Astrid woke up at 6.30 in the morning and left quickly after her breakfast. She wore her Dr Martens boots and carried an extra pair of clothes just in case she sweat herself to work.
On the other hand, Ace Wagner was getting dressed for work. A thought came into his mind when the car door opened for him. His mind was moving towards her. Something that rarely happened to him. Ace liked women, not that he hated them, but this particular girl with her amazing pale brown eyes was drawing him in. And try as he might but he could not keep thoughts of her out of his fucking brain cells. As if her face and eyes were forever burned into his cells.
`Gordon, did you clear Hadwin's accident file?'
`Done, sir.'
`Let's head to Route 3'
`Did you forget to clean your ears?'
`Right away, sir' Gordon was perplexed.