Shirou: (Standing in the hallway) 08:55 AM. They should be here… hm? (Looking at his behind) Finally!
Weiss: Shirou, what are you doing?! We will be late, come on! (Pulled his hand unconsciously)
Shirou: Why only you? Where's the other?
Weiss: Just leave them!
Ruby: Weiss! Brother Shirou! Wait for us! (She runs out, followed by Yang and Blake)
Jaune: Guys! Wait for us too! (He also runs out, followed by his team member)
In the courtyard, Professor Ozpin and Glynda watch the Young man and the two team hurry through the school. Glynda looks at her watch, and Ozpin simply sips his coffee.
The sight of an axe-blunderbuss weapon pans down to the boards displaying various species of Grimm - King Taijitu, Death Stalker, Beowolf, Boarbatusk, Nevermore, and Ursa - behind an elderly teacher named peter port.
Shirou: [Well, I already know about the species of Grimm from Professor. But at least, lets just obediently listen to this.]
Shirou was sat beside Team RWBY, he slightly turned his head to look at them. Blake and Yang are sitting up and paying attention, Weiss is taking a note, and Ruby has her head propped in her hand as she take a quick nap until she woken up by Shirou who poking her cheek with his finger.
Shirou: You should paying attention, you know?
Ruby: But its making me sleep. (Rub her eyes) And, I already learn this from you.
Shirou: I only teach you a few things. (Looking at her side) Besides, look at your team member.
Ruby: Hm? (Looking at Yang, Blake, and Weiss who was paying attention to the class) Ugh…
Ruby began to paying attention to the class. Peter Port gives the students a long-winded lecture about the purpose of the class, how Vale and the other three Kingdom provide safe havens from the Grimm and the purpose of being Huntsman. He then tells a long, drawn-out story about himself and his experience capturing a live Beowolf as a boy
Shirou: […From here, Weiss will fight Boarbatusk, then fight with Ruby about being a leader. But from there I don't need to interfere, Professor Ozpin and Peter Port will do something about them. For the time being, I better go read a book in the library.]
After done with his story, Professor Port ask the class who possessed the traits required of being a Huntsman, Weiss and Shirou raises their hand and proclaim that they does. However, in order to proves this, Professor Port tells her that she must step forward to fight a Grimm that he has locked in a cage, as a test.
Shirou, on his seat, watching Weiss readying herself to fight Boarbatusk alone. She has changed into her battle outfit and is armed with her weapon called Myrtenaster as Professor Port releases a Boarbatusk into the classroom for her to fight.
After a few minutes of fighting. When the class dismissed, Ruby ask Weiss why she snapped at her. Weiss tells that from the moment they met, Ruby has been acting like a child, and she believes Ruby has done nothing to earn her leadership role. And then the two go their separate ways…
Shirou: […Weiss seeking out Professor Port for his council while Ruby runs into Ozpin. Yeah, thats what supposed to happen…. But, why? (Glance at Weiss who was standing beside him) Why?! Why she's here! on my side?! You supposed go to Professor Port's place! Why me?!]
Because Shirou already know the result of the fight, he went out the moment the class dismissed. In a balcony, watching the sunset over Beacon Academy Rooftop while eating a Chocolate Bar that he take out from the Inventory. He didn't expect that Weiss would come to him.
Weiss: …that kid! The moment I met her, she always acting like a child! She has done nothing to earn the leadership role! Don't you think so, Shirou! (Glance at him)
Shirou: (Glance at her then sighed) that's… I don't think thats true.
Weiss: Excuse me?! What do you mean by that?
Shirou: You may not know, but I am rescued and raised by Professor Ozpin.
Weiss: What? Is that true? But what does that have to do with my question?
Shirou: Its true. And what I mean is, I've believed with Professor Ozpin.
Weiss: So that means you believe in the decisions made by Professor? After seeing how exceptional I am?
Shirou: Weiss, I'm sorry to say this, but your exceptional skill on the battlefield is matched only by your poor attitude. [I'm sorry Professor, but I'm going to steal your line.]
Weiss: (sheeting now) How dare you!
Shirou: (Bitter smiles) My point exactly. I see a girl before me who has spent her entire life getting exactly what she wanted.
Weiss: (crossing her arm, looking defiant. But to Shirou, he sees something familiar) That's not even remotely true! (Under shirou gaze, she reluctantly relents) Well… not entirely true.
Shirou: (Smiles) So the outcome did not fall in your favor. Do you believe that acting in such a manner would cause those in power to reconsider their decision? So instead fretting about what you don't have, savor what you do. [This is it, I need to say it.] Hone your skill, perfect every technique, and be not the best leader, but the best person you can be.
Weiss not say anything, she only smiles a little at the words of wisdom. Shirou on the other side, bite a part of the Chocolate Bar while watching the sunset with her. He feel rather uncomfortable because stealing someone line.
Ruby, who happened to have finished talking to Ozpin, Comes to the Balcony where Shirou and Weiss are, she smiles a little at them.
A few days after that. In Beacon Academy Hall Stage (Amphitheater), Shirou standing in the middle of Team RWBY and Team JNPR while watching the duel of Jaune Arc and Cardin Winchester, with Jaune being clearly outmatched. Cardin simply laugh at Jaune attempts to strike him, taunting Jaune as they spar.
Shirou: [the Jaune right now is low on Aura, he also doesn't know how to use Aura and he only knew a little about fighting. Haaa… It seems I have no choice.] (Scratching his head)
After duel. Later, Shirou amd both Team RWBY and Team JNPR sit down for a meal. Nora explain a dream she has been having for a month, but highly exaggerates it, forcing Ren to explain what really happen. Shirou staring at Jaune who playing with his food.
Pyrrha: (Looking at her leader) Jaune? Are you okay?
Jaune: (Snapping out of it, turning back toward them) Huh? Oh, yeah? Why?
Ruby: its just that you seem a little… not okay…
Jaune: Guys, I'm fine! Seriously! look!
Shirou: [Okay, I lost my patience] Jaune.
Jaune: (Looking at him curiously) Yes?
Shirou: (Stand up and stare at him) Come with me.
Jaune: B-but, I haven't finish my-
Shirou: Now.
Jaune: …Okay.
Shirou and Jaune walked off from the place while the both Team looking at their back curiously. Cardin who coincidentally saw them, grinned. Shirou led him to the balcony, he already detected that no one around.
Jaune: (Looking around) W-what is it, Shirou? (He ask nervously)
Shirou: Drop the act. (He said with cold voice which make Jaune flinched) Why are you acting tough like that in front of everyone? You clearly not okay.
Jaune: That again? Like I say I'm-
Shirou: Jaune, are you got in this Academy using fake transcript?
Jaune: (Flinched in surprise, his voice was stuttered) W-what are you talking about?
Shirou: Students who enter this academy know how to use Aura, and they know exactly how to fight Grimm. There can't be a student who doesn't know this. From the first time we met, I noticed that you haven't even unlocked your Aura.
Jaune: (A moment of silence) Yeah, you're right. I didn't go to combat school, I didn't pass any test. I didn't earn my spot at this school! (Look at him) Yes, I lied! I got my hands on some fake transcript. (He knelt) I… lied to everyone.
Shirou: [Although I already knew the reason, lets just ask him to proceed this.] Why…?
Jaune: (Sad face) Cause… this is always what I've wanted to be. (Both hand on the ground, face looking down) My father, my grandfather, and his father before him were all warriors! They were all heroes! I wanted to be one, too. I just… never good enough.
Shirou: Jaune, you can be a hero. (Jaune look up) But, you right now can't be a hero, because you're weak! (He got a damage) You don't even know how to use Aura! (Another damage) And the worse! You don't even learn any martial arts! (Final blow) Jaune, you should know. The weak doesn't have rights or choices. Their only fate is to be relentlessly crushed by the strong.
Jaune: Uugh… then, what should I do?
Shirou: Train to death. Train until you have nothing else you can do. But, you right now don't know anything. Therefore, I will help you.
Jaune: …No, I don't-
Shirou: Jaune, its okay to ask for help. (Jaune Look at him) Asking for help doesn't mean you're weak. So please… (extended his hand)
Jaune: …You're right. (Accept his offered hand) Shirou! Please help me to be stronger!
Shirou: Sure.
After that, Jaune walked back to the other while Shirou stayed at his place. A figure can be seen hiding near the balcony.
Shirou: …Eavesdropping, huh? You sure have a bad hobby, (The figure showed his appearance) Cardin Winchester.
Cardin: I couldn't help but overhear you two when I "coincidentally" wanted to go to the balcony. So, he snuck into the Beacon, huh? I gotta say, I never him to be such a rebel!
Shirou: You're not trying to hide this, are you? So, what are you gonna do to him?
Cardin: "What am I gonna do?" Of course, turned him to be my sla-
[Skill: [Aura of Despair] Activated]
Shirou: (Cold voice and Icy glare) You're really a trash, huh? It's really disappointing because this academy accepts a low-life like you.
Cardin: [What is this?! I cant move!]
The Cardin right now cannot move nor speak a word. His bodies could not help but being hit with vicious coldness. At this moment, he can only feel fear, confusion, panic, and despair. The moment his eyes met with Shirou, he can see an illusion of a demon appeared behind him and sickly laughing at him. The word to describe the person in front him was only one…
Cardin: [Demon!]
Shirou: (Slowly approach him with a devilish grin) You really like doing something like this, right? Then, if I doing the same thing to you, its cannot be helped, right?
He was grinning like a devil, his hand were like a demon claws aiming to crush Cardin head.
Cardin: No… please, no…