It only took about five minutes of Owen's careful stitches before he was done with Brian's foot. Owen then cut the string of the needle and tied it into its final knot, being careful not to hurt him when he pulled the strings. "There you go, you need to take it easy the next few days so the stitches heal fully, okay?" Owen said as he looked to Brian, eye to eye. "O-of course. T-thank you." Brian says with his signature toothy-smile. "So, what brings you to this part of the no-man's land?" Brian asked, curious to know what their purpose was, having a hunch it was more than just for some ammo and guns. There was hardly anything out there except for maybe the occasional night creatures, which honestly looked like more of a deformed Wendigo, or a Rake, just pure and utter nightmare fuel.
"Well, I'm just tagging along cause I have nothing better to do in an apocalypse," Mason said with a shrug, glancing over to Owen. " I'm looking for uhm, my fiancé." Owen said, "I'm not even sure if he's alive or not-but, my gut tells me he is, I have a feeling. We're just trying to get in the city." Owen said, which made Brian raise an eyebrow. "Good luck with that, you won't make it alive." Brian said with a scoff, scoffing in a way that was one of those 'people are idiots' scoffs. "Why?" Owen asked, narrowing his eyes at Brian who scoffed, taking it rather personally. He didn't like Brian's attitude towards his ambitions. "Nothing but death is gonna stop me from getting Henry back," Owen said in a matter-of-fact way, determination and confidence in his voice.
"It's whatever Owen, we need to leave, it's getting dark," Mason said with a deep sigh, rubbing his temples. "Alright, I'm coming," Owen said before getting up from his place on the floor, putting the stuff he had in the first aid kit into his bag. Owen got up as he turned around to walk out with Mason. "H-hey wait!" Brian said, struggling a bit to get up from the ground Owen left him on. "I wanna come, please?" Brian pleaded, "I hate the dark…" Brian said, thinking they'd reject him now after his rudeness. But it was true, he hated the dark. Owen looked to Mason, and Mason looked back at him, " We should leave him here, we've helped him. He'll survive on his own." Mason said with a shrug, going around the corner to leave the building. He went to the door to see if they'd catch up, or if Mason should just ditch the two of them. To Mason, Brian was a lost cause.
"You really don't care about anybody do you?" Owen said, rolling his eyes at Mason's comment and behavior. Even though Brian was rude, Owen thought they shouldn't leave Brian alone, his foot would heal in a few weeks, and Brian was now dependant on the two of them for survival. "I don't know about you Mason, but we should bunker down for a bit." Owen suggested, "C'mon, the guy's practically harmless as far as it seems". Owen said, trying to reason with Mason because he didn't want Brian to be left behind. Mason rolled his eyes, starting to get very annoyed. In a sassy tone, Mason turned back around the corner and leaned against the shelf. "No, I'm leaving and going home, and YOU are going to keep an eye on him. Not me. Oh, and by the way, if he ever dares fucks with me or steals anything from my bag, I won't hesitate to rip his neck off with my fangs." Mason threatened, hissing and showing off his rather big pointy fangs, making Brian hide and cower behind Owen.
The trio set off on a nightly adventure, avoiding alleyways for night creatures even though Owen continued to insist they go back to the shop and stay there for the night. "So where are we going again?" Brian asked in an unnecessarily loud voice, earning a 'shush' from Owen and Mason. "Keep your voice down okay? We don't need any unneeded attention." Owen said in a hushed whisper. "S-sorry," Brian said, pushing his glasses up onto his face, they were broken and kept sliding down his face.
"Do you know where we're going?" Owen asked, also not knowing where they were going, they were just following Mason wherever he went. "We're going to my place." Mason said, "O-oh okay." Brian said, staying onto Owen's left side because he didn't exactly like Mason, about a two-hour walk later Owen and Brian were growing exhausted, and that's when Mason said those beautiful words. "We're here, but be careful. I live with someone, he's a paranoid druggie." He said, his gun at the ready position as they walked down an alleyway. Owen and Brian stayed close by him until Mason approached a hatchet in the ground that was a rusted silver color. The place was a bunker Mason and Dean built themselves, both of them didn't have homes and Mason looked after Dean like family, like a little brother since Dean was a few decades younger than him. So, Mason took care of him despite Dean being a druggie.
Mason kicked the lid three times which to the both of them meant an ' I'm home bitch'. Then three knocks on the bottom of the lid, signaling the three could enter. "You two wait out here for a few moments, I need to talk to him ok? Don't move, I'm not saving you if you get your heads ripped off." Making Owen and Brian nodded in unison, Brian feeling a bit uneasy and on edge as he watched Mason disappear into the dark hole.
In all honesty, Mason didn't really like Dean. Like. At all. They often fought and were always seemingly at war with each other when he was on Cocaine. He knew Dean didn't like talking about his past, and Mason did want him to get better but, Dean was just so...Arrogant, and argumentative. He didn't like being told what to do, and could only hope that all things good would happen with Owen and Brian staying there temporarily. "Dean, stop snorting that fucking cocaine, we have guests, make yourself decent looking," Mason said with an eye-roll as he passed him by, tossing his bag somewhere in the corner of the room. Mason sighing, remembering he had stuffed some blood bags in there. Mostly for Owen, but, he seemed to be well controlled for now. Mason opened the bag as he took them and put them in the fridge that was almost stock-piled with them.
Mason decided to take one of the bags of blood even though he wasn't particularly hungry, he should still eat something. Ripping the bag open with his teeth as he drank from the bag. Deciding that it would be better to drink not in-front of Owen in case he went...animalistic. He really would rather not deal with that. Especially with Dean in the same room. With the two of them, it would already be chaotic because of what Dean's dumbass decided to do to Owen. Admittedly; he felt some remorse for both of them. Even though he was almost certain that Dean could give two flying fucks about who Owen was, all he hoped was Dean won't attack. Or try and kill Owen. That would just be...messy.