Chapter one
I was walking with my boyfriend, as my flats hit the hard asphalt on road on Kenwood St. from the park we just came from. My white summer dress blowing freely between my legs.
"Lavender, would you care if I take you on a date tomorrow?" My boyfriend asked.
I nodded my head, "Yes I would love that, but I gotta go. My mom is probably expecting me in-" I checked my phone. It said 4:30. "In five minutes, but I would like to spend the last five minutes with you."
He waved goodbye as I walked to my front door, and I walked into the living room. A white creamed colored two seater couch sat in the middle of the room. I pushed the couch just forward a little bit to center it and walked over to the 48" inch TV. I turned it off and walked over to the kitchen.
"Honey, can you fill the dishwasher?" My Mother asked.
"Sure, mom."
I finished with the dishwasher as she asked again, "Laven, can you change into a more casual outfit for the day? As a family, we are going to Pollina's Detached Star." Her voice monotone as she spoke on the phone.
I ran upstairs to my room, I walked into its purple demeanor. My bed sat in the middle of my room. My mirror lay against the wall with my little vintage lights dangling against it.
I walked over to my white dresser and put on some yoga pants that was snugg on my legs. I shoved a nice comfy T-shirt that hung low past my waist. I looked at my bed and found a circular box lying on it. It looked like a vintage box, so I opened it and found a necklace. I put it on and it lay on my chest. I held it in my hand, looking at the tiny jewel; walked to the mirror in my room, and looked at myself. My blue eyes became brighter and I felt light, like a feather floating in the air. I went to my bed, plopped my butt and started to read a book called Crossed by Ally Condie.
It seem that I had fallen asleep, because I woke up to my brother Alex gently knocking on the door telling me that Mom wanted us both downstairs. We came down and I found Mom laying on the couch asleep as well as Dad texting on his phone, standing there completely still. We heard a knock on the door and Alex went to open it, but the person outside busted the door into splinters.
They shouted, "Where is Lavender Midnight Copper!"
I walked up to Alex and held his arm while still in shock.
"I'm Lavender Midnight Copper and what do you want?" I spoke in a somewhat brave voice.
A boy that was in the group - that looked supposedly the oldest - took my arm and pulled me. I was the only one that was star struck, couldn't believe it, I was being taken out of my home and did nothing about it. One of the older boys in that group came up to me and tied a black bandana around my eyes so I couldn't see. Something poked into my neck,
"Ow, that hurt!" I yelled, "What did you do?" My words slurring together.
I was feeling sluggish and I fell limp.
I woke up to a loud thumping in my ears. I sat up straight and felt really dizzy. My gut was telling me to lay down before anything left my belly. I had forgotten that I had been taken yesterday and did not do anything about it. Not even a little punch or two. When I had the strength to not throw up, I looked around. I was in a white room, with no windows. A bright warm light shined down on the floor. I heard a loud cranking noise to my left, I whipped my head to an opening as a young man stepped from the shadows.
"You." Pointing at me in the dim light, "Stay here. You can come out once you have finished the test."
He backed into the shadows and I never saw him again.
The opening was still open, as another shadow appeared in the dim light.
Platinum blonde hair danced freely as the shadow moved closer into the light. A shadowy figure of the person, stood there with their hands in a black hoodie. The figure has its head down to the floor, looking floundered. The figure's gray jeans looked to stift to wear. Alex. He's here.
"So, I think you like taking girls to random white rooms is good, always joining groups that you think is the best influence even when it is not, really." My voice is deadly calm.
I saw him shuffling his feet back n' forth. He lifted his head towards me and I gave him a deadly stare.
"I know what you're thinking, 'What is he doing here?' or 'Why am I even here in the first place?' like those types of questions." He cleared his throat, "I am a part of this - well, not really - team or group, that allows people like me to be free from parent influence. I got this promotion to where I can find any girl I choose and bring them to a place where they can never forget." He tells me sheepishly.
I get up against the wall to steady myself from falling over. I walk a few steps towards him. I grabbed his arms furiously. I smacked my head against his chest over and over again, until he stopped me from damaging my head further. I lifted my head from his chest and looked up into his eyes. I felt his pain and grief as if he was mulling over someone. A weird pinch of some sort landed near my neck.
"I don't understand. I really don't get it." I started to cry. Tears pouring from my eyelids, "You choose to be with these young men instead of your younger sister?" There was a full thunderstorm in my brain, "and I thought you were out there having fun with your friends."
I clenched my fists and smacked them on his chest.
"How can you do that to me? It was all lies. You telling me that you love me, it's probably lies-" A growl cut off my words.
"Don't you dare finish that sentence. I picked you because you were the only one who would not forget, like the others have tried many times before and I love you. Don't ever forget that." He stepped back away from me with tears stalling in his eyes.
"I love you, sis. Never ever forget how much I love you."
He stood back into the shadows and stifled a cry. The opening shut and I was blocked from everything else.
I cried from my heart. I closed my eyes, fulfilling the pain in my body. I sank down to my knees, full of dread. I cried out to the emptiness of the room. I clenched my hands and smacked it on the floor. A huge rumble of powerful waves spread out across the room, likewise, it faded away. I opened my eyes and the scene in front of me stood out.
The entire floor was covered in cracks, from where the wall started and ended and where I was sitting was free from cracks but the floor was lifted by some sort of powerful wave of energy. I got up from my shaky feet and stood on the floor -not cracked part- where I sat. I grabbed my necklace and felt heat radiate into my fingertips.
"What in the world? How did this even happen, it is like I magically create this with my hands." I whispered in disbelief.
I wished the floor would become what it originally was, before the magical cracks. I felt waves of energy released from my body seeping into the ground. I watched and the floor stiched itself together and cleans itself up from the paint that had fallen off the boards, in excitement to be free.
"Pull yourself together, Midnight. You got this, it's all a dream. Just close your eyes and count to ten." I closed my eyes and counted, " 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10." I opened my eyes and i'm still in the white room.
"I wished I was on the other side of this wall." I commanded nothing but myself. A rush of wind gathered in my hair and tucked itself against my body. The world around me suddenly became blurry and hard to see. When all stopped, I was able to see where I had landed. I turned my head to look behind me to see my name clearly written on the wall.
M. Copper, Lavender (Sylar)
Age 14, 9th grade
Abinor Mist High school
Currently lives with Mrs and Mr. Wishour (Pronounced Wish - hour)
Related to Alex Sylar
Both titled to be King/Prince and Queen/Princess
I walked away from the form on the hidden door. I felt for the wall again until my necklace grew bright. I saw what was a few feet in front of me. I was walking on little solid liquid forms of water bubbles.
"What? How in the world am I doing this?" I looked around for a beam holding the bubble of water. I saw nothing, not even a little beam of metal holding this up.
"KAPOP! POP! POP!" the noise was coming from my left, as another shadow came in front of me. I got so scared that I fell off the bubble. My hair blowing into my face and the shadow from above jumped down to save me. I felt my body being caught and lifted from almost death. The shadow brought us up to a metal staircase.
"Are you all right? I didn't mean to scare you." A rough voice spoke in my direction, "I apologize if I did scare you, which I did. Oops, sorry I talk a lot." I nodded. I was still in shock that I fell from a magical bubble of water. I try to stand, but my feet would not allow it. I fell right back on my butt and a weird stinging pain shot up my neck again as my pain increased. I cringed.
"Are you ok? You in pain? Oh! Oh, I know a place where someone can help you. Come on!" The shadow picked me up and more wind rushed past my face as a woman figure rushes towards me.
"I need a forty-two Duck Goose-nozzle. Stat." she told someone. I couldn't see anything and everything is starting to get blurry again.