"In the beginning there was nothing" if you think I was going to say the crisis on infinite earth dailouge you are wrong.
Before the BIG BANG all GODS were making a blueprint of the universe sort of we will call it as blue print.
All GODS were building there own universes like:
Every GODS, Muslim Allah u
Christian GOD and Jesus
Hindu's three gods were
But some thing happen in the BIG BANG!!!
A small cute little baby was floating in the newly formed space
That cute baby.... was not in there plan it was created mistakenly so the GODS took full responsibility of the baby and send it to heaven
This was the beginning of a nauthy silly Hero who was born too....
whatever soooo
I was taking ohhh that baby grew up and became a big problem to all GODS in the heaven and he was sent to earth where his family blood type you know sent to his real sister who he was delighted to see every time
chapter 1 complete
next chapter in,on.... aahhh whatever
when I am free okkk