"What am I doing?" Jade whispered to herself watching wolf after wolf walk from the forest. She had used a week to prepare for this and make sure she was doing the right thing. She had thought she had convinced herself pretty well, but perhaps not. Now all she wanted to do was run and skip out on the night. Panic was setting in, but she couldn't let them see that. She had to be strong right? Yes, she had to be strong.
Looking to her back yard it was filled already with various men and women. They seemed to act like this was normal. Perhaps it was, to them at least. Cursing under her breath, she had half expected the wolves to flake out. No, not expected, hope they would decide she was no longer worthy to be their alpha. Then she would have an excuse to not take over Marcus or Nikolas. Cursing once more under her breath, she looked up at the digital clock on the wall. It rang at a ripe eight pm. They still had a few hours before the full moon was at its highest point and they would be forced to turn. Her eyes staring dead into the clock for a moment, traumatized, debating rather she should run or not. From what Andrew had been telling her over the week, these wolves were held close to the curse of the old days. On a normal day they had a choice, they could be a wolf or remain human, most chose to be human to hide in a crowd. However, on the three nights of the full moon, they were forced to spend the nights as wolves. As nice as it was to hear there was still a pack held to the original curse, they still needed an alpha. Without one they would remain vulnerable to Marcus' pack of city wolves. Like most packs, once they had a single alpha another alpha could not claim them or force them into another pack. Once they were under Jade, well not even Marcus could take them. Not with what she was about to give them. The witches that ran the city most days, would hide from them on nights like this. They wouldn't be able to control them in wolf form any longer.
The sound of banging forced her to draw her eyes away from the clock and back to her backyard. It was only the wolves trying to set things up but her nerves were getting the best of her. Taking a shaky breath she watched more of the wolves step from the woodwork. All her mixed emotions flared up and it suddenly hit her, she had agreed to lead a pack of wolves and keep them safe when she wasn't sure she could keep herself safe. She looked away from the window and leaned over the kitchen sink. She cursed again and sucked in another deep breath to calm herself. She had made a promise to Andrew and to the pack. 'Fuck' mumbling the word while standing up straight, she knew she would have to take her new role seriously. This would be the hardest job she ever had to do. She had gone over her Grandmother's journal several times, absorbing the ways she could bestow power to others and make them stronger. Of course, it was easy to do when the being was human or demon. These were werewolves and she had no idea how it would react to her gifts. The last thing she wanted was to kill them, but for her first act as alpha, she had to do what was best for the pack. This was it. This was the only answer to save them. At least it was a start...right? It had to be, or all that work she had done for this to get it right, was for nothing.
She had taken several days to figure out the best way to bestow powers on a creature that wasn't used to her darkness. She used one of the common wolves from the area around her home. A few weren't able to take it, forcing her to stop and try again another way. Several trials run later and she was able to safely transfer her power and remove it if she did it a little at a time. However, sharing her power would come at a price. Each time she tapped into that power, a part of her would become a little darker. It was what had happened to her grandmother Litha in the battle between her and her husband. It made her queen and she was a gracious ruler, but her heart was tainted with a darkness she couldn't control. She knew her heart was already tainted, but the last thing she needed was a reason to become darker. Her mother was the best example of how an already dark heart could grow darker. Her grandmother Litha was still good after everything that had happened in the war, and that's what Jade wanted to keep of all things else, the part of her that wasn't dark. The part that made her have compassion and love. With some thought, she knew getting darker was a price she was willing to pay to stop Marcus. He was a tyrant and didn't deserve this much power. Having grown up in the home of a ruler such as he, she didn't wish that on her worst enemy. If she could just get a hold of Erik she wouldn't have to step in. She wouldn't have to give up the peace she had found after years of searching. All it would take was for Erik to show up and Marcus would flee to another city. No luck came to her, every lead she had was a dead end. Without physically searching for him, he was lost to them, and Jade was now their only hope.
Sighing softly she went over everything in her head again while cutting the stakes meant for the night's meal. Everything had to be perfectly timed. She looked up again at the window while whipping her hands clean from the blood once she was done. Another dozen seemed to just show up out of the blue. It was a good thing she had enough food. Always the planner was she. Sucking in all the courage she could muster, she picked up and carried out the tray of stakes. Placing it beside the grill manned by Andrew himself, she let out a soft sigh. They had agreed the night before that a barbeque would be a good way to gain trust between herself and the already skittish wolves. The pack was still having some reservations about this new unknown breed of wolf. Would she be a great alpha for them? Sure she had a power that could help them in the long run. But was she going to use them as everyone else had? That was to be answered. She kept reminding herself that she wasn't the only one who was worried about starting a new pack. That was why Andrew had also talked her into making some sort of a speech about new beginnings and a new life and some other things she couldn't really remember at the moment. She tried to explain that it was all good and well except she wouldn't even know where to start writing one. It was in her blood, clearly, her mother, grandfather, and great grandmother were all rulers and had to have done a speech or two, but she never had to do any of that. Sure she was royalty, a princess, so it had to be in her somewhere, where was the question. Dig deep and wing it. That became her motto about ten minutes into trying to write something. Jade forced a smile as Andrew looked at the stack of stakes beside him. His eyes traveled up to look in her eyes and gave a small laugh. She could see the amusement in his eyes as he watched the fear dance in her own. Growling she looked out at the wolves and pushed up as close to Andrew as she could get, hoping she could speak just between them.
"Andrew…" The nervousness in her voice made him smirk. The rolls seemed to reversed from their first meeting, at this moment, Jade was the one who was afraid. The only difference was she was not scared of him, but the crowd she was looking out to. She was afraid of the kind of leader she would be, and how she would rule. "You told me it was just over a dozen. I've counted at least twice that and that doesn't include children and soon to be babies!" Jade spoke under her breath with a slight harshness she hadn't intended. The reality had hit her a lot harder when she stepped out of the house and saw the full picture. What would be her backyard was now swarming with almost two dozen wolves, maybe more. Andrew's smirk faded hearing the fast thumping in her chest. He realized he should have told her more had joined in the past few days. Turning to face her and grab a few stakes he tried to find the words to say.
"Calm down Bella. I apologize. I should have warned you more had joined. I am sorry." Facing the grill once more he continued speaking to her without much eye contact as possible. He had seen what happened when she got worked up. Those soft greens became ruby red. It made him shake in his boots the first time it happened. "It's just, once the wolves in the city heard someone was willing to save us from Marcus, they came running for safety. They had been too scared to leave before, afraid of his wrath. It's why I told you to bundle stakes because I'm sure this won't be all next time. Bella, they know it is safe with you. Even if they don't trust you right away. They can feel it..." He had given her the nickname Bella after spending the week with her. He told her it meant beautiful, which she never saw in herself. The messy chestnut locks, her make-up less face and confining clothes made her feel average. Only one person had ever made her feel really beautiful and he was in the wind. She insisted he give the nickname away but he went on to explain he wasn't calling her beautiful for her image, but her heart. It took someone with real courage and love to step up to something like this. Well, there was that and the fact he said any straight man would fall for her the moment they saw the emerald orbs staring at them.
"We're going to need more of a plan and more land if this keeps up Andrew. I don't know how these wolves will take to me, and you think more will come? What have I signed up for?" Jade slammed down the pan of stakes. The slam made him and a few others close by jump. "What do we do now? I planned for what you had told me not this! What do I do now?"
He could tell she was still nervous about all of this, even though they had talked about it extensively. Sighing he laid down the grill equipment and grabbed her shoulders as he turned. Making her face him, he put his hands on each side of her face and gave a warm smile hoping to comfort her or at least shake the nerves about tonight. If things didn't go as planned they had two more nights to make it right. "Just be you, Bella. They will love you as much as I already do."
Jade rolled her eyes at his words and pulled away. She hated to admit it, but he had earned her trust. He had been much more than her council over the past few nights. Andrew had been her guinea pig on the last experiment of bestowing power. With small amounts dosed out just right, he seemed to take to it just fine, the only bad thing that came out of it was how she could feel him. She could feel everything, his soul, his pain, his distress, his shift and so much more she didn't care to feel. She was closer to the wolf than his human, feeling everything it desired and wanted, and she always knew where he was at. Would that help him if he got to a place she couldn't reach him, she didn't know. His link to her was just as strong. He seemed to always know if she was in distress and where to find her. It could prove useful when the time for battle rang. It wasn't all the links that had made them so close; it only seemed to intensify it. Both shared a familiar history, coming from a broken home, fatherless and an only child because his mother hated his siblings, and growing up in a city constantly in battle. She wouldn't tell him, but she was happy to have gained a friend. She didn't want to admit it with how much she valued being alone and in peace.
Andrew gave her a look, making her realize she had been staring at him aimlessly for several long minutes. "Fine…"Jade rolled her eyes, tossing up her hands as she backed away from him.
Andrew shook his head and returned to the stakes on the grill. Jade walked over to the deck table where a bottle of Jack was waiting. Andrew had done well letting them know what not to touch. Her personal stash wasn't one to be touched but by a select few or for select occasions. Taking a shot directly from the opening, she held it in for a moment letting it slide down the back of her throat slowly. The perfect dose of liquid courage before turning to face the wolves who were also drinking, laughing and huddled around small fires. Taking a deep breath she brought the bottle to her lips once more taking another swing. Placing the bottle behind her on the table, she cleared her throat hoping it wouldn't get their attention and they could just avoid it. Her heart went into her throat as every single one went silent and looked to her. Trying to focus on any one of the dozens of eyes looking at her she was panicked. For a moment it was far too much to handle on one day. Taking a deep breath she went to speak, but before she could say anything they were all on a single knee. Looking at Andrew in fear he waved at her mouthing the three words from before 'just be you.' Taking in another deep breath she gave a wide smile and a half-laugh.
"I haven't even said anything yet." Gesturing her hands for them to rise, she made her way to the edge of the oak porch. "Please rise. I just want to make a few quick announcements, delegate a few things and let you enjoy your night before the shift." Slowly one by one they stood all making eye contact with her. Her voice shook as she tried to speak. Slowly closing her eyes and counting to ten she calmed herself. She could do this. Her voice held more confidence in the next few moments. More confidence than she truly felt. "You all have someone special to thank for this. It took someone extraordinary to change my mind on my old morals. I have always said I would never be a leader, and I would never fight someone else's rule. Andrew and I have spent the past week planning this evening. So when his done please enjoy the stakes and liquor provided to you before the moon comes to its point. Unlike all of you, I won't be forced to shift, and it's likely you will never see me shift. This is because my version of a wolf is more of a beast, that is rather deadly. My breeding is much different and far darker than your own. This also means I will not be running with you tonight, but when the sun comes up, you all welcome to come back here where I will be waiting with breakfast, clothes and a warm drink. I don't want this to be a pack where everyone feels they have to fall in line around a bunch of laws. I don't want this to be a place you feel you will be punished if you do something small. That is not to say I won't be disappointed, but you won't face my wrath unless you truly betray me. All I want is for us to be a family, and to ensure you know I am serious, I'm going to bestow some special gifts onto you. These gifts will make you stronger, faster and with a deadly bite. There is a vile from this box. I want you to take one and drink it. It's a virus made from my blood to make your wolf have a poisonous bite. The poison is only to be used as protection." She looked to Andrew who gave her a warm smile, she returned to the many eyes watching her every move. Moving over to the grill she picked up a piece of wood.
"As you run tonight be warned not to step off the bounders. My lands are marked with this…" She held up the plaque with the Nordic symbol of peace. "This symbol is one of the old days. It means peace. It is from my past and was taught to me by the only other real family I had. I feel like it was eons ago, but I carry it with me always." Smiling at the faint memories of long ago she sucked back a tear and shook her head. " Anyway, my point is that this land is now a place where all who wish peace may enter and find refuge. This means anyone, not just werewolves, though I am very certain none of the others apart from our kind will wish to partake in our small army. However, if any enter not intending to keep this peace, take them out by whatever means necessary. If they do wish to partake in our peaceful ways they are to be brought before me. I will ensure their safety as long as they follow some rules. Rules I expect you to follow as well. The rules are simple.
1. No fighting on these grounds unless I say so or someone enters with hostile intent.
2. If a city wolf enters the lands and wants peace, I don't care if you have issues. Do not hurt them. From now on this is only a place for friends and family to be happy and free of city laws. Basically, we are Switzerland so long as we are on these grounds.
3. Feel free to use the empty cabins spread along the vast grounds, but don't get greedy. There are a lot of you and you kind overpopulate the lands.
4. Lastly, do not betray me, or my pack. If I find a traitor among my pack there will be hell to pay." Her words seemed to shake them in their boots, but they knew she was dead serious. Trying to cool down the situation, her eyes softened once again and she gave them a smile.
"We are nearly done here, everyone calm. I don't know any of you, but I know how a pack runs. Over the next three nights, I will be watching all of you closely. On the last night of the full moon, I will have picked five to six generals. You will be in charge of getting together groups for patrols, setting up meetings with one another to coordinate a routine and where your patrols will take point. I will have also picked five of you to gather groups of hunters of wild game. Lastly, I will put together a council of sorts to help make decisions within the pack. I don't feel like doing this all on my own, to be your ruler because I am not. As for the rest of you, you will be put into certain classes, and have certain tasks delegated to you. As for trips to the city, there will not be any done without me as an escort or in groups with a general to accompany you. If we need something nature just absolutely can not give us you will let me, a general or Andrew know and it will be put on a list. I will gather everything when I make my way into town. If that is clear I am going to move one. I am going to warn you that the gifts I am about to bestow on you come at a price. With this price, I will always know where you are when you are in distress and if you are in trouble. I will be the one who will be the first to show and the first to defend you. From now on you are not lone wolves, you are a pack, a family, and you are my responsibility. I promise I will do what I can to make this pack strong and when the time comes, this city will be great once more. So with all this now being said, let us enjoy a meal together!" Jade tossed out her hands as Andrew snuck down to place the cooked meats and corn on the table spread. She hadn't realized how well she was at making speeches until this one ended. After a roar of clapping that spread throughout the lands like thunder, the entire pack dug into the food and beer spread out for them. After her words everything seemed to settle and the wolves even seemed to relax a little in her presence. She had done it, being the leader she had run away from for so long and it was only day one.
A smile came, looking down at Andrew. The wolves chartered amongst themselves while enjoying their meals. Letting them eat she retired to her table on the porch where her open bottle sat waiting. She took some time to wind down and gather strength and prepare for the power bestowing. It was not going to be so easy. She was going to give more than she had originally planned and weaken herself in the process. This pack was going to give her some lingering dark instincts. She hoped it would all be worth losing herself. Jade looked up to the sky, her eyes staring into the face of the massive moon above. They had just enough time for her to give them the first dose of power before the turn would be forced on them. Looking out to the pack it hit her. A major part of her speech had been left out. Jumping up from her seat she nearly toppled over her own feet. Shouting out as she caught herself on the deck railing everyone jumped up before going silent. They looked up at her in concern.
"I am okay. I'm okay. I just forgot something. Our name! Every pack needs a name." Gathering her footing she tried to laugh it off. Walking back to the edge of the porch she began to speak once again. "Andrew and I decided it was best if we go by what we are, rouges. We are the outcasts that stomp on the laws of the City Pack. So our pack is now, and always will be remembered as The Rouge Wolves…" The pack was silent for a moment. She let them speak among themselves while watching the moon inch it's way to the highest point. Everyone seemed to be in agreement to it, but there was no time for a vote. "Take some time to think about the name, but for now everyone please stand and get as close as you possibly can to me. We have just enough time for me to bestow these gifts to you." This time a genuine smile crept across her face.
Jade watched the wolves rush to finish their drinks and meals. One by one she was now faced with rows of wolves awaiting her word. Jade took a deep breath, closing her eyes for a moment while she put her mind at ease. The noise from the wood surrounding them went still, silent enough they could only hear the rhythmic beasts of their hearts in perfect sync. Letting out the breath she forced herself to keep her eyes open. The soft emerald greens now pure red from corner to corner. Many backed away in fear. Red eyes weren't uncommon in alphas, but not like these. Andrew watched the others begin to back away ready to run, looking up at her with panic she held up a hand. Jade sent out a wave of calm over the group, easing their fear and anxiety. Nodding to Andrew he let out a deep sigh and made his way to the porch. Lifting the box with the vials of her blood mixture, he urged the group to take a single vial. It was all they would need. With some hesitation, they each took down the vile, and as Andrew had days ago they crumbled over in pain. She cringed trying not to let the sight of how the poison was affecting them, affect her. It just took time for it to set in and bond within their DNA. After a few moments, they slowly stood looking down at their bodies. A smile rose on each and every single one of their faces. They were still no match for Marcus' wolves power-wise, but she was certain they would surpass them in time. Her power bestowal would double the amount of power they had already had, but Marcus' wolves had no control over the full moon. They would attack first and ask questions later. With whatever Marcus' was giving them she couldn't trust what was going to happen without some planning on her part. Her pack needed that same strength as those Marcus' had, but with much more control.
Jade waited until the moon was at its peak.. The wolves would be forced to turn and accept the power twice as fast. Calling on the darkness deep inside her, her eyes narrowed. The moon increasing her strength, she let go of the darkness inside her. A black like smoke slipped from her fingertips, trickling down the deck touching the first of the wolves. The first touch and it was done. The slow flow from her body increased in speed. A darkness seeping below their flesh until it entered the bloodstream. They were linked to one another as well as her, something like a chain binding them as one. Each one doubled over screaming in agony. The pain from the darkness and their wolves forcing the shift combined would be enough to take down even the strongest of creatures. Their eyes held a deep red, slowly building the link to the beast inside her. Jade held the chain until the last of them felt her power. Looking down as the last of their eyes returned to that of a wolf, she stopped the flow of power, trying not to collapse in front of them. She took a step back. The wolves all watched her with eyes of rage, and at first, she feared they hated her. Would they run off and try to find another alpha? Had she failed them? With the gifts halting the turn for only a moment, they fell to their knees with heads bowed. In unison, they praised her with words.
"Our Alpha, our leader, our savior…" Words that would later become their motto. She watched with a smile on her face. Their veins fading back to blues and purples instead of the darkness from which they received. Before she could say anything to them, they were forced into the turn, so it could wait.
Their first shift she had not expected anything extravagant. Maybe a bit taller than before, or perhaps they would show in strength. She couldn't have been more wrong. Standing before her now were magnificent beasts nearly doubled in height. She could see and feel the amount of strength each one carried with them now. A new confidence was sought inside them. For a moment she couldn't have been more proud. Waving them off she tried not to show how weak the night had made her. She caught sight of the children that had stayed behind. Younglings that would not be able to protect herself or withstand her gifts. There were only a few, but those kids ten and under remained close by under the watchful eye of a select few female nanny wolves.
Retreating inside she closed the glass doors behind her. Jade could still hear the little wolves running about and playing with one another. It put a smile on her face. She would never have such glory, not with the curse placed on her family. Closing her eyes she expanded her mind connecting with each and every one of them. She tried to focus on only one at a time, but it was like chaos that would drive her crazy. She would have to gain some sort of control on this eventually, learn to focus on one wolf at a time to harness in certain emotions and thoughts. Opening her eyes she had to put her mind to ease. Getting breakfast ready sounded like a rather good idea. Sorting her fridge for the food she had bought with Andrew the day before, her mind traveled to the small bar she stepped into before her meeting with Marcus. Passing it a few times on her trips into town she would stop to stare at the two men from her past. Starting on the meal for the morning, her heart was tugged in two ways. Finding her own place among this city, and getting back the lovers she had lost.
Back then it was a different time. Their people came before their hearts, and they all feared her. They had a right to. It was the first time Jade found out what she really was. The first time she had tasted her own power and felt it's intoxicating pull. If it wasn't for Erik she would have killed everyone that stood and then some. The beast inside her had been kept locked down ever since that day, but not without some effort. A battle raged inside her, one that only calmed when he was near, but she could never have Erik. Not with the fight it would ensue between Nikolas and Alexander. They were already in a civil war, why in the hell would she desire to start another.
Pushing the thoughts aside, she let the biscuits bake while gathering the bags of clothes and shoes the group would need. Six and a half dozen eggs, six pounds of sausage and bacon, some eight dozen biscuits and six loaves of toast later, the sun seemed to be fast approaching. Quick to spread out the feast on the tables their dinner was placed, along with clothes, fresh juice, milk and coffee, hot cocoa and a spread of jams, jellies, and butter, everything was perfect. Jade took a seat on the porch tableware and sleep finally caught up to her before she could overcome it. Her body gave in before she could stop it, knocking her out in order to replenish the strength she had lost. Her dreams were peaceful for once, almost like her mind was totally settled and calm. That was until the tap to her shoulder startled her awake. Jumping up she grabbed hold of the hand to whomever it was and took them down with a knee in their back and their arm pinned under her own. Letting her eye adjust with a growl, she realized it was Andrew. Jumping up to her feet, she backed off him. Looking up she noticed the large group gathered around the tables eating and drinking around burned-out fire pits. They were talking among themselves while the children ran around playing games.
"I am so sorry!" Jade helped him up trying not to laugh. "Of course you should know better than to startle me awake."
"Remind me not to do that next time. That actually kind of hurt." Andrew stood up dusting his white tank off, flattening it as best he could. Sitting down on her patio chair. Andrew laughed looking out to the pack, before looking back to her with a smile. "You did it."
"No, We did it." Jade gave him a smile, looking back out to the pack of wolves. "But now I need to go catch up on some sleep before I kill someone. Tell the pack they are free to hang around until they are ready to go home. I will see you all tonight" Jade waved her goodbyes before heading inside. If she could have made it to her room, she would have, but she couldn't. Falling over the back of her antique couch, she instantly fell asleep.
The next two nights were easier, she didn't give them any more of the so-called gift. Instead, she shared the nights getting to know them. The pack hadn't gained any more members to her luck, but she knew it was only a matter of time before more came along. Word of a new alpha was spreading faster than wildfire. The final night she did as promised picking five generals, hunting leaders, and council members. They would now be responsible for the jobs laid out before them. Andrew tasked the rest and before the second month of full moons, the pack seemed to have ordered. By the third month, she had become more than just their alpha...each one was like her child, and when someone was trying to wipe out her children she snapped.
She didn't know if he was testing her, or if he was just stupid but Marcus was forcing her hand. He was forcing her to do something she didn't want to do. To make good on her promise from their first meeting. Pacing her room trying to think of a way to rattle him without killing someone. The idea of hurting an innocent for something other than food sickened her. Perhaps she could have someone do it for her. Maybe she could get the courage to finally go see Nik and Alex. Having them back in her life again was something she had wanted since seeing them in that hole in the wall bar. She wasn't sure they would even forgive her, but they could be the best thing to happen to her and the pack at this time. They could use the boys to do things that she herself could not bare to do. They could be the very muscle she was missing from the pack. Not to mention, Marcus would crumble watching his family siding with her. She knew that deep down in that black heart of his, Marcus desired for his family to want him, and accept him. It wouldn't seem like it to the normal eye, but everything he was doing and everything he had ever done in the past was for them and their approval. Deciding to push aside the fear of danger and rejection she decided it was finally time to speak with them. It would be what was best for the pack, and if she reminded herself of that, maybe she could get the courage to do just that.
Andrew would not be too thrilled to hear how she wanted to become allies to the second most hated man in New Orleans. After all, Nikolas had a way of asserting himself among groups of people and trying to take over things that did not belong to him. Still, there was a side to him no one else knew about. One that he seemed to only show to her. Aside from him she knew she could appeal to and shut down his ego, or maybe it was the blind love she still had for him that made her think she could get him to side with her. It could be the fact that he was her first and she couldn't let go of it that made her think he held something more than lust for her and would do anything to pull her into his bed. She couldn't be sure of anything. It was a new time and all she knew was aside from all their history, they needed Alexander and Nikolas' help.
She knew she couldn't just walk up to them, not after she just vanished over a thousand years ago. They wouldn't believe anything she said, and would likely act out in aggression. They could storm off, attack her, or worse, they could stay and want to take her back. They could forgive her for everything. She was ready for every scenario that could happen except that one. Except for the one where she would be wanted by them again. If they continued to believe that she had left of her own terms and didn't return for her own reasons, they could continue to hate her. They could deny her and whatever love they held and remain at a distance. If they had known that Erik was the reason she left, that he was the force that made her leave to protect their village it could do more harm. Getting dressed all she could think to do was have them find her, to approach her on their own. After getting them on board, she would go to Marcus and make her threat more than an empty promise. Dressed in her jeans, boots and a flannel shirt, she made her way into town by a truck leaving Andrew in charge of her cabin and the pack without much information as to why she was going into town before their monthly shopping day. All she could give him was she had personal business and needed to leave it at that. Any more prying and she would not be so nice.
Pulling about a block from the bar, she sat for about thirty minutes debating rather or not she should even get out or turn around. A few locals started giving her looks, watching her movements. Growling at herself she got out shoving the keys into her pocket. No one would want the truck unless they were desperate. It was an '87 after all and falling apart around her feet most days, but she loved it so keeping it running was a small price to pay for what it really gave her, joy. Stopping in front of the bar she could already feel their presence inside. Peaking through the small bay window, sure enough, both brothers were drinking away their sorrows at the bar. Reaching for the handle on the door she suddenly lost all sense of courage. Backing away she remained in front of the building and continued to pace back and forth. The great Jade Levi, losing her confidence, that would really help her in the fight with Marcus. Getting some more looks from the city folk, she looked up to see the sky lit up with oranges and reds. The sun was setting. Cursing at herself, she had lost track of time-fighting her inner demons. Shaking it off, she focused on the beast inside. It roared forward, pushing down all fear inside and boosting her confidence back up. Pulling open the bar door she made her way inside. Looking over to the little table she had first sat in, it was empty. Taking a seat in front of the bay window, her eyes wandered over to the two men. Neither seemed to notice her this time. Alex had his head dipped down over a glass, and Nikolas was all over some other woman. Pushing down her jealousy she waved over the man at the bar. It was the same bartender from their first meeting, sadly she hadn't seen him in the pack this time. Ordering some jack she made sure he would just keep them coming. It was going to be a long night for her, or so she thought. The moment the clock rang twelve am, both men were off as if she wasn't even there...and it went on like that for days.