The jewel was quite beautiful but I couldn't be won over by what was an interesting stranger so easily. But I did want to keep him nearby, and I sensed from his demeanor he wouldn't harm me, but he is so strange, he entertains me while also seemingly worship who he thinks I am. I have yet to see if he will still be so obsessed after spending time with me, but likely, he sees as a pawn like everyone else. His infatuation will break soon.
"Well, I see you know how to spoil a woman but do you know how to form a plan that doesn't go awry?" I asked him with a smirk on my face. "How are we gonna change my world so yours can be the same now? If we change things now, won't it be different later no matter what?"
He smiled at me, seemingly impressed. "They said you were wise, but I did not expect you to grasp the butterfly effect so easily and on your own, the future is truly rude to medieval intelligence. Or you are just exceptionally intelligent Princess valentine, how much do you study?" He asked. How prying to analyze me. The future does not recognize authority much do they?
"I do not like it when you so carelessly avoid my questions. I want to hear a plan not to discuss my study habits. You better think twice before avoiding them again," I firmly stated. It feels like I having to constantly remind me of who is in charge and who can turn him in for witchcraft among other crimes any moment I feel like.
He tensed as he stayed quiet for a moment. He sat down on the ground and began to ponder. I rolled my eyes, waiting for a rapid response.
"We must convince other princesses, and princes if possible, that the system does not care for their happiness, while the people make an uprising for freedom. It is quite radical, but if done subtly, they will riot in the streets until forming their own new governments as done in my timeline. Though, it typically happens when royals start to not care for their people and their livelihoods," he brushed his blonde hair out of his face as he inhaled a sharp breath after explaining so much.
"It is basic, but your head is in the right place. But how would we do this? Even if I return to being a princess, my reputation is for helping people and I am not going to Prince Chester ever again. I doubt newcomers can convince people of any change being good, you must remember the way things are is fear of change. The system works, people know their place, they make sacrifices for the greater good. Even I am not convinced actually this good for anyone!"
My face flushed as I was got in a bit of frustration. I wanted people to be happy, to not marry despicable men for the purpose of 'peace' that was already there, but this is all anyone knows. I started to walk around, pondering to myself what could and should be done with this knowledge from the future, and if it was right. I could change history now.
"Princess Valentine, you know the people of this world better than any scholar could. We could cause problems against the system ourselves and people may be motivated to join in for expression of individuality. People do crave it, but do not listen to it if a system is in place to diminish it. Do you want to be completely free? To create a world where the people control a system together with their unique personalities? If not, why are we still talking about this?" He asked, sure of himself of my answer.
"I will only do this so people can be happy for themselves and the disgusting pigs of society can rot openly! Let us start by going to the town Stonesten in the Silvam Kingdom and exposing the royal son as the aberration he is!" I exclaimed excitedly as I took the strange man's hand and led him in the direction of my ex-fiances kingdom. "What is your name by the way?"
"Adam" he replied cooly as he excited followed me.