As they entered the Temple of Blight they looked around and saw the windows had huge stain glass paintings and the temple was held up by giant stone pillars the color of sand. As they walked deeper into the Temple they saw a large doorway that had two huge statues that looked like large dogs holding large scythes crossed together so that they could not pass through the door.Ralingar looked at the statues and said, " let us through!" then out of the floor arose a tall skinny man wearing a white tailored suit and holding a clipboard " Name?" he said in a formal voice " Ralingar Koa Koragar." Ralingar said as he asked the creature " what is your name?" without looking up from his clipboard he answered " I am Bix the Temple Spirt. I make sure that you are all who you say you are before you enter the Oracle's Chambers." Bix looked over some papers and said " Ralingar and the Six of Legend you all may enter the Oracle of Blights Chamber." The two dog-headed statues lifted their scythes and the Six and Ralingar entered the Oracle of the Dessert of Blights Chambers