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when pigs fly

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Chapter 1 - Crazed men

so i have been in this world for a wild now I wonder how I got here... Oh now I remember I was at home eating like usual I have always been like that have I. Well anyways it was like any other day stuck in my house bored out my mind i am one of the kinds of people who think that staying at home is a waste of time but it's not all that bad ok so i was in the living room eating the amazing sauced deliciousness of pasta my mom makes it would make my eyes water if I still had any after eating all of her food I went to sleep I had this weird dream that there were elves standing around me trying to wake me up I woke up but not really I felt around and grabbed hold of something it felt soft and soothing then I felt a really strong hit to my face it really hurt surprisingly then I heard a loud scream and a shuddering voice this girl she told me why I'm not opening my eyes I told her I was blind... ... ... apparently they didn't know what that was so they kept telling me i had a super power or something it was kinda embarrassing eventually they calmed down then there was silence and the girl that i was talking about earlier told me who are you i told her my name was ten she got confused and had a angry voice she yelled at me stop playing what's your real name then i felt a warm sensation in my head and fell asleep I had another dream it was kinda weird but I wasn't surprised I always have weird dreams about like tourists going to the top of a poor bear's head with a taco ya I don't know either well anyways back to the story I woke up I smelt a weird odor coming from I don't know somewhere so i yelled mom and no one came so yelled is anyone there a slight pause then boom this loud sister type person ran in and said your awake and I was dying to know where I am and I asked but she said that she found me on a pedestal of magic covered in ice I asked again where I am and finally she said you are at tenzo town she said why do you ask and I told her because I'm blind she was surprised I just blurted it out like that but it usually happens alot so I didn't feel like explaining how it happened maybe later so finally after sitting in silence I said wait what!? wait where am i frantically i ran in the direction of where she was i was only 11 so I still did things like run to my mom when I'm in trouble but not this time I didn't know the room layout so I tripped over a dresser in the room and fell on something in silence I stand up and say hello nice to meet you I'm ten she said what your ten you look 12 or 11 uh really I say disappointed that's my name that got me kinda angry so she was nice enough to bring me to the table to eat out of curiosity I went on the way there I touched a wall it felt like sand and I did not have any shoes on wonder where they went but anyways I felt the floor also it was hot like a campfire and I touched the girl that was escorting me she felt soft like a pillow once I got to the table it was kinda normal except for the fact that I was hearing loud screaming going on in the other room ... how is my magic worse than yours your have a weak earth affinity and I have fire and earth I asked what are they talking about and was told that there are 6 different affinities that someone could have water fire earth dark light and wind the one no one really liked I said why and they said cause it's old and everything is already seen every thing it has to offer so I asked if everyone has a affinity and she said yes want to check yours and i was super excited suddenly a vast wind hit me in the face and she said you have the affinity ... wind but I dont want wind can I try again she said you cant it doesn't work like that so I stuck with it after a few years I was 13 and was going on a mission to kill a lingering dragon in one of the caves close by with 0 it was a nick name I gave her cause she was the first thing that I started off from 0 anyways later on when we got to the cave a guy in a black coat ran In front of me and hit me with a nice round house to my right arm i fell confused we just got here grunt in pain as i stand up 0 chased him down leaving me alone without light without heals my forearm was cracked and with my dislocated elbow joint it hurt I popped it back in place though I went back to find a lying body with rocks and dirt starting to cover it its 0 i run to her to get her out and i get caught a devilish black coated figure came toward me and hardened the rock an kicked me in the opposite direction and dislocated my other arm a fight or flight mode I swung at the rock with a wind spell and it did nothing laughing the black coated figure started to realise that I had weapons and I quickly grabbed a dagger from my pocket and threw it but he caught it and threw it back it hit me in the shoulder going threw the other side quickly i listened and I couldn't hear 0 I went ragged and the black coated figure grabbed the knife and started twisting it at this point I was definitely dead the blood loss everything was piled on in a full fury my final burst I used a wind slash and an cut both the black coated figures legs off ... what happened suddenly I smelt a familiar smell it was pasta my mom said you want some more I said no and layed back down and said I really do have crazy dreams.