that is 'AFTER' we finish this task… and that's still an 'IF'," replied Karus who is bearing excitement in his face.

"What do you mean 'IF'? 'IFs' are not in the vocabulary of the Great Limor House right Reus?" added Kayzar.

Reus whose face is blank, didn't reply. He nodded in agreement, but they can sense a strong presence of disbelief in his eyes.

"What's wrong Kuya-Reus? Why're you so serious, WE'RE GOING HOME! You should be happy. You've been bugging us all week on how much you long to go to the North."

"That's not it."

"Then what is it?"

"I think were not capable enough to complete this mission."

"Hah! You dare question the skills of the mighty Yosh!" cried Yosh in utter confidence.

"No, I think we're going to fight against powerful military rank officers."

"What powerful officers?" sneered Karus with a smile. "I think you're being too paranoid again. Master Narra said that they are the ones who were watching us the whole time since day one and guard missions are usually given to beginners. Surely, they will add a lieutenant but that's the highest that they will provide. This area is not in the Danger Zone you know."

"Do you noticed them following Master when we ran away?"

"Yes, we saw them walk away together." Kayzar replied.

He stopped running in all seriousness and pointed upwards to the trees. "Then who are they?"

The guardians that are following them were shocked as Reus revealed their positions. They tried to hide back from them but it's too late.

"Whoa!" Yosh shouted. "Cool, they're up the trees? And Stella didn't know about it?" He looked at Stella as she landed on his left shoulder guard then bobbed his head. "Even Luna? Luna!" he cried with a reprimanding tone.

"I think I saw a major and a captain class there," Reus said seriously continuing his point. "I recognize their eyes. They are always with Narra when he's going out to the North to report to father."

"If what you say is true then… we won't make it," Yosh replied bowing down in disappointment. "I knew something's fishy. He won't let us leave without giving an impossible task. I was really looking forward to meeting up with mom and dad."

"No!" refused Kayzar. "That only means we should organize and think of the best plan to grab that flag."

"Yes, Kayzar is right," Karus added quite alarmed. "If there is a time for us to prove ourselves, now is that time. We will not succumb, and we will not fail."

"Spoken like a true warrior huh?" Reus snidely replied. "How old are you Karus? Kayzar?"

"Where is this going Kuya-Reus? You know how old I am!" Karus said with a defensive tone. "I'm not going to answer you that."

"Alright then. Fourteen! And how old are you Yosh!?"

"Here we go again…"

"Eleven?" said Yosh with a frightened tone.

"Yes, eleven! What we will come up against are older than all of our age combined!" he waved his hand with a finger pointing at them. "The twenty years of our total gap is the gap in battle experience they have been acquiring while we're still sucking our thumbs in Mama's belly."

"—but master said they're not going to use any real weapon on us—" Yosh nervously replied.

"Do you know that they don't really need to carry real weapons to hurt us?! A true Daomagarian picks any nearby object and use it efficiently and effectively as a weapon to his enemy with deadly precision. I know this for a fact and from experience from the north."

"So, you're ready to give up!?" Karus replied angrily. "So, you think that in your age of seventeen, you'll be willing to just give up when the numbers are against you?" he grunted while walking away. "We can defeat them. Even with that kind of gap, we can. You just have to trust your brothers and especially yourself!"

"Oh, stop it. You two look like fools fighting over nothing," barked Kayzar irritated. "We will do this Kuya-Reus whether you like it or not and the decision of us failing or loosing are not for us to decide but our fates. Let's wrap this up and hurry to the river before we ran out of time."

Kayzar walked out annoyed with Yosh following him at his tail surprisingly bothered. Nothing can crush Yosh's unwavering spirit and yet he was overwhelmed with glum almost dragging his feet onwards.

"This is going to be ugly. I know it! And my hunches never lie—" Reus murmured.

They've gone together to the river and filled their canteens. The three sat for a minute to rest while Reus picked some sharp rocks near the river. After a while, they began to convene in a circular position discussing their initial plan. They created a replica of the training ground in the middle of them. Yosh tried his best to concentrate on perfecting the map as he remembered it and it turned out great. It's made with fist-big stones to depict the whole training ground. They selected hard-to-find shiny stones to represent themselves, some small dried branches for the enemy and the flag with a piece of a chipped wood. Then after some ruckus on who should be the shiniest pebble, Reus began deliberating the plan.

"The training ground is a clearing inside a forest. The best part to place a flag is usually in the area where the ground is higher which is practically here in the middle where they can survey any would-be attacker and counterattack efficiently," he directed his finger at the middle almost touching the hill-like stone that Yosh made to represent the elevated middle. "Through here they can see us and anticipate our every effort. Yosh, in your point, where would they station themselves?"

"uhmn… let's see…" he turned his back looking for something. He reached far back almost as if crawling, picked up a long dried stick and returned to the circle. "I think all things equal and them — being high ranking soldiers and all— we can't expect the old they're-all-in-the-center routine... I mean they are strong so they will underestimate us — and uh…—" he paused for a second almost hesitant.

Yosh, who has been trained by Narra in the art of strategic positioning and anticipation of the enemy's moves, stopped for a lot longer than usual and was, for the first time, anxious of his ideas. The three regarded him as a genius in tactics since he's just a kid and he can develop countless unusual scenarios to cripple the enemy effectively with as little effort as possible but today he seems quite off. The stress and burden of being stuck there all summer flashed in his brain constantly nagging him, interrupting his thought processes.

"The short one will guard it I assume," Karus murmured as if helping him in his analysis.

"—I mean obviously— yes, the shortest will be the one here near the flag, one will be standing very near here - behind the flag to survey - and here down below the tallest to intercept us…" pointing carefully to his map with a stick that he had picked near the river. He nervously thought that one small analysis can literally block his chance in seeing his parents that he hasn't seen for a very long time. This made his voice falter and his ideas less convincing. The other's noticed but didn't give a comment.

"Hmmn… that's very logical, continue…" said Reus trying to encourage him seeing that he's stressed trying to give his best. They encourage Yosh to explore his natural talent in tactical planning at a very young age, he is an Earth Molder after all – Masters of keen understanding on logic and simulations.

"—uh… also, upon observation, the tallest is a man and the other two are women. The man will be most challenging since he'll be the one who'll be at the point of interception, he'll be dubbed as the First Guard. Considering there are no projectile users, it's very easy to take out the first guard down below by using a diversion."

"And how do we know they are not projectile users?" Kayzar asked as if giving him an exam.

"Based on their movement and stance, they are all trained to use their upper body strength. That is unless they are feigning it which is pretty doubtful. I don't think they will waste their time just to trick us. They are super serious by the looks of it."

"And even if they aren't, we can still take solace for the fact that almost ninety percent of Daomagarians assigned in Nagozul prefers close quarters melee weaponry," Karus reminded which Yosh noted.

"Kuya-Karus can intercept him while Kuya-Kayzar follows behind," Yosh continued while moving his stick quickly indicating movements of his brothers. "This can give him an opening to prepare an attack using poisoned pins – which he says he's going to use today for the first time. While intercepting him Reus and I will bombard the Second Guard with a series of projectile weapons from the other side. The Third Guard, being the smallest will be at the flag. She would not dare move from her position. If our assumption about them is correct, the guardian of the flag will not try to help his comrades in the ensuing skirmish. It'll be insulting for highly ranked military officers to aid one another defeating us mere children. That'll be their downfall since they are going to be lax on security and will be underestimating our tricks. If both Kuya-Karus and Kuya-Kayzar succeed in poisoning and immobilizing the First Guard, they can come in near the Third Guard and distract her long enough for Stella to grab the target. After which we will all retreat covering Kuya-Karus and Kuya-Kayzar to safety… that's what I think…"

"So, what's the worst-case scenario?" asked Kayzar.

"Well…" said Yosh thinking carefully with a sigh. "…You two not being victorious and taking a long time? That would lead to Reus being captured and the two of you being badly injured — considering Of course, that the guard is a military officer. There won't be enough time to have an opportunity for Stella to react so I, being a projectile user, cannot mount a rescue therefore the match will be over… unless you escape in time that is…"

"So, we need to prepare for that—here," Kayzar gave Yosh a long knife. "Change of plans, we need to create a lightning attack like the Damsel-Kidnapped-by-the-Pusakal Challenge last month."

"But Kayzar that's too risky!" Karus added surprised on what he heard. "Attacking them head on will only play to their advantage."

"No, silly—" Kayzar grabbed a stick on the ground and started pointing on the rock diagram."—Yosh should stay close to Kuya-Reus while giving bombardments of attack. He will then support him using that knife if any of the guards move close to where they are. If they do, Kuya-Reus should pick up his pace and move into the flag area and distract the guard while you, Karus, move in and further divert the guard's attention to the flag leaving me and Yosh fighting the other two. By then, I think Stella can have an opening to snatch the flag."

"Well, that seems more of a suicide mission don't you think?" Yosh criticized. "I mean, after Stella snatching the flag, what happens next? The guards would outmaneuver us, and we'll all be taken as hostages leaving Stella to fly with the flag…"

"Well, you're right, you're right," Kayzar said pondering and finding a thought for defending his point.

"Arggh…" shouted Karus flustered. "There seems to be no opening for us without sacrificing a member or two. How can we get the flag without getting caught?"

"Hey, I keep noticing that I'm always being caught in the plan?" Reus complained almost scratching his head.

"Yes, Kuya-Reus," smiled Yosh. "I'm sorry but that's what usually happens. Based on your physical…"

"Don't take this the wrong way," interrupted Karus almost laughing tapping Yosh, "Not that we think you're not physically fit, no sir you're fit as a bull. It's just… we just think you're always carrying bad luck on your pocket. And that's ok because you're our equalizer. Yosh is carrying too much luck and too much luck is a bad thing."

"Yeah," seconded Kayzar smiling wide to their clumsy brother giving him comfort.

They are all in agreement that Reus is the ineptest Nagozulian in the battlefield, but they dare not say that idea to him. If they don't give him a place in the skirmish, he'll be in complete distress being left out and he's getting depressed training for a long time with them as it is, so they are somewhat mandated to include him. That's what good brothers do. They have included him indeed and in time impliedly became their commander, their team captain.

He has shown great promise in handling situations and coming up with weird tactics which has greatly benefited them over the years, but they surely paid for it dearly in every exercise that they've been. He's the one responsible for their immediate improvisations in the battlefield – being too clumsy to manage himself in combat leading for the others to rescue him mid-event. While it is true that they've grown adept in operating in tense situation being able to get creative at every deadly circumstance because of him, it is still a risk that they want to manage especially in their upcoming final exercise. His hope is what motivates him giving him the will not to jeopardize their chance to escape to the north and they wouldn't want to lose his hope now, now that their summer vacation is at stake.

They all stop to think for a plan. The flowing water and the soft breeze that continued to move were the only sound one can hear in their spot for about a minute or two and then Reus shouted.

"Hah!" he cried smiling. "We're all discussing on how to attack their position when we should be discussing on how we can use our abilities to coincide with our strategy. We are Nagozulians after all!"

"Yes!" Yosh shouted with cheerful tone but immediately returned to a confused state. "uhm… I think you're forgetting that we haven't even finished our proper elemental training yet. I mean, I haven't! I'm just at my rudimentary classes."

"Yes, and don't forget that I can't command fire yet. If I do try it, I'll end up with a great migraine again and you'll be left with me squirming on the ground puking all over. I think that won't help you at all…" Karus added trying to pass it as a joke. "I can command wind, but Master thinks I should limit my elemental summonings to minimum. I can't risk having an attack here."

"But Kayzar and I can. I've been dying to test my new skill that my friend taught me," Reus confidently stated.

"What?! Who's that friend of yours?" Yosh sneered. "I've never seen you train with someone. Let alone talk to other people."

"What? I… err… never mind that! The point is I have a plan…" smiled Reus. "…a great plan even… and that will lead us to victory."

They all lightened up and leaned forward as Reus explained the details with great enthusiasm. After then, the three princes began to have their eyebrows fixed unevenly on their faces, confused on what he just said.

"Uhmn… I think I have a very bad feeling about this plan of yours…" Karus commented.

"You think so? I think it might work considering that we're out of options…" Yosh defended.

"Yup, and if such problems arise in the midst of the clash, we'll just do what we always do. Improvise in Action," said Kayzar with a very big smile on his face.

"OK! WE'RE READY!" Reus stood up and lifted his sling bag that he filled with sharp stones.

"BRING IT OOONNN!!!!" Yosh shouted on the top of his lungs.

They inspected their belongings and stood up to ready themselves. They bowed to pray for guidance from Bathala and they ran away from the flowing river, passing the green meadows, deep in the forest to meet their fate.

A speck of doubt lingered in their minds as they ran along the narrow path of the forest. A small voice, at the back of their heads, swaying them, that they need more time to prepare, more time to train, that they were not worthy enough to fight against strong warriors that are not within their level but that doubt was overwhelmed by their longing to see their parents again for the longest time. They thought on how their looks have changed, what they're doing at that very instance, and on how their sister Rika have grown.

Their sister Rika was just five when they left her, and their mother said that she will personally give her her training. Oh, how Yosh envied her and wished to take her place. To be with them day and night, to laugh with them while having a stroll on the mountains of the north, and for his parents to defend them, especially to their uncle, aunt, and grandmother the queen who appears to be bullying them all more and more in each passing day as if they've known about their impending vacation and are getting their fill before they left for good. They all snapped in their reminiscing only to find themselves nearing the training ground. They all stopped running and rested for a while under a big tree to finalize their discussion in the assault to grab the flag.

"So, you know the plan, right?" Reus said. "We'll go to the original plan made by Yosh and when I do my move that I've discussed to you earlier, you'll do yours. We'll call this plan A."

"Yes, and we'll call the plan by Kayzar 'Plan B'," said Karus "~which I doubt we'll use~" he added.

"So, are you all ready!" Reus said with a bracing tone.

"Yup, we're ready!" they said in unison.

"Okay, stay close here Karus and Kayzar. We'll go to the other side. On Yosh's whistle you'll move on and carry out your job. Understood?"

"Yes, captain," The two replied.

"Good," Reus picked something in his bag and gave it to Kayzar. "Here, it's a spare whistle. If anything goes wrong on your part just whistle and we'll retreat," Kayzar grabbed the silver whistle dangle and wore it in his neck. Whatever happens we'll double back at this tree and regroup. Good luck on us all!" he smiled, and they pushed on to go around.

The twin brothers ran near the outer rim of the circular clearing to get a view of the one's guarding the flag. They hid through the big-leaved bushes and stayed there for cover which is very convenient because it's very thick. To their surprise, they found the three guards standing on the same spot at the elevated area in the middle of the training ground encircling something big that one can intuitively guess nowhere near to a figure of a flag. The three officers there have real weapons, but they are sheathed. The First Guard is carrying a katana, the Third Guard, the smallest one, carries a giant halberd and the Second Guard, has a humongous broad sword that's obviously very impossible to carry considering her slender figure but she waved feigning it like it's practically light weight.

"Hey Kayzar—" Karus said trying to speak with as minimal voice as humanly possible."—Uh… I'm not sure how to put this but is that a sack they're protecting? I thought master said we're going to grab a flag. It's what we always do in our monthly training appraisal."

"I-I don't know. What IS that?" Kayzar looked with a squinted eye of inspection. "It looks like it's some stuff… that's… big?" he then shifted his concentration away from the target to observe the guards.

"Yosh got something right though. They don't look like they're carrying anything that resembles a projectile weapon."

"Yeah, good for him huh? His observation skills are something."

"Okay, uh… I think we can change our plan now, unless Stella can carry that big sack —with whatever heavy thing that's inside— fast enough before the guards can do anything about it," he then gave a silent giggle and tapped Kayzar on the shoulders giving a sign to back away. "I think we should head back and regroup. Clearly this constitute as a 'something's-not-right' in Kuya-Reus's vocabulary."

"How can this be possible?" he said while crawling away. "They are highly-ranked officers, right? Why are they acting like a bunch of newbie soldiers guarding the target at the center? This makes no sense. No sense at all. It's as if they're waiting for us to appear to them or something."

"~hey…" whispered a voice somewhere and the bushes behind them moved as if someone is crawling.

"Whoa… someone's coming. Weapons at the ready," Karus whispered while clutching the hilt of his sword.

Suddenly a face appeared before the bush if front of them that has a very big smile. "BOO… hehehe…"

"Quit it Yosh," Kayzar reprimanded with a little smile while slapping Yosh's shoulders, "They might hear us."

"Ow… hehehe, come on they know we're here already… you triggered their proximity trap right there…" Yosh pointing obscurely at their back where Reus is crawling trying hard not to trigger it again.

"Where? I didn't see any traps there earlier…"

"There… look at my finger…" he smiled while pointing his finger hard as if frustrated to them not seeing the trap that is obviously located further back.

"Well, no sense trying to find them. You've just activated all of the alarms in this area," Reus stated finally catching up in their spot. "But no worries, Yosh sent Luna to set off other proximity traps here so that they can't pinpoint our location. That's why they're just standing there not moving. We still have to be quiet though."

"HAHAHA! That's your idea of being quiet?!" shouted the woman holding the large broadsword as big as she is that is now half buried in the ground. The guards are now all looking at their direction. "Come on! Show yourselves! No sense hiding there, we already know where you all are…" she said still shouting.

"Tang'na-Nga'ngot-yan!" Reus cursed. "How did they know we're here?"

"Maybe they're possessed by the Karshivyk who wants to exact revenge on us all Nagozulians for what the king of the past did to them… and they have super hearing powers… oohhhh…," Yosh replied sincerely frightened which led for Karus's wide smile, trying hard to control himself not to burst out laughing.

"Seriously?" mocked Karus taking short breaths to contain a guffaw waiting to explode. "That's the first idea that comes to mind?"

"Oh, come on! That story is about five hundred years now! There's some other explanation. They must have done something here I'm sure of it…" Kayzar rebutted. "…and spirits don't have any super hearing abilities! So, quit it…"

They stayed there confused for a while thinking how could they have heard them speaking in their distance of at least fifty feet with birds chirping and flying; tree's slashing noises when pushed by the strong winds; and the breeze blowing continuously in every direction. Their eyes moved all around hoping to find some wires they might've tripped earlier.

"If you don't come out there, we'll be forced to pick you up and that would be messy~" shouted the small woman with a small teasing voice.

She threw a knife that almost hit Karus's left cheeks. He was planning to speak at that moment and if he moved just a little bit to his left, he would've been dead. They froze sitting there bewildered asking themselves questions they cannot answer.

"The next ones not 'gonna miss~!" the little voice of the Third Guard shouted still with an annoying teasing tone.

Reus stood up angry and a few seconds later the other's followed him gently, especially Yosh, who's still looking for something to prove they don't have super hearing powers. They immediately noticed the Second Guard pulling the broadsword from its buried state and dragged it as she started walking closer to them together with the two guards on her side leaving the slouching big sack on its own. She appears to be the highest-ranking officer there based on how quickly they responded.

They were curious on what their commander was wearing. She didn't wear armor, but a red battle uniform made up of what seems to be a silk-like texture and a huge thorny silver pauldron on her right shoulder which is where she probably puts on her heavy broadsword at the ready. It is a long-sleeved blouse with running lines of silver embroidery of a figure of the sea dragon Nanreben. She wore a normal blue silk pants that moved about every once in a while, because of the strong breeze that flew through the grounds. They assumed automatically that she needed light clothing for her to maneuver her big broadsword to any position she desires. They thought that that person can be frighteningly dangerous if left alone with her quarry.

"Ah! Glad you quit sitting around in the bushes. I'm thankful we didn't resort to literally beat around the bushes to get you out."

The Third Guard, who appears to be the youngest of the three, rolled out a series of laughs which the brothers didn't find quite funny. Even the First Guard didn't break a crack of smile on his serious appearance. They know there's a famous idiom somewhere in her sentence, but they know that she didn't mean for it to be a joke and they are confounded as to why she's laughing. There's no joke to be found there, especially when they threw a dangerously fast dagger to kill Karus.

"We were really bored here waiting for you all to come out there," she shouted putting her big broadsword on the pauldron on right shoulder as they have guessed. "I am Sword Master Camyl of the Talim Clan, Major to Nagozul's Southern Warrior's Hundred Sword Elites relief force," she bowed low who appeared smiling as she introduced herself. She then stood straight again and pushed her sword to the ground. He then moved her hand to her right as if directing the attention to the big fully armored guard whose dark hair is short and spiky. "This is one of my many captains, Captain Gab of the Talim Clan, Captain to the Grand Unit of the Southern Warrior's Hundred Sword Elites relief force," while introducing the big scary-looking man, he unsheathed his sword then spread his arms and bowed down pointing his sword far to his side. His cold eyes appeared, as always, ever frightening. His battle-scarred emotionless face pierced through their souls as if slowly killing them from suffocation.

"Wow! That title is too darn long to remember…" said Yosh mocking Captain Gab while trying to smile though deep inside there is a deep fear that is slowly growing. "…I really won't remember any of that in the future if you ask me…"

"No," he replied with a very dark and ominous voice. "It is very easy to remember the title your highness --- once you know the honor it brings."

"Uh… okay…. Whatever!!!" shouted Yosh then he smiled and whispered to his brothers. "I don't like him. You guys take him out fast, okay?"

The brothers ignored his joke at that moment because they focused their whole attention at the movements of the guards for, they may strike at any time considering that they already made a deadly action towards them.

The major moved her hand to the left and introduced the last guard. "…and Lastly, Lieutenant Tarni of the Sibara Clan, Master Assassin and Lieutenant of the Eastern Sentry's Reconnaissance Team."

"Wait a second! Are you the Tarni known as the Shadow Veil? Isn't the rank Lieutenant a very low and insulting position for such a skilled master of the Sibara?" mocked Reus.

"Trying to get back now, are we? I see that you're still mad that I threw that dagger to your brother earlier, right? Well, for what it's worth I really meant to hit him. I mean, he's kind of laughing and I wanted to make him stop. He didn't even tell me the joke and he's laughing."

Reus just smiled and opened his bag. The other three followed and readied their weapons. "So, how does this work? Can we make our move now or should you go first? Our conversations are turning tedious and I appreciate it if we could move things along faster."

"No, no, no, Prince Reus. We called you out in that bush because we wanted to make a deal first. If we wanted to attack, you'll be lying on the ground already."

"Oh? Is that so? Well, you haven't tried that so who knows what would happen. Maybe it'd be you lying there…"

They smiled taunting the enemy into action, but they remained still in their positions almost forty feet away from them.

"Save your eagerness later young prince and hear my proposal. One week from now our very old Master would leave your pretty little Palace and will go to report to your father the Grand Prince Artemus and deliver his monthly supplies at the Northern Encampment. Unfortunately, the messenger hasn't arrived yet and therefore the supplies and orders needed by your father in the North are unknown. This is most dangerous for them --- especially when they are fighting the most fearsome elemental and Daomagarian criminals that are hiding there… 'The Pusakals'."

"What?!" Reus shouted.

"Don't worry; we intercepted the messenger and got all his effects snuck up in a neat cute little package there… Although I must say, he won't live long enough for a week. Apparently, he's been attacked by Grog, the Demon Wolf of the Dark Jungles of Narra. So, I guess the whole point in this is that the message of the messenger will not be delivered."

Yosh shouted fiercely. "NO! You're lying! The Grog only attacks when he feels that his territory is threatened!"

"Yes, you're true… but is seems as though he did…" she replied smiling to give Reus a rage. "… and that one over there," she pointed at the sack at the center of the field. "…will be buried with him if he plans on taking his sleep tonight. The Grand Prince Sarram asked me to dispose of him but I felt like doing a game and made him my stake. Clearly we're getting bored here without anyone to fight…"

"What the hell are you doing?! You're a Daomagar! You shouldn't interfere with the affairs of Nagozul! By doing this you're giving leverage to Uncle Sarram!" exclaimed Kayzar with his hands holding the daggers trembling in fury.

"And that messenger is a Daomagar too! He's your brother! How could you!?" Karus shouted furiously.

"I don't care who he is! I don't care WHO BECOMES KING OR QUEEN in your pathetic kingdom! Whether it's Prince Sarram, your father or even Princess Prodea!" He pulled her planted broadsword and pointed it at them. She walked closer and closer to them as the two guards backed away near the sack where the articles of the messenger are located and unsheathed their weapons also. The four brothers readied themselves and their weapons. They moved away from each other slowly. "Grab that sack away from us and take it to your precious Palace! IF YOU CAN!!!"

With a shout she strode to Reus like an angry tiger pouncing to her prey. They were all shocked for she looked like she jumped with one foot to their location dragging her big broad sword with her in dash. A thirty-foot dash carrying that humongous broadsword in just a blink of an eye is nearly impossible for a mortal in their point of view.

This highly secret Daomagarian Technique that they call the Great Dash is a sprint using one's thigh, pushing one's body almost instantaneously. Usually, a renowned master can dash to a length of as much as fifteen feet per dash and that requires a lot of energy and concentration. That's why the brothers were stunned at the main sight of it. They were keeping a twenty-foot distance all the time in anticipation for the Daomagarian's Great Dashes, but this is beyond their assessment. It's totally unexpected!

Reus just stood there stunned by her speed. Thanks to Karus's reflexes and nimbleness the attack was swayed, and his move made the Major's blade miss cutting Reus in half.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!! MOVE!!!" he shouted to Reus till he snapped out of his daze.

The other two moved in towards the guards. Clearly they are doing improvisation at this time considering that Kayzar is going one-on-one to the left with the big Captain Gab while Yosh readies his arrows, whistling calling his friends to his aide and running to the other side to confront the Lieutenant Tarni who is very happy for some action.

Reus ran to Yosh's position to help him somehow to distract the enemy while he can formulate a plan to take the sack.

"Fools! You can't defeat us!" Major Camyl lifted her heavy broadsword and ran to Reus ignoring Karus.

"Hey! You!" Karus shouted slashing her at the back which she seemed to parry. "I'm not done with you yet!"

Karus continued a barrage of slashes in every direction that Camyl easily warded off with her big sword. Her humongous broadsword's wide blade trumps Karus's short sword in terms of defense so Camyl is not breaking any sweat.

The major found him interesting for it seems that every blow he made, he accurately tests and calculates the enemy's movements and analyzes it to find a weak spot. Truly a basic skill only a sword fighter can perform, nay, only an experienced sword master can do.

"Oh no, young prince! You don't get to study my defenses!" she made a hard blow striking him and got thrown for about eight feet away by defending with his sword. "As I've said," she positioned herself and prepared to take a lunge. "You can't defeat me! NOT IN A THOUSAND YEARS!!!" and she jumped turning her broadsword all around.

"Uh oh…"


Meanwhile, Kayzar ran to his opponent and grabbed his twin daggers from his back.

"Daggers? You reached out a dagger to fight me?!" said Gab with a dark and frightening tone of anger. "Are you MOCKING ME?! ARE YOU BELITTLING ME!?" he feigned his sword and dashed in front of him like the major did but a little slower.

Kayzar, after seeing this, reached something in the bottom of the hilt of his daggers and pulled. A thread with an inch-sized pin now dangles at the end of the hilt. He faked defending with his daggers concealing the fact that he threw his almost invisible threads to the attacking enemy. Unfortunately for him, the metal pin shined reflecting the orange skies of dusk. The Captain's keen eyes spotted the two pins coming his way and immediately dodged it almost instantly. He then backed away to keep his distance to Kayzar.

"Tch!" Kayzar remarked disconcerted. He missed his target by a third of an inch because he hesitated in throwing it. This is his first time to calculate such speed by an enemy twice or thrice his speed. This is also his first time to miss something. He never misses and he never fails, but this time he did and that upset him tremendously. He felt a deep chill inside, a deep chill of fear.

"I see. So, you're the one who uses poisoned weapons," he chuckled as he watched him from afar thinking of the best way to make contact. "This is the first time I've seen a person throw a pin into someone that is connected by a thin thread since the legendary Yiv."

Captain Gab just thanked Bathala in his thoughts for the sun setting in the west illuminated the pins revealing its deadly figure. As strong as he is, he recognizes the potential of Kayzar. For his age, his skills can easily land him as one of the supreme fighters of the Eastern Sentries having an automatic promotion to captain or as low as a lieutenant's rank at least on that demonstration alone. He believes that there won't be a miracle next time that's why he needs to maintain his distance and to keep a keen eye with his surroundings.

"What captain? Are you afraid of my daggers?" Kayzar shouted as he taunts him to get close to attack.

"Your pins won't work on me again m'boy!" he drove his sword into the ground and grabbed the twin daggers in his back which almost looks like a short sword in size. He thought that by using the daggers, he can both have the maneuverability to attack and the agility to counter anything. "You want fighting in close quarters? I'll give you your close quarters and I promise you you'd wish you didn't!"

"Okay…" He stepped backwards and opened all the flaps in his loose shirt. Thin threads started to dangle with small sharp metal pins at the end dancing. "Show me how good your clan really is…"

"Oh, I hope that's not an insult, child!" he shouted smiling devilishly as he ran towards him.

He slashed his way to Kayzar attacking every single angle he can.

Kayzar was terrified deep inside as he saw the fearful speed that the Captain demonstrated. At that rate, he might cut his limbs apart if he's not careful.

"GOT YOU!" the captain shouted driving his dagger to his right.

Kayzar noted nimbly moving the dangling threads on his left hand to attack his enemy while he moved the other threads from his right to try and tie the enemy's dagger hoping that it makes a lock in time for him to dodge.

Luckily for Gab, he saw his needle attacks from his right and immediately cancelled his move. He then made a counter to this and slashed Kayzar's threads so that the pins won't hit him. His desperate move to escape made Kayzar safe for a while but at the expense of his poisoned needles. He jumped back to set up his defense perimeter so as to avoid other counterattacks made by the enemy.

"Good one kid! You have talent, I'll tell you that!" said Gab now having a very disturbing smile. "but talent won't give you anything if you're fighting me!"

In his situation he saw a large gap of power between him and the Captain. It's as if a dark ominous energy is slowly eating him alive. The only thing left for them to do is to retreat, he thought as fear churns up in his body robbing all the warmth of his almost trembling hands. While he was thinking he made a quick look to his surrounding and saw Karus in danger.

At that time the major prepared a lunge that then readied herself to jump hastily to Karus's. Kayzar immediately threw three pins to her direction that bounced at the Major's broadsword. The sounds that the pins created while hitting the metal of her blade made her cancel the attack. Camyl jumped backwards to look at Kayzar which is also slightly moving backwards to her captain.

"RETREAT!" Kayzar shouted as he leaped backwards and blew a whistle that is swinging on his neck. After this, he ran with great haste as he saw his other brothers retreating.

Reus and Yosh on the other side heard the whistle and stopped showering their enemy Lieutenant Tarni who is clearly just playing with them, dodging the stones and arrows with little effort. They ran embracing darkness in the forest as night gently falls into the training ground.

"HAH! YOU BETTER RUN AWAY, LITTLE CHILDREN! THERE'S NO HOPE IN YOU DEFEATING US!" Captain Gab shouted in a deafening tone as they dashed along, slowly disappearing into the thick dark woodland.