Chereads / StarDuster - Glory of the Umbral Avenger / Chapter 6 - Keys and Locks

Chapter 6 - Keys and Locks

To the average persons conception, the distance between here and where I'm going is really far...

But it's a game!

Of course there will be little teleport stations that cover Hundreds of thousands of miles at a time.

I'm currently heading to the nearest one, so i can use it to teleport to my destination. You can only use these with a vehicle to prevent combat logging.

I remember when you didn't need a vehicle for that, you could Gank an enemy and then just warp.

Alright! There is my destination... just around the corner!

* Thwap *

Oh fuck, I just hit someone...

Uhh, I hope it wasn't someone stronger than me... I don't have any equipment at my level.

I read his username, and surprisingly it's familiar...

Quartz |

He was a member of my PK squad during my reign... I'm fucked!

System! Hide my Details!

Confirmed |

Ok, now that he can't track me I gotta go! I see the totem used for teleportation....

I might make it!

Quartz - " Hey! Come back here Fucknuts! Your fucking dead ! "

Me - " Sorry! Sorry! "

System! Warp me to Averlio City!

Confirm ? |

Yes! Please hurry up!

Oh shit shit shit he's catching up!

Quartz - " I'm going to kick your ass boy!"

Me - " See ya Quartz, hope you do find solace in getting run over by me! "

What did I just say haha, that totally came out of nowhere.

Welcome to Averlio City. |

City Scaled Event Upcoming |

All shops closed |

And with a brief feeling of superiority from fucking with quartz again, I realise I can't do what I came here for... I guess I'll partake in the event?

I spotted a player, Level 20 Witch...

Her name was xyQW Overfrost

What a pretentious person, putting their guild tag in her name... whatever I'm not going to interact with her beyond asking for directions.

I approached her with the Mini Map open,

Me - " Excuse me, but can you show me where the Event is? "

OverFrost - " Fuck off. "


I try that guy over there.

Level 38 Spearman, HP SpearCraft.

Me - " Excuse me, can you tell me where the event is? "

HP - " no. "


Fine, guess I'll find it myself.

I headed to a small watch tower, I bribed the guards to let me up and look around with some Mana Crystals, you can change those directly for money you know.

I spy with my little eye... two girls getting robbed... a white cloaked girl getting beat... a black haired dude with a Harem... a Small girl with a gun... a large skeleton... man, quite a few of these could be events.

Fuck it, this is taking to long...

System, where is the event.

It's city wide |

What is it?

A group of invading monsters will show up soon. |

Oh, it's not in progress.

Damn, I lost good crystals for that bribe too.

How long untill the event?

Two Days |


Guess I'll make some gear.

I left the tower and headed to a public blacksmith... it's sorta like a public place for practicing Smithies.

I got Ant Carapace. That's about it.

System, label all possible creations using any of the Ant Carapaces I have.

Confirmed |

Light Carapace plate ( Set ) |

Medium Carapace Plate ( Set ) |

Heavy Carapace Plate ( Set ) |

Carapite Bullet |

Carapite Sniper Frame |

Carapite .44 revolver. |

Carapite Brazier |

Mandible ( Cosmetic ) |

Skin and Carapace Exosuit |

Quite a small list, but there is some cool items.

Alright, I'll make the mandible Cosmetic, the revolver, and the Exosuit.

- 2 Hours Later -

And done... whew that took longer than expected... that Exosuit thing took extra long... and my Mana Crystals too.

But it looks dope as hell, specifically In this game, Exosuits are rare craftables gained when you use lots of the same material, it basically allows you to make an extra skin. Normally this doesn't have any cosmetic effect.

My suit changed the composite of my skin, making it hard like an Exo Skeleton.

It changed my pale white skin to a lovely tan, and it changed the color of my cloths and guns to light brown and tan.

I equiped the mandible, I expect it to give me those cool things at the front of a ant... but it just made my teeth sharp...

Not a bust, but I wanted to literally be an ant to see if I get like a secret or... something.

I swapped the rusty silver frame on my gun for the nice tan one, and I equiped my new revolver instead of the old Handgun.

System, show me the stats of my equipment.

Confirmed |

Skin and Carapace Exosuit, grants a sheild to you and all nearby allies ( 15m ) The shield halves damage of when it's first hit and then all hits 15 seconds after, recharge of 1 hour. |

Mandibles, change your teeth to that of a Insect predator, one of a hidden set to unlock " Insectoid " Race. |

Carapite .44 Revolver, a revolver with a large kick and power, but is light due the the unique material. |

Carapite Sniper Frame, increase overall function of sniper by 10% |

Huh, not bad as a little reward for slaughter... maybe I can get that Insectoid Race... I wonder what's the unique ability for that.

Alright, evaluation time...

I finally found a mirror!

So, my armour covered my entire lower body, it's Tan and Light brown with hints of a red glow, my eyes are red, my hair is still marbled blue. The only parts not covered in my Exosuit is my hands and head.

It definitely didn't look like skin, but rather like armour built into me, hiding all the fleshy bits.

I think I used to have a fur cape? Did I? Maybe i lost it or something... maybe I forgot to make one.

I'll use the player market to sell the rest of the carapace... I need the money.

I guess I'll stay the night at a Inn... It's been way too long since I've done that.

I arrived at the inn... Boar and Stack Inn And Dinner! Adventurers Welcome!

I guess they can push a demographic.

I mean, despite this game being based on a fantasy world... it suprisingly was lack luster for fantasy... electricity existed and so did guns and Mecha... I guess whatever it takes to pull a market.

I went to the man that standing at the Bar, there seemed to be no one else...

Florence |


Me - " Excuse me, do you work here ? "

Florence - " Yep, need a drink or a place to stay? "

Me - " Yeah, 2 nights... how much?


I entered the small room I rented, antique was the only word for it. No windows and dusty furniture.


As I began to unwind, taking my Exosuit off and undressing the simple cloths that were under... I heard a rustle in the small room I was in.

Bugs? Rats?

No, I guess it was a small inconvenience... cough cough...

nothing at all... nothing to worry about...

Ahaha! I shot my revolver and get this, I missed.

The creature in my room was a Large centipede. Same size comparison to the ants, it hid under the large furniture.

Me - " Fast little Fucker ain't ya? What are you doing here? "

I assumed it's intelligent... otherwise it wouldn't hide...

System, Identify Target.

LVL 1 Cultipede |

Tamable |

Mountable |

Oh, its only level 1?

Whats a Cultipede?