I decided to instead of just diving straight in , I would like too explain first.
To start off ... I like to give advice,talk and hear people's problems because helping is my thing. I have always liked to read stories but I was never interested in writing them because they just intrested me , and doing this alone is a huge step forward for me in finding what I really want in life. Because recently I've realized I can't keep living life on the edge not caring about anything, so this is me finding my stability and doing what I love too do.
As you can see I definitely talk a lot and like to express myself. When I give advice I will want to be able to speak like I'm communicating with a friend because I do think that it makes people more comfortable and starts to trust me. I'm not sure if they do a communication message on this app but they do I would love for people to give me topics to take about , which goes with my title so my main thing for this "story" will be mostly on giving advice but I will also be talking about different things. For example current topics on social media or global issues just different things. I believe that is I have to say for now but I will be updating soon and I hope you all love my advice.