Chereads / Transmigration in the Moon Princess Saga / Chapter 60 - Chapter 8: Arrie and Yu

Chapter 60 - Chapter 8: Arrie and Yu

"I am here!"

Another voice, a sweet angelic one, replied to the boy's call from a distance.

The little boy laughed gaily and Libitina watched him run towards her.

Then, he went through her abdomen before appearing behind her, as if she did not exist.

'Interesting…I seem to have entered some sort of dreamscape after touching foreheads with Willow.

'But what is this? Is this a snippet of Persephone's memory? Tudor mentioned three years ago that I would receive some memories every time I found one spirit part. I wonder what Willow holds within her.'

Her eyes followed the little boy's figure as she trailed after him. After shouting for some time, the little boy finally found who he was looking for.


A little girl with dark brown hair sat in the middle of the flower field, like a lone swan in the middle of a lake as her neck arched over the craft in her hands. Her features were gentle and open, and in her hands was a half-made flower band that she was working on. When she looked up, Libitina saw that her eyes were so bright that it was as if those orbs held in them blue flames that burned silently.

'Blue eyes!?'

Instantly, Libitina thought of Marianne, Alistair and the pairs of blue eyes that kept recurring throughout the Moon Princess history.

The blue eyes of Marianne were supposed to represent her huge potential for magic, and therefore destine her for the position of the Moon Saint. Such vibrant blue eyes…Is this girl a soon-to-be Moon Saint too?

Arrie smiled sweetly upon seeing the new arrival. "Yu, you've come! I've been waiting for you."

Yu's grin grew wider. He quickly ran through the flowers and sat himself beside the girl. "You are always fiddling with something in your hands. What are you making now?"

"A flower band for Mummsie. I saw the flower bands that Tuffy made and I wanted to make one myself."

"How do you do it?"

The little girl patiently told the boy to put together some dried twines and stems and selected some flowers for him. Soon, a pile of leaves was gathered, and the two children diligently focused on their flower bands. The boy was not very interested, and he soon gave up when he was half-way done. It was obvious that he was only doing the flower band because Arrie was doing it.

"Arrie, are you almost finished?"

"A little more."

"Hurry up, I want to go see the baby at Uncle Tommy's house!"

"I'm almost done! How about you go gather some wild feed for the baby, at least there's something we can feed it with."

The little boy murmured thoughtfully in agreement before he hurriedly dive into the taller grasses. Soon, the little girl got up and the two children held each other's hands, hopping through the fields merrily.

'This is unexpectedly sweet compared to Tudor's memory…' Libitina was confused on why Persephone held such a memory, but she acquiesced with following the children. 'Maybe there's a secret somewhere. I better look carefully.'

Soon, they arrived at a village composed of burrows. Fauna and flora were everywhere, and the scenery reminded Libitina of an elven kingdom or hobbits' burrows from the fantasy worlds of Earth. She gazed at the houses in awe. It was even better than the surprise she got from Enzak's European settings when she first arrived in Morobeau.

"This place is crazy," Libitina almost stumbled over the rocky pathway as she looked at the stumped houses in wonder and excitement, unaware that her mouth hung open. "Crazy!!!"

The children walked up to one of the bigger burrows and knocked on the door.