Chereads / CopyCat / Chapter 10 - Easy Exp

Chapter 10 - Easy Exp

As I make my way through the tunnel, I see that the cyclops are still keeping chase. They are very vengeful indeed, this is an advantage for me, I make my way through the tunnel, just slightly faster than those cyclops.

I will lure you outside away from my disadvantageous position. I encounter a turn in the tunnel, I slow down and check if the cyclops are still chasing me, they are trying to run with their short legs, but they sometimes trip.

I check their head count 1… 2… 3… 4… the gangs all here, still as furious as ten seconds ago. I slow down and act like I am getting tired out, with this act, their puny sized brains think they can catch up to me.

The joke's on them, the food I ate already digested and I am currently using only 30% of my full speed for you. I won't get tired that easily, you should work out more until your bellies cover 60% of your body.

As I enjoy my light jog, I turn and see that the cyclops had to stop most movement to make even a slight turn. I slow down to make sure I don't lose the cyclops, if I did, I wouldn't be bait would I?

They continue charging at me, I can even see their labored breaths, these guys are really unfit. I feel glad that I was skinny and average sized. I am also glad that I am reborn as a very athletic cat.

As I saw more turns, the cyclops's breaths became even more labored that a regular person would think they would faint from exhaustion. Nope, these are persistent sharks that are trying to eat a single fish they can't catch.

I finally see an end to the tunnel, I use my new Telescopic Eyesight skill to see what is ahead of me. This is the first time I have ever left that one room, unlike people who love the outdoors, this is unsafe on so many levels.

There could be multiple monsters that could kill me on a whim like these cyclops outside, but this is the only thing I can do to stall for time. As I exit the tunnel I see a brand new world that I haven't experienced nor do I want to experience it.

I start scanning the immediate vicinity to see if I can find a hill or any kind of elevated ground that will allow me to jump on these cyclops. All I see is a barren wasteland, this isn't a cave that I imagined since I know I'm underground.

I see large stalactites hanging from the ceiling and weird terrain everywhere I look. There is no short supply of high ground in this place, I see rocks the size of the cyclops and naturally formed stone pillars reaching the ceiling.

This place was huge, I can't even see how far it extends to since many rocks are blocking my view. The ceiling was the most baffling, it is as high up as a large building almost a 100 meters up.

I can't help, but feel shocked at the new world that I almost forgot about the cyclops if I hadn't heard the sounds of them quickly taking mouthfuls of air after being taken on a goose chase for a while.

I see the leader who is currently a bit behind the rest most likely due to the fact that he is carrying an extra club unlike the rest of the cyclops, but he was still able to follow the regular cyclops.

This doesn't surprise me since he is probably an entire evolution ahead of these regular cyclops. I can guess that he is an evolution 3 because if he was an evolution 4 cyclops he would have more cyclops guarding him than just these 3.

I once again start to run towards the large rocks, I also stick my cat tongue out to taunt them. Even though they can't see the tiny gesture I did, they felt humiliated by this cat who isn't even as strong as the weakest warrior in their group.

The large rock I chose is 30 meters away, there are closer rocks, but they are unclimbable, too short or they are too tall. This rock I chose is almost the exact size of these cyclops. As I made my way to the rock, I heard heavy footsteps from behind.

They are still chasing me, that's good. I continue running towards the rock, but this time I bump up my speed to 50% so I can expand the distance between us and so I can have more time to climb the rock.

After 30 seconds, I arrive at the foot of the rock and jump up to climb it. With my agility this is no problem, the cyclops need another 30 seconds to catch up to me which is plenty of time to climb this rock.

Along with the Enhanced Leg Strength skill, I can jump three times my own height. In two jumps I have climbed to the peak and now I don't need to look up to see them. As they march closer, they howl in anger.

Just get a bit closer and you will feel the pain, they are now 10 meters away from my spot, they need to be within a 5 meter radius for me to jump on them. As I wait, the leader is not moving at all and is a good distance behind the other cyclops.

He has a bit of intelligence unlike his slaves, I guess I should've expected them to gain intelligence for each evolution. As they marched closer, they fell into my range, now is the time to strike.

I jump onto the first cyclops and scratch his one eye out and jump to the next. They were dumbfounded, they grew angry. After ten seconds, I successfully scratched all three of their eyes.

Now the only thing left to do is finish one of them and hide somewhere to safely evolve and kill the rest. I am currently standing on the last victim I scratched, he is covering his eye with his hand out of pain.

This guy shall become my experience and skills. Slipping under his hand and now tearing through his eye with full power, I use my claws and teeth, along with my strengthened legs to crush his eye.

In a matter of five seconds I tear all the way to his brain, I once again scratch and bite him to the best of my abilities to kill him as fast as possible. I only stopped when I felt that this giant was toppling over.

I quickly get out of his head and run to a safe place to check my sudden notifications. I run with a 100% of my speed over to some cover, since I am much faster, I can outrun them and they would have to spend more time looking for me.

I found a small burrow underneath the ground, I checked if anything was inside, but luckily there was nothing. I quickly hide and check the notifications.


Skill [CopyCat] Has activated


(Enhanced Strength) [Passive]-Lv.3

(Body Enhancement Magic) [Active]-Lv.3

(Berserk Strength) [Active]-Lv.4


Killed [Cyclops] Evolution 2

Gained 90 Experience



You leveled up twice

Current Level-(5/5)

You have hit the maximum level, please choose one of these evolutions to level up further.


Just what I was waiting for.