Chereads / Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 4267 - 1

Chapter 4267 - 1

This had all started with a handjob in the backseat of a car. My 19 year old sister in law, Jenny, had jerked me off with my wife, Kristen, in the front seat. From there it was a series of pictures and sexy texts back and forth between Jenny and I until, finally, at the shared family cabin we fucked against a tree in the forest.

At first I was reluctant. I had not wanted to cheat on my wife. I still loved her, after all. We had a good life, financially stable, childless by choice and comfortable. We even still had a decent sex life. There was no reason for me to risk it all.

Jenny, however, had other plans. She seduced me with words and pictures and her hot body. She called me daddy, something that I had not known would get to me, but each time she said it I was instantly hard. I called her princess. She was young, fit, with amazing large breasts and a cute freckled face framed by long curly brown hair. I had no chance to resist her and I did not.

After fucking her in the woods, however, I was no longer the passive one. I was addicted to her young pussy and needed more, damn the consequences. As soon as I came inside of her I was already thinking of doing it again.

The last time I fucked her she asked me if next time I could fuck her in the ass. She said that she was saving that hole for me and, honestly, I couldn't wait to fill it.

It was difficult, however, to arrange a meeting between us. I worked, of course, and Jenny was taking summer classes at the university. Kristen, understandably, wanted to spend my free time with me so I did not get the chance to sneak away and fuck my sister in law.

This was doubly frustrating because Jenny never stopped sending me photos and videos. Several times a day I would see a notification from her and, if I were alone I would quickly open it or, if I had someone around I would rush to the bathroom to check it out alone.

They might just be a photo of her displaying herself to me. Maybe, holding one of her large breasts in her hand, tugging at her hard brown nipple. Or with her legs spread and her fingers in a glistening pussy.

Other times I would receive brief videos. She would have a vibrator buried in herself crying out for her daddy to fuck her.

I would respond with photos of my 7.5 inch, thick cock in hand, maybe with a spray of cum in the image. She told me she would look at it while fingering herself to orgasm after orgasm.

She would call me sometimes. I would put in my ear buds and listen to her moan, the wet sound of her fucking herself in the background as she called me daddy and begged me to come to her and use her.

I was in a near constant state of arousal and most nights I would grab my wife, Jenny's sister, and rail into her, imagining it was my secret princess that I was fucking.

I still felt guilty about that. I knew I was a cruel and reckless man for doing this behind my wife's back, but any time I convinced myself that I would end things before it all blew up in my face Jenny would send me another message, another photo and my resolve would be gone.

A week or so after I fucked her at the cabin I got another message from Jenny. I was alone in my office so I eagerly opened the attached image, my cock already beginning to harden just from the thought of her.

The image was of her bed, something I had seen in her photos many times before but she was not present in it. The caption read: look what was delivered today!

Spread across the bed were four butt plugs arranged left to right, from thinnest to thickest. The smallest girthed one has a narrow cone shaped tip and the shaft was only as thick as my thumb. The thickest one had a large gem on one end had an impressive cone and the shaft part was slightly thicker than my erect cock.

'Very nice,' I texted back, teasing her. . 'But I don't think I'll like wearing those...'

'lol,' she responded, 'you never know. Anyway these are for me. I want to be ready for the next time we can get together.'

'I can't wait,' I texted. 'Send me a pic with one in.'

I waited impatiently for several minutes while I squeezed my cock under my desk in anticipation. Finally I got the notification. I opened up the attachment and had to smile.

She must have put her phone on the tripod she used to take photos of herself. She was on all fours on the bed, facing away from me. She had on a skirt but it was flipped up revealing her full ass to me. One hand gripped her ass cheek and was pulling it to the side, exposing her to me. I could see the lips of her pussy, but above that the shiny round end of the plug buried in her asshole. My cock twitched in my hand and I groaned happily at the sight.

'Very nice!' I messaged. 'How do you feel?'

'Very...full," she answered. 'But good. Sexy. I can't wait until it's your cock in me. I'll make sure I'm ready.'

'I can't wait,' I texted back, taking my phone with me to the bathroom to jerk off looking at that photo.


Jenny continued to send me photos and messages for another week and a half, slowly working her way up to the largest plug. She told me she wore them most of the days, while she went out shopping, while in class. She said it was distracting and her pussy was always wet.

Finally, Kristen called me while I was at work. I guiltily closed the picture of Jenny I had been looking at and answered the phone.

"Hi Babe," I said, releasing my cock that I had been squeezing through my pants. "How's your day going?"

"Good," she said. "Work's busy but I've got it under control. Look, I've only got a minute but I wanted to let you know, we are going to my dad's for supper tonight."

My eyes widened. I was finally going to see Jenny in person again! I was, however, frustrated. With the family around I was not sure I would be able to sneak off and fuck her. Jenny had been clever so far though. Maybe she had a way.

"That's late notice," I complained, pretending to be annoyed. This was the response I would have had before Jenny and I started screwing around and I needed to keep up the charade.

"I know, Mark," Kristen said. "I'm sorry. I just found out. Apparently dad has this announcement he needs to make and wants us there."

I sighed in mock exasperation, but we made the plans for the night. I would pick Kristen up from home and drive us both to this supper. I had a smile on my face the entire rest of the day.


We pulled up to Kristen's father's place at about seven PM. I looked up at it and felt the small bit of jealousy that I always felt when I saw it. They lived in an affluent suburb of Toronto and their home was one of the nicer, larger ones on the street. It was two stories, with an Olympic sized swimming pool in the back. It made me think of my own smaller house with a much smaller pool.

I shook his head. The jealousy was stupid. My life was comfortable and my home was nicer than I needed with three bedrooms and an office. Plenty of room for a couple without any children.

Hank, Kristen's dad met us at the door. He was a short man, with a thick round belly and a bald head. We liked each other fine. I found him to be a bit of a loudmouth but he treated his family well. He had made an effort to make me feel welcome in his family. I doubted he would like me as much if he knew I was fucking his younger daughter from his second marriage as well as my wife.

Hank shook my hand and kissed Kristen on her cheek and led us into the kitchen. He told us that Anne, his second wife and Jenny's mother, was cooking and we should join them.

I walked in and saw Anne with her back to us, stirring something on the stove. She looked over her shoulder at us and smiled. She was 63, a few years younger than Hank. She was plump with silver hair pulled up in a bun.

"Sit, sit," she called. "Hank! Get them drinks!"

Hank pushed a cold can of beer into my hand and poured a glass of nice wine for Kristen. My wife and I sat in the stools that lined up along the island counter and the family began to talk.

I barely registered the conversation which, like so many in and around the city, was about the insane house prices. The family had always considered me a quiet person so they did not notice my lack of participation, which was good. My mind was occupied with looking at Jenny.

She looked amazing. She was wearing a light layer of makeup, accentuating her green eyes. Her curly brown hair was held back with a scarf. She was wearing a white button up shirt that she had tied above her navel. The top few buttons were undone giving me a decent view of her cleavage. She also had on a black skirt that came to just above her knees.

Nothing about her outfit was overly sexy but because it was on her i was instantly aroused. My cock was semi-hard and I made sure to discreetly adjust myself so no bulge showed in my jeans.

Jenny was on prep-duty and was chopping vegetables. She smiled at me and said a simple hello. The look that passed between us was meaningful, even if no one else there noticed.

Earlier she had texted me a photo with the simple message: waiting for you.

It was of her from behind, standing, the skirt she was currently wearing pulled up revealing a bare ass. I could see, between the luscious globes, the large gem that was on the end of the largest of the butt plugs.

I knew that at that moment, in that room with her parents and my wife, her half sister, she was wearing the toy for me. Ready for me to pull it out and replace it with my cock. I had no idea how she planned to pull that off but I was very excited to find out.


We moved from the kitchen to the dining room. Normally when we visited Hank we either ate casually at the kitchen islands or, in the summer on the deck beside the pool. Tonight however he seemed to want it to be more of a to-do. Something to do with his big announcement. Kristen and Jenny kept bugging him, trying to get him to spill the beans but he kept putting them off, telling them he would announce when he was good and ready.

The table was set up in a lavish display. A white tablecloth was spread out and they had candles burning in candelabras. Anne set out the food and we all sat, Hank at the head of the table. Kristen and I sat side by side with Jenny across from us.

Hank liked to talk as he ate and dinners were really long drawn out affairs. Normally I would be bored out of my skull and stifling yawns behind my hand, much to Kristen's annoyance.

That day, however, Jenny kept things interesting.

It was only about five minutes before I felt her foot against my ankle. The table was shaped to fit the room so, while it was long, it wasn't very wide. The girl did not have to do more than slouch slightly to be able to reach me under the table. I looked up at Jenny quickly, glancing at Kristen then back at Jenny. Our eyes met and hers were dancing with mischief. I subtly shook my head no, but her only response was a sly smile.

I swallowed as I felt her foot creep slowly up my leg. She had dropped her sandal off her foot and I could feel her bare toes wiggling as she slowly drew them up my calf, to my knee and down my thigh towards my crotch.

I looked over at Kristen but she was very deeply involved in a conversation with her father. It was a slight argument. He had said something vaguely racist and she had called him out on it. Now he was explaining to her that he had black friends so couldn't be racist. This was all stuff I had heard before.

I couldn't follow the conversation because Jenny's foot had found the head of my cock. As her foot had climbed I had hardened, my cock pressing its way down the leg of my jeans. I inhaled when she wrapped her toes around my cockhead and Kristen glanced over at me, raising her eyebrow, silently asking me if I'm ok. I nodded, hoping I was not visibly sweating.

I pushed my stomach against the table edge, looking down to confirm that the tablecloth was draped across my lap, hiding anything that might be happening there.

A second foot joined the first, sandwiching my cock between them and she began to tug me through my jeans. I was amazed at how she could do that without showing any movement on her side.

I will admit I am not really one for feet. I mean, they are ok, but if you were to check my porn history you will not find a whole bunch of videos of foot play. This, however, with the family around and secret under the table, was very much doing it for me.

I stayed as still as I could as my wife's 19 year old sister gave me a footjob through my jeans. It felt amazing.

She moved her feel away from my cock and I could feel them move up. She gripped the waist of my jeans with her toes and began to tug at them. I realized that she wanted me to free myself but I shook my head ever so slighting trying to say no.

I looked at her and she grinned evilly, mouthing the word, 'yes'.

I shook my head no again and reached under the cloth to grip her bare foot in my hand. I tried to push it away but she pressed down harder and I realized that there was no way I was going to be able to move it without causing a disturbance.

I glanced at my wife beside me and closing my eyes, thinking to myself how very, very stupid and reckless I was being, I popped open the button of my jeans and began unbuttoning my fly. I was very happy just then that I had chosen to wear button fly jeans so that the sound of a zipper wouldn't give away the stupid thing I was doing.

I saw Jenny's eyes open wider and she smiled at me. I felt her soft feet move back down to my lap and she used them to maneuver my hard rod out of my pants.

She had both her feet pressed against it and began to slowly run them up and down the sides. My foreskin, lubricated by the pre-cum I had begun to ooze, pulled back and forth over my swollen purple head.

I swallowed and gripped my fork.

"Aren't you hungry," Anne asked suddenly, looking at me. "You've barely touched anything."

I looked down at my barely touched plate. Jenny did not slow her feet making me begin to sweat.

"Oh," I said, stupidly. "Right. Just...taking my time..."

I cut a chunk of meat from my roast beef and jammed it into my mouth, chewing. Across from me Jenny was hiding a wicked smile behind her hand.

The meal went on for what felt like hours. I could not move or reveal what was happening under the tablecloth. Her soft feet felt amazing as they stroked me but with the limits placed on us, I was nowhere near cumming. My balls were aching for release.

Finally, the meal was wrapping up. Anne asked Jenny to help her get dessert and her feet left my lap as she stood. I took the opportunity to reach under the tablecloth and shove my cock back into my jeans, buttoning up as many buttons as I could.

"Why are you fidgeting?" Kristen asked me noticing the movement.

"Oh," I scrambled for an explanation. " leg was cramping a bit."

She shot me an annoyed look but, thankfully turned away.

Desert was a layered chocolate cake and as we ate Jenny spoke up.

"Dad," she said. "You were going to ask Mark something."

"Oh," he said, remembering. "Right. Jenny bought some furniture from Ikea and the guys I paid to drop it off refused to set it up. I'm no good at that stuff. Mark, will you go build it? If you don't mind."

I nodded. Building flat packs was annoying but it was easy.

"Sure," I said. I thought I knew where this might be going.

"I'll help," Kristen said, and I groaned inwardly. For obvious reasons I did not want her there.

"No, no," Hank said, shaking his head. "I need you to help me look at some paperwork. You can come help me in my study and Jenny can help him. Anne will take care of the clean up. It's Jenny's stuff after all."

I looked at Jenny and she was smiling to herself. I could not help smiling as well.

Kristen went to Hank's study and Anne began clearing the table. Jenny began bounding up the stairs and I followed, trying not to obviously rush.

Her room was down the hall at the end and she opened the door and pulled me in, shutting and locking it behind her.

She stood there a moment, back against the door and we locked eyes. She smiled at me and I grinned then moved across to her wrapping my arms around her, pulling her against me as we began to kiss. My tongue pushed between her parted lips, finding hers and entwining with it. My cock, which had never gone down since her footjob, pressed into her belly.

We broke the kiss, but I still held her.

"So..." I said, "you want me to build something?"

She laughed and gestured to an already built dresser.

"I did it this afternoon, Daddy. IKEA stuff isn't hard to build. I just needed a reason for you to come up here."

"Oh yeah?" I said as she gripped my cock through my jeans. I started to unbutton her white shirt, slowly revealing more cleavage and an off white bra that her breasts filled out magnificently. "Why would you want me up here?"

She had my cock out of my jeans again and slid down through my arms until her face was level with it. He took it in her hand and stroked before licking the head. I groaned.

"I had something I need to show you," she said and then pulled me deep into her mouth sucking hard, bumping the head against her throat before drawing me back out. "In person this time."

I reached down and gripped her shoulders and pulled her back to standing. As much as I would enjoy a blowjob we did not have too much time and I did not want to wait a moment.

"Oh yeah?" I asked. "Let's see."

I turned her so that she faced the door to her room and pushed against her back, pressing her chest against it. I reached down and lifted her skirt, tucking the hem into the waistband, exposing her bare ass. I could see the gem on the plug glinting in the light, the round part keeping the cheeks of her ass slightly apart.

"No panties, Princess?" I teased. "Very naughty." I pulled my hand back and slapped hard against her ass. She yelped and jumped but instantly pushed her ass back to me.

"Yes, Daddy," she said, almost a moan. "I am very bad. You should punish me."

I spanked her ass on the other cheek. She jumped and moaned again. I could see the red welt of my hand standing up from the pale skin. I gave each cheek a few more slaps before pushing my hand between her legs.

I gripped the plug and tugged slightly. She gasped and groaned. It was firmly in place. I used one hand to push on it, moving it back and forth slightly. The other hand found the lips of her pussy.

She was already wet and my fingers slid easily between the folds of flesh. I pushed a finger into her and pushed on the plug. She put her palms on the door and shoved her ass back further towards me, pushing my fingers deeper into her.

I pulled them out and she whined but I took her shoulders and moved her towards her bed.

I had seen her bed in so many photos but this was the first time I had been in here. I ran my fingers over the soft sheets while Jenny climbed onto the bedspread and went on hands and knees, presenting herself to me.

I took a moment to enjoy the view, her full ass on display, the toy buried in her, a gift she had prepared for me and me alone. She was my wife's sister and I should never touch her but I could not help myself.

"In the drawer in the table beside the bed, Daddy," she said. "It's for us."

I walked around the bed and opened the drawer. Atop the knickknacks, creams and books that were there was a bottle of lube and a small oval shaped vibrator. I grabbed them both and went back around behind her, climbing onto the bed, and pushing my jeans down to my knees.

gripped her hair and pulled, tilting her head back and arching her back, making her look at me. I bent forward and kissed her again.

"Are you ready, Princess," I asked. "Are you ready for me to fuck your ass?"

"Yes, daddy. I'm ready for you."

I squirted lube over my cock and smeared it around, stroking the length. Then I gripped the plug and tugged. It was in there tight and I had to pull again, harder this time before I felt it pop out of her. She moaned as it was released. Her asshole was gaped open for a moment, a black tunnel into her that slowly closed into a star as I watched.

I pushed two fingers into her pussy and she gasped, pushing back against my digits. I stroked them in and out. She was practically dripping around them and I drew them out very wet, rubbing the juices around the star of her ass before pushing my thumb into her. She groaned as I used my thumb to fuck her for a moment.

I added the lube pushing it into her, smearing it around, making sure that she was as ready as possible. I moved up against her and pressed the head of my cock against her star.

"Now, Daddy," she begged. "Please fuck me!"

I pressed forward and felt myself get the purple head of my cock into her. She was clamped down on me

"You have to relax, Princess," I said.

"I'm sorry, Daddy," she said. "I'll try."

I continued to push, feeling her relax as much as she could as I sank in a few more inches. She was gasping for breath. Her ass was tight and almost painful for me to force my way into her.

"Oh fuck," she said. "I tried to be ready but...fuck."

I turned on the little toy and reaching around, placed it against her clit. She groaned and pulled back from it, pushing me deeper into her. I continued to push, her tight channel gripping me as I did so until I was halfway in.

"Oh, fuck I'm full, Daddy," she moaned as I held the toy against her. I could feel her juices leak over my fingers.

"Not yet," I grunted through gritted teeth pulling back then shoving forward again, hard. This time I had sank in completely, thankful that she had been training for me.

I held her there for a moment before I began to fuck her properly, my hips slapping into her ass with each thrust. She was getting loud now, moaning as she was stimulated by my cock in her ass and the toy on her clit.

"Cover your mouth," I told her. "Someone will hear!"

She grabbed her pillow and pushed her face into it, her voice muffled by the sack of feathers.

I was lost, the feeling of her tight ass squeezing my cock as I pummeled her. I could feel her squirming under me and pressed the toy hard against her clit.

"Oh fuck, daddy," she cried, voice muffled by the pillow. "I'm cumming, oh fuck I'm cumming."

I didn't relent as she came, her legs quaking as she climaxed. I continued to fuck her needing the tight clamp or her ass on me.

That was when I head a knock at the door.

"Guys?" Kristen said. "The doors locked! Are you almost done?"

Despite my wife just being on the other side of the door I couldn't stop.

"Almost," I called out. "We had to put the old dresser against the door to make room. It's blocked. We must have locked it accidentally! I'll move it when we are done. I'm almost there...I mean done."

"Ok," she said. "Hurry up."

"I will," I grunted and sped my thrusts even more.

"I'm close," I told Jenny, who was still groaning under me.

"In my ass," she gasped. "Fill my ass, Daddy."

That was enough. I gripped her hips and hauled her against me, shoving as deep as I could, releasing my pent up load directly into her. I groaned as I came again and again before falling forward on her back, gasping for breath.

"Oh, thank you daddy," Jenny said. "Thank you so much."

Once I had caught my breath I pulled out of her, and saw the gaping hole of her ass slowly closing costs dribbling cum. I reached down and grabbed her plug and pushed it into her. It went past her ring with a pop, sealing most of my cum inside her asshole.

"I want you to spend the rest of the night with my cum inside of you," I told her, kissing her hard.

I looked at my watch and knew we had already spent too much time up here. I shoved my cock back into my jeans and stood. I looked in her vanity mirror. I was sweaty and disheveled. I straightened up as best I could before we both headed down to the family, her with my seed inside of her, plug holding it in.

"Looks like it was a big job, Mark," Hank said when he saw me.

"Oh," Jenny said smiling. "It was plenty big."

The whole family was sitting in their living room and Hank stood to make his announcement.

"So, I'm finally selling my business and retiring," he said. We were all surprised. He loved working. "I am finally ready to relax. We have also decided to sell our house and move to British Columbia!"

This was a shock. It was the other side of the country.

"What about my school?" Jenny asked, upset. "I live here too! And I have..." she glanced at me, "kind of a boyfriend!"

This was news to me. I had thought that we were just messing around. I was not sure what I thought about that.

"Well," Hank said. "You have two options. You can rent an apartment. I'll help you pay for it. But I was talking to Kristen and she had a different idea. Why don't you stay with her and Mark in one of their bedrooms?"

I looked at Kristen, surprised.

"I'm sorry," she said. "I just found out tonight. It's up to you of course. But if you don't mind my little sister being around it would help the whole family. What do you say?"

I swallowed.

"I'm...ok with that I guess." I said.

My life was about to get even more complicated.When I learned that Jenny, my wife's 19 year old younger sister was moving in with us when their father moved to the other side of the country I was both ecstatic and terrified. I was 40 years old, more than twice her age, but we had been having a secret affair for months at that point. The last time I had seen her in person I had fucked her ass in her bedroom while my wife, Kristen, and the rest of the family were downstairs.

I could not help myself. Jenny was hot. She had nice full breasts, a great ass, curly hair and a tight young body. She teased me and seduced me despite my protests until finally I was a willing participant in the situation.

I could not imagine being able to keep my hands off the young girl. I had resigned myself to that. She wanted me and I wanted her. The problem was the risk. We had already been insanely reckless. The ass fuck was the least of it. The first time had been in the backseat of a car, her jerking me off with my wife in the front. We did not have a track record of being careful.

It took a few weeks for everything to get arranged, for my father in law to complete the sale of his house and move and for Jenny's things to be delivered to my place. In that time Jenny and I had no opportunity to meet in person but she did continue to send me photos and videos and we continued to chat on the phone. I was in a near constant state of arousal, thinking of her arrival.

The day finally came and when my wife and I heard her sister dive up to our house I hurried out to meet her and get her stuff. Kristen seemed amused at my rush and followed behind me a few paces back.

Jenny got out of her car and, seeing her sister, restrained herself from being inappropriate. She gave me a brief, but chaste hug and kissed me lightly on my cheek. She was wearing a white button up shirt, sleeves rolled up to her elbows and a short skirt.

"Thanks for this, Mark," she said loud enough for my wife to hear. Then whispered in my ear, "I'll thank you properly later, daddy."

Just hearing her call me daddy made me instantly hard. I grabbed her bag, the last of her stuff she was bringing with her and held it in front of my crotch to hide my arousal.

Jenny went and hugged and kissed my wife as well, thanking her too.

"It's ok, Jenny," Kristen said. "We are happy to have you. And wait until you see your room! Mark's been working on it all week!"

Jenny looked back at me.

"Oh," she said. "Will you show me my room?"

"Of course he will," Kristen said. "He'll even carry your stuff down there for you, won't you Mark?"

I pretended to be annoyed at this and began carrying her bag down the stairs that were just inside the door.

I actually had been working hard to get the room ready. Originally Kristen had said that we would simply put Jenny up in the spare room on the second floor down the hall from us. At first I had loved the idea of Jenny being so close but I had second thoughts. If I was going to secretly fuck the girl, and I had every intention of doing just that, as often as I could, I did not want any chance of us being heard.

Instead I argued that a young woman like Jenny would want more privacy. I worked hard and quickly to build a bedroom in our basement. With the third bathroom being down there it was almost a little apartment. I also argued that when Jenny left, if we wanted a bit more money we could build a little kitchen and then we could rent it out as a one bedroom apartment. Kelsey saw the logic in all of this and agreed.

The fact that the area beside the new room was where I had a TV and my gaming setup was, for me, a bonus. I had plenty of reason to hang out down there.

Kristen said that she wanted to start supper. She was making a welcome meal for her sister. She told me to take Jenny down and show her her space. I happily complied and the two of us hurried down.

As soon as we got into the bedroom I tossed her bag onto her bed and she threw herself into my arms. I caught her and held her up, kissing her passionately for a few minutes before we broke the kiss.

"I've been wanting to kiss you for weeks, Daddy," she said.

"Me too, baby," I said.

My hard cock was pressed against her sex and as I held her, my hands holding her up by her round ass, she was grinding herself against me.

I stepped forward and dropped her on the bed and climbed up between her legs, pushing the skirt up to reveal black lace panties.

"Do you have time to fuck me, Daddy?" She asked biting her lower lip, eyes begging me.

"Oh fuck," I groaned as I pressed my fingers agaonst her sex, pushing the fabric between the lips of her pussy, feeling the heat there. "I wish we did but I don't think so. Kristen will wonder what we are doing down here."

She pushed herself against my fingers and pouted.

"Well, kiss me again at least," she demanded and I couldn't resist and moved forward to lay atop of her and kissed her again.

Her hand went between us and she gripped my cock through my jeans.

"Oh I love your cock," she said and I felt her undo the button and unzip my jeans. She had clever hands, that was for sure. She reached inside and pulled out my fully hard cock. My 7.5 inch, thick cock filled her hand as she stroked it.

I moaned quietly as her soft hand pulled on me, rubbing the swollen head against her lace clad pussy.

"Just for a second," she whined and used my cock to push her panties to the side and rub the head between her lips and over her clit. "I need you inside me, even if only for a second."

I was in no state to argue with her, my mind lost in the pleasures of her wet sex rubbing against my throbbing manhood. She shifted herself and I felt my cock push between her lips and into her canal, as she wrapped her legs around my ass, pulling me into her.

She groaned with pleasure as I filled her, her already soaking cunt ready for me.

"I was rubbing myself the whole drive over here thinking about this," she whispered in my ear. "Oh fuck I neeeed this."

I began to stroke in and out of her, kissing her, trailing them down her jawline and her neck. She was already moaning quietly and I was very happy that I had included sound dampening insulation in the ceiling when I built the room.

It was hard to measure time when I was lost to the feeling of my cock sliding in and out of her, her hot pussy seeming to grip me as I fucked her. It could only, however, been a few minutes before I could hear Kelsey shout down the stairs that she wanted some help in the kitchen.

"Fuck," I groaned and pulled back, my cock sliding out of her. I rolled onto my back and my member lay against my stomach, hard as a rock and glistening with Jenny's juices.

"We'll be right there," Jenny called out her door. "He's just showing me how to work the TV down here!"

She looked at me exasperated. Her curly brown hair was slightly mussed and her clothing was a bit out of sorts but she didn't look too disheveled. She looked sadly at my cock.

"Oh I hate to leave you like that," she said. "And you are too messy. Let me take care of that."

She leaned over and, gripping me at the base and sucked my cock into her mouth, quickly sliding down it until her nose bumped my stomach, taking me into her throat. She slowly sucked her way up, inch by inch revealing me until the head came out of her mouth with a 'pop'!

"Later," she said. "I promise."

I groaned with frustration and quickly stuffed myself back into my pants. The two of us headed upstairs to help with supper.


The meal and the evening after felt long and excruciating. Every time Jenny and I's eyes met a spark of lust and sexual tension arced between us. My cock was never less than half hard and my balls ached with a need to release.

The conversation over the meal, a simple pasta dish, was normal, never hinting at the need that Jenny and I were feeling for one another.

We chatted about Jenny's school, food, TV shows. The boring and comfortable stuff that makes up talk around a table over dinner.

I was briefly afraid that Jenny was going to repeat the move she made the other night, when she stroked my cock with her foot under the table while surrounded by her family but she refrained. We did not use a tablecloth so it would have been insanity if she had tried but sometimes I did not trust her restraint.

After we ate Jenny volunteered to do the dishes.

"It's the least I can do," she said, gathering up the plates. "You guys are hosting me, made me supper. I can do the dishes. You have a dishwasher anyway so it's really only the big stuff."

"That's really nice of you, Jenny," Kristen said. "I hate cleaning up after supper so that's a relief actually. Mark, you should help her. Go dry and it will go faster. We should watch a movie after you guys are done."

Had misgivings but stood up to help clear the table and, after Jenny had filled the sink and started washing. Kristen went into the living room.

The way my house was set up there was the kitchen on one side of the house, with cupboards and counters running along the wall, a window looking out to the side yard above the sink. The counter turned and there was the stovetop and over and then turned again to form a wide breakfast bar/ counter that separated the kitchen from the dining area. A wide, doorless opening led to the foyer and across from it was a matching one that led to the living room.

So where Kelsey sat on the couch flicking through channels with the remote, she could look up and see right into the kitchen. She could see the upper parts of our bodies but we were hidden from her from the waist down.

Jenny and I stood at the sink, our backs to my wife, shoulder to shoulder. Jenny quickly washed the few dishes that didn't go in the dishwasher and I efficiently dried them and piled them to the side to put away.

Just standing this close to her had me aroused, remembering that about an hour ago I had had my cock completely buried in her young pussy. I watched her out of the corner of my eye, enjoying the view of her firm breast moving as she worked.

She finished washing the last pot and handed it to me but did not pull the plug to the sink. She glanced back over her shoulder and grinned when she saw that Kristen wasn't paying attention.

She dried her hands and then reached over and down, gripping my cock through my jeans and squeezed. I winced and groaned under my breath. My manhood was raging and needed attention from her.

She began to jerk me off, hand on the outside of my jeans, slowly sliding the material over the hard cock. I let my hand drop below the counter and pushed my fingers between her legs, under her skirt pressing the fabric of her panties between the lips of her pussy. It was already damp and she sighed quietly as I began to rub her.

I don't know how long we stood there like that, our backs to my wife, using our hands to quietly pleasure one another. I wanted nothing more than to spin her, push her face down on the counter, jam myself into her and fuck bet as hard as I could. I retained just enough presence of mind to avoid that, however.

After what felt like forever but was probably only a few minutes Kristen called from the living room.

"Are you almost done? Let's watch a movie! Bring wine! Let's celebrate Jenny's arrival!"

"I'm not even close to being done," I muttered under my breath, pushing my finger against Jenny's hard clit. She giggled and shook her head, stepping away from me.

"Just finished," she answered her sister and walked into the living room. I groaned quietly and adjusted my bulge to hide it as best I could. I had a feeling that this was going to be a regular occurance.

I grabbed a bottle of wine and three glasses and headed into the living room.


Kristen chose the movie we would watch. It was some kind of romantic comedy, something I would never choose for myself but I was fine with it.

When I walked into the living room the two sisters were sitting on either end of our couch. I for very obvious reasons, very much wanted to join them, but was concerned for other very obvious reasons. Jenny's eyes danced with mischievousness.

"Come sir between us," Kristen demanded, patting the couch beside her. "Bring on the wine!"

I saw possible problems with the seating arrangement but I had no choice to sit down between the two women. I settled in and Jenny grabbed the wine bottle and poured glasses for the three of us. I noticed that her an my glasses were filled normally but Kristen's looked pretty full.

The movie started predictably and progressed in much the same way. Girl meets guy. They don't get along. Then they do. Then they don't. And on and on. Honestly, I was having trouble paying any attention to the movie at all.

Beside me Jenny had leaned back, giving me an amazing view of her chest, the nipples standing out hard pushing at the fabric. I couldn't help stealing glances. The way she smirked I could tell she knew and was enjoying showing off. Her skirt had ridden up her thighs as well, showing me almost every inch of her smooth legs.

As the movie went on Jenny made sure to keep topping up our glasses of wine. She would splash a bit into my glass and hers and fill Kristen's almost to the brim. Before the first act was done we were on our second bottle, with my wife drinking most of it.

Kristen was having a great time, never noticing the glances I stole at her sister or the semi hard cock I had hidden in my jeans. She was laughing loudly at the feeble jokes in the film and, as we were finishing the second bottle she was slurring her words.

She seemed to think that we were all drinking like she was and was laughing about how silly we were being getting this drunk. Jenny and I, who had barely been drinking at all, chuckled to one another.

The movie was about two thirds finished when Jenny got up and opened a third bottle.

"Oh, no," Kristen said, her head lolling from side to side a bit. "I don't know if we should drink any more..."

"C'mon, sis," Jenny laughed. "It's a celebration! Let's have some fun!" When she said that last she made strong eye contact with me and smirked.

"Ah, what the hell," Kristen said. "Why not?"

"It's cold in here," Jenny said. "Why do you keep it so cold?"

She was not wrong. Kristen had this thing. In the summer she would turn the AC up so high that it was frigid in the house. Often I would have to wear sweaters in order to be comfortable. In the winter she kept it so warm that I wore tank tops and shorts.

"Just get a blanket," Kristen slurred. "Share it with us."

Jenny grinned and grabbed a blanket and brought it to the couch and, this time, after filling Kristen's glass once more, snuggled up against me and covered the three of us with a blanket.

Her left hand was above the blanket but the other one went straight to rest on my thigh. I could feel her breasts pressed against my shoulder. My cock sprang to attention but the blanket did a good job covering up the lump. I looked over at my wife but she didn't seem to notice. Her eyelids looked heavy and her head was nodding.

"This is much better," Jenny said, sliding her hand up my thigh, excruciatingly slowly towards my crotch. "Much cozier."

"Mmm," Kristen agreed and took a sip of her wine, almost spilling the glass when she set it down. "Ya. Cozy. Don' let me fall 'sleep," she muttered to me.

"Ok," I said. "I won't."

Under the blanket Jenny's hand had reached my hard cock and gripped it, ever so gently beginning to stroke it on the outside of my jeans. At that moment I wished I had been wearing sweatpants or something that would give her easier access.

My own hand slid under the blanket and between her thighs. I pushed upwards along the smooth skin to her crotch and I hooked the thin panties with my fingers, pulling them to the side, exposing her pussy under the blanket.

I could feel Jenny's fingers fiddling with the button of my jeans and, once she had opened them, popping the button fly one at a time until my cock popped out into her waiting hand.

I looked over at my wife and saw that her head had rolled back against the couch and she was now asleep. Usually when she was drunk she was a very heavy sleeper so I hoped she would stay under.

Still what her sister and I were doing was insane and dangerous but that only made me harder in her hand. Her fingers wrapped around me and began to stroke, sliding my foreskin back and forth over my swollen purple head, pre-cum smearing across it.

I slid my finger between her lips, stroking the ultra soft skin there, from her vagina to her clit, the wetness coating the tip of my finger before rubbing the nub making her moan quietly.

"Shhh," I hissed as silently as I could, glancing at my wife. She still didn't seem to notice or rouse from her slumber.

Jenny gripped my cock harder and began to steadily pump it, my foreskin sliding back and forth over the swollen purple head, my pre-cum providing plenty of lubrication for the movements.

I pushed two fingers into my sister in law's already wet pussy, hooking them and stroking along the upper wall of her canal with each downward pull. Together we matched each other's movements.

Jenny's hand moved up along her torso, over her breast and she gripped her own hard nipple and began to pinch and tug at it. Her eyes were closed and her lips were parted. Her breathing was speeding up.

My own breathing was heavier as the sensation of her soft young hand on my member sent shivers from the base of my cock into me. The combination of the feeling with the ridiculous risk we were taking was sending me close to my edge faster than normal.

Jenny moaned again, louder this time, and Kristen stirred beside us. We both froze for a moment, then my wife settled back into her sleep.

I leaned closer to Jenny, my mouth beside her ear and whispered, my voice badly more than breath against her lobe.

"I'm close."

"Me too," she whispered back. "Don't stop. Please don't stop, daddy."

My fingers sped up inside of her, stroking her quickly, my thumb pressed firmly against her hard clit, rubbing. Faint wet sounds of my digits slipping in and out of her sex were hidden by the sound of the movie playing. To me the room smelled of her sex.

The way she expertly stroked me, however, meant I could not stop. It felt too good. Too right, despite being so fucking wrong.

Her breathing sped up, sharp inhales through her nose as she clamped her mouth shut to stifle her sounds. Finally, her legs clamped around my hand, pinning it there between her legs, fingers deep inside of her. Her back arched as her muscles clenched, ass rising off of the couch, pushing my fingers deeper into her. She gasped several times before her breathing began to slow.

While she came on my hand, with her sister just feet away from her, her hand never left my cock, but it did stop stroking, just gripping me through her climax. Now that she was coming down she began to strike again.

"Tell me when," she whispered as her hand sped up. "Tell me when you are going to cum for me, daddy."

Her calling me daddy, being this close to my sleeping wife, it did not take long to push me to my very edge.

"Now," I said after a few more minutes. "Now."

I was not thinking clearly. I suppose I may have expected her to catch my cum in her hand, but honestly, at that moment, I was not thinking about the logistics of the situation.

Jenny had a plan, however. When I said that, she quickly but quietly slipped off of the couch and pushed the blanket back off of my lap. My hard cock stood proud and erect, throbbing in her hand. She moved between my thighs and quickly lowered her mouth to engulf me.

My eyes went wide and I looked over at my wife. Still asleep on the couch beside me. She looked very peaceful, innocent, even and I felt a deep pang of guilt. That was pushed from my mind however as my cock slid into Jenny's warm, wet mouth. She sucked me into her, tongue working the bottom of my shaft, taking me deep, until my cock head bumped her throat. She pulled back, sucking hard, if quietly, almost the full length of my shaft before pushing down again. She kept her pretty brown eyes locked on mine the entire time she sucked my to completion beside her sister.

t felt like she expertly sucked me for a long time but it could not have been more than a few up and down strokes of her mouth before I came.

It was terrifyingly dangerous. If Kristen opened her eyes and looked over at us she would have seen me with my jeans open, cock buried in the mouth of her sister. It was too much and finally I came, groaning as quietly as I could as I released my pent up climax into her waiting mouth.

Jenny's eyes crinkled with a smile that was hidden by my cock in her mouth as I flooded her eager mouth with spurt after spurt of my seed. My cock throbbed and twitched inside of her and some cum leaked out between her lips and dribbled down her chin.

Finally I stopped cumming and she sucked me clean before pulling back, pulling the blanket back over me and standing up.

"Well," she said, "I should get to bed. Good night."

She left the room, and I sat there gasping quietly, recovering my breath. Eventually I calmed down enough to put my cock away and look down at my sleeping wife, who had remained oblivious to the whole encounter.

I woke Kristen, who moaned drunkenly. I threw her arm over my shoulder and half walked, half carried her to our bed and got in beside her and fell asleep myself, both appalled and pleased with myself at the same time.


The next morning Kristen had a terrible hangover. She had drank the bulk of the three bottles we had opened the night before and she moaned that she felt like she was going to die.

"I don't know how you are fine," she complained. "It's not fair!"

"So you don't want breakfast?" I teased.

"Fuck no!" She exclaimed. "I'm gonna go back to sleep and maybe never wake up!"

I chuckled and headed down to the kitchen to make coffee and eat some toast.

I had made coffee, buttered some toast and sat down at the counter on one of the raised stools with my iPad to read the news when Jenny came up from her room in the basement.

"Morning, daddy," she said smiling. I could not help but smile back at her.

I took a moment to appreciate the beauty of the young girl who walked into the kitchen. She was wearing only long tee shirt as a nightly, her toned legs bare from just below the cheeks of her full ass. Her pert breasts pushed at the thin fabric and I could make just make out the dark circles of her brownish nipples through the thin fabric. Her nipples seemed to be already hard and they tented out the fabric in small bumps.

She didn't have on any makeup but her naturally plump darker lips looked perfect and kissable, her brown eyes danced as they looked at me. Her thick, curly brown hair was held back from her round face by a simple band of fabric. Light freckles were sprinkled across her cute nose and round cheeks.

"Good morning, Jenny," I said. "How did you sleep?"

She went to the other side of the counter and grabbed the pot of coffee. She had to reach up into the cupboard above to grab a mug and her nightie pulled up over the globes of her full ass, revealing a lack of panties. My cock was already swelling in my thin pajama pants.

"I slept ok," she said smiling at me over the rim of her mug. "It was a bit lonely. But at least I had a snack before bed."

"Ah," I said. "That is good."

"Still," she pouted slightly. "I could have used more?"


"Always more, daddy," she said.

I grinned at her.

"Where is Kristen?" She asked me.

"She's not feeling well," I said. I stood, my cock making a tent in the front of my pants. I began to walk around the counter to join her on her side. "She says she is going back to sleep and will stay in bed."

"Oh," Jenny said and put down her coffee. She leaned back against the counter, arching her back slightly, making her breasts push against the fabric. "So what are we going to do then?"

"I don't know," I said stepping up to her and raising my hand, pushing it into her hair, gripping a handful of the curly brown locks at the back of her head, pulling her face to mine, our lips meeting.

My tongue pushed into her mouth and hers danced against mine as we kissed passionately there in the kitchen. My cock pressed against her stomach, her hard nipples rubbed against my chest through the thin layers of material between us.

"Whatever we want to do, I guess," I said when we finally broke our kiss.

"Oh," she said as her hands trailed down my chest to grip my cock between us. "You know what I want?"

"What is that?" I asked as I gripped the long shirt she was wearing and dragged it up, making her beautiful full breasts bounce as they were pulled up then dropped free. I pulled it over her head and dropped it on the floor beside us.

Jenny hooked her fingers into the waistband of my pajama pants and shoved down, freeing my swollen cock and gripped it in her hand.

"I want my Daddy to fuck me. Fuck me hard."

I gripped her shoulders and turned her to face away from me, her stomach pressed against the counter. I kissed the back of her neck and she arched her back towards me. Her hand was still on my cock and she was trying to pull it towards her cunt but I took her wrist and pulled it away.

"Put your hands on the counter, Jenny," I said. She complied and looked over her shoulder at me.

"Will you fuck me, Daddy?" She asked.

"That depends," I said. "Do you really want me to?"


I pulled my hand back and suddenly slapped hard against her left cheek, watching the flesh ripple from the impact, leaving a red welt in the shape of my hand. She yelped and I smiled.

"Don't make too much noise, Jenny," I said and slapped the other cheek as hard as the first one. She squeezed this time, covering her mouth with her hand to stifle the sound.

"If you want me to fuck you," I said, pushing my hand between her legs, which she spread slightly to give me better access, "you need to say please."

My fingers found the folds of her pussy and pushed between them, finding her already wet and ready for me. Jenny moaned quietly as my fingers slid along her slit, and lightly dipped into her.

"Will you fuck me, daddy?"

I slapped her ass again, harder this time and and she leaned forward, presenting her ass to me.

"Say please, Jenny," I said, pushing one finger into her greedy cunt. . "Beg me."

"Oh, fuck, daddy," she said, breathing heavy now. "Please, please fuck me. Make me your slut, daddy. I need you!"

Behind her back I grinned and gripped my cock at the base, moving forward and lining myself up with her. I looked down at my swollen cock as I shoved forward, pushing myself into her to the base of my cock in one thrust.

I grunted with pleasure as I felt her hot wet sex envelop me. Jenny moaned with pleasure and pushed herself back, getting me as deep into herself as she could.

"Oh fuck daddy," she said, breathlessly. "Fuck you fill me up. Fuck me please. I'm your little slut and I need you to fuck me."

I dipped my hips, drawing back. Jenny tried to move with me to keep me inside of her but I placed one hand on the small of her back, keeping her against the counter.

"Ok, Jenny," I said. "Since you asked like a good girl..."

Suddenly I slammed my hips forward, slapping my hips into her ass piercing her as deep as I could. She gasped in her breath and I instantly pulled back and slammed forward again. And again. As I fucked Jenny as hard as I could, the kitchen filled with the sounds of my grunts, muffled squeaks from her each time I sank j to her, and the wet sound of my cock in her pussy.

"Cover your fucking mouth," I said, my voice almost a snarl, concerned that as she got louder and louder the sounds would carry upstairs to the room where my wife was hopefully sleeping. Jenny clamped both hands over her mouth as she struggled to contain her moans.

My fingers were digging into the flesh of her hips as I used them to shove her away then drag her back. Her body was now splayed across the counter, her full breasts dragging back and forth as I fucked her like a crazed animal, needing, after the two days of teasing and playing, to truly own her.

At that moment, lost in the carnal act of dominating the girl under me, all thought of my wife, just one floor away, left my mind. I was fully focused on the body below me, and my need to use it, to fuck it, to dump my seed in it.

"Gonna...fuck...shit... gonna cum..." Jenny gasped, cheek pressed against the counter.

"Good," I grunted, not slowing my assult. "Cum on my cock. Cum like a whore!"

"Oh...oh...oh...fuck...fuck...fuckfuckfuck...." she managed before losing her voice to moans. I reached around, covering her mouth with my hand to muffle the sounds, pulling back and catching her back, pushing as deep into her as I could and holding her there as she came.

The walls of her cunt clamped around my member and quivered as she climaxed, moaning into my hand over her mouth. I could feel her juices soaking my pelvis, my upper thighs as she came.

Finally her breathing began to slow as she gasped for breath, recovering. I chuckled and pulled out of her, my cock shining with her juices, bouncing free, the head an angry purple, needing to be back inside of her.

I flipped her onto her back and dragged her ass to the edge of the counter, barely pausing before slamming myself back into her.

One hand on her hip, pulling her against me, the other grabbing her throat, tilting her head so that she looked me in the eye as I began to fuck her afain.

I could hear our bodies slap together, and smell the scent of our lovemaking coming up from between us. My hips hammered forward, again and again as I took her as my own.

Her cheeks and chest were flushed and her lips pouted at me as our bodies met again and again. It was getting to be too much and I knew I was going to cum very soon.

"I'm close," I let her know.

"Please, Daddy," she begged. "Cum in me. Fill me up. Pleeeease!"

That final please was enough to get me over my edge and I groaned as I began to climax. I could feel a blast of hot cum release into her, and heard her cry out as the feeling made her cum on my cock again.

"Oh fuck," I gasped as I continued to move in her, using her quivering pussy to milk my member as I continued to cum in her.

Finally, spent, I fell forward, dropping my head on her shoulder, my cock still twitching out the last of my climax into her. I was gasping for breath, slowly coming back to my senses.

I stepped back, my still hard cock slipping out of her, a trickle of cum following it. I chuckled, looking at the disheveled state of her, cheeks flushed, body exposed, lips quivering. I leaned forward and kissed her again.

"You should get dressed," I said and I pulled up my pajama pants.

"Oh, fuck," she said reaching for her shirt. "You gonna fuck me like that every morning?"

I smiled.

"As often as I can," I said. And I did for as long as I could. had never had as much sex in my life as I had during that period my Sister in Law lived in the basement of the house my wife, Kristen and I shared.

I was 40 years old, twenty years older than my young lover, but my sex drive was in absolute overdrive at that time as Jenny, the sister in law, and I snuck around behind my poor wife's back. We fucked in every room, on as many surfaces as we could, as often as physically possible. Jenny's tight young cunt seemed to always be wet and ready for my cock to plunge into it and I always seemed to be half hard, rising to the occasion whenever it was presented to me.

I was still fucking my wife, as often as she wanted me to, to prevent her from suspecting my illicit affair with her younger sister, but each time I fucked my partner my mind was thinking about the younger sibling.

Jenny was hard not to think about. She had thick curly brown hair and cute freckles dusted across her nose. Her breasts were large and full, with beautiful nipples that begged for me to suck on them. Her hips were wide and her ass was full. Her lips were plump and looked perfect wrapped around my cock, sucking my seed from me, seeming to take pleasure from the act for herself.

This is not to say that Kristen was unattractive. She looked very much like her sister, just taller and with smaller breasts. I loved her, despite my betrayal and I still wanted to pleasure her, but I could not keep my hands off of Jenny.

It was the best time of my life, and probably the worst mistake I had ever made.


While it was amazing to have a sexy young thing desperate for my cock in the house, it was not always easy to get time alone with Jenny. Kristen was almost always around. The three of us would be sitting around the table, eating our supper, or relaxing in the living room watching a movie and Jenny and I would make eye contact and I could see that she wanted me. But one look over at Kristen would tell us that she was not going anywhere and there was little chance that we would be able to sneak off alone.

We made time when we could. I would sometimes leave work early, rush home, quickly fuck her, run back of the house and drive around for a bit so that I could return after my wife, pretending not to have been there at all. Other times we would sneak into Jenny's room when Kristen was on a call with friends or family and she would quickly suck me to completion. It was fun. It was dangerous. It was, however, frustrating.

About three weeks after Jenny had moved in I came home from work and found Kristen and her sister sitting around our island bench in the kitchen drinking glasses of wine. I smiled to see my wife and lover together. I had truly come to love both of them. My eyes, however wandered up and down the sexy body of my sister in law, rather than my wife's.

"Don't hate me," Jenny said to me, smiling widely, "but I'm stealing your wife tonight."

Kristen was smiling as well and when I raised my eyebrow in question she shrugged.

"Jenny thinks I don't go out enough anymore," my wife said. "She has arranged for me to have a night out with her young friends."

I looked over at Jenny who had stood to get more wine, moving out of Kristen's line of sight. She grinned at me mischieviously behind my wife's back before sitting back down.

"That's right," she laughed. "Big Sis is going out for a big night tonight! In fact, we should start getting ready!"

The two women left with their wine and went to choose outfits and makeup. I opened the fridge and cracked a beer. I wondered what Jenny was up to but was content to wait to see.

I made a quick supper, changed into a tee shirt and sweatpants, then went to the living room turning on the hockey game, putting my feet up on the coffee table and settling in. It was the first period so the game was, at that point, predictably, a bit boring. I knew that the action would pick up in period two and three so I spent some time scrolling through my phone. I spent most of that time looking at the racy photos that Jenny had never stopped sending me.

About an hour later Jenny walked into the living room and my cock immediately began to harden. She was wearing a short skirt that hugged her hips and heart shaped ass, showing off her legs. Her top was a halter that showed off a decent bit of cleavage. She had a plaid shirt on over that, open except for being tied at the bottom, over her bare stomach. I recognized the shirt easily, since it was one of my own. She had on makeup, which she did not always wear, since she was naturally quite beautiful. Still the dark, smoky eye makeup and the glossy red lips looked sexy on her.

I grinned at her and held out my hand towards her. She quickly crossed the room and sat in my lap, legs across mine, like a girl sitting in the lap of her father, or on santa's lap in the mall.

"How do I look, Daddy," she asked me.

I growled in response and moved to kiss her as my hand slid up her back, then around the front to cup her breast. She leaned back, avoiding the kiss.

"Lipstick," she said, explaining. "We don't want to smudge it. Kristen might guess why."

Instead I dropped my mouth to her neck and began to kiss and nibble there, working towards her jaw just under her chin, the place I knew gave her shivers. She tilted her head back and wriggled in my lap, grinding her ass against my hard cock. My thumb rubbed across her nipple, making it rise, hard against the fabric of her top, then moved to the other.

"I need you," I whispered into her ear.

"I need you too, Daddy," she said. "I am so wet right now. I need you inside of me."

I groaned and pushed myself harder against her, needing to feel the friction of our bodies together. She smiled and gasped as I pinched one of her nipples. Then, unfortunately, we heard the sound of Kristen descending the stairs, so we quickly broke apart, Jenny hopping out of my lap. She straightened her skirt and I tucked my cock into the waistband of my sweats, keeping it from protruding too noticeably.

Kristen walked into the room, smiling widely. She had reason to. She looked great. She had on a button up blouse and a skirt that went down to her mid thighs, longer than Jenny's, but still making her legs look good. Her hair was done and she, too, was wearing more makeup than I was used to seeing her in.

"Looking good, babe," I said, meaning it. I crossed the room towards her and hugged her. "Should I be worried," I joked. "Are you out looking for some dude to replace me?"

"Never," she laughed, squeezing me back, but avoiding my kiss to keep her makeup pristine. She could feel my hard cock pressed against her. "Oh," she whispered. "Is this for me?"

"Yes," I lied.

"Well, maybe you will get lucky later." I smiled at that. I hoped so. I just was not hoping it was with her.

Jenny and Kristen left and I watched the rest of the game alone, drinking a couple more beers. I received a couple of texts from my wife, the first telling me that they had met for a bite to eat, with an accompanying photo of her with Jenny's group of young, pretty hot friends. I looked through the photos and leered at the girls. Maybe I should try to convince Jenny to get some of them to join us in our fun. Jenny, however, looking into the camera was the hottest of them.

Then Kristen texted me that she was at a club. It was so much fun, she gushed in the text, asking why she did not do this more often. I could tell by her typos that she had gotten at least a bit drunk.

Jenny did not send me any messages at all, and I found that disappointing. Usually she would sneak off to a bathroom and send me photos of her top pulled down, or up her skirt, maybe with her fingers deep inside of her, but nothing this night.

After the game I put on a movie and settled down, switching from beer to bourbon. I was about half way through the film, some low budget horror flick, when I heard my front door open.

I stood and went to the doorway of the living room to greet my wife and sister in law and my eyes widened. Jenny was there, looking just as good as she had when she left, but she was holding my wife up and against her, supporting her. Kristen's head lolled around and she seemed barely able to walk. My wife's hair was a tangled mess, and her artfully applied makeup was smudged. She looked a wreck.

"What's going on here," I asked, smirking. Kristen must have overdone herself to get into this state.

"Help me with her," Jenny said. "I can barely keep her up."

I crossed over to them and pulled Kristen against me, supporting her, realizing just how out of it she was.

"Jesus, Jenny," I said. "What the hell happened to her?"

"C'mon," Jenny said, heading for the stairs. "Let's get her in bed."

I followed, half supporting, half carrying my wife, who muttered to herself, moaning a bit as we went. Finally we got to the bed and I laid her down on it. Jenny quickly began to unbutton Kristen's blouse and pull it off of her, then grabbing her skirt and stripping that too, leaving my wife in only her white bra and panties.

"Jenny," I said. "What the hell?"

"She might puke. I don't think she would want to do it on her nice clothes." My sister in law sat on the edge of the bed and leaned back against her rigid arms, tilting her face up towards me, jutting her magnificent tits at me. I was momentarily distracted but my mind returned to my dishevelled wife.

"But Kristen," I said, gesturing towards her, "how did she get like this? You weren't gone that long."

"Oh," Jenny said, tossing her hair and laughing a bit. "She got roofied."

My eyes widened. "What! Who the hell did that?" I demanded, suddenly furious. I was going to kill someone.

"I did," Jenny said, still looking up at me.

"What?" I shouted. "Why the fuck would you do that? How long have you been planning that? Its fucking crazy!"

Jenny pouted up at me.

"I did it for us, daddy," she said. "We never have enough time to play and I want you. I neeeed you. And It wasn't a plan. I did think that if we got her really drunk maybe you and I could play, but I didn't plan to roofie her. I just saw some guy slip something into a drink that was for one of my friends. It happens all the time. Usually I'll freak out, report them to the bouncers, but... I saw an opportunity and took it. I gave the drink to Kristen."

"You can't...that's fucked up...what the fuck?"

Jenny, up to this point, had been fun and dangerous and reckless. This, however, I thought looking at my drugged wife on the bed and her wickedly grinning sister beside her, was something new. Something crazy and cruel. For a moment I wondered what the hell I had gotten myself into. Where could this insanity lead?

"Don't be mad, daddy," Jenny said, still pouting. I watched as she slid one of her hands up her side to cup her breast and lift it in her palm, as if presenting it to me. "I did it for us. I want us to have fun." Her other hand slid up the inside of her thigh, pushing up her skirt, revealing her light blue thong panties. She pushed them to the side revealing her shaved pussy and began to stroke between her lips. "Don't you want that? Come here, daddy. Come closer."

"This is so fucked," I muttered. Still, I stepped towards my young lover sitting on the side of the bed beside my unconscious wife. I was already hard from Jenny's display and, after glancing down at my wife, ensuring that she was truly out of it, I stopped in front of Jenny.

"Take it out for me please, Daddy," Jenny said. "Show me that beautiful cock."

I swallowed and shook my head. Everything was telling me that this was wrong, that this was a terrible idea. My hands, however, moved to the front of my sweatpants and reached in, pulling my cock out, tucking the waistband under my balls. I was already hard and my 7.5 inch cock bobbed in front of Jenny's face. It was thick, with a purple vein running under the smooth skin on top. The head was still mostly sheathed in the foreskin, just a purple tip protruding.

Jenny looked at it hungrily, licking her red painted lips, and smiling.

"Fuck my face, Daddy," she said.

"Ok, Princess," I said, moving closer and gripping the base of my swollen member. I was angry at her for what she had done, but I was also so fucking horny.

Jenny reached up to grasp me but I swatted her hand away.

"Put your hands behind your fucking back," I said, my voice almost a snarl. Jenny nodded slightly and did as she was told.

I held my cock, pulling back on the skin, revealing more of the previously hidden head. Jenny opened her mouth but instead of plunging into it I took my cock and swung it so it slapped lightly into her cheek.

"You want this?" I asked.

Jenny nodded.

I rubbed the tip across her lips, then across her cheek, smearing her lipstick onto her face. Then I used it to slap the other side.

"Tell me that you want it."

"Please, Daddy," she said, voice on the edge of a whine. "Please, I want it."

"Do you?" I asked. "Are you a little slut that needs her Daddy's cock?"

"Yes! I am a slut! I'm your slut, Daddy. I need your cock in my mouth! Please!"

I ran the head over her lips again, moving back slightly when she opened her mouth and tried to suck me in. She pouted then, and I smiled cruelly before grabbing her hair, the brown curls filling my fist. I shoved my cock between her lips, suddenly, surprising her before she could take a breath in, pushing directly into her throat before she was ready.

"Then take it, slut," I said, both hands on the back of her head, thrusting forward with my hips, pushing her until her nose was against my stomach. She gagged around my cock as I held her there for a moment and I relished the feeling of her throat working my cock.

I kept myself deep in her longer than I usually did. I watched her eyes widen, watering as she gagged, air cut off by my cock deep in her throat. I held her tight as she began to panic, her instincts kicking in. Her hands came up to my hips and slapped on my hips, then pushed against them trying to push me away. I bucked my hips forward, pushing harder against her nose before yanking back, my cock sliding out of her mouth, coated in spit.

Jenny had drool pouring down her chin, a thick string of spit connecting my cock to her mouth. Her makeup was destroyed by her tears, black smudges around her eyes, trails of black running down her cheeks. She coughed, looking up at me with wet, frightened eyes. I was still angry, true, but the feeling of power I felt then was almost overpowering. I wanted to use my sister in law, and I was going to do so.

"I thought," I said, my voice full of menace, "I told you to keep your hands behind your back."

She swallowed.

"I'm sorry, Daddy, but" she said, but I interrupted her, pulling her hair, tilting her head back.

"You asked me...No. You begged me. You begged me to fuck your face," I said. "Now put your hands behind your back and keep them there."

She meekly moved her hands back behind her and held onto her own wrists. I could tell that this evening had, so far, veered away from what Jenny had imagined it to be, but she was lovely and submissive to me at that moment.

I moved my hard cock to her lips again and ran the tip over them. Her tongue darted out and licked the underside of the purple head and I took hold of her head and pushed in again, hands buried in the curly hair just above her ears.

She was ready for my thrust this time and I began to stroke in and out of her mouth, using it like a cunt, sinking into her again and again, enjoying the *glug glug glug* sounds she made as I hit the back of her throat.

"Get your tits out," I said, looking down into her brown eyes. She obediently grabbed the hem of her top and lifted it, freeing her perky, yet full, young breasts. They bounced in time to my thrusts into her face.

I looked over at my wife, laying on her back, wearing only her bra and panties. I should have been horrified by the situation, and part of me was. The part of me that was in charge at the moment, however, was instead incredibly turned on. That part, the deprived part I had not known existed, was delighted by this situation.

My eyes went back to the young slut who, despite watering eyes was taking my thrusts like she was born to do so. My balls slapped into her chin with each forward movement, a wet sound as they hit the drool pouring out of her mouth, dripping onto her tits.

"That's a good princess," I said, pulling out of her mouth, stroking my soaking wet cock in front of her face.

"Th..thank you, daddy," she said before I pushed into her waiting mouth again, interrupting anything else she might say.

I fucked her mouth for a few minutes, feeling my pleasure building, pausing every so often, to hold myself deep in her throat enjoying the gags, or pulling out to use my shaft to smear her spit on her cheeks.

Finally I stepped back, admiring how Jenny looked. Her makeup was ruined. Her lipstick was smeared around her mouth and tracks of eyeliner dripped down her cheeks.

"You look like a prefect little slut, Princess," I said.

"Thank you, daddy," Jenny said, smiling up at me. "I am. I'm the perfect slut for you."

"Yes you," I said, and pushed my sweats down my legs to fall in a heap at my feet. I pulled my tee shirt over my head and dropped that as well, now naked. I took a couple of steps and opened the nightstand on Kristen's side of the bed. I shoved aside a couple of things then pulled something out of the drawer.

I held up the ten inch vibrating dildo that I had bought Kristen a couple of years prior. It's false flesh was pink colored and had impressive detailing. The rubber veins, and flesh toned ridges were quite realistic. Jenny smiled when she saw it.

"Is that hers," she asked giggling. "I wouldn't have thought she would have something like that! Do you guys use it together?"

"It's hers," I said. "It was an anniversary present. We used it together a couple of times. I don't know how often she uses it on her own."

I tried the switch at the base and it began to vibrate in my hand. I was glad that there was life yet in the batteries.

"But now," I continued, "I'm going to use it on you. Get up there."

I gesture to the bed and Jenny obediently scooted her ass up the sheet and lay on the bed beside my wife. I moved onto the bed as well. I positioned myself between Jenny's legs and gripped her ankles, spreading her legs. I watched the lips of her push pull apart, her juices making the shaved pussy glisten. Her right leg opened towards the right edge of the bed, the other I placed across my wife's sleeping body, Jenny's left limb laying atop Kristen's right, the two sisters hooked together.

I moved up and leaning forward kissed Jenny deeply. Her hands came up and entwined in the hair at the back of my head.

My tongue was in her mouth when I felt her gasp in a breath as I quickly moved the vibrating dildo between her legs, and using her wetness as lube, shoved the rubber cock into her. Her back arched, pressing her body up into mine.

"Oh, fuck," Jenny cried out. "Oh fuck, daddy! So big!!"

I had the vibrator on, and could feel it shaking in my hand. I could only imagine what it was doing inside of her. I began to slowly stroke it in and out of her young cunt as Jenny began to moan and squirm under me.