The King of Castle Raz is dying at the age of 900, Lord Enjin a great ruler who lived to fight in the God Wars and seen the death and suffering of his friends is dying. Calingar the youngest son stood by his fathers' bed and knelt " Ani'vara {Don't leave.}" Calingar said his dark brown hair falling in front of his tear streaked face.Enjin smiled weakly placing a hand on his sons check and looked into Calingars eyes " You will be a fine king." Enjin said as his eyes closed, and his life force weakened. Ralingar the middle brother placed a hand on Calingar" Anna'var.{ he is gone,}" Ralingar said the room was silent for several minutes until Morgone the oldest brother spoke " So are we just supposed to believe the Jin'taree? when she says that evil will come ten days after six beings come from different worlds?"Ralingar stood up and sighed " Yes. right now, that is all we can do. Calingar is king and right now the only thing that can be done is to wait."Morgone pounded his fist on a nearby table " that is Baka {Bullshit} you and I both know that I will be a better ruler! Nothing we can do but wait? we can send armies to the Nowhere worlds and ride it of all threats."Calingar lifted his head and said softly " and what would that do but cause war? is that a better alternative?"Morgone grunted and left the room Ralingar sat down next to his brother " he is right, it is an option." Ralingar said to CalingarCalingar knew that. but he did not want to cause unjust death, that could be prevented."No, Ralingar we wait no matter how long it takes; I will not rush to war."